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Feeling a bit cheated

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Just got the European version of Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin – aka Combat Mission 2 and I am feeling a bit cheated. We do get it in a crappy plastic sleeve but get a slim line and cutdown manual only 88 pages plus another 155 pages to print out in PDF against the full 280 page US manual. (So I am told) Also gather we get the wrong German flags to comply with German law. I am hoping somebody will put them on a mod site soon! ;)

I do not now if the install method is different but I had a hell of a job and it took three tries and I am not sure if I did it properly in the end. You seem to need at least another 500mb spare to install on top of the 1.1 GB and 200mb spare you need to run all windows programs. I gave up and went back to bed – when I came down it seemed to have installed ok. Other tries it failed in the middle of the wav files. :confused:

The Euro version comes with a picture of a Russian (looks much more like an American) soldier dragging a wounded comrade from a Panther which is about to run them over! To add insult to injury I have to sit through the flash screen advertising CDV before I get to the Battleground screen every time I load the game!


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Ah, yet another anti-CDV post. Can't say that I blame him. It's too bad he didn't come to this forum sooner since these issues have been discussed in length, over and over again.

Let's see how long it takes before Moon or MadMatt to close this thread.

The images/textures can be fixed by simply dropping the "corrected" version into the BMP folder. You'll have to wait unti a new executable file is created that fixes the waffen grenadier "modification".

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Originally posted by Mark Gallear:

Just got the European version of Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin – aka Combat Mission 2 and I am feeling a bit cheated. We do get it in a crappy plastic sleeve but get a slim line and cutdown manual only 88 pages plus another 155 pages to print out in PDF against the full 280 page US manual. (So I am told) Also gather we get the wrong German flags to comply with German law. I am hoping somebody will put them on a mod site soon! ;)


Well it looks like you need a new source of information. The full manual is about 150 pages and BTS have offered to provide CDV customers who want it the with the full manual at cost, as opposed to some wargame companies who only supply a .pdf manual to all customers. There is no difference between the flags in the CDV version and the US version.
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I know your pain !!

I had a hell of a job getting mine to install correctly ... probs with the bmp files during one install and probs with wav files during three other attempts. (anti-virus was disabled as this can sometimes screw up installs. I tired installing using my CD drive and DVD drive.

What worked for me in the end was placing my CD in the drive and rebooting my PC. Once rebooted the game installed without a problem and is now running fine.

When i tried on my older PC (used by the kids). Slower machine and slowed/older CD drive - it installed first time :confused:

Dont worry i have uninstalled it again ... my kids just aint interested in driving CDV's ancestors out of mother Russia :D

Dunno what the prob was ... one thing to note was the drive in the kids pc was CD drive only, as opposed to my two that was a CDwriter and DVD.

Anybody think this could have something to do with it ??????

Also think posts like this should be on the Tech support forum :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by Mark Gallear:

The Euro version comes with a picture of a Russian (looks much more like an American) soldier dragging a wounded comrade from a Panther which is about to run them over! :mad:

LOL... that's because it was an American ! :D Somebody got hold of the original Euro box-art (before a hasty airbrush job by a furious Battlefront). GI Joe on the Eastern Front ;)


My apologies to whoever that "somebody" was (thanks for the laughs) - I couldn't find the thread, but had linked to that picture on my squad forums.

The flags (apparently) are the same, but there are excellent replacements on the mod sites already. A "patch" to restore the Waffen SS is in the works, too.

Also think posts like this should be on the Tech support forum

Not much point, as it relates to the infamous cdv copy protection, which BFC have nothing to do with (and US posters don't realise is different from what they get). The protection system used doesn't "like" some DVD and CD drives (or vice versa) - every cdv release since (and including) Sudden Strike has had the same problem.

[ October 12, 2002, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Hertston ]

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Found the replies very helpful. Ok I am a European (British) and don't count - but it could screw up email games for Americans with European friends!

