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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

(Don't get upset by this, mate !)

Heh, don't worry. I should have seen that comment coming from miles away, LOL!

Seriosly, it will get here sooner or later. And to be honest, I do not see the point of preordering something that is going to come to the shops, unless one is stuck out in the woods and is dependent on mailorder.

I am still a bit puzzled about all the different takes on the release date(s). We will se what happens. But to be honest, I would be wary of some of the claims of the companies where you can preorder. They got your money to win if they give you an too early date, and nothing to lose when you find out that they lied. As far as I am concerned, the voice that matters is CDV, and they have stated the 20/9 for Germany and the 4/10 for the UK. As for when the rest of us Europeans will get it, well, we will know when CDV gives us the release date or when the game actually hits the storeshelves.

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Now, preorder CMBB and be happy for ever after or shut up.

Thank you, Prinz Eugen. Now I know that I'm not the only stupid one here. What I try to explain is, that if I don't want to have the German version, I CAN'T PRE-ORDER.


But for a PRINZ the German version shouldn't be problem...


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Guest Sgt. Emren

I can easily understand Da Beginna's frustration. I think what some people here on this board don't realize is:

1) At CDV's website, the ENGLISH language version of CMBO is still $45,99 when Steve has explicitly said that the price should be $19.99. You can get the GERMAN version of CMBO for $19.99, however.

2) It is still not possible to PREORDER an ENGLISH version of CMBB at the CDV website. You can preorder a German version.

3) There is no mention of a BUNDLE, either.

Since CDV is supposed to handle sales for BFC in ALL of Europe, I find it strange that only people wanting to but the German version are currently being served with regards to CMBB. I also find it rather strange that various other countries have local game sites offering preorders, seemingly in English. I have myself only cheked ONE site, www.softwarefirst.com, and they offer CMBB as a preorder but price and ETA still "to be announced". Steve, does your deal giving CDV exclusive rights in Europe only apply to retail?

Since BFC are not shipping to Europe, it does appear that customers in Europe wanting to buy the ENGLISH version of CMBB are at a bit of a loss - and customers wanting the $19.99 English version of CMBO ditto.

Steve, perhaps you should get on the horn with CDV? Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

(edited to clarify)

[ September 12, 2002, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Sgt. Emren ]

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Originally posted by Sgt. Emren:

I also find it rather strange that various other countries have local game sites offering preorders, seemingly in English. I have myself only cheked ONE site, www.softwarefirst.com, and they offer CMBB as a preorder but price and ETA still "to be announced". Steve, does your deal giving CDV exclusive rights in Europe only apply to retail?

I think you'll find that the version you can pre-order from sites like softwarefirst and other British (and Finnish) sites is the CDV English version, not the US version. These sites will quite often offer games before they know the offical release date and price. BTW your link is broken, it leads to the defunct co.uk site rather than the .com site smile.gif .
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Da Beginna,

Oh you guys are ALL so smart. I feel a bit sorry that I'm born.
You missed my point entirely. And that is I said, overall, the deal with CDV is for the best. As someone else clearly outlined, there is no question at all that our US online only method of sales turned away thousands of potential European customers. It was such an issue that European reviews mentioned this fact (to some degree) in their reviews. But I digress...

What I said to you was a direct challenge to something you wrote. Based on your own personal feelings (not marketing information or sales data) you doubted we were doing the right thing. I stated that I have all the facts and meaningful numbers, not you. So, who do you think has a better ability to judge the situation? Someone who does this for a living and has the facts, or a student who is only that... a student? This is a pretty straight forward comparision and one I don't think anybody has failed to appreciate but you.

Firefly is correct about the distribution arrangement. No European entity is allowed to resell CMBO or CMBB outside of specific countries in Europe. We are bound by the same restriction but in reverse. This is standard territory marketing and is the only way to go from a workable business standpoint.

Now, I am not saying that this arrangement is going off without any hitches. That is clearly not the case. But it will all sort itself out very quickly and in any case the overall benefits to us, gamers, and the games we make will not be adversely affected.

Will we piss off some of our previous direct Euro customers? No doubt that has already happened. But for every one of you there is perhaps 100 other CMBB customers in waiting who wouldn't be buying the game if it weren't available in retail or from local online/mailorder sources. We can't please all people all the time, so forgive us if we cater to the overwhelming majority when the choice is to do that or to ignore them.

