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Guest PondScum

The hideous, awful truth of why Panzer Leader loves CMBB so much - it lets him play "one handed", if you know what I mean. And I think you do, even if you're going to have to hunt me down and kill me for permanently scarring you with that mental image and leaving you unable ever to function in polite society* again.

I'm with Berli on this one - no Squires for Mouse, ever. The sick cheeto-loving swine.

*Lucky escape for the Australians, eh?

[ October 07, 2002, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

And I think you do, even if you're going to have to hunt me down and kill me for permanently scarring you with that mental image and leaving you unable ever to function in polite society* again.

You will roast in Hell for that one... oh wait... you were scheduled for that anyway
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


Well la-di-feckin'-da! Tell me somefink new. Hasn't anyBOOdy told you yet that "Hotmail" is in fact a pdseudonym for <U>NOT</U>mail?

Either that or somebody in there DOESN'T LIKE YOU!

Now THAT I can understand.



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Ahh, Yes.

Mr Maladjusted and his essay entitled "THE CRITIQUE OF PURE AUSSIE"...

If I remember correctly, your assignment was "to post to the MBT an exposition of length between 175 and 200 words, on the topic 'Kant or can't: Why ignoring Aussies doesn't make them go away.'.

I am sending this first draft, and I consider it a draft in the very rawest form, back to you for revision. Clearly you must fight this wordiness instilled by years of *shudder* philosophical tutelage in institutions. Perhaps you should have spent less time listening to that insane Napoleon (every institution has one don't they? I'll have to rely on your informed opinion on this one...) and more time aimlessly shuffling back and forth in your pink bunny slippers.

You do score some small points for the mention of Vegemite, and beer, but the lack of reference to sheep shows a total disregard for proper research on your assigned topic. You simply cannot talk about Aussies without addressing or, in Mace's case, undressing sheep. Where the hell do you think Woody Allen got his ideas from?!?

And remember, this is a Cesspool essay, not some daft paper assigned by Professor Tenure to keep you busy while he boinks some young co-ed in his office.

[ October 07, 2002, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Aussies or SSNs -- which are worse?

The answer to that question is obviously lawyers.</font>
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Berli you unutterable swine it was never my RULE that Knights (let alone Olde Ones, and heaven knows they're much better off when let alone ... I particularly like to let them alone and afoot on a busy freeway, but that's another story) be prohbiited from playing SSNs.

I have always been a champion of the rights of any Knight of the CessPool to accept or refuse a challenge as they see fit with no one to say them nay.

The prohibition was against SSNs challenging just anyone since they are a lower lifeform and most of us haven't the time or inclination to do more than shudder at the mere thought of HAVING to play one of them.

Whom you choose to play or not is up to you. I have, on occassion, played SSNs myself. I have taken it upon myself to show them the glories of CMBO with a quick game of Jabo! for example.

Hmmmm, wonder if I need to create a quick Kursk! type scenario that would mirror Jabo!? And no I DON'T want any of you lot trying your hand ... you'll likely screw it up just as Seanachai screwed up the match between Agua Perdido, the finest and most loyal of all Squires and Panzer Leader, about whom the less said the better.

Speaking of that match, more tweaking apparently needs to be done as Seanachai didn't care for my corrections on his theme of I'm An Idiot Who Doesn't Know Where VLs Should Go.


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Seanachai, dalem and Papa Kahn,

I now have free time for a setup. Send something off the CD. Anything past '41 will do. Nothing in the huge range as I do not wish to stress your synapses beyond their capacity.

Also, I have just called and order the trailer to pull the boat off the lake. This weekend will be your last chance to freeze your kiester off on liquid water. Please forget to bring your jackets again.

Did I mention it's snowing {aaaaaaaggghhh!!!!} even as I type this?

Which makes today's hint especially appropriate.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Sniffle a lot.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmmm, wonder if I need to create a quick Kursk! type scenario that would mirror Jabo!? And no I DON'T want any of you lot trying your hand ... you'll likely screw it up just as Seanachai screwed up the match between Agua Perdido, the finest and most loyal of all Squires and Panzer Leader, about whom the less said the better.

Speaking of that match, more tweaking apparently needs to be done as Seanachai didn't care for my corrections on his theme of I'm An Idiot Who Doesn't Know Where VLs Should Go.

But does Seanachai know how to use TRP's?
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Hakko Ichiu is a useless, gamey bastard. He sucks and is losing. He just doesn't know it yet because the usless prig DIDN'T PUT HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IN HIS PROFILE, SO I CAN'T SEND HIM A STINKING TURN!

You seem angry, frustrated even. Excellent. If you ever bothered to search in the Lost Luggage Depot that is your brain you would remember that I sent you an e-mail not two months ago. But no, that would be too easy for anyone not suffering from premature senile dementia -- as to what your other premature problems might be, I'll leave those to MrsSpkr to detail.

If you still can't figure it out, I'll give you a hint: ethanr@mindspring.com. Ring any bells, Quasimodo?

[Edited just to piss off Andreas, now that he's back.]

[ October 07, 2002, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Hakko Ichiu is a useless, gamey bastard. He sucks and is losing. He just doesn't know it yet because the usless prig DIDN'T PUT HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IN HIS PROFILE, SO I CAN'T SEND HIM A STINKING TURN!

You seem angry, frustrated even. Excellent. If you ever bothered to search in the Lost Luggage Depot that is your brain you would remember that I sent you an e-mail not two months ago. But no, that would be too easy for anyone not suffering from premature senile dementia -- as to what your other premature problems might be, I'll leave those to MrsSpkr to detail.


