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Does your Peng Challenge Thread Tire Too Easily?

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Yes indeedy folks, it's that time of the evening when Sir Flamin' AJ drops a *CLANGER* for some poor, ass-whupped sod who dared to challenge the Fearsome Forces of Floss, only to be ground into stinky ooze.

Thus LET IT BE KNOWN *Tara - TARA!!!!* that Commissar OddskyJeff has udderly butt-booted the dowdy Panzer Leader aka "The Mouse That Could Not And Would Not Roar" to the tune of a TOTALITARIAN VICTORY!!

Look! Secret Commissariat truth here:


Proletariat Photo-Reconn Units scoff at this look of massacre. See lease-lended tanks walking proud at soft-bellied enemy, while crews drink wictorious Wodka bottles. *URAAAAH!*


Hah! Leader of Pansies lies trodden, beneath Comrades from Hell. May he suffer leg cramps and sore bunions from flee.

Commissar Oddskyjeff

Kingsky of Motherlands

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Phone rings.....


Scratchy oriental accented voice:..... "Nidan isn't it time for a game of solitaire?"

Joe Shaw is the kindest, gentlest, most.......

Oriental accented voice: "Comrades something is wrong here!!!!"

Why are all these cards the same????

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Don't you love watching Joe and Berli interact?

It's like twisted siblings who've always despised each other and have plotted all their lives to do away with the other, yet they still maintain this stiff, smiling 'we'll always yet hug at the holidays' style of speaking to each other.

I believe it's called the "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane" syndrome.

It was a sad night on the throne of hell last evening. Berli's crack UberFinns were pummeled unmercifully by my veteran Rooskies to the tune of 78 to 22, I believe.

Now if I can just do the same to MrSpnkr so I'm not saddled with that NeedOne chap, all shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Am i the only one here who thinks it's strange that "The Count" from Sesemea Street

Never heard of that show. Now, the Sesame Street Show is a popular children's show. But sounds to me like you're describing a Transylvanian talk show.
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I feel dutybound to point out a few, um, errors in Flaaaaaamin' AJ's post. First off, when we started this abortion, FAJ described the parameters as "Meeting engagement, late war, Armour."

What we got of course was "Late war, Armour, ASSAULT/DEFENSE!" So I merrily buy my nashorns, elephants and a few Brummbars for good measure, with some waspish 250/8's to protect the mother bee, send it off and wait, thinking I have the making for a great slug-fest.

The file comes back, and I see I have a huge tract of land to defend, no fortifications, hardly any troops, and he must have nearly twice the tanks as myself (being assault/defense)

Needless to say, by 27/30, seven of his ultra-expensive panthers and churchills were in flames as my last defender (the Nashorn) went down. I surrendered.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good armour battle, but an ASSAULT/DEFEND armour battle?? Australians are a bunch of yobs.

Where's Boo? He normally gives a cheerful "Hallooooo" by now.

Oh, Halloo Boo.

[ November 14, 2002, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Isn't there some way we could be annoying the Outerboarders more?

They've almost all stopped yapping in frustration with the simplicity that is the MBT.

YOU could always spend more time there. Not only would that annoy anyone but it would prevent you from being here so much ... win/win.


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Originally posted by BulletRat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Laddy, if you want E-Mails, hit the "'N SYNCH"

chatroom, or better yet go on a walkabout and don't come back!!

How bout no. Heres why. Scenario #1

*BulletRat enters chatroom

<BulletRat> anyone for a game of CMBO then?

*crickets chirp as 4 hours pass by*

<BulletRat> anyone?

*BulletRat has quit IRC

Scenario #2

[17:09] <BulletRat> anyone up for CMBO?

[17:10] <DeadMeat> nope sorry

[17:18] *** DeadMeat has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)

[17:30] *** yunfat has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)

[17:41] *** wwb has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)

[17:51] *** otis has joined #Lobby

[17:51] <otis> Iknow its late but anyone up?

[17:53] *** otis has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)

[18:08] *** Guest97267 has joined #Lobby

[18:08] *** Guest97267 has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)

[18:23] *** Guest45928 has joined #Lobby

[18:24] *** Guest45928 is now known as jlc

[18:24] *** jlc has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)

[18:25] *** Guest95950 has joined #Lobby

[18:26] *** Guest95950 is now known as dimitri

[18:26] <dimitri> hello

[18:27] <BulletRat> gday

[18:27] <dimitri> interested for a cmmbb qb?

