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OK before the next Re-incarnation of the MBT I propose a vote.......

Unlike the MBT anyone is welcome to have their say in this thread, yep anyone from SSN to long time Lurkers lets have you all, come on, you know you want to, this is your chance to have your say and bestow once again some sanity to the thread of all threads, the one and only PENG Challenge Thread.

Note: I said PENG and not GATES-SLUT not that i'm trying to influence your vote or anything (hitches up her skirt a little) would I do that? I mean me, DAME YK2 LADY OF THE POOL stoop as low as to put on that tight STENOGRAPHERS skirt while I count the votes??

This is serious business, not only is the current PENG THREAD over run with SSN they are aboot, oops... (stay calm YK2) Apologies for that, my Scotch Tongue gets the better of me when I'm angry. Where was I? Oh yeah,

Not only is it over run by SSN they are about to strip Joe Shaw of his title of JUSTICAR , but even the Olde Ones and Senior Knights are becoming increasingly erratic in their behavior and bending the Sacred Peng Challange Rules right left and centre. It's utter bedlam......

I mean, can you not see what is happening? Firstly, PENG loses his name to a Challenge and becomes obsessed with being GATES-SLUT, cooing and batting his eyelids and drooling all over XP instead of being the usual hard hitting hard drinking PENG we have all come to Love and Hate it's apparent that this GATES-SLUT is slowly trying to take over and be in complete possesion of PENGS mind, body and SOUL yeah, I know he lost that long ago in another of those "oh yeah you can have my SOUL if you win Challenges" but you get my drift, yeah?

Its as simple as this, the MBT is in danger of becoming hosted by a MAMBY PAMBY look alike, and I for one am not a HAPPY BUNNY ( stoops to straighten her tail) So........ what's it to be then, or rather WHO is it to be, WHO will appear in the next Re-incarnation of the MBT?

A point of note: If that bloody GATES-SLUT is allowed to carry on in the next thread then he will be the Damnation of it, Please look to your Hearts and Souls(those of you who still have any) and do the right thing, Step in and place your Vote Now don't just read this and leave, Please, I have never begged...... well, apart from the time when MARCEL..... {ohhh that's another story....} but I'm begging you now.... VOTE FOR PENG over this GATES-SLUT, do it now before you leave, if not for me then for your country, LONG LIVE PENG.


That's right Gates-slut I haven't been taken in by your smooth appearance in the current MBTI am not an OLDE ONE or a SENIOR KNIGHT but I still am YK2 and I think BERLI is still EVIL and PAWBROON is still FRENCH * heart beats faster*

Where was I??

Ah yes..... I for one will not BOLD your name Gates-Slut, because you are nothing but another SSN. EVERYBODY VOTE OR DO SOMEFINK....... this needs to be FIXED fast before GATES-SLUT takes over completely and Even Sweet SEANACOOCHIECOO will be no more.



Apologies if I missed anyone out, but I'm getting tired now and this bloody tight STENOGRAPHERS skirt is killing me, so to make amends if I missed you out then feel free to take one of the DAME YK2 pics on the way out.

It's up to you now, what's it to be? Are you gonna stay with me on this and....


OR............ GATES-SLUT and.......ARMAGEDDON

Yeah I know that's over doing it a bit, but hell I'm a passionate kinda gal.....


Matt, Kwazy Dog and Co, I know this should really be in the General Forum, but I need those votes.

Please, just this once. I appeal to your INNER CRODAS let it ride......AT LEAST UNTIL THE NEW THREAD.



EDITED: [because He's worth it]

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: YK2 ]</p>

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Guid day wumman!

Shooldn't ye be yer scullery ur abit?

I fur a body vote fur Peng.

Naw 'at it's behin' me, eh hae tae add 'at aam glad ye seem tae hae overcome this UBB Boldin' business 'at was excapin' ye sae far.

As fur when ye begged me, wid ye min' daein' it again next time yoo're aroond?

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YK2, I agree with you completely...this gates-slut SSN has to go. He is almost as evil as Berli and the Cesspool certainly doesn't need any more evil mixed into it. I vote for Peng! And for this most worthy cause, I will also wear the traditional MBT short stenographer skirt...vote for Peng!


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Ae hae nut --- (crap!) --- I have not sculled the lower depths of the Mutha Beautiful Thread since the far begotten misty Days of Olde (yea, even unto that shining time when CM was young, and the world was made as new, and the MBT had yet to become bloated and pendulous with the weight of it's own impacted mass of sodding-off).

So saying, let my word(s) ring forth with a piercing clarity that all may hear and gain wisdom:


(Ummm, did I get that right?)

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Sorry, Y2K, you weren't really asking the opinion of the Outer Board were you? There are some nice sites that let you conduct web polls and such if you want to keep this internal...

