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Can somebody (Battlefront) please give us a release date for CMBB!!!!!!!!

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Now that the release of CMBB cannot be that far away, why will nobody give us a exact date,

or at least give us the demo (we promise not to write any posts or e-mails about what we want to have changed until the game is actually released, wont we everyone?)

The pain of waiting for this ultimate WW2 SIMULATION is just unbareable :(:(:(:(

thanks ;)

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I know how you feel, been waiting for ever now.

I am an avid martial artist and paintballer. It keeps me busy and keeps my mind off "WHEN THE HELL WILL CMBB BE RELEASED". I am beginning to think the second coming will arive before CMBB.

Personally I think BTS could at least give us an estimated month for release.

Don't get me wrong, I will wait how ever long it takes, and will be worth it.

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Hell, no one wants to back this up?

my respects you guys, you are truly patient people, i wish i was to.

p.s. at least give us a screenshot

p.p.s.Your game is just so brillient that you guys at battlefront are just gonna have to deal with fanatical fans like me ;)

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Well, I for one trust BTS to deliver the goods exactly when they keep saying they will: "When it's ready". They've stated several times that there will not be a demo (at least before the game is released) because that would signifigantly delay the release date (the CMBO demo delyed CMBO also).

And honestly, it's nice to have a company for once not promise release dates they can't deliver on, or worse, push a product out the door before it's ready. (Anybody here play Falcon 4.0? Thanks to BTS "when it's ready" policy, we'll not have a repeat of that ugly experience with CMBB.)

I wouldn't mind a few more screenshots, or more details about what all the features are going to be, but I'm also content to wait until the game is fully ready.

Anyway, that's my $.02...


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Young people today, they have no patience.

Imgrat, Imgrat! is all they can say.

Ah, to be young again!

Of course, I'd have to shoot myself because I was so bloody annoying, but then, there's a growing movement in favour of that in any case...

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Hehehehe one day it will be released.. it will be the day of the gods... the day when all CM players will rejoice and hit the refresh button .. then wait impatiently for the sacred package to arrive ... and then they will begin the long journey.. to become.. master of CMBB !!! redface.gif

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The release date is still up in the air, due to a severe shortage of workers at BTS. Currently Moon is broken down in the Battlefront.com battlewagon 25 miles from civilization. Hunger has forced him to eat his own shoes, so it should be a long time before he can return to BTS headquarters and resume work on CMBB.

As everyone knows, Steve and Charles escaped to a small Caribbean island following the success of CMBO, and the margarita supply isn't low enough yet to justify work on CMBB.

Madmatt, of course, has spent the last few months attempting to apply some of his bouncing skills to Gunny Bunny's skull. Rumor has it that forum members will have to start a collection for bail money following the assault charges. Funds can be sent to:

Mad Matt

C/O New Mexico Department of Corrections

Folsom Prison, NM 83729

That leaves only Kwazydog to finish up CMBB. He's been trying hard to learn C++, but all the coding symbols are a little too complicated for him. Therefore, unless Steve's Cuervo supply dries up, I would estimate that CMBB will be finished up around October 24th, 2003.

[ June 23, 2002, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]

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Originally posted by c3k:

Guys, I've got the real scoop on the release date:

Each week, it gets half-way closer to being done.

Ken ;)

By that token, the game will never be done. The precentage of coding left to do will merely shrink on an exponential scale. In a week it'll be halfway closer to being done, and a week later it'll be another half closer than that to being done! Damn it all to hell! In a few months the game will only have fractions of a percent left to finish, but we will never reach the magic 100% :( Sort of like the carrot on the stick bit, except the carrot keeps getting closer and closer, but never enough for us to reach it. I'm depressed now.
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109 Gustav thx, you just made my day!


BTW do you remember our TCP/IP game where I attacked with british forces your defense? We finally agreed to a ceasefire.

Still one of the best defences I've encountered yet in a game vs a human.

[ June 23, 2002, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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Originally posted by kappa:

Now that the release of CMBB cannot be that far away, why will nobody give us a exact date,

or at least give us the demo (we promise not to write any posts or e-mails about what we want to have changed until the game is actually released, wont we everyone?)

The pain of waiting for this ultimate WW2 SIMULATION is just unbareable :(:(:(:(

thanks ;)

Oh, for the love of Christ...

Yes, yes, someone can give you an answer.

I'm Seanachai. You might remember me from such threads as: 'Aggressive Half-wits: Why Can't We Simply Track Them Down and Behead Them?', 'The Peng Challenge Thread: Why Sodding Off Is Always An Option', and 'See Spot Die: Why Must Little Johnny Whinge?'

I am here to tell you, my importunate little buddy, that I am, in fact an Official, Accredited, and, in fact Annointed representive of Big Time Software.

And that you can trust me, because I never lie, and I'm always right.

And that all the extremely important fellas in the aforesaid Big Time Software have authorized me to tell you that the game will be released exactly on schedule!

Yes, that's right, there is no question that the game will be released on its scheduled date!

Oh, that's right, you want a date, don't you?

Okay, the game will be released on October 15th. Prove it isn't so. Then sod off, of course.

Oh, and for the love of all the gods, get your own pain right! It's 'unbearable', fer chrissake, not 'unbareable'. You're not asking them to keep it clothed, now are you?

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'It'll be released before the end of the year.' (note to self - make sure never to mention which year)

From 1999 onwards, this was the line by UK Environment Minister Michael Meacher, when asked about the forthcoming UK government CHP strategy. It appeared in June 2002.

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Originally posted by Lindan:

CMBB will be released when the the stars are right.. hurry up to get it then, because Azathoth will also show up around that time...

No. Madmatt hasn't learned to play his flute at the properly maddening pitch and the sacrificial black goat was found to have two white hairs on parts better left unmentioned but found never the less by Moon. Steve has found that reanimation is not a profitable diversification from the core business and Charles's "transformation" is not yet complete. The actual release date has been long foretold in certain now-vanished etchings discovered in a dream on the high plateau of Leng and copied onto the pages of the dreaded Krankenhammer; their text transcribed into a language unknown to scholars but which, when viewed, causes a strange feeling of disquiet and, in more sensitive readers, nausea. All will be revealed.

[ June 24, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Actually, don't you mean, " . . . the high plateau of PENG . . ."?

The CM board wouldn't be the CM board if there wasn't a "when is it going to be released?" or "what is the release date?" thread every other day.

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