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Pass the Lotion Peng, I need to get that full body Mutha Beautiful Challenge Tan

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

1) Shut up.

2) Better that you just stop at 1. Wouldn't want to make this too complex.

A real Justicar (a.k.a. Joe Shaw) would NEVER number a list sequentially.

Poseur! You're a Tosser, too.

{edited for the same reasons I'm a compulsive handwasher}</font>

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Will the following Aussie squires with Bigpond as their e-mail address please go down to the central office and give the SysOp a good rogering.



Your upsidedown internet server is worthless. Your turns will arrive when this small matter has been attended to.

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Horrayy! The Justicar is back!

Release the pidgeons, alert the media, toll the bells across the land!

Its like this Joe, while you were gone, this tourist bus pulled up see and they already had their Peng T-shirts on like [shudder] they were locals!

I beat one to death with Croda's cuddle-me-elmo doll but the rest rushed past the ticket booth without paying and appear to be trying to take up residency.

Please implement deportation procedures forthwith.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

OhhhmiGAWD! What is the world coming to ... {ah hell Bauhaus, get a grip lad, no, no, not THAT kind of grip, sheesh, oh yeah it's great to be home again}

I'm glad your back home again Joe! This place gets kind of messy when your not around...the SSN's start oozing up through the drain pipes...you better use some drain-o.


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Originally posted by Noba:

Wheres the Justiciar when you need him ?

Stuka, look no further than -

The Justiciar-in-waiting....Croda.

Now he would make a fine replacement for sad sack Joe. Not only is he intelligent, witty, magnani-mouse, patient, modest, good looking, extremely well read, thoughtfull, considerate, a good listener, sharp; concise even...and an all round fine chap.

He's always posting. Being there for his fellow 'poolers. What's more, he enjoys booting SSN's !

Ladies and Gentlemen, what say you ? I ask you to ... Vote For Croda, our new / temporary Justiciar


........ and not forgetting two further important points:

(III) Crowduh is unbelievably humble

(g) Crodaballs are reputedly very tasty according to many of the 'elder' pool afficianados, though I have no experience in that matter at all, at all...

Food for thought I'd say......


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Originally posted by Lars:

Will the following Aussie squires with Bigpond as their e-mail address please go down to the central office and give the SysOp a good rogering.



Your upsidedown internet server is worthless. Your turns will arrive when this small matter has been attended to.

Thats funny LARS. EVERBODY ELSE ON THIS PLANET can do and continue to send both me and NOBA PBEMS and e-mail EXCEPT LARS (your poorself).

Which needs be raises the following important questions:

(XIV) Has Littlepuddle banned your tardy transmissions due to nefarious embedded virus-like activities? HMMMMMM??

(f) Has Denmark unexpectedly entered a rogue black hole in E-space??

(para 1c) Have you forgotten in your alcoholic haze where to click on the SEND button??

Personally, I suspect the answer is "all of the above". Then again, last time I did absolutely NOTHING and lo - a PBEM from LARS lobbed into my in-tray forthwith. Methinks the same tactic is called for in this instance.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Its like this Joe, while you were gone, this tourist bus pulled up see and they already had their Peng T-shirts on like [shudder] they were locals!

I beat one to death with Croda's cuddle-me-elmo doll but the rest rushed past the ticket booth without paying and appear to be trying to take up residency.

Not only that, but we're all wearing squeeky black shoes, white socks and tremendously huge Bermuda shorts. We also tend to SPEAK LOUDLY AND SLOWLY at the local yocals in the misguided hope that we will be understood. Now show us some of your quaint traditional dances while we throw small change at you.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Roight, here is a leetle Cesspool favourite.

Its called "Lazing around, drinking beer and farting".

It may go for several days so I hope youv'e got plenty of change. We do accept all major credit cards by the way.

Ready lads? A-one and a-two and a-three...........














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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

The rantings of a complete idjit, snipped to spare him further humiliation

Look you moron, the file you got was the only one that hasn't bounced in the last three days. Now try to stay with me on this and I'll lead you through it.

You and Noba are the only two worthless pieces of humanity from Australia that I'm currently playing.

You and Noba use the same e-mail server.

Everybody else that I'm playing around the world is getting their files.

Yours, however, bounces.

Is this more than a coincidence? Could the problem be on your end? Hmm? Possibly?

Now why don't you send me a test e-mail so we can try to trace the problem, pillock.

