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The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.)

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Oh, I don't know Shaw. Black with two shades of fecal brown is kinda nice. Think of it as a homage to the Pool. Now if we could just get them to change the type to yellow, it would be perfect.

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Originally posted by Harv:

cappy, cappy, cappy...you still don't get it, do you? You tried, (kinda) I'll give you that, but you just don't get it.

He gets it, it's just that it expires on contact.

Does it sing? It doesn't look like the singing sort... Pathetic.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Monkey, Monkey, Monkey...

In the trees and on the ground...


Lars , not worth the effort to continue to humiliate.

"Your Dumb!" "No you are" "Am not!" "Are to" thanks I can get this for free at home and pay for college tuition. At least we agree on your species (i.e. Dog) it is the matter of mass which seems to be the sticking point.

My big fluffy friend.. Harv. That's right you aren't pathetic just misunderstood. Like all truly cool people who "hang" at wargaming boards you are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in bacon, dipped in batter and deep fried. Best served with spicey plum sauce. Now you can go back to carving OZZY RULEZ in your forearm with that Mickey Mouse compass.

GROG!! Ok that did hurt. I, sir, am a GOON and proud of it!! I posses the prohibitive "life", have the forbidden "sex" and therefore lack the required "time" to reach the level of a Cawley or Dorosh Grogishnesses..s.

Sorry charlie but you are baiting the wrong tuna here. Time to back to the drawing board and bang your dial against it until you figure out how to come up with something good..for a change.

Oh wait, I know "I am boring" yes, yes, run along now. You have gotten the required mileage out of that "zinger"..oh my!

Ahhh, much closer oh squire of many knights.

Appendix B} Watching you try to get a grip on the way to conduct oneself in here is kinda like observing a puppy try to catch its own tail for a month, except at least the puppy will lick your face after finishing a good bathing of its testicles with its tongue.

Stay tuned for the fourth part of our two part series...

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Originally posted by Mace:

Now look here!

I somehow missed out on senior Knight status, even though I've been here for some considerable time.

Thats because you weren't in on the first 10 pages of the first holy transcript of the MTB, like ME.

You git.

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Huff, huff, huff Damn, this is one steep pile of doo. Couldn’t you guys have sent a few SSN’s or somfink down to haul up my rickshaw? Would it have killed ya?

Ohh, that’s right. You folks are getting all twitter-pated over who gets to claim a “wet behind the ears and unproven newbie” as a squire. I mean really, why don’t Goanna and Cmplayer just settle this like the whores they are and see which one can offer the most stirring high-buttocked crouch to that Ocy_fur fella? Next they’ll be scratching each other's eyes to see who gets to wear his necklace. And all for an SSN.

Well, I’ll have none of it, nosiree! Why would I want to take on the burden of an SSN to train, feed, boot (what a waste of high-grain leather) and coddle? I was cursed enough to be bought at market by my liege, Stuka. And exactly what did it mean? NOTHING! Did I suddenly see angels? Did he even feel good about his choice? My tutelage (apt as it was) involved merely the phrase, “Go forth and fight!” All this talk of houses, sundry lineage, and bitch fighting over newbies, merely obfuscates our reason for being here; <big>TO HATEFULLY CHALLENGE!</big>.

I’ll not play this game of struggling over a useless, swaggering git SSN. I will never choose a squire. I will wait for the right squire to choose me. I will never post my stance on this matter elsewhere, but at some future date, when a squire of promise contacts me in supplication, with a desire to be of service to ME, then will I have a squire. I will reserve the final nay or yea, based upon the work of the candidate, but it must be the squire whom chooses me, for I will not deign to honor an SSN pillock with a bitch-fight over their pitiful carcass.

On to other news, UPDATES:

dalem has surrendered to give my rootin’, tootin’ Amis a Minor Victory. Woo-hoo. This minor victory has assuaged my soul, so the .44 mag with a single round can now be returned to it’s normal resting place under my pillow.

MrSpkr has decided it is funny to play as the Volksturm. For once, I agree with him.

OGSF told me early in our soiree that I would easily win. I want my money back.

Wildman was complaining that I snuck a whole engineering company up on his right flank while a weapons platoon held his attention to the front. Now I’m a bit concerned, as he’s not sent another turn in quite some time. Perchance he is busy in the process of retargeting to Sringanar or Islamabad?

I would just like to say that I hate you all a little (sometimes a lot) more every day.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Leeo:

I'll not play this game of struggling over a useless, swaggering git SSN. I will never choose a squire. I will wait for the right squire to choose me. I will never post my stance on this matter elsewhere, but at some future date, when a squire of promise contacts me in supplication, with a desire to be of service to ME, then will I have a squire. I will reserve the final nay or yea, based upon the work of the candidate, but it must be the squire whom chooses me, for I will not deign to honor an SSN pillock with a bitch-fight over their pitiful carcass.

I think someone's feeling left out. Not part of the "gang". Unloved. Not really liked. Hated, even.

Don't worry, Leeo, you can still trust your feelings, because on this one at least they're telling you the truth.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I mean really, why don't Goanna and Cmplayer just settle this like the whores they are and see which one can offer the most stirring high-buttocked crouch to that Ocy_fur fella?

