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Best Game of all Time?

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Originally posted by zukkov:

.. they began to multiply so much they were crawling across my screen! lol.. those were the days...

Ah, the Tribbles! :D

Space combat became a bit difficult when a bunch of those furballs decided that their favourite meeting place was right on the crosshair of my forward military laser...

You had to fly very cose to a sun, then the temperature rose and when it got hot enough the Tribbles died.

After that you had a cargo bay full of fur! :D

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Speaking of tribbles...

Does anyone remember playing Star Trek on the mainframe in the mid to late 70's? The one I played was on a printer terminal (i.e. instread of a screen/monitor, it had a printer that would print each screen). It had a 4x4 grid and you had to line up your ship and shoot the Klingons before they shot you. Had all kinds of ship data like shield power, phaser power and torpedoes. I used to play that at my Dad's office if he would work on the weekends...


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Originally posted by miragex:

CMBO....... It really shocked me when I played the demo for the first time. "That is the game I want!" I thought. I decided to buy it when I played the demo twice!

CMBB is even better, but it didn't shock me. ;)

Same here. Getting CMBO was like getting all the Micro Armor ever made, with the computer to handle everything and me never lifting a paintbrush. CMBB is even more of the same. It was a much greater jump from the previous games to CMBO, than from CMBO to CMBB.

The "Best" game? MULE was the first game I could actually play with another person, instead of just the computer. Besides, the whole game was incredibly silly. :D It was COOL, and by COOL I mean TOTALLY SWEET. The perfect game, or the closest I've seen.

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Originally posted by ColumbusOHGamer:

Speaking of tribbles...

Does anyone remember playing Star Trek on the mainframe in the mid to late 70's? The one I played was on a printer terminal (i.e. instread of a screen/monitor, it had a printer that would print each screen). It had a 4x4 grid and you had to line up your ship and shoot the Klingons before they shot you. Had all kinds of ship data like shield power, phaser power and torpedoes. I used to play that at my Dad's office if he would work on the weekends...


In the 70's I recall playing something like that on a Commadore PET at the liberary in the college where I now work.

It was Star Trek and it was addictive, but the interface was REALLY bad, all black and white sort like grpahics using ASCII characters, if you can believe that! But I was just a teenager and I was spellbound by it!


-tom w

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What a bunch of "loosers!" (*grin*)... commie sexty-fors? Everyone with class & pinache' went all out and got an Apple to play the old SSI games... not to mention Gato! (hell, I even went over the top and got one of them new fangled disk drives!) *grin*

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Best game of all time?

BEST game of ALL TIME?

Sod it for a lark, what the heck are you lot blathering on about?

I suppose, then, since it is all downhill from here (seeing as how this is the best bleedin' game OF ALL TIME), Steve, Charles and company should retire to the beach, never to complete another software masterpiece. Sod the engine rewrite, what we have here is the best game of all time!

Nosirreee, CMBO and CMBB are not the best games of all time -- not even close. Steve and Charles and the rest of the little monkeys better get back in their little huts and start figuring out how to make the best bleedin' game of all time and not come out until they do.

Sheesh. You people got no concept of the future.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Best game of all time?

BEST game of ALL TIME?

Sod it for a lark, what the heck are you lot blathering on about?


Nosirreee, CMBO and CMBB are not the best games of all time -- not even close. Steve and Charles and the rest of the little monkeys better get back in their little huts and start figuring out how to make the best bleedin' game of all time and not come out until they do.

Sheesh. You people got no concept of the future.


"I speak of none other than the computer that is to come after me. A computer so powerful that its mere operational parameters I am unworthy to compute" Deep Thought.

So will we have to wait 7.5 Million years for it?

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Best game of all time?

BEST game of ALL TIME?

Sod it for a lark, what the heck are you lot blathering on about?

I suppose, then, since it is all downhill from here (seeing as how this is the best bleedin' game OF ALL TIME), Steve, Charles and company should retire to the beach, never to complete another software masterpiece. Sod the engine rewrite, what we have here is the best game of all time!

Nosirreee, CMBO and CMBB are not the best games of all time -- not even close. Steve and Charles and the rest of the little monkeys better get back in their little huts and start figuring out how to make the best bleedin' game of all time and not come out until they do.

Sheesh. You people got no concept of the future.


If you look back i said this is the best game, thus far.

I never had a comodore or an amigo, those games mentioned sound like they were realy fun though!

X-Com Apocolypse was realy cool, it's a shame they never made a follow up.

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Boulder Dash anyone?

Ultima III & IV and ELITE for Atari ST

Bard's Tale for C64

Mercenary for Atari 800XL

Anybody remembers ASYLUM (an adventure with very simple graphics and a totally weird story??) or the INFOCOM textadventures?


[ November 26, 2002, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Lindan ]

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1. Combat Mission -- Hands down the best game I've ever played.

2. Close Combat 2 -- I'm still trying to find time to go back and play this again because I miss that individual soldier aspect of these games.

3. Zork -- Started a revolution for text adventures.

4. Utopia (Intellivision) -- Most innovative console game of all time and a lot of fun to play.

5. Myst -- No game has ever gave you the feeling of actually "being there" like this one did.

[ November 26, 2002, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

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Originally posted by ColumbusOHGamer:

Speaking of tribbles...