Now, as for why the UK release is not going along the same path as the German one. Simple... CMBO was available in Germany first, then France and the UK. This means the German market for CM is about 6 months advanced from the UK or French markets. That explains the price difference, which (I am sure) will become roughly equal as soon as CMBB is shipping. I am somewhat surprised it hasn't leveled out yet. And in any case, I am not sure what people on this Forum are complaining about since they most likely aren't going to buy another CMBO copy anyway.

As for the dates... we should, in theory, have the best information. What we have says Sept 20 for Germany and Oct 4 for the UK (if I said Oct 1 before that was a typo of mine, sorry!!). I don't see any reason why these dates should be doubted.

Again, we are sorry for whatever rough spots are created because of this deal, but we have to look beyond individual complaints and see the Big Picture. As I have stated over and over again, the Big Picture clearly shows that working with CDV is overall in the best interests of Battlefront, European customers, CM specifically, and future Battlefront.com products. Does this mean we expect EVERYBODY to be happy? No, that is impossible. So long as the overwhelming majority of customers are happy, we are happy since that is the best we could ever ask for. And as long as CDV can offer us a better opportunity than we can achieve on our own, we will stay with them.

Simple as that smile.gif


[ September 12, 2002, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Originally posted by Da Beginna:

Thank you, Prinz Eugen. Now I know that I'm not the only stupid one here. What I try to explain is, that if I don't want to have the German version, I CAN'T PRE-ORDER.


But for a PRINZ the German version shouldn't be problem...


To my dearest da begin ( hope I got the name right) :

No, by no means you're not the only stupid one here. And no, of course YOU CAN'T PRE-ORDER. How come just about everyone else can ?

I know of one Portuguese fellow who pre-ordered from a French site. I know of several who pre-ordered from a Finnish site, myself including. I'm not aware of the situation in other, non-German speaking European countries.

UK version is due Oct 4th. From the site that I placed my preorder at, I got a date of Sep 30. I seriously do not know where this date comes from, and will treat it as such. If CMBB's out in Finland Sep 30, fine. If not, then it'll only be two weeks tops. I can handle that, there honestly is other content to my life than CMBB. Even though the retailer cannot meet its promise of Sep 30, the point is that I've got my copy already preordered . As soon as CMBB really is released here, I will be among the very first to get it. It doesn't matter what date, I'm on the list !

I would seriously suggest that you find yourself a site that accepts preorders and place your order there, instead of whining and bitching about CDV. By the end of the day, neither I or you ( thank god ! ) have nothing to say on how BFC handles it's business. And, if you didn't already know, you have a chance of your lifetime to boycott CDV by placing your order through an American friend. Several Europeans have done so, why couldn't you ?

[ September 12, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen ]

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Guest Sgt. Emren


Thanks for that clarification.

And in any case, I am not sure what people on this Forum are complaining about since they most likely aren't going to buy another CMBO copy anyway.

People on this board might not. But people new to CM in general WILL hear about this game BECAUSE CMBB is out, WANTING to know more about the game, come to this board to know more (I would hope) and find out that CDV is sort of... overcharging CMBO (English version). Since BFC is offering the bundle but CDV is not, I can understand why some people around her are asking questions. I sincerely hope that BFC might sell some extra copies of CMBB, even if some gamers here vow to never play CMBO again.

And please, don't say that ordering the game in the US and have some ICQ friend or whatever mail it to you is the way to go. That's simply idiotic from a business perspective (not intended at you, Steve).

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Oh come on! How can you not like a Games publisher that markets and advertises games such as

Lula conquers the universe!

After the last big adventure Lula now has to save her planet Pleasure 6 because the Pimperator threatens to eliminate the inhabitants´ lust with a terrible weapon. When our hero Buck finds out about this, he steals a spaceship and tries anything possible to save Lula.

Buck has to get a few bob to upgrade his ancient spaceship. He opens a lucrative business and trades goods at the same time.

But in space there are a lot of enemies waiting for him. Pirates, who want to capture the spaceship, as well as the Pimperator, who tries to eliminate the libido of Pleasure 6, are giving Buck a hard time.

Having a bad guy called the Pimperator is just pure magic. I'm just wondering when the game will arrive in New Zealand.

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Originally posted by Bastables:

Oh come on! How can you not like a Games publisher that markets and advertises games such as

Lula conquers the universe!

After the last big adventure Lula now has to save her planet Pleasure 6 because the Pimperator threatens to eliminate the inhabitants´ lust with a terrible weapon. When our hero Buck finds out about this, he steals a spaceship and tries anything possible to save Lula.

Buck has to get a few bob to upgrade his ancient spaceship. He opens a lucrative business and trades goods at the same time.

