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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Thread Two)

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Tourney II, Section 1

I've lost track of who I did and didn't tell...going on vacation this Friday (Jun 28)...will be back Sat evening (July 6)...may not get to process any games Thurs (Jun 27 or Sat July 6)...then I'll be back on track.


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I will begin the hunt for Cogust's replacement in about 24 hours. He will have had 48 hours to respond to my email by then. Don't worry, Redwolf, I doubt you will be the one holding things up in the end. Even if you are, I'll know why. It takes two to get the games done on time. smile.gif

Treeburst155 out.

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Attention Section Two foes!

My ISP appears to be having server problems. E-mail

works fine within the ISP, but something breaks down at the connection with the destination server, for the connection is never made, yielding a permanent error. This happened with the last turns to Soddball and Spanish Bombs. I have no problems

receiving, though. I took this matter up with Tech Support at my ISP, and tests the tech ran confirmed the scenario--nothing sent appeared at any destination server, whereas test messages within the ISP worked near instantly. Will check later with my ISP and will resend turns as soon as the problem's resolved. Sorry for the delay!


John Kettler

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Morning chaps...

White4 and Tero you have your turns back to you. Jazza has re-appeared but I need to sort that one out tonight.

Nothing from Redwolf, I guess with all the bad turns he is having that he is seeking medical attention. I hope I have not added to his woes... (too much)...



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Tourney 2, Section 1,

Check your antivirus programs, I suspect one of you are infected with the Klez virus. (Difficult to say whom due to the nature of the virus.)

[ June 26, 2002, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Visom ]

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Hi Just a quick off topic message in regards to the virus.


Gives details.

Basically you can not get the virus unless you open an attachment which is infected. As the CM Files are pure text files I can not see how they would become infected?

I presume that it creates it's own named file and opening that will infect our machine. So if you see a dodgy (or unexpected) looking named file in the attachment then delete and let the user know.

Please correct me if am wrong as I do not believe that an uptodate (with fixes) machine can become infected unless you open the file. Also I do not believe that the CM text file can become infected and by playing it hence infect your machine?


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Some details about the virus to make it more clear.

1) If you have the virus it will send a mail to the persons in your address book. However, it will take another name in the address book and put as sender. Therefore, when you receive the virus you can't know who really sent it to you. This is why I posted here, I have no idea who I got the mail from. As it was common in CM community two months ago I suspect my CM friends in the first place.

2) CM files can't be infected. However, you might have many CM friends in your address book...

3) You can only be infected if you run MS Outlook (Express) 5.0 or older version. The bug that the virus take advantage of was corrected in 5.5 (and 6.0). I assume Mac users are immune.

General rule, if you get an attachment from an unknown person don't open it.

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Thanks for the clarification as I was not clear what you were saying.

I too have recieved this crappy virus pretending to be a message failure. Needless to say I deleted it.

Very clever as it took me a while looking at the message (not the attachment) trying to work out if I had sent it out.

I had not, it disguised itself as if my ISP had had a message failure and was sending the message back to me.

Anyway back to topic....

Come on White4 (2 turns left and it is down the line) and Redwolf wake up. Tero you should be heading home soon....


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Originally posted by Holien:

Tero you should be heading home soon....

How's that for a CM addiction. He actually keeps track of the opponents work schedule.

I can see the binders in the book shelf, tero listed under T.


Finland, GMT +2

Usually returns files at 6.00, 17.00 and 21.00.

Work as an XXX at YYY, work hours 8.00-16.00.

Home late monday and wednesday, picks up kids from daycare. Don't return files saturday evenings (note: find out reason).

Vacation in July and a week during Xmas.

Finnish holidays: ...

Wife birthday: YYYY/MM/DD

Kids birtday: YYYY/MM/DD

Anniversary: YYYY/MM/DD

Playing style:...


Tero, hope I didn't step on your toes, above info is for example only...

Edit: A few smileys just in case... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif (Aren't we all addicted?)

[ June 26, 2002, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: Visom ]

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Treeburst, one report away. Sorry about the double mail, but forgot to attach file.

Do not send me final game files.
Erm...Apparently I can't read either :rolleyes:

Sorry, you should receive my other four game reports :D without a file.

Combined Arms, thanks for an entertaining game !

[ June 26, 2002, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Joseph Porta ]

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Tourney 1, Sect 4.

Has anybody heard from Von Lucke or Saport? Been awhile for me.

Rest of the games are progressing well.

A pox on the Fire on the Mountain Designer..French troops, wicked terrain..it is my worst nightmare come true!!

Well actually Silent Night in RoW I is still my worst but FoM is a close second.

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Originally posted by Visom:


Finland, GMT +2

Usually returns files at 6.00, 17.00 and 21.00.

Work as an XXX at YYY, work hours 8.00-16.00.

Home late monday and wednesday, picks up kids from daycare. Don't return files saturday evenings (note: find out reason).

