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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

As far as Papa Khann goes, well I met him, I engaged him, and I am now commencing the slaughter.

Dalem, get your 'weeping shoulder' warmed up, Papa Khann is comin' home with a bloody nose and a scraped knee. That is... if he makes it home.

Pantless Leader, I am forced to ask two questions.

1) How on earth did you finagle that Panzer IV with the titanium armor?

2) What game are you referring to? Certainly not the one in which you and I are currently engaged.

Admittedly, my Yanks have suffered a minor setback or two. But the towel thrown in? Hardly. Vengence may belong to the lord, but I'll still have your pantless arse hanging on the wall in my trophy room.


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Hardly. Vengence may belong to the lord, but I'll still have your pantless arse hanging on the wall in my trophy room.

With what? Oh, perhaps with that gaggle of geese waddling complacently across the road and into the woods, or into what I like to refer to as my "crossfire of doom."

My PzIV, stout as it is, is hardly invulnerable, but it candefinitely shake off the cans of spam and Lucky Strikes you've been hurling at it. ((Was that a Ronson tossed with the last pack of Lucky's? Why, I believe it was, and thar she blows!))

Dalem you have found a good'un. A good'un for whipping that is. You ought to play him, even YOU might win (well, draw maybe.)

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The Old Firm is expanding. Due to an increase in demand (not revenue sadly) we have been allowed (by the powers that be) to hire yet another associate. Said associate will begin training in roughly 36 weeks time and will indubitably help us with keeping our very demanding customers happy, as soon as he/she is on solids and has put away the comforter. Since this is our second hired associate we do not expect the same state of mind that followed the announcement of the previous one, which could be likened to being in the same small enclosed space as a fired panzerschreck. We are, on the (w)hole, taking it rather well. Even if we just decided to take up smoking for a bit. Turns will continue to be churned out regularly (even if they will be a bit late tonight) and you can continue to take comfort in the fact that we will uphold our fine traditions of charging you. As soon as the room stops spinning.


P.S Ethan. Send me a fecking a file after you're done blowing your bra... shooting yourself in the head.

[ July 16, 2002, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I'll still have your pantless arse hanging on the wall in my trophy room.


Dear Pemmican, Just wanted to thank you so very, very much for that visual that I now have permanently seared into my brain.

There it is, cheeks to the wind over your fireplace. Pasty white legs hanging down, complete with garters, black socks and wing tips. And there you stand, arm up on the mantlepiece, big gapped-tooth grin on that mug of yours, snifter of brandy in hand, wearing a paisley smoking jacket with velvet lapels and a large scripted "D" on the pocket. Why "D", you ask?

How else would you spell "Dork"?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

With what? Oh, perhaps with that gaggle of geese waddling complacently across the road and into the woods, or into what I like to refer to as my "crossfire of doom."

Is that the worn patch of carpet in your dorm room between the t.v. set and the biffy?

My PzIV, stout as it is, is hardly invulnerable, but it can definitely shake off the cans of spam and Lucky Strikes you've been hurling at it. ((Was that a Ronson tossed with the last pack of Lucky's? Why, I believe it was, and thar she blows!))
Pantless, isn't it time for nurse Ratchett to administer your daily injection? You appear to be overdue.

Dalem you have found a good'un. A good'un for whipping that is. You ought to play him, even YOU might win (well, draw maybe.)
Tall words, Pantless. Not particularly veracious, but tall words nonetheless. Makes me wonder what sort of drivel you'd spout if you were actually winning (not that I'm likely to ever find out).


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Originally posted by Geier:


Congratulations, Geier.


P.S. I understand the Swedes have some {snicker} picture books explaining how this sort of thing happens. Maybe you can get the, err, 'popup' version . . .

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

How else would you spell "Dork"?

Here are a few suggestions. I'd try to settle myself down and offer more, but in my neck of the woods we refer to the gleeful state of mind and frenzied manner that accompany an opportunity like this as choking on the drool:

1) Joe Shaw

2) R_Late

3) Pantless Leader

4) Boo_Rattly

5) SomeNachos

6) All of the OddzStralians

7) BeerGut

8) Lard

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hmm, only one name on that list spelt correctly. Altogether, I think they add up to: BROWN-NOSER!

[Editied to ask]

What's a biffy?

Joe needs no misspelling to have insolence heaped upon his aged noggin. It's a given.

Oh, and biffy is slang for the loo.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

How else would you spell "Dork"?

Here are a few suggestions. I'd try to settle myself down and offer more, but in my neck of the woods we refer to the gleeful state of mind and frenzied manner that accompany an opportunity like this as choking on the drool:

(Bunch of obvious remarks <big>SNIPPED</big> because they were...obvious.)


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Well, you didn't let me down there. I threw that last line out knowing that as you're such a poseur, you'd be forced to take the bait. You indeed must have no pride. I guess the term "too easy" just isn't in your vocabulary, unless you're talking about your sister.

Sad, really.

