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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Mace, Marlow I vaguely recall lackluster efforts on both your parts too. Send them if you got’em.

I seem to remember a game against some lowlife that might have been you. IIRC, you were so inept that I felt sorry for you and was letting you win. No matter, since that file is only a distant magnetic memory on my harddrive. No time for the past send a CMBB setup. Preferably a scenario, but I'll do a QB as well.</font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Hey, you drunken ossies, get ready for the soundest thrashing of your lives, worthless as they are, and I don't mean in CM. WE HAVE COME FOR THE ASHES AND WE ARE TAKING THEM HOME!

And the score, first day at stumps (Australia batting):


Probably the only ashes going home are those of the English Cricket team.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

And another thing.......I do feel de-knighting me is a little harsh. I mean, when a lot of the knights went to playing that evil flying game....IL2 Sturmovik....was there a call to de-knight them? NOOOOOOOO!

Hmmm... lesee... they still played CM... and... oh yeah, THEY OWNED THE FLIPPIN' GAME. Now, where would Bauhaus' copy of CMBB be? NOWHERE, 'CUS HE AIN'T ORDERED IT YET!

Back ta bein' an SSN for you BOY-O!</font>

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Firrrst of all, a warm thanks tae tha myraid o' bastarrrrds tha expraised their condolences both ain tha 'Pool an' bah e-mail. Much appreciated.

Nooo, at's tha pleasure o' Clan OGSF tae wunce agin annoonce tha complete an' utter defeat o' Aussie Jeff tae tha tune o' 91 tae 9. Ah'm sure tha damper fed love nest fer randy blow flies wull bae along tae bleat aboot hoo haes Hungarian's were crrrap an' mah Ruskies were uber....but we didnae gi' a toss, eh? A herrin' slappin' as a herrin' slappin' ain mah book, an' AJ jus' received haes fraim mae.

Ah'm sae feckin' guid, Ah am. Ah'm grrreat. Ah bet yoo lot wish ye were mae, an' noo tha loathsome drool strings ye actually are (tha wee lassies excaipted o' course). Tuff, eh?


Its a fair cop.

Only one question. How come I managed to get a WHOPPING 9% and you get a total victory with only 91%? Huh? HUH?? BFC - please fix or do somefink!!

Nevertheless, your come-uppance is close at hand Sir Blathering OGSF.

Ev'ryboody knews tha wee Scoots arrrr hoopless aht Trench Warrrrfarrre. An' yoo, Jimmy, wi' bae nooo excepshun!! Tae arrrrms, ye blaggarrrrd!!!

{Oh, sorry - I shouldn't swear like that - it might prompt an unwanted response, huh?}


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MSN has done it again boys and girls.

I got home last night to find that the software for installing MSN 8 "Better ways for us to screw with you!" had arrived. After going online and downloading all your moves, I decided to install the upgrade. I read the instructions on the CD sleeve and hit "Install". All sorts of things happened, but not anything that had been in the instructions. Then it asked me to connect to the internet. So I did and it asked me for my user name and password. So I typed them in and...it asked for them again. and again. and again. No "Invalid Password" prompt or anything. Just a broken record.

I called the wonderful folks at tech support and got some preteen named Dave, but for my little passion play, I think I'll call him Hiram. (Spelled but not bolded because after all, it's not our Hiram, just a pale reflection of him. Like what you would get if you kept copying the same washed out image over and over. With each generation it would be less and less there. sigh... Where was I...?)

So, Hiram gets all my information and asks if the problem concerns connecting to the internet? I say "Yes" and he tells me that they are experiencing server problems and that they hope to have the problem corrected in 24 hours. Typical party line. I tell him that I had just connected with no problem when I had MSN 7, but as soon as I installed 8, it kept asking me for my password. He then tells me that they are aware of the problem and hope to have it fixed in 24 hours. Huh? Then he tells me that he's going to give me a case number. While I hear him typing furiously in the background, I tell him my concerns about the instructions on the CD sleeve not matching the monitor instructions and I just wanted to make sure I had installed it OK. (This is a question, Hiram. You must respond with an answer.) He then tells me my case number and apologizes for the inconvenience and tells me to have a nice day.

I was stunned. I've had tech support people who were stupid, rude and clueless before, but never had I had a robot answer the phone.

So, good people. I don't know when I'll be returning e-mails. Maybe as soon as tonight when I get home. Maybe not for several days.

One of you Bozos works for MSN, don't you? Is it dalem? Figures.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

MSN has done it again boys and girls.....One of you Bozos works for MSN, don't you? Is it dalem? Figures.

Some bozo in tha 'Pool actually USES MSN 8??? Who could that pillock be????


[ November 07, 2002, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Upon further reflection I find that I'm torn between the rather sinful prospect of seeing Bauhaus as an SSN and, as Seanachai has rightly pointed out, the sacred traditions of the CessPool.

As the Knight Champion of the MBT and Justicar, not to mention the CessPool Drain Commissioner, it falls to me to come down on the side of tradition ... mind it would be a GOOD thing to see Bauhaus as pissboy.

Perhaps, unlikely though it would appear at first blush, Seanachai has the right of it. Perhaps an appropriate penance ... and of course he'll have to buy the game, that goes without saying.

In game related news, this CMBB thing is clearly flawed ... I seem to be losing across the board and that can't be right.


