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The Lord of the Peng: The Two Challenges

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Damn you Joe, that was not recommended viewing for someone with a hangover.

Oh well at least I didn't wake up next to them.

A small price to pay for TRADITION lad. BTW, OGSF speaks highly of you ... said that if I ever needed an easy win I should contact you. Unlike him, however, I prefer a bit of challenge in my games. Naytheless I see that you're among those CessPoolers whom I've not played ... I've my eye on you lad.


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Guest PondScum

Gamey Results: the Commie tank army controlled by Noba has suffered a Major Defeat at the hands of my ubermenschen. Or, to be more precise, at the hands of my field artillery, since my paper-thin panzers scored precisely 0 of the 21 tank kills, leaving my Big Guns to do the dirty work. Good thing Obg. Sattler didn't run out of AP, eh?


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Originally posted by Elvis:

Trivia question:

My new sig is from a sign that was in the background in a sceen from what movie?

Trivia answer:

Who gives a rotund rodent's rectum?

Whatever it is it will merely show your appaling taste, lack of discernments and general all-round idiocy.

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:

Trivia question:

My new sig is from a sign that was in the background in a sceen from what movie?

Trivia answer:

Who gives a rotund rodent's rectum?

Whatever it is it will merely show your appaling taste, lack of discernments and general all-round idiocy.</font>

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:

Trivia question:

My new sig is from a sign that was in the background in a sceen from what movie?

Trivia answer:

Who gives a rotund rodent's rectum?

Whatever it is it will merely show your appaling taste, lack of discernments and general all-round idiocy.</font>

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Been busy sodding-off.

It's really not as bad as you lot made it out to be.

Don't bother replying. I can't check this website from work anyway...damned Super Scout...

Merry Christmas and happy viewings of Two Towers, you happy bunch of tossers.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Papa Kahn, who used to be so good about returning moves, has suddenly slacked off since he moved into his new swinging singles batchelor pad a-go-go. Perhaps the viagra has finally kicked in. Or perhaps it's because I'm winning, of course.

Boo-Boo, you mean swinging alone from my chandelier counts?



And you are not winning! Pay no attention to the fact that I may not be winning either. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're winning, Boo-Brain.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I think I'll see if I can go for an entire MBT without posting anything.

You know, Sir Idjit, that by posting your intent, technically speaking you've already blown it.

Not that this surprises me one bit, mind you.


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Gamey Results: the Commie tank army controlled by Noba has suffered a Major Defeat at the hands of my ubermenschen. Or, to be more precise, at the hands of my field artillery, since my paper-thin panzers scored precisely 0 of the 21 tank kills, leaving my Big Guns to do the dirty work. Good thing Obg. Sattler didn't run out of AP, eh?
Well, when you are tasked with attacking FIVE 105 howitzers which fire HUGE splodey things and frighten the bejesus out of all they hit... AND add in THREE FLAK 88's and THREE Pz111's and a Pz1V.....let alone the ground pounders plus the inevitable buzz-saw Mg's...

Well, the T34's; Green of course, and the Kv's; Green of course, like to wander in one by one saying... " I wonder what killed the tank in front ??.... BANG !

Of course we shall also take into account that the vile pieces of FLOATYSTUFF not only chose the scenario and the sides, but obviously tweaked it in the editor to boot - before sending it to moi. I leave it to your feeble imaginations to consider how he must have "adjusted" things to suit HIS side.

I WILL beat him, one day.

Sigh. Noba.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Is there some particular reason you're stating the obvious, Boo?

Why yes, there is a reason that I'm stating the obvious. I'm stating the obvious because I am surrounded by neolithic prats who, if they had 2% more intelligence, just might classify as plant life. A bunch of misanthropic morons who entertain themselves by hooting out sophomoric slurs and think it to be Runyonesque banter.

I state the obvious because I hope that by doing so, at least one or two of you might just possibly get it.

But, I doubt it.


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So Joe (I know that many of you are asking) why the trip to Des Moines? I mean (you're still asking in case you were wondering) there's sod all THERE now is there?

