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Yes Argie, there is a Peng Challenge!

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Originally posted by argie in WOW! No Peng Thread!!!:

Unbelievable redface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gif

Yes, Argie, there is a Santa ...whoops... Peng Challenge. We exist as certainly as hate and despite and taunting exist, and you know that we abound and give to your life its deepest depression and remorse! Alas! how better would be the world if there were no Peng Challenge! There would be no childlike immature behaviour then, no stupidity, no one pushing in front of you while you wait in the express lane at the shopping centre. The external light with which foolish behaviour fills the world would be extinguished.

No Peng Challenge! Thank Berli! It lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Argie, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, we will continue to bring despair to the heart of all.


PS Everyone knows the rules...SOD OFF!

[ April 01, 2002, 04:58 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by argie in WOW! No Peng Thread!!!:

Unbelievable redface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gif

Yes, Argie, there is a Santa ...whoops... Peng Challenge. We exist as certainly as hate and despite and taunting exist, and you know that we abound and give to your life its deepest depression and remorse! Alas! how better would be the world if there were no Peng Challenge! There would be no childlike immature behaviour then, no stupidity, no one pushing in front of you while you wait in the express lane at the shopping centre. The external light with which foolish behaviour fills the world would be extinguished.

No Peng Challenge! Thank Berli! It lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Argie, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, we will continue to bring despair to the heart of all.


PS Everyone knows the rules...SOD OFF!</font>

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Hear ye, hear ye!!!

Let it be known that the sordid battle between AJ's brave, starving, selfless, unarmed, septegenarian Gren Volksturm Militia and Filthy Pierre's ........er sorry, Sir Pondscum's over-equipped, over-manned, over-fed, elite Uber Frogmen has resulted in a ........GIP!!!!!

<SMALL><SMALL><SMALL>Very minor tactical victory for the Froggies<BIG><BIG> "Waaahhh!!!" The damned cheating gastropods managed a gamey Allied Tactical Victory at the last desperate turn.

Final scores (BTS please fix the obvious French bias in this game - the final map defies belief!):

Frogs - 58 Pts (123 Cas, 30KIA, 1 gun, 157 ok)

GVM - 27 Pts (187 Cas, 39 KIA, 197 ok)

I demand fair retribution within 3 millenia of this humiliating event, Sir Pondy.


SOB, sob, sob......

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By Berli, I don't know which is worse - a thread ending with five separate and consecutive one paragraph posts from Knobman or one beginning with three posts from Oztraylyuns.

On to updates:

Lars has yet to move his men an inch, and yet is already complaining about our current matchup. He is attacking a zoo across a flat, moderately wooded piece of ground using tanks and such. I suppose the idea of meeting lions and TIGERS and bears (oh my!) distresses him.

Mace's flock of pixeltruppen have largely stayed in hiding, rightly figuring that being shot for cowardice is vastly preferable to being led into battle by anyone insisting upon being referred to as 'the Good Shepherd'.

Speedbump has blown up some of my pixelated wonders, but largely has died-a-lot at the hands of my green pommies in some snow-covered wasteland.

dalem has just confirmed his orders for our new match - I advance, he advances; I shoot, he dies. Repeat as necessary. Should be a yawner.

Leeo and I are trying to see who can bleed more. So far, I think he is winning that contest by sheer volume of blood spilled; however, he appears to have a few more men than I do. This one will likely be a draw.

Pondscum has yet to send a setup.

Mouse hasn't returned a file since January.

That is all.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by argie in WOW! No Peng Thread!!!:

Unbelievable redface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gifredface.gif

Yes, Argie, there is a Santa ...whoops... Peng Challenge. We exist as certainly as hate and despite and taunting exist, and you know that we abound and give to your life its deepest depression and remorse! Alas! how better would be the world if there were no Peng Challenge! There would be no childlike immature behaviour then, no stupidity, no one pushing in front of you while you wait in the express lane at the shopping centre. The external light with which foolish behaviour fills the world would be extinguished.

No Peng Challenge! Thank Berli! It lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Argie, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, we will continue to bring despair to the heart of all.


