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In the Peng Challenge Are Many Mansions, And I Go to Prepare A Place For You Now

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Guest PondScum

I post this merely so that Seanachai can say "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??!" again:

Fear the kitties of doom.

Although once you've all clicked on it, I might point out that:

- Some of those words are mine

- If you hit refresh, you get NEW WORDS

(tiptoes quietly out of the room, leaving Seanachai alone, muttering to himself, and frantically hitting refresh)

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Fear the kitties of doom.

Kitty once pointed that site out to me several months ago.

I found it intriguing yet somewhat disturbing while staring at it for 48 hours, drawn in by the evilness that radiated from the eyes.


Kitty said I would suffer no adverse affects however, especially if I signed over all my worldly goods over to her.

She was right.



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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Joe was talking to PanzerLeader. I had bought you a ticket to the States, but since you have confused me with PanzerLeader I burned it

Joe was talking to Panzer Leader?

Certainly lowered his standards a bit, didn't he.

As for the tickets? *sighs*

Oh well, sh*t happens.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Joe was talking to PanzerLeader. I had bought you a ticket to the States, but since you have confused me with PanzerLeader I burned it

Joe was talking to Panzer Leader?

Certainly lowered his standards a bit, didn't he.

As for the tickets? *sighs*

Oh well, sh*t happens.


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Originally posted by YK2:


I YK2 also known as Lady Emma , Dame Emma and Dame YK2 (amongst other unprintable names) Do hereby state that being of sound mind and body, on this 5th day of October in the year 2002 propose the SSN formally known as Nestor to be a Serf. If there is anyone who objects to this proposal (like the Justicar) then please make your objections known. Let it also be known that the proposed has no say in this matter unless of course he has already been accepted as a Squire or Serf, then in which case I have wasted 5 min typing this drivel..

So let it roll... Justicar what say ye?

It's a great honour Lady/Dame Emma/YK2 to be singled out in such a way and recognising that I have no say in the matter, accept the ‘offer’. Before taking up my duties, I feel I should point out that I am a feckless, indolent fellow and as such more suited to knighthood than serfdom, but I guess we all have to start somewhere and I will give of my best when awake (usually about 6 or 7 hours a day). I don’t sing, but can muster a mean bongo solo upon request.

One other thing M’lady, I think I can speak for Gaylord, (bolded because he’s feeling a little tired and emotional at the moment) but thankfully not like him, when I say that any move by yourself and Persephone to resurrect the ‘Pool Boy’ concept and the pink lycra shorts that accompanied it,will have us out on strike before you can say Yeknodathon – after all it is October.

If you’ll excuse me Lady Emma I’m off now to watch the Blue Army attempt to silence Delia’s mob, but should you require anything, don’t hesitate to call.

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Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Update

It’s been awhile, boys and girls. I am in the throes of some juicy games and would like to share the details with you. Sit back and enjoy.

JDMorse He and I just finished (finally) a CMBO PBEM and are starting a new CMBB PBEM. He royally and gamily thrashed me in an unfair scenario where I was defending and he was cheating. His gamey use of Merkin trucks and infantry left my brave German lads perplexed. A lawyer cheating, who would have thought?

Elvis Same scenario, same results. A car salesman cheating, who would have thought? I used the same awe inspiring strategery against both and lost the same way. They have some interesting ways of pummeling that I will use in the future. I learn from my mistakes. No more women that weigh twice as much as me!!

Speedbump He plans to spank me in a CMBB scenario, but I used my Mensch technique of Ricketry and softened up his defensive colon. I will now give him a commissar colonoscopy and over-run his fascist hoards. Ask me if he’s cheating. Well, of course he is.

Moriarty The odds are stacked against me from the beginning and I will make a brave effort. I would love to play a tactical game of “got your nose” and see if he falls for it. I read about my part in this scenario, and no one has won yet. Is there hope? Not if he cheats.

Seanachai My apartment is larger than this scenario. Whenever I sneeze, I hear him ask the goddess to bless me. His divination techniques and verbosity won’t help him this time. Perhaps if he cheats, he could save himself from the embarrassment of losing to me. Will he cheat? Probably.

Linden Bolded, because he immortalized the original Peng thread and should be remembered. He is attacking with his Polish peoples and I am cowering with my Rumanian people who speak like they are French dudes. I hear them questioning each other about if this guy will cheat or not. One wonders.

Goanna No transition to CMBB yet. He is slowly overtaking my brave American lads with his uber-tank thingies in our CMBO scenario. The scenario sucks royal cracken. Everyone is surrounded all the time. Like a barium enema, I just want this to end quickly and for no one to notice my weeping and leakage. The nefarious gecko doesn’t need to cheat because the scenario does it for him.

Both Croda and Slapdragon are waiting for their mommies to buy them CMBB and for the summer fricken solstice before they return a CMBO turn. I am ambivalent about the Slapdragon turn because he is a cop and is always right in the General forum. The idea of having a file named “HiramCroda” on my hard drive makes me naseous. I still abhor him. Only squirming bunches of maggots should be named Croda.

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Originally posted by Nestor:

It's a great honour Lady/Dame Emma/YK2 to be singled out in such a way and recognising that I have no say in the matter, accept the ‘offer’. Before taking up my duties, I feel I should point out that I am a feckless, indolent fellow and as such more suited to knighthood than serfdom, but I guess we all have to start somewhere and I will give of my best when awake (usually about 6 or 7 hours a day). I don’t sing, but can muster a mean bongo solo upon request.

