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In the Peng Challenge Are Many Mansions, And I Go to Prepare A Place For You Now

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

(7) On the off chance that SOMEONE OTHER THAN Panzer Leader should propose the lad for SERF ...


I , Persephone, propose to make Gaylord Focker an official Serf of the MBT on this fourth day of October in the year 2002.

I have all of the proper documents in order. Everything is properly signed and they are notarized by MrSpkr.

I am now presenting the documents to the official Justiciar of the MBT.

So Gaylord Focker is an official Serf!

Also, let it be known, that YK2 is also looking for a Serf....

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I YK2 also known as Lady Emma , Dame Emma and Dame YK2 (amongst other unprintable names) Do hereby state that being of sound mind and body, on this 5th day of October in the year 2002 propose the SSN formally known as Nestor to be a Serf. If there is anyone who objects to this proposal (like the Justicar) then please make your objections known. Let it also be known that the proposed has no say in this matter unless of course he has already been accepted as a Squire or Serf, then in which case I have wasted 5 min typing this drivel..

So let it roll... Justicar what say ye?

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Hmmmm, well it's not quite proper is it lads? I mean after all we can hardly have Squires taught the Knightly arts by these Ladies of the CessPool regardless of how highly we favor them.

Still, I suppose that as long as it's only SERFDOM and as long as it's NOT being done ... {shudder} ... just to be NICE ... {shudder} ... then no real harm can come of it. Mind they'll have to be taken to Squire by a KNIGHT, not someone who has the rights and privileges of a KNIGHT as do the Ladies of the CessPool. A small, but I think an important, distinction.


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I entered, I read, I posted, tauting the Bard himself on the grounds of unbecoming friendliness. etc. etc, ad nooor-seum
This Malakovski thing is going to be a problem, mark my words. Do we really need someone that can out-post The Gnome with excessive verbal flatulence made into prose ?

It could be worse

It could be in rhyme

I suppose.

He does have one redeeming feature. The offer to send alcholic type sustenance is greatly appreciated. Send all the orders for Perth to my address. I will then send it out to AJ, Simon Fox and others from here. Bugger the eastern states lot...send me theirs too.

89B Sunbury Road

Victoria Park.



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Remember, some of us don't have a life.
Or brains, don't forget brains.

Or looks that let you go out in public without people staring.

Or any chance of winning at CMBB.

Or having enough time to read all the crap that is obviously coming your way.


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Originally posted by Leeo:

I would like to kindly request, <big>NAY</big>, obnoxiously demand, that the following gits send me a friggen turn:


Panzer Leader




Remember, some of us don't have a life.

Piss off. It pleases me to think of you sitting bored by your home computer.


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Joe, Joe, Joe you should know I would never try to "slip something past" your all-seeing eye. Why, I was just doing what was called for, and even for something as pathetic and foolish as Gaylord (italicized out of deference to Her Magestic Dameness Patch) 6 months of SSN is too much! No, I was doing what was called upon:

Posted by Seanichum:

Also, I think it might indeed be fitting to make Panzer Leader your mentor. Or Squire relationship

Now, that was the first sign. Next we have Berli's usual bullet-riddling of posts, where he fleetingly and POINTEDLY skips any notice of the aforementioned, wherewith is is obvious to anyone of sane mind (wherewith I excuse the lot of you) to deduce that he is neutral on the subject.

Now then, with Berli's neutrality, Seanachai's good-nature (and red belly), that leaves only Peng (Peng?) that leaves only you, and alas you have spoken.

It seems like we are at an impasse. But amazingly, against all odds, and (where)with the help of a million screecher-monkies, you Joe have come up with the perfect solution: one in which I win no matter what.

If I win the battle with Agua I will not only smite him mightily, which is a pleasure alone, but I will also inherit a boon companion, a drinking buddy, and right-hand man (man? Doubtful.) And if I LOSE, why then Agua Perdido becomes strapped with the most insuferable pillock to ever bleat out a couplet (Manniqinadian, oh LOL!). Not only that, but I doubt he could ever achieve kaniggethood under the watery eyes of that Agua chap, and so Gaylord shall be an eternal smear on the Shavian House! Yes! I like it.

I only have a few aqmendments. First, I believe Gaylord should be made (as in FORCED) squire to Agua BEFORE the battle ensues. It will fill me with delight to see that pillock's squire swooning for the real champion. After all, it is only fair that Agua, too have something to win and something to lose.

Second, I think this battle should be endowed with a fancy name or title. Something Seanachai can sing into legend. Perhaps, Mordenkainin could discuss the eternal ramifications of one or the others victory. It will be a bang-up, knock-down battle the Pixellated Steppes of Russia have ever known (not to offend any gallant soldiers who have fought for real on those steppes.)

Yes, I am for this match-up, and I prepare, even now, to flay Agua's stinking carcass and feed it to the outerboarders on a platter, with little rolled up sections of his flesh skewered with a tooth-pick and handed out to all passersby (mm-hmm) by a little old lady with blue hair.

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Ah were walkin' doon bah tha Loch tadee, mindin' mah ain business an' pausin' only tae tak a wee nip o' cockle warrrmer, whain nae more than fifty feet fraim mae tha still, heavy waters' began tae stir! Ah glanced aboot mae, tae see tha Ah were alone, alone wi' tha *thing* tha were beginnin' tae loom oot o' tha sullen waters o' tha Loch. A salmon? Noo, at were noo salmon mon! At's great bulk lifted clear, tha mist swirlin' back as af recoilin' fraim tha verry jaws o' Cerberus! An' thain, risin' above tha glistenin' black bulk, unfurled a neck as thick as a Panzer Leader, atop o' which were tha terrible, snortin' haid. As Ah stood transfixed bah tha horror bein' revealed afore mae, at seemed tae spie mae wi' at's enormous red eye, an' at swung at's hideously gapin' jaws doon tae belch at's fetid braith ain mah face. Teeth as long as dinner knives, flarin' dank nostrils a quiver wi' glistenin' snot an' flecked wi' spume. A cracked an' ragged tongue flicked oot, at's monstrous red eye's rolled an' at's gnashin' teeth parted as a rumblin', screechin' belch o' rage an' hate ground at's way oot o' at's very core an' crashed aboot mae lak tha shatterin' fury o' a thoosand Orkney Isle winter storrrms!!

*jams index finger up left nostril and wanders off*

O' course, Ah cudda bin mistaken...

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

bunch of stuff mostly amounting to drivel... that is, until we happen upon this little gem...

...and so Gaylord shall be an eternal smear on the Shavian House! Yes! I like it.

Pantless Bleeder, being Joe's esteemed squire, I feel it only fair that I inject a measure of sanity into this discussion. Having been forced to attend to my Liege's, shall we say, rather <big>colossal</big> needs during his most recent infirmity regarding his teeth (as opposed to all his other, less recent but still ongoing infirmities), I feel I am in the unique position of being able to point out that Joe may have been under the influence of a significant dose of nitrous oxide when he suggested such a resolution.

Surely only a mildew-like growth of the lowest order would attempt to take advantage of an infirm, elderly, and tripped out Just-a-Car. Oh, wait a moment....


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Piss off. It pleases me to think of you sitting bored by your home computer.


Would it please you to send me a felching turn?????</font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Should we bother with this or simply let the lad fade away?

Fade away? Kinda like the sound of that. As to the other thing... NO SQUIRE FOR PANZERLEADER EVER!</font>
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