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I fell out of the Peng Tree and hit every Challenge on the way down

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Afternoon Monkeys

A report to Sir Mace that Saskatchewan has been laid waste ,

A quick note whilst waiting for the bloody taxi ... you've fallen victim to a common Saskatchewan tactic there Simon Elwen (I like this chap ... he uses a real name for a handle ... if it IS his real name of course ... if it isn't then I don't like him anymore). Many attackers have seen the photos of Saskatchewan, made the logical assumption that they were looking at the "After" photos and deduced from that that their troops were bonnie lads indeed to do so much devastation so quickly. In fact it looks like that ALL the time and what you're looking at are the "Before" photos. In point of fact, almost anything you do to Saskatchewan will just improve it.
Farmer Harv's crops burnt his people driven into the wilderness and his flocks are ours
I think you needed a comma in there but I was able to unravel the meaning with my CessPool Enigma Machine and/or MBT Decoder Ring ... I forget which. The crops there are pretty much burnt already (terrible drought donchaknow, not really the thing to make fun of I suppose but it's only Harv), the people are already IN Saskatchewan so they didn't have to go very far to get to the wilderness now did they. And the flocks, if you'll look carefully, are the vinyl variety (amazingly lifelike, will "baaaaa" with excitment as you probe the wool-like cover for the wonders within. Machine wash on warm using Woolite.)
He was of course crushed and left to wander the wastelands to look for his master who has decamped to Denver with all possible haste to take up with a lapdancing hippy chimp trekkie thing .
Oh I say ... thanks ever so much ... hey, a lapdance is a lapdance.


[ June 10, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh I say ... thanks ever so much ... hey, a lapdance is a lapdance.


Next time I'm not going to "hunt for" my *&%$# tip, either - you stick it on my velcro belt like everyone else, pal.
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A few questions...


  • Who let CMPlayer (still no proof that he is a knight) start a new thread?</font>
  • Who taught him to write rules?</font>
  • Why isn't he dead yet?</font>
  • Why is Seanachai not poking him with a stick?</font>
  • What happened to the Justicar's investigation into his alleged knighthood</font>
  • Why does Dalem look like <font size="-1">jesus</font>?</font>
  • Why hasn't Pilate washed his hands yet?</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font></font>[*]Why does Dalem look like <font size="-1">jesus</font>?

I thought he looked like Wayne Newton.

Dalem that is.</font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

A few questions...


  • Who let CMPlayer (still no proof that he is a knight) start a new thread?</font>
  • Who taught him to write rules?</font>
  • Why isn't he dead yet?</font>
  • Why is Seanachai not poking him with a stick?</font>
  • What happened to the Justicar's investigation into his alleged knighthood</font>
  • Why does Dalem look like <font size="-1">jesus</font>?</font>
  • Why hasn't Pilate washed his hands yet?</font>

For the record, I raised the poor boy up quite some time ago. I requested that Sir Lorak the Lame do the honors, but he (as well as the moldy old ones) was asleep at the switch.

So, since I don't have the energy to post a link to the original act:

Squire CMplayer, In recognition of your completion of the five Cesspool games required for the Status of Kanigget (even though you failed miserably in the only two tasks I ever set before you, i.e. collecting the ears of one Lard, and referring to the Rent-a-car only by the name Jo Xia), I hereby dub they Sir CMplayer. {clubs him on the head with a Panzerfaust}.

Arise Sir CMplayer

I note with some satisfaction that you have chosen well for your first Squire. Make me proud boy.

Also to all my poor ignored PBEM opponents, I am back, but will only be returning files sporadically for a couple of weeks.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Afternoon Monkeys

A report to Sir Mace that Saskatchewan has been laid waste ,

A quick note whilst waiting for the bloody taxi ... you've fallen victim to a common Saskatchewan tactic there Simon Elwen (I like this chap ... he uses a real name for a handle ... if it IS his real name of course ... if it isn't then I don't like him anymore). Many attackers have seen the photos of Saskatchewan, made the logical assumption that they were looking at the "After" photos and deduced from that that their troops were bonnie lads indeed to do so much devastation so quickly. In fact it looks like that ALL the time and what you're looking at are the "Before" photos. In point of fact, almost anything you do to Saskatchewan will just improve it.
Farmer Harv's crops burnt his people driven into the wilderness and his flocks are ours
I think you needed a comma in there but I was able to unravel the meaning with my CessPool Enigma Machine and/or MBT Decoder Ring ... I forget which. The crops there are pretty much burnt already (terrible drought donchaknow, not really the thing to make fun of I suppose but it's only Harv), the people are already IN Saskatchewan so they didn't have to go very far to get to the wilderness now did they. And the flocks, if you'll look carefully, are the vinyl variety (amazingly lifelike, will "baaaaa" with excitment as you probe the wool-like cover for the wonders within. Machine wash on warm using Woolite.)
He was of course crushed and left to wander the wastelands to look for his master who has decamped to Denver with all possible haste to take up with a lapdancing hippy chimp trekkie thing .
Oh I say ... thanks ever so much ... hey, a lapdance is a lapdance.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

somebody challenge me now

That's a little like re-inventing the wheel, isn't it?

You are already challenged to a degree far surpassing the ability of our monkey troop to exceed. Unless the challenge consisted of a bullet to the head, and even then, it would be a near run contest.

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Leeo for somebody who had two major problems from the GIT-go on this forum, i.e. naming yourself after your favorite actor (he's SOOO cute!) and e.g. (and even worse) SPELLING IT WRONG!!! you have a lot of nerve. The nerve, that is (e.g.?), is in piping up while I was content to sweep the floor for the flotsom and jetsom of the scum-suckers, much like the way canned corned beef is made by sweeping the flor after all the slaughter is done for the day in the ol' slaughterhouse.

You sirrah, may consider yourself challenged. Expect an ice-cold can of whoop-ass in the mailbox. In fact, forget the can, I will be delivering a whole PARTY-BALL! (Do they still make those?)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

In fact, forget the can, I will be delivering a whole PARTY-BALL! (Do they still make those?)

Oh yes.

{edit due to party ball consumption}

[ June 10, 2002, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

somebody challenge me now

"You're a flamin' idjit!"

Now, what could be more <U>challenging</U> than trying to refute that statement of absolute fact, Herr Pussen Chaser??


PS: Of course, if you also want a slap across ya' mush wid' me trusty flyblown Odstraylyun gauntlet, that can be arranged too. What's that? You'd prefer spitballs at 3,000 paces??? Why, you CAD!! Just fer that, you'll be receiving an abominable 1500pt QB poste hasty!! Prepare your pathetic pixelpansies to die an most 'orrible an' miserable lingering death...


"Damn - I smell a victory in the offing......"

Generalissimo Jeff - infamous CM perpetrator.

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Guest PondScum

Lorak! Chalk up another glorious loss for Dalem, le Petite Chevalier du Persiflage et le chien avec null body-parts. Yes, in a recreation of D-Day his brave German defenders gave it up to the US airborne to the tune of 7-93. Boy, those 4.2" mortars really leave a mark.

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For those awaiting turns.. I'll have them out in the morning. Been off site working at another plant, and had way to much to drink tonight. Which is to say.. not quite enough...yet.

Oh!! and what in the hell happened to our brotherhood!! Damn I can't believe you sat around and let me do something as stupid as challenge Fionn.

So I'll give you a topic:

Lorak... Idiot? Fool? Idiotic fool?



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Also, this is, without a doubt, the worst sodding title for a Thread we have ever had.

I will be back later when the nausea recedes.

Oh, and I can walk again.

What a very strange double post...

[ June 11, 2002, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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