Does anyone remember playing Star Trek on the mainframe in the mid to late 70's? The one I played was on a printer terminal (i.e. instread of a screen/monitor, it had a printer that would print each screen). COG

Been there done that smile.gif . We had VDUs though. The first computer game I played (unless you count 'Pong') was Lunar Lander on an ICL 4/72 mainframe in 1974, it only ran on the operator's console, so programmers, users and other assorted scum were excluded smile.gif .
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Originally posted by Captain Pies:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Vulcan I believe it was called, does that ring a bell ??

Ahhh such memories (wipes tear from corner of eye).

I'd forgotten all about that one 'til you reminded me. Where did you get that screenie? can it be that you are the last person on the planet to own a working ZX Spectrum? let alone a tape recorder to load the games on?</font>

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Originally posted by ColumbusOHGamer:

Speaking of tribbles...

Does anyone remember playing Star Trek on the mainframe in the mid to late 70's? The one I played was on a printer terminal (i.e. instread of a screen/monitor, it had a printer that would print each screen). It had a 4x4 grid and you had to line up your ship and shoot the Klingons before they shot you. Had all kinds of ship data like shield power, phaser power and torpedoes. I used to play that at my Dad's office if he would work on the weekends...


Brings back the memories in High School. Sitting at a teletype printer/keyboard, plugging the phone handset into the modem, waiting for what seemed like hours for the sucker to print.

However, I never had to ask 'what grass mod are they using?' ;)

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The three games that had the largest impact on my gaming have held the top spots for me many years.

Doom . An incredible breakthrough in gaming. I can remember playing the shareware and exclaiming, “I can not believe this is shareware”! I enjoyed the game to the point where my friends and I pissed off the rental agencies in town. We would rent extra system for a weekend to play head to head and then return them. They were upset thinking they had made another incredibly high priced final sale.

Jagged Alliance . The freshness and fun of the game play keeps this game fondly remembered as one of my all time favorites.

X-Com . My favorite game of all time. I still have not found a game that provides as much fun in small unit tactics.

I have purchased many computer games since my first dual 51/4 inch IBM floppy disk system enjoying many of them. I learned to research games before purchasing them after several poor choices and false claims by the developers. That has provided me the fun of owning many very good to excellent titles. Out of the hundred or so games I have owned over the years no others have ever been able to replace my top three picks.

After playing CMBO for a couple years I finally had to add CMBO to the list making it a “Top four list”. CMBB has caused my list to grow to a “Top five”!

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Originally posted by Abbott:

X-Com . My favorite game of all time. I still have not found a game that provides as much fun in small unit tactics.

Sorry, i can't plug this enough. Check out Laser Squad Nemesis. Its from the people who brought you X-Com and is the only other game i play besides CMBB. CHECK IT OUT! GRR :mad: GRR :mad:

Oh crap, did i just do that?!?!

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Originally posted by Abbott:


Jagged Alliance


Yes! Three Classics although I think JA2 was twice as good as the original JA. The only non open-ended single player game I completed 4 times. When it comes to turn based tactical combat on the level of individual soldiers I haven´t seen better.

I´d add Diablo 1 to that list. My first online experience ever and boy was it great before all the kids and cheaters took over.


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Greatest game of all time? Chess, no doubt.

Computer/electronic game? Ohh, so many things. I always thought 1942 and 1943 were cool arcade games.

My favorite game now is World War II Online. Far from perfect, but they're working hard to get it as close to war as you can come.

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Originally posted by busboy:

Greatest game of all time? Chess, no doubt.

I second the vote for Go . A computer still can't come close to beating even a novice Go Player. Yeah, that article is a little old, but still just as accurate today.

Edit: Removed insult to Chess. I suck at it, so i can't talk :rolleyes:

[ November 26, 2002, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Baetis ]

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In no particular order:


Master of Orion,

Fighter Command & USAAF (both Apple 2 games (for me) by SSI),

Bards tale

Battlefront series by SSG (is that the right name?? Rommel, McArthur in Korea, Halls of Montezuma, etc - I still occasionally play them)

The Operational Art of War

My criteria: How often I stayed up playing them until 3-4am with work the next daylight period!! smile.gif

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first there were elite and empire on the atari st; elite had more staying power, but not much...

next i saw some cats playing doom and thought, "man that's pure evil" but began playing it myself, even to the point of getting a level editor and changing everything so there were wide open spaces, massive amounts of monsters, ammo, and power-ups... it was total run and gun without the annoying puzzles...

around that time came front page sports nfl pro... they had a section in the sportsim forum on compuserve...

somewhere in there was a stint playing 'perfect general' practically to death...

then of course there were quake and duke nuke 'em... not necessarily in that order... i thought the best was quake ii but the fast-running monsters with the bloody, pointy arms from the original quake were 'gnarly'... as were the '1st 'level' scenes with the guys in the radiation suits...

somewhere in there were close combats 1-3... i thought 3 (with redrocks or redrules or whatever that patch was) the best and never understood the great fascination with 2 on the part of 'everyone else.'

anyway... i was a massive avalon hill buff in the '70s and '80s... particularly in squad leader and 3rd reich... so after cc had been played out (never even considered buying #4) i noticed cmbo... it wasn't 'my front' but it was 'good enough' compared to other games...

now comes cmbb... where the 'real war' was fought... now that's my cup of tea... we used to buy 20, 30, 40, or even 50 squads in sl... but a player could never easily field 50 of a single tank type in the same... with cmbb i get my '20 or 30' squads, plus 'as many tanks as i want'...

'sweeet'... er... l33t...

i would say that the time i spent on cmbo was greater than all of the other games combined... the time on cmbb will probably be greater than that spent on cmbo...

what can i say?... i have a soft spot in my heart for the 'ostfront...'

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