My advise is do not buy the game in Europe. Email Battlefront if they refuse do not bother! If you loved the orginal like I did at least wait until you know it can be fixed! :mad:

As for the manual - I paid for the game - probably just as much as people did the states - so why do I have to pay again for the manual at cost - what ever that is! And why do I have to spend time and money dowloading patches - at 1.1 gb it is going to be a big one and unofficial if it ever arrives!

as for the copy protection crap - they will be lucky! :eek:

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I cannot see such pain without wishing to alleviate it.

Please send me a postal money order for $100 (U.S.). Upon receipt, I will go to the Peng Challenge Thread and mock and deride you.

No further value will be returned for your investment.

This will make you feel far more than a 'bit' cheated. You will feel incredibly cheated, and this will displace any lingering feelings of being slightly cheated you might yet retain.

You can even post how incredibly, brutally, and even legally cheated you feel for having sent me these monies, and what you got for doing so, and I have every confidence that the number of people that will swarm to support you in this feeling will bring tears to your eyes.

Do not feel any need to thank me. Thanks will only screw with my eventual canonization for sainthood.

Contact me if you need a postal address for sending the money order.

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Good thing I have the US version...

I'm familiar with CDV's reputation from before, luckily haven't wasted money in their pockets.

Almost as an insult, finnish vehicles doesn't have their crosses in CDV version..

German laws.. are not finnish laws and we want whats ours.. too bad CDV doesn't seem to care that much for other countries.

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Originally posted by Lou2000:

Dunno what the prob was ... one thing to note was the drive in the kids pc was CD drive only, as opposed to my two that was a CDwriter and DVD.

Anybody think this could have something to do with it ??????

Lou, my drive is a CD/DVD and I had no problems, installed first time in roughly 10 minutes.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I cannot see such pain without wishing to alleviate it.

Please send me a postal money order for $100 (U.S.). Upon receipt, I will go to the Peng Challenge Thread and mock and deride you.

No further value will be returned for your investment.

This will make you feel far more than a 'bit' cheated. You will feel incredibly cheated, and this will displace any lingering feelings of being slightly cheated you might yet retain.

You can even post how incredibly, brutally, and even legally cheated you feel for having sent me these monies, and what you got for doing so, and I have every confidence that the number of people that will swarm to support you in this feeling will bring tears to your eyes.

Do not feel any need to thank me. Thanks will only screw with my eventual canonization for sainthood.

Contact me if you need a postal address for sending the money order.

Truly sir, you are a Tauntasaurus Rex (might you even have the little Taunt_Rex short forelimbs? :eek: Oh, those are the best.
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I'm more worried about the partial incompatibilty in PBEM between the US and the German version. It seems that setups that was made with the German version can be opened in an US version. Sometimes the US-CM just freezes when the player try to open my files. Other Germans had similar problems. This is really strange. I had already an email session about it and other problems with Matt, I guess they are working on it.

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A number of the differences between the US and Euro version can be resolved. You can get mods from sites such as http://www.garykrockover.com/cmbb/ that will put the SS rune icon in the Scenario choice screen, correct national markings on the Finnish tanks and solve some of the differences between the graphics such as the sand coloured German 37mm gun in the early period. You can even change the WG label to the historically correct SS label if you use the excellent “Schoerner's COMBAT MISSION 2 AntiCensorshipLoader V2”. It works very well if you are a patient European. I have even changed my CDV splash screen (11007.BMP) to the dead Russian tank in sunflower bed. :cool:

Strangely for the English language version despite all these censorship restrictions so as not to break German laws – we still get American English – z in Mechanised and a missing u from Armour! ;)

I have tried emailing BTS to enquire if they will sell me the full manual as per the rumour on the forum but so far they have failed to reply. I have been forced to try and read the adobe version to find out what a partial- penetration is.

The big-sticking point it appears to me is that the copy protection on the Euro and US CD-ROMs are different and this of course this means that any future US patch will not work on the Euro version. Will we get these problems resolved and move forward with any changes made to the US version? I hope so - but only time will tell if this will really happen.