Nice try, El Boobaloo. However, your remarks do not compute.

First, I doubt you possess the brainpower to see past that giant proboscis you have planted beneath your lone rheumy eye. To consider that you could think far enough ahead to set out "bait" is doubtful at best. Of course in theory, THEORY mind you, you might possess just enough intellect to pull it off. Not that I've noticed any evidence of it in your previous posts. But lets say I'm feeling generous today and I cede that point to you. This would lead us to my next observation.

Had any of us the tiniest smattering of pride, would we be here? Of course not. So whats your point, Boo-Hoo?

In closing, I wish only to state categorically that your repeated emails, phone calls, post cards, personal visits (and I should warn you, Boo-Boo, that outside Akron these "visits" are referred to as stalking), and general pestering about my female relatives will get you nowhere. Whatever innocent comment I may have made that you've chosen to misinterpret as a sign of hope that one of them might consider you a potential suitor, consider it all a mistake and a fallacy. Thanks to your sniveling and cajoling, they all hate me now more than they ever have, so even if I were inclined to help you (which I'm not... I hate them all right back, but there's a limit on how much suffering I'd wish on any living creature) I couldn't.

And that goes double for the cadavers in the family plot, Boo. Stay out!


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

P.S. I understand the Swedes have some {snicker} picture books explaining how this sort of thing happens. Maybe you can get the, err, 'popup' version . . .

Sure. I need your address though and you have to pay via IMO. Happy to help.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

First, I doubt you possess the brainpower to see past that giant proboscis you have planted beneath your lone rheumy eye.


I'm sorry, Peepee Stain, but you must be confusing me with Odin, Head Honcho of the Norse pantheon.

It's ok though, happens all the time.

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Originally posted by Geier:

The Old Firm is expanding. Due to an increase in demand (not revenue sadly) we have been allowed (by the powers that be) to hire yet another associate. Said associate will begin training in roughly 36 weeks time and will indubitably help us with keeping our very demanding customers happy, as soon as he/she is on solids and has put away the comforter.

I sense a disturbance in the force. No, my mistake, just a bit of indigestion. Anyway, congratulations, Johan. I guess the little woman kept herself busy while you were away on that business trip a fortnight ago. Have you registered for gifts at Siggi's House of Lutfisk, or should I just send a moose to you by direct mail?

P.S Ethan. Send me a fecking a file after you're done blowing your bra... shooting yourself in the head.
Unfortunately, my turn output ain't what it ought to be as I have the kids to myself while SWMBO is in New Jack City for the week teaching college graduates how to do sums. I'll get to it when I can. The good thing is that next week it's my turn to be away all week at a kick-ass (pun intended) martial arts seminar, and I won't have to endure the inanities of the 'Pool during that time. Hurrah!
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Originally posted by dalem:

Here's a nice buffalo taint for you to munch on, R_Leete.

Why, thank you, sir. I'll be careful not to drip on your newly aquired "special captain's chair". But I really was hoping for some rocky mountain oysters, you see. I hear Lady Persephone has a couple marinading in a jar somewhere. Labeled "paddock" or sumfink. Maybe you could trade your dogs ears for them. No? Well, how about winning them in a game? Oh, I see. Nevermind.

Originally posted by Papa Khant:

excuses, excuses, excuses.

Not that it makes any difference. The desired results have been achieved. Have fun in the box, boyo. Not that you're unused to being alone in the dark, "amusing" yourself.

Mrspkr, either send a turn, or a new setup. You ain't getting paid by the hour on this one.

My leige, welcome back. I knew you could make it back through customs. The bribe to see that you were "delayed for questioning" was merely to keep you entertained. I do hope they used the glove, as promised.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Saturday afternoon gaming (replete with popcorn, beer, cardboard maps and cunters

I'd always thought that cardboard wargamers were a reclusive, boring bunch of nerdy, model train collector types.

However CMplayer has demonstrated that there may be more to an afternoon's dice rolling than meets the eye.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Want to see Andreas dance?

Check it out!


I did M'Lady. I must say that he man has the moves, but he needs to work on his expressions. His face ran the emotional gamut from A to B.

I expected something a little more...saucy?

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Gamey Game Update!

Despite having the Luftewaffe and his beck and call {German Air Support? Who ever heard of such a thing?},

Despite having every armored vehicle in the inventory {I had Ronsons, oh yeah, and M8’s},

Despite large amounts of heavy artillery {I had none, nope, nada, null, zilch, zero},

Despite massed hordes of SS and infantry galore {OK, I got a few},

Axis Attacker

810 casualties (181 KIA)

161 captured

2 mortars destroyed

61 vehicles knocked out

12 men OK.

Score - 35


389 casualties (88 KIA)

11 mortars destroyed

14 guns destroyed

20 vehicles knocked out

501 men OK.

Score - 65

The goose-stepping forces of Aussie Jeff have really stepped in it this time.

Didn't even take a flag. Oh, the shame...

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