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CMBB Demo Bug Thread

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A bug!

Citadel Swherpunkt crashes at second 20 to 23 of turn 44... Damn and I clobbered them.

This is the error message:


And this is the save:


Oh, and system:

Processor TB900Mhz

512Mbs of memory, Hyundai and Apache chips

Biostar mobo, for what its worth

Hercules 3d Prophet Radeon 8500 64MB LE

Also, an interesting fix. It crashed three times on row with that particular save. It crashed once before that round too, but magically uncrashed when I loaded an autosave... The difference was I didn't use Ltn Samodai's KV1 to waste the German crews nearby.

So if I don't target the German crew, and if Samodai fails to target them himself and shoot canister, the game goes on.

Something you'd never get in the middle of a 2500pts TCP/IP that suddenly starts crashing on your jive a55.

[ September 12, 2002, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Ligur ]

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The TCP/IP games seem to be a bit more sensitive to the 'bailed crew bug'. In this case targetting the bailed crew is enough to crash the game. If an unit auto-targets the crew it may crash the game too (I don't really know). Several people have complained that they can't restart a TCP/IP session with a saved game that has crashed.

I believe an upcoming patch should fix this situation. It was only present in the CMBB Demo and not the Beta code.

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Originally posted by Kekk:

The show all cover arcs (Shift-X) setting resets(ie. turns to off) every time the demo is restarted. Not a big thing to turn it back on but still a bug or some other glitch.


*slapping forehead* Oh my, I missed that there is a show all arcs apparently. *sigh* Well, for future reference at least smile.gif
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