Vacation in July and a week during Xmas.

Finnish holidays: ...

Wife birthday: YYYY/MM/DD

Kids birtday: YYYY/MM/DD

Anniversary: YYYY/MM/DD

Playing style:...


Tero, hope I didn't step on your toes, above info is for example only...

Edit: A few smileys just in case... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif (Aren't we all addicted?)

You got it down pretty close actually. smile.gif

Return files at 06.00-07.00hrs and around 22000hrs only 90% of the time. If at all possible at least once every 24hour cycle.

Kids are at home. I have managed to maintain a housewife and kids at the same time - with the skin of my teeth. :D

Incidentaly: I'm working late tonight so I may not be able to make the evening rounds as usual. ;)

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Originally posted by Holien:

Now Tero be good to the kids and they will let you play on their computer.

The four year old has a machine of his own. It act s as a back up in case my better machine blows. Nothing more important than keeping the CM PBEM games going.... smile.gif

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Tourney 1, Sect 4.

A pox on the Fire on the Mountain Designer..French troops, wicked terrain..it is my worst nightmare come true!!

Well actually Silent Night in RoW I is still my worst but FoM is a close second.

ROFL I wonder which side Warren picked up. ;)

I agree totally about Silent Night as the most fearsome game I have ever played. I have never shaked so much and sweated buckets as I watched each turn. If you want "hell" pick a good friend and play it double blind. Book in for counselling after the game.

As for Fire on the Mountain I am in the last two turns with White4 and it has been a rollercoaster of a ride.

I have seen things happen that I never want to see again; unless they are being inflicted on my opponents and even then I would be truly sorry for them.

The map is a classic, the scenario design and briefing is par excellence and the actual gameplay stonking. All in all I think you get the idea that I don't like it...



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Originally posted by Holien:

Please correct me if am wrong as I do not believe that an uptodate (with fixes) machine can become infected unless you open the file. Also I do not believe that the CM text file can become infected and by playing it hence infect your machine?

A text file cannot be infected as such.

However, this is theroretically possible, and has been done in the past, especially on Microsoft platforms:

When you compose a mail with attachments, or with HTML or anything that requires special processing by your mailer, then the mail software at the receivers side may have bugs that allow the document to take over your mail program. So-called "buffer overflows" mean that one part of the messages does something unexpected, like -example from the past- a MIME attachments with too long attachment names. These too long names cause the mail programs buffers to overflow. You overwrite whatever lies in memory behind that. Bad thing is that in the C and C++ programming languages you may -depending on the nature of the buffer, and without error detection- overflow into a region that is later treated as executable code. At that point, you exceute program code that the other person sent you.

This excution is done without ever klicking on any attachment. The cases in the past with the MIME trick I used as example didn't even require opening the body of the mail, watching the Subject/From in the overview window was sufficient. Similar problems applies to virtually every software where you get data (not *.exes!) from anybody else, including simple web browsing.

Cure: always watch security issues for whatever software you use and apply the patches they recommend. Don't use Microsoft software for email or web browsing, they do not even keep up with reported exploits and they are a primary target. Use a spy program removal program on a regular basis. If it finds something, change all passwords you ever used from this computer.

PS: sorry for no turns, had to hurry to work.

[ June 26, 2002, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Originally posted by Holien:

But to be that close means you must do the same sweetie..

Very true, I'm pathetic smile.gif

At least I no longer sleep by the PC with speakers at max volume to wake me up when I get a new turn. I guess the rehab program did have some affect after all. :D

[ June 26, 2002, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: Visom ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Tourney 1, Sect 4.

Has anybody heard from Von Lucke or Saport? Been awhile for me.

Rest of the games are progressing well.

A pox on the Fire on the Mountain Designer..French troops, wicked terrain..it is my worst nightmare come true!!

Well actually Silent Night in RoW I is still my worst but FoM is a close second.


I haven't got a turn from von Lucke for a week. I just started a game with Saport, so he is active. And please don't whine about Fire on the mountain - You'r doing way too good...and allied have all those toys to play with..waaah my huns wanna have some of those too... :D

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One game completed. AAR sent. Three games nearing completion. One game (Fire on Mountain) stalled near mid-point ... haven't heard from my opponent for three days.

I'm sorry to see these battles ending so soon. I might have to tackle the garden at this rate.

[Tourney 2, Section 1]

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Originally posted by Holien:

I agree totally about Silent Night as the most fearsome game I have ever played. I have never shaked so much and sweated buckets as I watched each turn. If you want "hell" pick a good friend and play it double blind. Book in for counselling after the game.



If you really want hell on wheels, try playing Silent Night as practically your first PBEM game, as the Axis attackers, and, as the crowning difficulty, against Wreck--the hands down winner of ROW I. That was my experience. No doubt I've mentioned it before, but I think it bears repeating.

Fire on the Mountain was another wild one. Great job by the designers. I'm eager to see how that one pans out in terms of balance.

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