One other thing M’lady, I think I can speak for Gaylord, (bolded because he’s feeling a little tired and emotional at the moment) but thankfully not like him, when I say that any move by yourself and Persephone to resurrect the ‘Pool Boy’ concept and the pink lycra shorts that accompanied it,will have us out on strike before you can say Yeknodathon – after all it is October.

If you’ll excuse me Lady Emma I’m off now to watch the Blue Army attempt to silence Delia’s mob, but should you require anything, don’t hesitate to call.

The final papers have been drawn up by the Justicar, and it is noted that there will be no niceness shown to the serfs Nestor and GayLord.

I personaly hate Pink lycra and have no wish to see any serf parading around in my presence wearing such an unmanly garment. I will consult with the Lady Persephone to decide which attire will be suitable for the new serfs. More on that later......

In the meantime Persephone and I are sitting here with no fire and empty glasses..

That is your first mistake Nestor, you were here earlier and should have made sure the fire was burning and that our glasses where chilled, with plenty wine nearby for our disposal.

This time we will overlook your negligence, but if you don't drag yourself away from that football match and get your lazy ass here soon then you will be made to scrub out the cellar...

Not too much of a task eh?

Hmmmmm now where did we put those Red Lycra shorts...

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Originally posted by YK2:

In the meantime Persephone and I are sitting here with no fire and empty glasses..

That is your first mistake Nestor, you were here earlier and should have made sure the fire was burning and that our glasses where chilled, with plenty wine nearby for our disposal.

This time we will overlook your negligence, but if you don't drag yourself away from that football match and get your lazy ass here soon then you will be made to scrub out the cellar...

Not too much of a task eh?

Hmmmmm now where did we put those Red Lycra shorts...

Yes! We need some wine! Where are those Serfs! Where's Panzer Leader?
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I'm sorry, Ladies but all I brought up from the cellar today was this crate of cooking sherry. Perhaps if I had a li'l helper, I might be able to restock the cupboards, but as it is, I am just too pooped.

Send a turn:


Joe Shaw


Boo Radley


Papa Khann

Little Gaylord

Agua Perdido!

Man you lot are lazy pillocks. What, am I the only one here without a life?

Oh, one more thing: OGSF, that WAS me you saw last night, and it WASN'T me neck! I will continue to haunt you like this until you SEND ME A SET-UP, preferably one where you lead hordes of cowardly little human waving chimps, while I lead stout brave men, few in numbers but great in SUPERIORITY.

Do it now OG-stompin'-F!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I'm sorry, Ladies but all I brought up from the cellar today was this crate of cooking sherry. Perhaps if I had a li'l helper, I might be able to restock the cupboards, but as it is, I am just too pooped.

Send a turn:


Joe Shaw


Boo Radley


Papa Khann

Little Gaylord

Agua Perdido!

Man you lot are lazy pillocks. What, am I the only one here without a life?

You can do bettter than cooking sherry!

Berli would send you a turn...but I'm using the computer right now...so it will have to wait. *snicker*


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For the bloody awful cooking sherry or for being too tired to carry out a simple request without whining for help?

I dunno I go out of my way to search the MBT for some decent help and what do I get??????

A whining Panzer Leader and a bloody football fanatic....

You know what Persephone I think we should stick with our first idea...

I'll get the Hot Tub ready if you get the Bubbly.

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Good evening Ladies. Oh, please don't mind me, I've seen it all before. I was just heading down to the cellar for supplies, but for some reason I've forgotten what I was after.

<small>Edited, because in my excitement, I forgot to bold properly!</small>

[ October 05, 2002, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Nestor ]

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Ahhhhhhhh Nestor, it's about time you showed up another few minutes and we were about to send out a search party.

Cellar = Wine

Wine = Red and white

And while you're at it grab another bottle of Bubbly on the way past the fridge.

Ohhh and Nestor, try not to be too long, we need someone to clean the slime from the pool.

I sure hope you make a better cellar man than Panzer Leader he had this awful habit of getting lost on the way back.

Edited to add:

You quote Oscar wilde.......

Awwwwwwww Joe how can I not be Nice to someone who admires Oscar???

[ October 05, 2002, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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*enters Mace, who promptly slips on spilt soapsuds and aquaplanes across the floor, to go head over heels down the cellar stairs*

<font size=+2>AAAAaaaaAAAaaaa</font>

<font size=+1>AAAAaaaaAAAaaaa</font>

<font size=+3>*CRASH*</font>

<font size=-1>AAAAaaaaAAAaaaa</font>

<font size=+3>*BANG*</font>

<font size=-2>aaa......</font>

<font size=+3>*CRUNCH*</font>

[ October 05, 2002, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

If that Nestorling fella were around a bit more, I'd think about proposing him for serf.

Leeo, Leeo, <small>Leeo</small>, here's the thing. If I were to regale the MBT with my prescence on a more regular basis, then a dolt such as yourself would be slapped around with a wet fish for doltishness more often. This would undoubtedly lower your morale and more importantly, be a waste of fish. I have no wish to upset you, or others like you, more than once a week or so and the dwindling of fish stocks is an important issue for the world we live in today. As a result, I ration my activity here. Do you see? No, of course you don't - never mind.


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