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Originally posted by Lars:

I rant like the complete pillock everybody knows me as... <snip>

Now Mr Nice Guy, please, oh puhleese send me a test e-mail so I can try to trace MY problem ...... SOB,SOB..sniff..

Yours with the utmost respect,


Well, since you asked really nicely and showed me great courtesy, I have fired off a missile in your direction about, oh ....... 96 seconds ago ...... should have destroy.. err......... lobbed into your in tray by now. Try clicking "OPEN". That usually helps. Please ignore the request by your virus scanner to "DELETE THIS FILE".

There's a good chap...........

Helpfully as always,


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Well, since you asked really nicely and showed me great courtesy, I have fired off about 96 seconds ago... should have lobbed into your {censored} by now. Try {censored}. That usually helps. Please ignore the virus.

I've sent your lastest emission off to Tech Support. I'm certainly not going to touch it.
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Well, since you asked really nicely and showed me great courtesy, I have fired off about 96 seconds ago... should have lobbed into your {censored} by now. Try {censored}. That usually helps. Please ignore the virus.

I've sent your lastest emission off to Tech Support. I'm certainly not going to touch it.</font>
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Originally posted by Tank Man:

Seriously Stuka, I'm not sure how you think one line responses are worth the time to look at. I mean the only reason I looked at your post is because I am in awe of your member number, thats about it.

Good lord, someone's in awe of Stuka's member number? I remember the days when my member number would cause the Board Stalwarts to throw dead squirrels at me. Good times, good times.
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I got your member number right here beeyitch.

Oh happy days. Happy happy joy joy. Winning?, don't know don't care. The real fun comes in shots like the one I just nailed dalem with. He pulls a carrier up and hides behind a building. I target the building, my gun shoots, he just starts to pull out and blammo, the shell goes in the front door, out the back and nails that bastige. Byewdiful baby.

Oh, and Croda is running around back and forth like a pinball in the last table I machine gunned.

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Roight, listen up you lot !

I have taken up the standard so recently cast aside by our own Joe Shaw (who's rise in the world I can't help but wonder might be somehow to blame...)

In a move completely unforseen by myself or anyone else in my current place of employment, our Corporate Masters have announced that, along with quite a number of people nation-wide, my services will no longer be required. In a move to safe-guard the power and privilege, not to mention undeserved wealth of Upper Management, I've been made redundant.

A short letter to that effect, accompanied by a document for me to sign holding them blameless, has been delivered to me this morning. Because of my steadfast loyalty and hard work, I was also informed that the savings represented by the termination of my princely salary would go towards keeping the new CFO's Alsatian in chew toys, treats, and deworming pills for the balance of the next two financial quarters.

I count my imminent starvation and eviction as a small price to pay to know that such a noble animal, of people far wealthier than myself, shall want for nothing.

Nature, understanding how vulnerable, confused, and sick at heart I am currently feeling, is dumping 12 inches of snow as I speak, all of which I will have to shovel (except for the 6 inches I've shoveled already). But, as I am unemployed, I will have plenty of time to see to its removal!

Now, the good news out of all this (other than the imminent starvation and eviction of the ÜberGnome, which should gladden all right thinking individuals), is that I shall probably have more time to devout to my CM turns, and get them out in a more timely fashion.

The bad news, for you lot, is that I will most likely have a great deal more time to post. Selah.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've been made redundant.

Holy raving lunatics, Seanachai! This is terrible news. I am standing beside myself with grief... everybody knows that Alsatians can lose their appetite when given too many worming pills. This is sad news indeed... poor doggie.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ah well, I'm not only back but I'm back for a whole glorious week ... mind you it IS in Utah.

Thank God you left Dallas. I knew you were in town when we started experiencing high winds and unseasonably warm temperatures. You are the only person (and I use that term loosely) with enough hot air to have that sort of effect on the weather.
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Stuka you steaming pile of two-stroke crank oil, i believe the term is "losers walk", so it is up to you to get another map and a third party to set up our next one. Whoop arse, my spotty one. After the beating I gave you I am surprised you can type.

Sorry to hear that Bard. Got any experience in Environmental Engineering. I'm looking for a new pissboy. Low pay and appaling work conditions in countries where they hate yanks. Sound like fun?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The bad news, for you lot, is that I will most likely have a great deal more time to post. Selah.

Damn. Sympathies, sir.

And if you have all that time, my driveway could use some help over here...

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