IMO The Gates-Slut Thread just doesn't have the ring to it that MBT or Peng thread does, but you could always just call it The Thread That Seenachai So Proudly Posts To That He Whines and Bleats And Pours Out His Bitterness All Over The Outer Board When Other Challenge Threads Are Created.

What are you wearing with the stenographer's skirt, by the way, we really must know....

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Guid day wumman!

Shooldn't ye be yer scullery ur abit?

I fur a body vote fur Peng.

Naw 'at it's behin' me, eh hae tae add 'at aam glad ye seem tae hae overcome this UBB Boldin' business 'at was excapin' ye sae far.

As fur when ye begged me, wid ye min' daein' it again next time yoo're aroond?<hr></blockquote>

Guid day tae ye tae sunshine!

A huv bin in ma scullery aw moorning an am aboot tae gay richt back tae that, but ye ken me better thon anywan, an ye ken thit wheen ah git a bee in ma bonnie wee bonnet then ah just hae ti let it oot, yer richt luv, ah im getting a wee bit better

wi this bolding thingy but only because ah hiv a good wee teacher, an am no talking aboot the Amber necter stuff, if ye ken wit a meen.....

As fir the begging, ye ken that ah wid dae that fir yeh enytime, enyplace, enywhere, jist as lang as ye dae that wee thingy that brooght thit begging aboot in the first place, ;)

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Oh for crying out loud !

Let the loser have his name back. Anything for a bit of peace and quiet.

Sigh. Where's me beer ?



Feel free to pick up a six pack on the way out Noba.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> YK2, I agree with you completely...this gates-slut SSN has to go. He is almost as evil as Berli and the Cesspool certainly doesn't need any more evil mixed into it. I vote for Peng! And for this most worthy cause, I will also wear the traditional MBT short stenographer skirt...vote for Peng!



Great to have you on board PATCH and thanks for joining me in the wearing of that MBTshort,tight stenographer skirt.

I hope you don't mind if I have that nice wee tarten one as it suits me much better than that prickly shrubbery. ;)

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> THE PENG MUST BE RESTORED

(Ummm, did I get that right?)


Yep.. you got it right.


<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Dear Emma,

I have found Gates-Slut to be refreshing addition to the MBT. But you have bought me beers so I will cast my ballot for more Peng.

Love and kisses,

Elvis <hr></blockquote>


Your vote is appreciated, guess that's another beer I owe you.

Love and Kisses ( strictly sisterly of course)

Emma :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Sorry, Y2K, you weren't really asking the opinion of the Outer Board were you? <hr></blockquote>

Yep,EVERYONE is welcome to vote, especially you lot from the outer boards.


What are you wearing with the stenographer's skirt, by the way, we really must know....<hr></blockquote>

Well my armour of course, Silly boy..........

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: YK2 ]</p>

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I vote for Peng. Army of Gates-Slut has no ring to it, and this newly incarnated Peng just slobbers too much for my liking.

My bill for providing this advice is in the mail, Y2K. You're welcome.

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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It isn't up for a vote. I defeated Peng in almost fair electronic combat (his own second, the former Justicar of the MBT Shaw, set him up with a lousy map that ensured his destruction around turn 5), and the price he paid was to become the Gates-slut formerly known as Peng. He lost. He kept his part of the bargain like the honorable pod that he was.

As for the name of the thread-- It can perfectly well remain the Peng Challenge thread. Peng is a concept much greater than the drunk Pennsyltuckian that bore its name, and which will remain forever immortalized in such threads as Cabbages and Kings. Any of you who haven't read it ought to read it right now and the anti-smiley thread from the same era. Everything about the Peng challenge thread will then become completely clear, or else your head will explode. In either case it will stop all the "lets get rid of that thread I don't understand" threads.

Now back to the Gates-slut formerly known as Peng. That's his official new handle, but as part of the deal, and in order to keep him from slipping into scottish from having too long a name, like OberGruppenStompinFuehrer, I agreed at the start of our challenge that he could shorten it to Gates-slut. He could also use GSFKaP if all of you scots are going to be in such an uproard over having Peng in the name. At least if you are in an uproar only about 2% of the board will even be able to tell through your accents, though the bruises on your wee spaniels will give it away to anyone who visits.

If you want his name back, someone will have to win it from me in electronic combat (and in CM ya wankers--none of this IL-2 stuff that's been plaguing the MBT). I would suggest one of the olde ones as a champion for Peng's name. Though if you select Berli you may get the name back, but lose the soul. That leaves you with Seanachai. I don't think I've lost one to him...

(I also don't have much time to play before the end of January, so you're stuck with the Gates-slut until then.)