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Originally posted by Lars:

Did I mention it's snowing {aaaaaaaggghhh!!!!} even as I type this?

Gee...snow in Minnesota. Who'd a thunk it?

Let's see. There's a word for people who, even though they live through the same experience over and over again, they always seem surprised when it happens yet again.

Oh, that's right. The word is "stupid".

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Let's see. There's a word for people who, even though they live through the same experience over and over again, they always seem surprised when it happens yet again.

Oh, that's right. The word is "stupid".

Or Ohioan.
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Panzer Leader is a gibbering, monkey-like parody of a man, only less articulate than most monkeys. Our setup is evidently still in escrow, and I have to say this his impatience at this small delay amuses me to no end. Just wait, Panzer Leader--you'll be doing a lot of it.

Speaking of delay, Joe Shaw and I haven't progressed beyond his prep-barrage and nasty bit of church-blowing-up, which (as the goddless pinko commies in this one) I heartily applaud. I'd certainly appreciate more turns of 'splosions and boomy things, especially if it interrupted your negotiations with Seanachai on scenario design and made that idiot Panzer Leader wait even longer.

Speaking of idiots, Goanna's had his abacus working overtime, and the movie file for turn 1 is almost enough to overload the 300 baud smoke-signal generator he's using to send email. I think if I call an arty barrage it'll bring down the whole works.

Speaking of smoke signals, Lars is slowly staggering forward--I think I even heard a tank engine this turn. Here's a hint: command delays are really long when you forget to give orders.

And speaking of cheating, gamey, feculant bastages, jdmorse has finally figured out how to hack the CMBO engine well enough to get an invulnerability cheat for one of his StuGs, allowing it to win a 2-on-1, even though I had the first shot! I guess even an addled old mouthbreather like him can get one those infinte-number-of-Panzer Leaders-with-keyboards-and-reverse-assemblers successes from time to time.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to note that Croda is a brainless prat.]

[ October 07, 2002, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Let's see. There's a word for people who, even though they live through the same experience over and over again, they always seem surprised when it happens yet again.

Oh, that's right. The word is "stupid".

Or Ohioan.</font>
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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Ahh, Yes.

Mr Maladjusted and his essay entitled "THE CRITIQUE OF PURE AUSSIE"...

(followed by much blather of little note, and a few non sequiturs...)

Mr. Colonel.


Your critique of my critique reveals an ignorance of such sublime profundity I hesitate to even attempt elucidation of what is, for all intents and purposes, a black hole, namely, your intellect.

Yet your ignorance is like a pestilential contagion, and I must prepare an innoculant of truth, not that you may be cured--nay, that is beyond hope--but perhaps that it may be confined to your person, lest the black slime of unreason which you perpetually belch from a stinking maw stick to the others of this pool unlucky enough to be so doused, and thus Grim Stupidity multiply.

First, Kant is all about verbiage. He is, in fact, verbiage. No essay on Kant would be complete without it. Dolt.

Secondly, everyone knows that it was the Kiwis who first developed in happy tandem the gentle arts of sheep herding and buggery. Well, truth be told, the Kiwis had sense enough to take out their perversions on female sheep, but more on that later.

One day, an Australian, Vegemite and weak lager in hand, noted the happy, sheep-raping frolics of his island neighbors and grunted out, "'ey, 'at looks like a bloody good time!" He then pondered, how he could bugger sheep without putting down his beer and 'mite.

After a few solid years of thinking, he realized he could grip the beer with his bum cheeks, wedge the 'mite in his armpit--thereby improving the flavor, to boot--and bugger to his heart's content. The Kiwis--clever chaps--would only sell him the males, but between the smell of the Vegemite and the perpetual drunken stupor, I don't think he noticed.

If you'd wanted that whole story to begin with, you shouldn't have asked for only 200 words. Silly sod.

Now, rather than replying with more senseless blather, why not imitate several of your betters and send me a setup.

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Seanachai: Not hear from for some time. Perhaps my roving Panther bores him, as his Pommies continue to slaughter my over-the-hill, lederhosen-wearing grandpas in Nazi uniforms. Feh!

Morearty: No turn for a while, not since I finally got some big armor to beat up on that little town he's been calling home. Hmm... it is an Andreas scenario... perhaps that has something to do with it...

Treeburst155: Wailing and complaining that I did not wait for his assaulting gumchewers to come to me, he at least sends turns (unlike Seanachai and Moriarty). He still hasn't recovered since my single HMG42 routed an entire platoon in the woods in the dark. Now he's calling for 14" naval guns in support.

Berli: Just getting started, and the first turn saw little other than the mass exodus of German forces from the initial setup pocket they were in, and long range plinking by some guns on his side. With a little menhoovering room, we'll see what comes of the battle. But they say that "War is hell", so I expect to be at a disadvantage since this map is Berli's back yard.

Maladjusted (unbolded of course): No game yet, not until he corrects his essay, then he gets a game of Croda-esque proportions.

[ October 07, 2002, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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So I was talking to Berli a while ago (in my never-ending efforts to attain my own precious leetle squirrel - I'll pet him, and play with him, and take him for walks..) but anyway, we came to the consensus that we woould rather see a "Red-belly Seanachai" over a "Burt Seanachai Reynolds" anyday.

I think he was a bit nervous of bringing this up with Patch so I thought I'd share.

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Having recently acquired a scanner at home, I was *this close* to scanning and sending you a photo, dear lady.

But after seeing this latest set of abominations, well, I'll at least have to wait until the nightmares end...

Herr Oberst...if you don't send me a piccy...I will send Seany "Boogie Nights" Baby after you!!!!


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