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Since I'm not Peng, How can I be Challenged?


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Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

And about Minnesota. I've had the pleasure of exploring the length of the Land of 10,000 Lakes, from Ludson to Winona, from the Mall of America to Gary's Bar in Utica. And Brainerd (save for the giant talking statue of Paul Bunyan) isn't all that atypical. It's claustrophobic in Minnesota. Too many trees, poor LOS.

It’s Lutsen, pillock.

And if you want a long LOS, try western Minnesota.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

PondScum, Yeknod wasn't sweet-talking me...he was sweet-talking Joe Shaw. I think the Donkey has a thing for the Justicar.

Oh, well that's alright then. No klaxons triggered, just a premonition that there will be wire brushes and carbolic soap used aplenty on the morning after. The questions is, who will gnaw their forelimb off first, in order to escape when the awful realization hits? My money's on the donkey, for I fear Joe has dentures.

He still owes me a turn, though.</font>

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Dammit man why did you choose a 40 turn QB, dam things dragging on for ever, so many points mean that there are too many units for my poor head to handle. This game is a chore not a joy, and I should have brought Jadggiee Tiggers too. Woe is I.

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Originally posted by Sledge59:

MajorBooBoo has been banned on the 'Panther availability' thread. I claim full responsibility. Nobody else had anything to do with it; especially not Steve.

Bah you're a piddling little squire, it was all Croda .
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Well. Six pages of drivel on this thread, crappy title and all, six pages of catch-up on the last one...nothing important in any of it.

Sire Slapdragon, an update for you.

Berli is losing his armour and the buildings that hide his cowering infantry at a rate that would impend doom for him.

Lars is throwing matches at my troops with good effect...mind you, now that he has no armour my tanks will crush his infantry if they don't run out of HE.

SturmCroda is about to find out that 4.2inch mortars are really Heavy. His gameyness abounds, THREE HETZERS in this battle - two dead; and he thinks it's a given win. NOT.

Poolfilter and his overwhelming smells are possibly going to win with his garlic munchers. It's those damn tables the waiters throw in front of my troops that screwed that one up.

The gamey planes that criss-cross each other in the other battle should be outlawed. Everyone knows you have to take the ground..not just make big holes in it. Still, when he gets around to moving his ronsons, then the fun will begin. And if anyone is challenged - it ain't his grey matter that's doing it.

The Dangle-less Dorkey has given up trying for the flags. Either that or he has forgotten what the game is about. SMG troops have a habit of making lots of holes in enemy TO & E.{Place smilie here}.

Now Sire. What was that grudge match about....?


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I was perusing the thread on CM being sold in stores in Euroland, and I clicked on the Amazon.UK link to see what they say.

I was elated to see among the requirements for the CM the following: "Minimum age 11".

Thus, the whole lot of you will need to return your CM copies to BTS and ask for a refund. I'm sure your CM copies will be happy to return to the place of their invention to escape the ritual abuse they have received in your hands.

bauhaus, you will need to wash off the extra sticky stuff before sending your copy if you hope for a refund.

[ March 02, 2002, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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"Minimum age 11".


No! silly, that means mental age. Everyone here has a mental age in the geriatric range. Except for Lawyers...they don't have any mental anyfink !


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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Stuka and Wildman,

Have received no files in quite some time. Hope all is well.



You have checked your unnumbered, uncouth file haven't you. I'm quite positive that the responsiblity lies in your hands.

If not, I'm sure its your fault anyway due to the lack of numbers in the file. Git!

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Originally posted by YK2:

something pointless to Leeo

While I was truly captivated to be taken to The French's Mod site, I'd...I don't know, hoped for something more when I clicked on 'tickle me'.

Anyone else notice that on the Web, Civ III is advertising with the slogan: Rewrite History as Pawbroon?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

While I was truly captivated to be taken to The French's Mod site, I'd...I don't know, hoped for something more when I clicked on 'tickle me'.

More...... what More could you want?

From the amount of mail and feedback PawBroon has been receiving I would say it's doing pretty nicely.... you couldn't possibly have meant anything else.... could you ?