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'Pooligans, Outre boarders and Fair, Sweet Dame Emma, that loathesome toad chrisl is correct. The pod Peng lost his name unfairly and squarely due to a horrid little act of revenge by the Justicar who felt cheated by a mutha beautiful scenario that Peng invented and at which Old Foul Joe lost to Berlio and lost BADLY. I mean he got HAMMERED. Just a tail kicking that even his dog felt. Mind you it would be difficult for anyone to win as the Brits in this particular scenario. Any bad luck and you are pretty much toast. Seems like Joe had a whole bunch of bad luck. Regardless of all that, our good Justicar forgot his office, forgot his duty and forgot tradition and in a fit of pique set Peng up on a map that would require much more than luck - heck, the only possible way in which one could have claimed a victory would have been to play the scenario against Hiram, Eeyore of the MBT and even then it might have been tough (well, no not really, just trying to make ol' Hiram feel a little less blue).

So, Since this BBS and the MBT are NOT democracies (the former is a Dictatorship of the Mad and Bald and the latter an anarcho-syndaclist commune) voting will do NOTHING to change this situation. Trial by fire, a challenge, or a bucket of nails falling on chrisl's head are the only things that will rectify this mess that the good Justicar has made.

By the way, have you tried XP yet? I just bet if Peng had been playing on a nice shiney new XP machine {for which he paid FULL RETAIL price}, instead of his stinky old Win98SE box he would have beaten chrisl. XP is JUST THAT GOOD. Thicker pixels or something so the armor can't be penetrated. (At least according to Lawyer)

So, no voting needed, one of the Olde Ones who remains has to win Peng's name back (snicker!)


edited because UBB code not invented by Mr Gates.

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Gates-slut ]</p>

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I say lock this up and move it to the General Forum with the rest of the Off Topic stuff that props up on the Combat Mission forum.

Otherwise then there is favoritism for the Penganites in this Forum.

Peng is better than Gates Slut, btw.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I hereby challenge Chrisl to do battle for the fate of Peng's name.<hr></blockquote>

Shall we do a QB, or do you want to round up some seconds to set it up for us?

Please, no caps in the handle. I won the right to keep lowercase from Peng.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

Shall we do a QB, or do you want to round up some seconds to set it up for us?

Please, no caps in the handle. I won the right to keep lowercase from Peng.<hr></blockquote>

QB is fine. How about 800 pt ME, auto pick, small map, random weather?

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The Peng thread should always have Peng in its title. It was Peng who lost his name, not the MBT itself. The sanctity of the MBT must be preserved. Peng will eventually get his name back anyway. In the meantime, Gates-slut is kinda funny, and the former Mr. Peng does a good job as such. Besides, Microsoft needs the publicity so they become competitive in the marketplace. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I would suggest one of the olde ones as a champion for Peng's name. Though if you select Berli you may get the name back, but lose the soul. That leaves you with Seanachai. I don't think I've lost one to him...


Ok you poor excuse for a PENG wannabe, if this is the only way to get rid of that gate- crasher slut and return PENG to his former glory then so it will be, as already stated by THE EVIL ONE BERLI.....

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I hereby challenge Chrisl to do battle for the fate of Peng's name.


Go Berli Goand while you're at it bring back his soul, it will serve well as a trophy.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YK2:

Go Berli Goand while you're at it bring back his soul, it will serve well as a trophy.<hr></blockquote>

*Tips hat to YK2*

I'll second that.

Down with Gates... Long live MrPeng!!!

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Sledge59 ]</p>

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The battle proposed is the only way to settle this, but I think and all random QB is an unfit forum for it.

I would be more than happy to set up an enhanced QB for it instead. One of the combatants can choose the type of map (city, country, bridge, etc) and battle (attack/defend/ME). The other can choose the side and size of forces.

I can do the rest, or you can forward me your purchases. Both combatants will be able then to testify to the fairness of the battle despite the outcome.

I for one, have no preference to the winner as I find Gates-slut so very easy to hate while also being a sucker for the tradition of hating the original POD.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

The battle proposed is the only way to settle this, but I think and all random QB is an unfit forum for it.

I would be more than happy to set up an enhanced QB for it instead. One of the combatants can choose the type of map (city, country, bridge, etc) and battle (attack/defend/ME). The other can choose the side and size of forces.

I can do the rest, or you can forward me your purchases. Both combatants will be able then to testify to the fairness of the battle despite the outcome.

I for one, have no preference to the winner as I find Gates-slut so very easy to hate while also being a sucker for the tradition of hating the original POD.<hr></blockquote>

Good suggestion. However, I suggest a pre made map... perhaps a bit of the 49th Recce map. Meeting engagement. Side & size up to Chrisl (you won the right for Peng to not use capitals... not me)

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