But in space there are a lot of enemies waiting for him. Pirates, who want to capture the spaceship, as well as the Pimperator, who tries to eliminate the libido of Pleasure 6, are giving Buck a hard time.

Having a bad guy called the Pimperator is just pure magic. I'm just wondering when the game will arrive in New Zealand.

Can we order that online or do we have to buy from the N. American distributor. It's hard to find quality like that on the store shelves anymore.
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Originally posted by Darren J Pierson:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bastables:

Oh come on! How can you not like a Games publisher that markets and advertises games such as

Lula conquers the universe!

After the last big adventure Lula now has to save her planet Pleasure 6 because the Pimperator threatens to eliminate the inhabitants´ lust with a terrible weapon. When our hero Buck finds out about this, he steals a spaceship and tries anything possible to save Lula.

Buck has to get a few bob to upgrade his ancient spaceship. He opens a lucrative business and trades goods at the same time.

But in space there are a lot of enemies waiting for him. Pirates, who want to capture the spaceship, as well as the Pimperator, who tries to eliminate the libido of Pleasure 6, are giving Buck a hard time.

Having a bad guy called the Pimperator is just pure magic. I'm just wondering when the game will arrive in New Zealand.

Can we order that online or do we have to buy from the N. American distributor. It's hard to find quality like that on the store shelves anymore.</font>
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I had some thoughts about posting my disappointments - I feared it would lead to nothing and it did.

Of course I have only MY limited point of view. And I'm still disappointed. My "small" picture differs a lot of the "big" one you have. I hope you make a lot of money - so that there will be future projects. And I don't give a .... on how people judge my opinon - especially not when they are from Finland. And BFT guy - I keep wondering why you seem to feel your self be personaly insulted when a student is posting his views. And of course again it's just my way...

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A semi-related question to BFC:

You say that CDV has brought CM(BO) to alot of new customers through retail in Europe. (Oh I don't doubt you, I got my copy through CDV retail smile.gif ). Is the market in the US any different? Would you benefit from having CM in the stores over there? If you would, then why don't you? A sale is a sale, right? The more customers, the better for BFC, and in turn, better for us customers.

NOTE: This is not a thrash of BFC or CDV. Might as well add that smile.gif

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

A semi-related question to BFC:

Is the market in the US any different? Would you benefit from having CM in the stores over there?

Obviously I can't answer for BFC, but it is my understanding that North Americans are more at home wiht ordering by mail and nowadays via the internet, than Europeans. I think this is a question of distance. I've often seen posts in various fora with Americans and Canadians saying that it's a 2 or 3 hour drive to their nearest EB. Mine (in south-west London) is a five minute walk.
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2nd attempt at this post...

As far as i'm concerned the Canadian Post dept rocks compared to ours in South Africa.

I ordered CMBO in Aug last year from Stor4war in France (BFC rep for Africa last year?)and after 2.5 months of waiting and them despatching 2 games to me and none of them arriving (there were no back orders at the time)I eventually had to organise my couriers (DHL) to collect the game from them. (Stor4war was excellent by the way despite the fact that I cant speak French and had to guess what was being said.)Over here not only do we have land redistribution issues but we have a very effective Post Office at parcel redistribution.

I ordered CMBB last week so i'm quite interested to see when and if it arrives...please,pleeease.

Re pricing - I ended up paying R900.00 for CMBO, which is quite a lot since a new game off the shelf costs R299.00 (Microsoft games excluded). That probally means nothing to most of you guys so 'll put it in a context you will all understand. A good beer at a trendy night club costs R9.00 so I ended up paying 100 beers for the game (less tip of coarse - you UK guys won't understand what that is anyway). If all works out for CMBB i'll only pay 60 to 70 beers for it so i'm pretty happy with the pricing.

PS - this is my first post after lurking here (unregistered of coarse)for about 18 months and my first post ever on a forum so if I have any strange unintended results in my post please forgive me.

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Da Beginna wrote: "And I don't give a .... on how people judge my opinon - especially not when they are from Finland."
Well this shows some true maturity. And I thought we lived in a global world, at least within this forum that ideology has worked in the past.


from Finland.

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I should like to return to the point made above by "Supersula"------ If the major purpose of the CDV distribution in Europe is to expand the availability and purchase of CM in Europe, why is the game not also being passed to a software distributor and stores provider in the U.S. Sure ,online sales may be higher in the U.S than in Europe but they would surely be higher still with widespread store penetration and promotion there too. Im just a little puzzled by this . :confused:

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