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Noo Ah realize Joe (Ah'd play ye boot mah haid jes' caved ain) Shaw, ye are a wee bat stressed at tha prrrospect o' haf'n tae actually worrrk fer a livin', boot tae take another Kanniget's Squre tae task as a porradge spit oot o' boonds mon. Ah'm thinkin' ye must bae a girly mon tha cannae coerce ye ain Squire tae di ye dirrty work fer ye.

Mah laddy Yeknodathon didnae need tae try tae bae funny....he's a perishin' riot just tae show oop. Hae sangs shtyoopid song's an' munches on thistles.....wah di' your damp hanky load o' Squires gi' oop tae?

Af'n ye widnae tha Rustycar an' cerrrtain tae fix tha inquiry, Ah'd call upon tha Just-a-curr tae investigate the non-appearance o' ye glistening clump o' Squirehood Hanns, wi' tha view o' strippin' ye o' tha association an' sponsorship wi' all due ceremonial humiliation mon!

Ye kin count ye lucky starrrs ye ain a position tae fix tha ootcome o' any such prrroceedins!

Yeknodathon!!, a noo quest fer ye laddie! Wander off at ye leisure an' find tha funniest thang tha' Joe (Ah'd play ye boot mah hamster just burst) Shaw ever posted ain tha available archives o' tha MBT...shudnae tak ye long...

An' wha' e'er at were ye did tae annoy Joe, keep oop tha guid work laddie.


Fine words, fine words.

The spaniel, me Liege, well? The hamster? Spontaneous hemorrhaging or did it encounter the bicycle pump?

Now, Liege, to matters. See, in me old quest I'm up page to 13 and er... well... as I scan the lines I hear Seany intoning, "Don't touch anything", and then me brain starts to shift. Liege, I can feel it oscillating inside me skull... Liege, it feels like it wants to come out.

Now, me new quest: find the funniest thing posted by Joe. And its easy to find.

Something was beginning to be just a bit amusing on page 11 - but to be honest, me Liege, this can be dismissed as novelty value. No, Liege, I can only imagine the funniest thing to be posted by Joe must be his personal details, posted in all sincerity. I mean, a Mortgage Banker living in Mormon Salt Lake City? Priceless.

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

Click Me Unless your name is Seanachai

And if he re-register as Pillock?

Can he outwit your firewall?

I would certainly consider re-registering as Pillock if The French would consider rejoining the Peng Challenge Thread.

Of course, I would hope eventually to be released back into the Wild, welcomed with a buss on either cheek, and merely booted in the groin in a friendly and perfunctory way as I waved and smiled at the Fair Emma.

Funny old thing, life, what?

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Originally posted by YK2:

.... you couldn't possibly have meant anything else.... could you ?

A smile...a demure but bold look from beneath lowered lashes...the casual brush of fingertips across the back of a hand while we're both in the process flipping the bird at some useless Newbie...

All these raise a flutter in the chest of the UberGnome.

But however much I might...long, it is no right thing for an Olde One, and True Knight of the Cesspool to hunger after the affections of a Lady whose Bespoken Love is also a Knight of the Cesspool...here, Pawbroon hasn't been much in evidence, lately, has he? (tidying hair, tucking in shirt, assuming a casual pose while delivering a reverse kick to the snout of a Donkey mooning around over Shaw and seeking advice).

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Originally posted by Fuerte:

Burb :rolleyes:

Now, you are a creature I do not understand. Your profile places you in Finland (all kneel! Finland has been mentioned!), but your screenname is Spanish, and indicates 'strong' or 'lusty', which is not borne out by your rather limp and utterly pointless post, not to mention your utterly feeble posts here in the past.

Since you never post anything of interest, use, or, lately, coherence, why post here at all?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

A smile...a demure but bold look from beneath lowered lashes...the casual brush of fingertips across the back of a hand while we're both in the process flipping the bird at some useless Newbie...

All these raise a flutter in the chest of the UberGnome.

But however much I might...long, it is no right thing for an Olde One, and True Knight of the Cesspool to hunger after the affections of a Lady whose Bespoken Love is also a Knight of the Cesspool...here, Pawbroon hasn't been much in evidence, lately, has he? (tidying hair, tucking in shirt, assuming a casual pose while delivering a reverse kick to the snout of a Donkey mooning around over Shaw and seeking advice).

Hmmmmm....looks like Pawbroon has some competition.


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