PS Everyone knows the rules...SOD OFF!</font>

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Guest PondScum

Originally posted by that lowly Squire AussieJeff:

Let it be known that the sordid battle between AJ's brave, starving, selfless, unarmed, septegenarian Green Volksturm Militia and Sir Pondscum's over-equipped, over-manned, over-fed, elite Uber Frogmen has resulted in a ........GIP!!!!!
Gip? GIP?? Your battalion of SMG-toting grandpas attacked a sleeping howitzer company (who were expecting a DAYTIME battle, thankyouverymuch), could barely overrun two minor flags, and you call it a gip? Had you realised that they needed frequent breathers, you could have given your asthmatic old codgers more than 20 turns to accomplish your gamey use of TACTICS in that flanking move, but I guess then they'd have run out of ammo from shooting at anything that moved and much that didn't, eh?

BTS please fix the obvious French bias in this game - the final map defies belief!
That'll be this map, then? With the flag bravely contested by the [OGSF]blouse-wearing poodle-walkers[/OGSF] of Sgt Masse's squad? And the UNTOUCHED PLATOON of Lt Hollande sitting just behind them, having fired only one round in the whole battle, as befits true Frenchmen? The only thing that defies belief about the map is the number of dead panzerschreck teams on it.


You underhanded swine, I should have you covered in wool and let loose in Mace's paddock for that monstrosity of a QB, but he would just take that as a reward for this, his hideous incarnation of the MBT.

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Originally posted by Noba: March 31, 2002 11:36 PM                 


Originally scrawled byBoogerBoy



CarNoba Polish must be playing on another map as I haven't seen hide nor hair of his Aryan wunderkinds. I'm somewhere in France and I believe he's just outside Downer's Grove, Illinois.


Dork. Think one word. CANNAE. ok ?

And that's Vic. Park, you goose.


"CANNAE"...? I don't know, can ya? Sorry, couldn't resist.

And Vic. Park...what? That's someplace down near Billabong Blvd. that I should've heard about?

Obviously you must be a "Beagles" supporter.

Oh and by the way, that's MISTER Dork to you!

[ April 01, 2002, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Just popping in to note that even with my obviously decried absence that the MBT is rolling along nicely with it's current infestation of my countrymen. True though that this is a title that only Mace could get away with.

All of you who are waiting for a turn from me will have to suffer as I am, being caught up in the most overbearing of RW activitiies such that I can neither play CM or even check the BBS regularly until April 20 (and not because it's Hitler's birthday for you conspiracy theorists out there).

So until then, let's do say something nasty about me won't you?

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1.12.44) It's already Monday;

W00t) It's a public holiday!!!!


Why am I not shocked that April Fool's Day is a public holiday in Australia?

You want to know how we celebrate April Fool's Day in Minnesota?

3-5" of snow, that's how.


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Originally posted by Lars:

You want to know how we celebrate April Fool's Day in Minnesota?

3-5" of snow, that's how.


Yeah, this was NOT in the instruction booklet they gave me when I got here. I do not approve.
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Originally posted by Lars:

The little PBEM utility dealie shows sent.

That's why you shouldn't use those little PBEM utility dealies.

[edited to warn you that I am alert to your attempts to back up to before I killed your tank]

[ April 01, 2002, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

You want to know how we celebrate April Fool's Day in Minnesota?

3-5" of snow, that's how.


Ahhh, Minnesota! State Motto: Just like Vermont, only more of it!

Yah sure, and who's bringin' the hot dish?

But I have to admit, Minnesota gave us MST3K, so it's not ALL bad.

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This Monday truly sucks ass. I received a phone call from my sister with the results from her Spectroscophy. The MRI couldn’t show anything conclusive because the tumor in her head is bleeding profusely. So, she had to get a spectroscophy. The tumor has grown and is quite deep in her brain. Surgery is no longer an option. Her expert doctors say that they will give her radiation followed up with chemotherapy. She isn’t exhibiting any symptoms at the moment, but the findings are so devastating that hope is quickly gone.

I wish this were one of my fake morose posts. I wish…

[ April 01, 2002, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Insufferably pathetic. Only one thing could make this thread worthy of even the most casual perusal, and that is to see the outcome (once again) of Panzer Leader's epic Germanic victory over Mrspkr's limey's. Ahhh, those were the days. I think I will print this on poster-size paper and frame it for posterity...


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Insufferably pathetic.

We all feel that way about you. Now send a turn, geek!

Edited to mention: BTW - nice of you not to mention that was a playtest of one of Dame Aitken's less balanced works -- too much to exit, too little time. But hey, if it makes you feel good about yerself, go for it.

[ April 01, 2002, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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