Better they should fight it out on that Red Marley map we had so much fun with, eh?
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Hey Capt! 'Getting it', according to Harv and a number of others, means nothing more or less than voluntarily donning a thorny jockstrap and then convincing yourself you like it. Hey it's, err, ow!, it's GREAT! And then as you look up and down the halls of 'cessdom, and notice the spiky bulges protruding from every low ranked crotch you finally feel you belong. Thx but no thanks. I expect you'd rather get a case of the jalapeno drippies than imitate the sub-ranks of squires huddled around their TVs to watch the latest feeding frenzy.

[ May 31, 2002, 03:17 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

I mean really, why don't Goanna and Cmplayer just settle this like the whores they are and see which one can offer the most stirring high-buttocked crouch to that Ocy_fur fella?

Better they should fight it out on that Red Marley map we had so much fun with, eh?</font>
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Originally posted by Stuka:

Thats because you weren't in on the first 10 pages of the first holy transcript of the MTB,

You haven't been paying attention, you Northern Aussie nong! Not only am I a Senior Knight, but my fief is Queensland!

So just watch yourself, laddy, or I'll have to use some of those 'turf people out on the street' skills I picked up in Public Housing!

like ME.
I bet you say that to all your heroes!


[ May 31, 2002, 05:01 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Good gawd... Some of you are STILL here. Eeegahds.

Anways.. I have ALOT of free time at the the moment on my hands and I would be up for a game... Any game... (Sit DOWN Bauhaus!) Not THAT kind of game.. yeesh. So, since I haven't played for a while I should be an easy mark. Send me a setup.


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I go home last night and I'm unable to log-on for the entire evening (Curse you, MSN!!!). I wake up this morning and see if I can log-on in order to send my worthy opponents their turns (I always send my turns).

As I'm downing my morning cup of coffee, I decide to wander by the thread and see if there were any droppings that were of an even semi-literate nature (Yeah, I know. What can I say? Ever the optimist.)

And what do I find? The entire site is different! Sometime in the middle of the night, just like thieving gypsies, someone has stolen away our site and in it's place has left this, this ... changeling! Without so much as a "By your leave!!! I'm quite upset.

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Well, that's just great. The Big Sneeze is doing his impersonation of Yoda. What's next? Noba doing a stint as Jar-Jar Binks?

Then, no doubt, Shaniatwain will put a bucket over his head and in a breathy voice inform us that he's dalem's father.

All this I can stomach, but the moment Joe Shaw shows up in the Princess Leia gold bikini get-up with a couple of breakfast buns taped to the sides of his head, all bets are off!

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

What ! Without a taunt ? Sod off.

Much to learn in the ways of the Cess you have, young one. Shandorf with his very existence taunts us. By his presence affronted all things are.</font>
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Speaking of taunts:

Noba-dy you have earned, acquired, stolen or perhaps purchased my master's wrath. I am the instrument and object of his displeasure. I have been sent to dispatch you as one might a howling dog in the middle of the night. I am prepared to toss shoes at your head until you go away, or we can settle this on the battlefield.

Prepare yourself to wage war, you wallaby-wanking wag from western Australia! The woser, I mean, loser gets New Zealand! Send me a set up you hermaphrodidiot (I saw Dame Persephone's picture of you, you're not fooling anyone), I am compelled to play this as green Amis, because my master must think I don't hate my life enough as it is, and you get to be whatever the heck you want, because he has such a low opinion of your abilities. Choose the manner of engagement and send me the file. Prepare to be slow roasted on the red-hot barbecue of vengence. Or something like that.

There was one other person on my list...


Okay, Idjit, I have both poked and whacked you with my pointy stick. I have insulted every aspect of your lack of character. Yet you remain fixated on the Olde Gnome. Stop skulking about the bushes and come out here. Only because my master commands this am I willing to stand here. This time I shall be a little more direct in my approach.

Idjut, *BOOT* I *BOOT* challenge *BOOT* you *BOOT* to *BOOT* a *BOOT*contest *BOOT* of *BOOT* battle! *BOOT* *BOOT* *BOOT* You can wait here for Seanachi to respond to you forever, for all I care, as long as you do it silently, but if you aren't going to accept this challenge, then at least hold this shrubbery and make yourself less useless. There, my quest is officially begun.

This just in...

My jack-booted thugs have been bitch-slapped into gibbering weeping old women by Harv's moose-bred Canadian hoards. I would hate him more, but I don't think that's possible. His tanks seem to be having some high-velocity mechanical failures though. hehehe

And thirdly...

I for one am pleased that The_Clap (for he clings like a disease) has ceased that verbal autism of praying to a Peng who either knows him not or despises him, and has come out to actually engage the pooligans directly. I'm sure that many in the mental health care racket would be impressed with the progress he's made, especially in light of the fact that he's being mentored in the ways of wit and humor by a Swede! No doubt he'll be brushing his own teeth and learning the days of the week any day now. In a little time he can be a productive member of society, take his rabbit turds with him and peddle them as raisins elsewhere. You go girl! No, farther than that, keep going...farther...