[18:27] <BulletRat> if i had cmbb i would :]

[18:28] <dimitri> oh:)

[18:30] *** dimitri has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)

and walkabout is for the black fellas</font>

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Gamey updates done in really bad rhyme.

Mace and I are fighting in not one but two,Using cmbo and cmbb too.

The first is damn ugly, a total disgrace,

in the second I'm defending, hiding my face.

Now Hiram the lad, sent me a map,

But he is nowhere on it, whats up with that?

My guys are in place and are just waiting now,

Hopefully he'll show somewhere,somehow.

A addle brained Scot is the third on the list,

OGSF is the name but he speaks with a lisp.

A nice armor battle would sure be keen,

but our tanks are in a blizzard with buildings between.

Harv and I have started several to date,

but converisons and redo's have kept us up late.

"test this, try that.. no wait its wrong",

has made me so irritated I want to kill Jefe's dog.

I could go on rhyming about several others... but when they are actor,rune, or wwb, why bother?

So I'll end this poem with one final note.

Everyone I'm playing is one gamey bloke.

How bad was that? anyones eyes bleeding?

Lorak the loathed

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Oh, yeah, we were playing some hellish scenario, weren't we? Well, I send my turns out like clockwork, so obviously the problem is with YOU, Khann. However, showing my magnanimity I will help out those lesser people (you) and resend it.

You really should keep that magnathingity of yours covered up. Especially in public, Pantless.


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Leoo you out there son? Your lack of reply worries my soul. Send a turn ya git!

Mace surrender and let us adjourn to the Eastern front.

Marlow those uber infantry will not prevail. Let's get this one over with and as above move on to the steppes of the motherland.

As to the rest of you woebegone, whimpering whannabe’s, do put some heart behind. The content has of late been middling and as such hardly rates a yawn much less a reply.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Pantless, are you ever going to poke your nose out from your hidey-hole long enough to send a turn?


I could say the same thing to you, you goggle-eyed pontificating reprobate! Send me my feckin' move, or are your little pixel-pinkos tired of getting the borsht blown out of them by my artfully placed arty? Serves them right for deciding to stop and take in the sights right on top of one of my 50 or so TRPs.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've come to speak to you tonight about one of the Greatest Heroes of the Millenial Cusp.


And so we meet again, Storyteller. Yes, you can always count on us to kill you. Properly.

This time around I believe we shall amuse you with a tale or two of our own. We will, as we are so fond of saying, be with you presently.

You see we of The Old Firm believe in doing things properly and it simply will not do to slaughter any of our current clients in a slapdash and hurried way. Word might get out, (the dead) people would talk and so on. Rest assured that as soon as any of our current clients are sufficiently dead we will throw ourselves into battle with you with the same reckful abandon as always.

Casket or pyre this time? Maybe something more Vikingish? A long ship gently bobbing down the misty river to a messy end involving waterfalls, rocks and plenty of eels? All the rage after that latest Ring film.

Did we mention that we, the best murderers of time, space and mythology were requested by one of our more estemeed clients (Victorian Age chap, Londoner we believe) to, and we quote:

"Could you get us something nice and warm for the missus? Preferably a bit effnick."

If we hadn't owed the fellow one Really Big Favor we would have done something rather unspeakable (involving large amounts of butter) to him and everyone he had ever met. But we did so we didn't.

Did I mention that?

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Can you keep a secret?

The dowdy Pondscum has secretly informed me that the nefarious Berli, He of the Flaming Beard, has, with the release of this fine scenario, created a surefire cure for insomnia.

Eg: After exchanging pleasantries rather than lead for the first 15 turns he is yet to move his hidden, fear-quivering pixeltruppen out of the urine soaked foxholes that his good buddy Lars had dug.

Look. I promised Pondy I wouldn't dob him in yet. I said I would give him a chance to stick it up his yella-bellied lot and GET 'EM MOVIN'!

So I'm giving him ONE LAST CHANCE!!

So don't let Berli know, will ya's?



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