Thanks for asking lads. The fact is that I see this as MY TIME! That's right, with Al Gore leaving the race for U.S. President and GWB obviously vulnerable with a pathetic 80 some odd approval rating, it's time for some Fresh, New Leadership in America. Time to Bring America Up By Their Collective Bootstraps and time to Bury Our Noses in the Feeding Trough of Prosperity.

I'm announcing the formation of an Exploratory Committee to look into the possibility of ... wait for it damn your eyes ...

The Justicar For President!

Now some of our foreign contingent may well be saying at this point, "Dash it all Justicar, I'm from a goober nation like Australia and could give a rat's about the U.S. President anyway."

The reason I'm going to Des Moines (yes, yes, Australia I'll get to you in a moment) is well known to those of you with political savvy. Next year about this time, the entire state of Iowa will be flooded with Presidental cadidates of all flavors and statures. They will be there for the non-binding and really meaningless Iowa Straw Polls. Most of them will fail because (yippers) they think that actual STRAW is involved somehow (most of the Republicans to be specific) and ((((((((( they'll have raised an amount sufficient to buy a Happy Meal in campaign contributions (most of the Democrats to be specific).

I'LL be different ... well, yes, that too, but I'll have the approximately $100 Million that will be necessary to be taken seriously. How you ask? Because I'm asking each of YOU to pony up a Million in U.S. dollars for the campaign!

But wait, you ask ... "Wait Justicar, what's in it for me then?" Lads ... if I'm the U.S. President ... I won't have as much time to post! I'll be effectively GONE for four whole years! I'd say eight years but I think we all know what my chances of RE-Election would be.

And I'll promise you this lads, if some buxom wench propositions ME in the White House, I'll never lie ... likely enough I'll be bragging about it LONG before the press gets wind of it. And what's the worst that could happen eh? I'd still get my pension, my Secret Service protection, my Presidential Library ... I'd stuff it with books on WW2 Armor and so forth but who's going to know ... it's not like anyone actually GOES to those places is it.

I'll be running under the CessPudlian Party of course and will demand equal treatment with the other major parties ... specifically, the Elephant and Donkey will be joined by ... The HAMSTER!

Vote Joe and Don't Say No!


[ December 16, 2002, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Play Russian Roullette with a fully loaded revolver.

You are new at this, aren't you.

He can still play with one bullet, just make sure it's a semi-auto.

Joe for Prez!!!!

Given that the gubermint has lifted it's policy on assassination, wouldn't he just be doing his patriotic duty if he shoots himself?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Leave the price tag on presents.

Now sod off.

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I want to take this time to announce two things:

A)I fully support the Justicar's bid for the 2004 Presidential race. Not only is he really dumb enough to pull it off, but he can't possibly be any worse than the cretin we had for the previous eight years, before ole' GW came along.

I think Joe could be the proof that anyone could be the President of the US if he/she has enough money, and lies to the right people. Plus how could anyone resist a Hamster as his party's mascot?

B) I have now admitted to myself what all of you who have games with me have already discovered.....I totally SUCK at CMBB... (not a bad thing really)...I suck so bad that when I fire up the game and begin playing, solid objects in my den start to move towards me, like in that movie "The Arrival" with Charlie Sheen. It has gotton so bad, that my new flatscreen monitor has imploded.

I have purchased the strategy guide, and I intend to read it cover to cover, in the hopes that I may glean some tidbit of information that could help me to overcome my suckiness. The few pages I have read already, have shown me that everthing I have done so far in my games has ensured the horrible demise of whatever side I am playing.

The only game I ever had a chance with, my opponent bailed on me a quarter of the way through it. I had once hoped that playing many games at once would help me to learn... not!!! ....I actually seem to be getting worse . I intend to keep at it because I do enjoy playing even though I am handed my arse in most CMBB human encounters. I think I do have a chance against AJ , although I do not believe I have encountered his main defenses yet, so things could turn badly for me in that one as well. I do think I shall overcome against Panzer Leader , but then everyone does that, it's nothing special and no gauge of one's tactical abilities. I will endeavour to perservere, and one day I will be as good as Boo Boo.... perhaps?

Maybe I should challenge MasterGoodale? I could perhaps overwhelm him with WaffenEmoticons?

[ December 16, 2002, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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