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The Lord of the Peng: The Two Challenges

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

...mewling for the mammery...

You think I'm gonna let you skate on that game?? My Uber-FINNS have you zeroed in and are just awaiting my command to fire.

And if you're worried about how serious the MBT has become, then you're duller than Alice at the tea-party.

[ December 18, 2002, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Glad your still up for playing, but why would i worry about any thread on any internet forum being serious or anything else for that matter??

Well this thread has been blessed with enough of my time to last a life time, i just want to give one last shout out to the Texas prosocution's favorite public defender Mr.Spkr! Your awsome! ;)

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Since i post alot on this forum thats another reason that i never should have been here, the old grouchy people like to use this thread as their personal flirt chat, ok thats an exageration, Seanachai thankfuly is only one person...

I once tried being several people, but I found that being surrounded by that much intelligence and wit made me unwilling to seek out the company of others, which I felt was too much of a loss for the rest of humanity.

This is all very strange, however. Why does Gaylord think I've been flirting with him?

I assure you, lad, that I have never, ever flirted with you. That would be both unseemly, and contrary to my own nature.

You have to get a grip on these flights of lunacy. I'm sure no one here has been flirting with you. I'm sure no one will flirt with you. You have to calm down and realize that there is no flirting being directed at you by any of the lads. Is that the problem? Is it the lack of flirting that has you so exercised? Perhaps you expect too much from the MBT. If it's flirting that you're actually looking for, then the General Forum will probably serve you better. Or perhaps the Opponent Finder Forum. Perhaps you could set up a 'PBEM and Flirting' thread over there.

In any case, I think everyone should just allow Gaylord to take a few deep breaths and consider how he feels about himself, the other people here, and the lack of validation he's feeling (perhaps because no one is 'flirting' with him? Young people are so complicated and confusing when their hormones come into play). I'm sure none of us wants to accidentally say anything that might 'scar him for life', or lead to a crushing lack of self-esteem. So talk amongst yourselves, for a bit,and, should you see a few tears sliding down his cheeks, take no notice.

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Well sure, Seanachai, you're a witless gasbag and all, but isn't this the third or eleventh time that GF has cut hisself on imaginary sharp edges in here? If he wants to "leave the thread" or whatever, then okay. No need for anyone to get huffy. Or notice. Or give you another chance to be a witless gasbag.

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Gamey upDates!!!

In a flirtatious turn of events, The Army of Peng uncrossed it's legs whilst wearing a thong and a smile and tossed a satchel charge at a T-34 that had minced a teensy weensy bit to closely to a Panzer Pionere Dear team. POP! went the charge and "OH MY!" said the saucy crew as they scrambled away looking quite dashing and at the same time a bit rakishly disheveled in their Unis. How the AofP LOVES a man in a uniform! The Lord of unbolded for thin-skinned sissiness the Gay Focker's Russkie-poohs are clearly at a loss for words at this latest turn, and the girls in the typing pool are all a twitter and giggle nervously whenever he walks by.

Meanwhile on another front the AofP Ponders at "What Might Have Been" had he not kissed and killed so many Pz IIIS & IVs of Elvis's - Romance? Adventure? a dose of the clap? We'll never know now. The King is Dead.

Ever smooch a gnome? Howabout an UberGnome? Me neither. I am a die- hard flirt, I'll flirt with anything with boobs - its amazing what you can get with a little false charm and a boyish grin; Expedited purchase orders, extra time to submit that over-due expense report, free lunch, a ride to the bank, someone to scratch your beard, and yes, even chocolate bars at 2:00 pm - but Flirt with a Gnome? NEVER.

I danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight, and his platoon of Wespes blew the snot out of my poor peace-lovin' Pioneers. Flirting with Beelzebub != Fun

There are outre boarders too. I said I will flirt with anything with boobs, but I don't admit to flirting with Skanks.

Who's a cranky old man then? Show of Hands?

[raises hand] Aye! [/raises hand]


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I'd like to point out I've come home drunk two days running, and the good news is that the big Departmental Christmas Party happens tomorrow.

I will fly the MBT flag high by doing something that will be the embarresment to my peers and family.

Luvs ya all.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Happy Birthday Delaney!

A year older, maybe wiser

But that's no reason to be blue

Because no matter how old you get

You'll never be as old as me!

Or as annoying.

Happy B-Day Delaney

SSN Hint Of The Day: Blow out other people’s birthday candles.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Mace:

..and it starts by mispelling embarresment.


Twice, but whose counting?

I'm willing to bet you win the "pin yourself to the sheep" game this year.

In gamey updates PL the King of Clones (Yes, everybody with a member number above 11,000 is actually a Panzer Leaderlook alike. I have pictures but will spare you.) took a break from his biology lab to fling whistling splodies at my heroes of Stalin. After much "oooing" and "aaahing" loud applause erupted and lighters were held high.

In other news, Mike has lost two Marders to gas in a glass. Being rightly peeved, he reached out and touched my T-34s. Again and again, as he enjoys touching things.

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I'B BACK! The rejoicing may now commence. That doesn't, btw, necessarily mean that turns will be out anytime soon as I'm very busy and may not have the time and anyway it's for YOU lot so who really cares.

I was pleased to see the widespread acceptance of my plan to run for President. I cannot, unfortunately, say the same for my reception in Des Moines. I even drove by the Democratic Party Headquarters and not a single soul rushed from the building in fear. Early days yet, my internal polling is encouraging ... I'm not sure what that IS of course, but I'm encouraged that at least I knew enough to say it.

I never liked Gaylord Focker ... the name that is, not necessarily the individual ... perhaps the NEXT time that he reincarnates himself he'll choose more wisely.


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Originally posted by Master Dullard aka flyingcursor:

I've never posted on a PENG thread before.

I heard there was a lot of gratuitous flirting.

It's scary. Mysterious. Somewhat liberating.

The mere fact that you would choose one of Seanachai's nebulous blatherings in your sig, leads me to provide you with a rousing Sod Off!!!
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Originally posted by Master Dullard aka flyingcursor:

I've never posted on a PENG thread before.

I heard there was a lot of gratuitous flirting.

It's scary. Mysterious. Somewhat liberating.

Liberate yourself from this thread. Flee. Go cry in your mamma's skirts.

Crap, getting rid of one Focker after another...

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Originally posted by Master Dullard aka flyingcursor:

I've never posted on a PENG thread before.

I heard there was a lot of gratuitous flirting.

It's scary. Mysterious. Somewhat liberating.

Not a chance of any gonads here. So SOD ORF mysteriously and out of sight of normal folk.


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And they say women are bitchy!!!!

Did GayBoy really deserve such backlash?

Reading all those posts while sitting on the fence I would say he was lynched..

And for what, saying ****!!!

Or was it because he rubbed someone up the wrong way?

Either way I say BAH HUMBUG

It stinks in here.....

And what's more nobody has even thought of putting up the Christmas tree yet. The cupboards are bare, fridge is empty and the wine cellar needs re-stocking. Yeah Hiram I said WINE.

[ December 19, 2002, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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