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Lars:

Oh, I don't know Shaw. Black with two shades of fecal brown is kinda nice. Think of it as a homage to the Pool. Now if we could just get them to change the type to yellow, it would be perfect.

<font color="#ffff00">Like this, you mean? A little bile in the morning?</font>

<font color="#CDCD00">Wait, that's not quite right. Maybe something a little more sickly...

Yes, yes that's it. Just enough to tip you over that horrible edge from "whoa, that's a nasty color, I almost lost my breakfast" to "stand back, it's gonna be a sprayer"</font>

[ May 31, 2002, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

What ! Without a taunt ? Sod off.

Much to learn in the ways of the Cess you have, young one. Shandorf with his very existence taunts us. By his presence affronted all things are.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Well, that's just great. The Big Sneeze is doing his impersonation of Yoda. What's next? Noba doing a stint as Jar-Jar Binks?

Then, no doubt, Shaniatwain will put a bucket over his head and in a breathy voice inform us that he's dalem's father.

All this I can stomach, but the moment Joe Shaw shows up in the Princess Leia gold bikini get-up with a couple of breakfast buns taped to the sides of his head, all bets are off!

F) Comparing Shania Twain with Shandorf is what philosophers refer to as an Absolute Wrong. It simply shouldn't be done.

Lirpa) If Shania Twain were my father, I can tell you right now there would be some really sick crap going on inside my head, aye.

Felgercarb) Now if Shania Twain were my dad, and, say, Salma Hayek were my mom, and maybe Joanne Whalley was a sister or something....

Wow. I'd be much closer to my family than I am right now.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Oh, I don't know Shaw. Black with two shades of fecal brown is kinda nice. Think of it as a homage to the Pool. Now if we could just get them to change the type to yellow, it would be perfect.

<font color="#ffff00">Like this, you mean? A little bile in the morning?</font>

<font color="#CDCD00">Wait, that's not quite right. Maybe something a little more sickly...

Yes, yes that's it. Just enough to tip you over that horrible edge from "whoa, that's a nasty color, I almost lost my breakfast" to "stand back, it's gonna be a sprayer"</font></font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

F) Comparing Shania Twain with Shandorf is what philosophers refer to as an Absolute Wrong. It simply shouldn't be done.

To be truthful, when I wrote Shaniatwain. I was thinking of Seananchai, which would of course bring up a completely different type of Freudian nightmare fuel that I'm not sure any of us are quite ready to deal with.
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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Speaking of taunts:

Noba-dy you have earned, acquired, stolen or perhaps purchased my master's wrath. I am the instrument and object of his displeasure. I have been sent to dispatch you as one might a howling dog in the middle of the night. I am prepared to toss shoes at your head until you go away, or we can settle this on the battlefield.

Prepare yourself to wage war, you wallaby-wanking wag from western Australia! The woser, I mean, loser gets New Zealand! Send me a set up you hermaphrodidiot (I saw Dame Persephone's picture of you, you're not fooling anyone), I am compelled to play this as green Amis, because my master must think I don't hate my life enough as it is, and you get to be whatever the heck you want, because he has such a low opinion of your abilities. Choose the manner of engagement and send me the file. Prepare to be slow roasted on the red-hot barbecue of vengence. Or something like that.

There was one other person on my list...


Okay, Idjit, I have both poked and whacked you with my pointy stick. I have insulted every aspect of your lack of character. Yet you remain fixated on the Olde Gnome. Stop skulking about the bushes and come out here. Only because my master commands this am I willing to stand here. This time I shall be a little more direct in my approach.

Idjut, *BOOT* I *BOOT* challenge *BOOT* you *BOOT* to *BOOT* a *BOOT*contest *BOOT* of *BOOT* battle! *BOOT* *BOOT* *BOOT* You can wait here for Seanachi to respond to you forever, for all I care, as long as you do it silently, but if you aren't going to accept this challenge, then at least hold this shrubbery and make yourself less useless. There, my quest is officially begun.

This just in...

My jack-booted thugs have been bitch-slapped into gibbering weeping old women by Harv's moose-bred Canadian hoards. I would hate him more, but I don't think that's possible. His tanks seem to be having some high-velocity mechanical failures though. hehehe

And thirdly...

I for one am pleased that The_Clap (for he clings like a disease) has ceased that verbal autism of praying to a Peng who either knows him not or despises him, and has come out to actually engage the pooligans directly. I'm sure that many in the mental health care racket would be impressed with the progress he's made, especially in light of the fact that he's being mentored in the ways of wit and humor by a Swede! No doubt he'll be brushing his own teeth and learning the days of the week any day now. In a little time he can be a productive member of society, take his rabbit turds with him and peddle them as raisins elsewhere. You go girl! No, farther than that, keep going...farther...

Normally, I just quote the pertinent parts of another's post, but I felt the visceral beauty of this deserved a second showing.

Right out of the gate this guy's hitting nothing less than line drives right over the heads of the infield.

What can I say? That's my boy.

Makes me want to taunt someone into abject weeping. Come to think of it, I think I owe someone a taunt. Hmmm...I must dwell on this.

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