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CMBB Demo Bug Thread

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I don't know if it is a bug or what, but I am getting a echo effect from some of the sound FX(the speech sound effects for the Russians in particular) I have a bog standard Creative sound card and have never had this problemwith CMBO so...just wondering.....thanks

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Originally posted by Frenchy:

Is this a graphics glitch or is this the way it is supposed to look? Note left...can't see face. I am using a Voodoo3 with 16megs (low end I know). Demo had no problem detecting resolution.

Link to sample graphic. I will have uploaded in a few minutes.


No it's supposed to look like that. It's showing the rank insignia rather than the face. No hamster mods in the future I guess.
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Originally posted by THumpre:

I don't know if it is a bug or what, but I am getting a echo effect from some of the sound FX(the speech sound effects for the Russians in particular) I have a bog standard Creative sound card and have never had this problemwith CMBO so...just wondering.....thanks

I get the echo too, but in CMBO as well. It's when two units say the same thing at almost the same time. Sounds like and echo.
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Originally posted by THumpre:

I don't know if it is a bug or what, but I am getting a echo effect from some of the sound FX(the speech sound effects for the Russians in particular) I have a bog standard Creative sound card and have never had this problemwith CMBO so...just wondering.....thanks

Are you sure it's not just two units saying the same thing at almost the same time? I knocked out a Soviet tank and two German tanks said the same thing after the kill.
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End of game casualties doesn't add up.

In the Yelna Stare scenario, I won a major vic as germans, but noticed I only had 10 cas on the end of game screen, I thought that was a bit odd, so I selected some of the soviet units to see how many cas. they recorded. 4 sov. units had recorded almost 30 cas inflicted, this does not compute well with the 10 in the end screen. For the record, I think the 30 something was the correct number.

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Okay, I found something odd here -

<large>Disappearing Craters!</large>

In the Yelnia Stare scenario, when setting up as the Germans, I noticed that if I tried to set up my units in any but the largest craters, then changed my mind and moved the unit somewhere else, the crater would disappear.

For example -- select an HQ unit. Place it in a medium size crater. Then select it and move it somewhere else -- the crater should vanish.

I suspect this is a combination of two things: (1) the craters that are disappearing are those that are deemed too small to give any type of cover bonus and are therefore present only for asthetic purposes; and (2) the game wipes away these smaller craters along with the unit's foxhole when you move the unit during setup.



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Another bug, albeit minor...

During the setup phase, when you button and unbutton the Ruskie tanks, the "in command" bar doesn't automatically refresh (from black to red or vice versa). It will refresh if you move one of the tanks, but not by simply buttoning/un-buttoning them.

Would be nice if it were fixed. smile.gif


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The 'in command' and 'out of command' settings won't change during the orders phase for vehicles. Once the turn/movie starts then you'll see the change.

Rather than a bug, consider it a feature that isn't implemented to the extent that people would like.

As for the HE performance of T-34 rounds, you may want to take up that question with rexford and valera (among others). I don't know if their data made it in for all round types, but I'm fairly certain a majority of it did.

[ September 01, 2002, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

Has anyone else noticed the HE capability of the T34? It seems a little high compared to its actual performance. Can anyone shed some light on this?


Are you sure the thing is using HE and not Canister?

Look at the movie replay -- if the round is a small block and the target infantry just went to ground, it was HE. If it looks like the T-34 has just discharged an angry swarm of bees and the target infantry is dead, it was cannister.


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I'm on a p3 1ghz, VooDoo 5 64 mb, 512 MB RAM, Win2k Pro. I started up the game just fine, but when I got into gameplay the text was either white on white or a faint yellow on white. (I could read some of it.) This was all of the text, I believe. Odd thing is, I turned on 4xAA and everything worked fine! Odd? If need be, I can go find my driver information. (Newer driver arguement doesnt work with Voodoos unless you state which 3rd party. But I only use official drivers, so I guess mine may be a bit dated. :( )

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I know this is a minor whine about a stated unsupported system, but it would be nice if we could have slightly better behavior when things are not quite right.

My iMac 400DV stops loading the 3D graphics when in 1024 x 768 mode. Runs fine in 800 x 600 so this is clearly a vram issue (as in lack thereof).

It would be nice if the program could either be massaged to say due to inadequate VRam you must reset your screen size to 800 x 600, or automatically reset it, or at least allow you to kill the program. As it is now you get a crash where you can hear the sounds, get the black loading 3D graphics and cannot kill the program (using cmd, ctrl, and esc keys to quit to desktop) without resetting the computer with a hard restart.

Many thanks. I don't know if there is any way to resolve this, especially once it has proceeded to the loading of 3D graphics. It would just be nice if the failure mode was a little more user friendly (meaing, its OK if it fails, it would just be nice to have a graceful way of allowing the user to recover from the error). Thanks.

Great game by the way. There are so many excellent things about the game that I feel bad about carping about something so minor. Among the many things I really like is the new method of moving around the battlefield. The ability to slide sideways with the mouse is great, a nice subtlety that massively improves getting around.

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Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by highlife:

I just came across a possible bug. Playing "Citadel Schwerpunkt" as germans against AI. When I try to click on any tank crews the game freezes and I have to ctrl-alt-del or esc to exit the game. If I ctrl-alt-del I get an "unhandled error exception" message. This happened with both a dead crew and one with survivors. Running WinXP Home.

I was just going to report the same thing. When I click on my German tank crew the game crashes to the desktop. Win98SE</font>
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Just finished first scen, Yelnia Stare.

A few minor things I noticed.

1. The bases on the units would cover the units, cept for the shoes and the head when the units are laying flat on ground, very bad, you can't see what it is.

I have screen shot. I guess I can't cut and paste it in here. If someone wants it let me know

This was only when the view was directly above looking straight down.

2. I had units that NEVER got in better physical shape. My 81mm spotter in Stare ran after like turn 5 about 20m and hid by the main flag. ALL GAME he stayed exhausted. He must be as out of shape as I am smile.gif I had a HMG also do that, for 6 turns stayed pegged at exhausted.

All in all great. From a playability stand-point, and thanks to the Tech forum I can play, those guys are great, I found myself needing the bases to see, but I hated how the red sq covered the whole unit. Also, I found myself always wanting to get everything bigger, like I could not get close enough to the action, but that's probably just me. Maybe 1024x768 is TOO big, and the game is better under 800x600? anyone?

The sounds were great, just those unit bases.


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The mouse scroll areas on the screen are somewhat broken. I mean.. when you hold it to the top right, you turn right and move forward, right middle, you turn right, etc.

When the mouse is moved to the bottom left corner, it moves back and turns left properly. But when moved to the lower right corner, nothing happens - no screen movement.

The whole corner is dead, not just the very edge of the corner, and so "back" and "right" movements in the area also don't work right.

Also, the 'zones' that control which way you move seem to be slightly changed from CMBO.. if they were adjusted to match it would make my CMBO habits properly move the CMBB screen.

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