[ November 07, 2002, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Bauhaus, I had your eulogy all prepared and you ruined it by coming back. We were going to mourn your passing, but you've come back with your usual brand of idiocy and pedantic prose.

Just die already.

I love you too. Missed you, write often. Ok?

Crydan.....ummmmm...well....not worth wasting my breath any more.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>I don't know when I'll be returning e-mails. Maybe as soon as tonight when I get home. Maybe not for several days.</font>

Once again, there will be NO CHARGE for this public service from the Forces Of Scum.
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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Hey, you drunken ossies, get ready for the soundest thrashing of your lives, worthless as they are, and I don't mean in CM. WE HAVE COME FOR THE ASHES AND WE ARE TAKING THEM HOME!

Lets see when the pommies last took home the ashes shall we?

Oh yes, that would be 1986 wouldn't it?

Bit of a dry spell for you smelly lot isn't it?

Why don't you get Botham back in the side or better yet, dig up some of the 'bodyline' series players, they can't be more than 90 years old now and will no doubt play cricket better dead than your 'best of British' schmucks can play now.

Run away, stinky man, I tire of you.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

OK, anybody from the right side of the planet got a clue to what they're talking about? No? Just gibberish? Thought so.

BTW, Pondscum? Bite me.

What got my attention was the 300 run thing ... what kind of Communist game is this anyway?


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Apparently this Brahouse individual was once a typical lackwitted, bottom-feeding member of the Cesspool. From various posts there seems to be some agonizing over the conditions of his return. Some pillocks advocate his return, others seem to think he must pay some recompense before being permitted back into the fold. He is obviously crying out for consideration... I for one consider him a twit, he seems to be terribly marked by strikes from a ten-foot poll, however if he sends me a set-up that I can't possible lose, I will reconsider my opinion. There are rumors that he does not have a copy of CMBB, CMBO will be fine with me, as long as I am given Elite Waffentruppen, and huge tanks with which to crush him.

What say thee, Olde Crusty Denizens of the MTB?

[ November 07, 2002, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Ladies and gentlemen of the Knighthood....and you too Berli, I have seen the error of my ways. Oh the shame for it even getting this far. The bulb has gone from dim to not-so-dim.

As penance fair knights and ladies of the Pool, the game has been officially ordered. Yep, ordered. On windows none-the-less. That was difficult to do, but I really have no option.

I will be ready to resume losing to the lot of you.....except you Seanachi. What's my record against you kind sir? Undefeated?

So, to put it this way......I'm back.

To the rest of the knighthood, kindly avoid the stink finger of Nidan.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... what kind of Communist game is this anyway?


Sadly, some cricketing nations are more equal than others.

On other matters, Bauhaus may be an Olde Skool, sanctified thingy, but he is currently profilically challenged. I assume some of your boys will be having a word with him about this oversight - I mean, rules are rules.

[ November 07, 2002, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Nestor ]

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Originally posted by Nestor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... what kind of Communist game is this anyway?


Sadly, some cricketing nations are more equal than others.

On other matters, Bauhaus may be an Olde Skool, sanctified thingy, but he is currently profilically challenged. I assume some of your boys will be having a word with him about this oversight - I mean, rules are rules.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nestor:

What the hell would YOU know about rules and furthermore Bauhaus has far more standing around here (sit down Bauhaus, different kind of standing) than you will ever HOPE to have.


p.s. What the hell is "profilically" anyway?</font>

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Originally posted by Nestor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nestor:

What the hell would YOU know about rules and furthermore Bauhaus has far more standing around here (sit down Bauhaus, different kind of standing) than you will ever HOPE to have.


p.s. What the hell is "profilically" anyway?</font>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Deke Fenkle!!! I don't remember if you were ever a knight (and methinks perhaps you weren't), but I no longer have our battle saved…

A knight?! Bite your twisted tongue! To quote myself from long ago…

I am The Whuppin’ Boy as proclaimed by Lorak the loathed oh so many incarnations ago. The only station above it, is that which will never be bestowed. I alone occupy the pinnacle of pestilence in this farcical fairyland of twittering kinnigets and boot scraping serfs.

As you are already aware I have located our little nighttime foray (doesn’t everyone keep tape back ups of their home server?) and we have rejoined our stumbling attempts to find each other in this horror you devised so long ago.

Originally posted by Marlow:

I seem to remember a game against some lowlife that might have been you. IIRC, you were so inept that I felt sorry for you and was letting you win…

I am sure you will be thrilled to know that I have located our little conflict and will be sending it post haste upon arrival at home this evening. You have but to recall your pass word. Though I doubt you will pass this test of your long term memory…

Excuse me I had to wipe tears laughter at that last bit. Associating higher synaptic function to the denizens of this disease-ridden dovecote is a true source of humor.

Mace you Pabst swilling son of a convict. I have also located your Schwartzkoff like attempt at the “big left hook” and will send this evening.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Weren't you sending me a setup, git?

I was and will be, but not tonight, for the lure of curried meat of dubious origin is strong and I will soon be leaving for Nila's Palace where this craving can be sated (and then some) for £10.
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Pardon me Herr Hubris I was earlier referring to the Manhattan Transit Bureau. I was envolking the Olde Ones who sleep in the subway tunnels beneath the streets of NYC, and eek out a meager existence by panhandling and eating from garbage cans. I was in no way directing my comments to the Olde Ones of the MBT .

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