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Hi Mark,

I guess you have not been keeping up to date with the forum.


Beware of this can of worms....

Ignore those who mock as they have got what thou have not...


I have the US version and I have yet to play a game with it (BTW this cost me a lot more when you add postage).

I will be interested if there are truly any problems between US and German versions.

We have been told that the game should be the exact same, except graphics and copy protection.

I hope that I will be able to play people with the CDV version with no problems...



Mark Just read the bit about patches. You should not be worried about this as they will work for both. The Copy protection should be independant of the software.

Also Berli's Post below answers the question about playing between CDV and BTS versions. Interesting that some Europeans are saying otherwise?

[ October 16, 2002, 05:20 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Originally posted by Mark Gallear:

Found the replies very helpful. Ok I am a European (British) and don't count - but it could screw up email games for Americans with European friends![/qb

There is no incompatability between the two version. I have a few games going against players using the CDV version

[qb]As for the manual - I paid for the game - probably just as much as people did the states - so why do I have to pay again for the manual at cost - what ever that is! And why do I have to spend time and money dowloading patches - at 1.1 gb it is going to be a big one and unofficial if it ever arrives!
At cost means what it cost to have it printed... in other words, at no markup.

No patch would be even close to that large

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[shrug] Berli, why bother. It is just another one of those uninformed rants, and there is just no point trying to explain anything. Clearly he has insider information about compatibility issues between the US and the CDV version that none of us possesses. [/shrug]

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There are surprisingly many folks saying that PBEM started by the German version does not work with the US version (but it works the other way round).

Some German guy please send me a turn, I'd like to know now.

[ October 16, 2002, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Don't get too hot about being without the big printed manual. Most of what's in there will be common knowledge to old CMBO players. And I've been told between the small CDV manual and accompanying pdf you know everyhing the hard copy people know.

As to any imagined compatibility issues between CDV and U.S. versions, that'll be a moot point soon when the 1.01 patch comes out.

And as to install issues, remember you're installing a 1.2 (or so) gig folder onto a pc! Even under ideal conditions it's a surprise your pc doesn't explode and send schrapnel across the room!

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Originally posted by redwolf:

There are surprisingly many folks saying that PBEM started by the German version does not work with the US version (but it works the other way round).

Some German guy please send me a turn, I'd like to know now.

I am playing Parabellum (He has the German CDV version and i the US version) and we have completed about 20 turns no problem... well other than he is beating the daylights out of my vallaint soviet cavalry at every chance he gets.
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"Quote: Madmatt

Due to a recent change in European retail requirements, the printed manual included with the European version of Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin, distributed by CDV, contains fewer pages than the version which ships from the Battlefront.com website. The manual's size is limited by the restriction that it must fit into a DVD box, the new European standard for retail software packaging. The pages which could not fit into the printed manual are included on the CD-ROM in PDF format.

Neither Battlefront nor CDV is happy about this arrangement, but it is required of us by retail locations so they can maximize their shelf space through exclusive use of DVD boxes for all new game releases.

We regret that it must be this way and wish to extend an option for those of you who feel that a full-sized printed manual is a "must have".

Although it is not a perfect solution, we are offering to sell a copy of the full-sized, 266-page English language manual to any CDV customer who wishes it. All we ask in return is that our costs be reimbursed.


You must follow the instructions fully and in the correct order! Failure to do so could delay your manual shipment by several weeks!

1. Place an order online for the Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Replacement Manual (English Language).

Your credit card will be instantly charged $10 ($3 for the manual plus the shipping and handling charge of $7 for Europe).

2. Tear off the cover page of the CDV Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Game Manual (any language), and mail it along with your full name and shipping address, to the following address:

ATTN: Scott


461 Avenue D

Williston, VT 05495


3. Once we have received the CDV manual cover and verified payment your replacement manual will be shipped out of our warehouse in Ireland.

4. We will only allow ONE Replacement Manual per CDV Cover sent in. For example, If you want to order three Replacement Manuals you will need to send us three CDV Cover Pages.

5. You MUST send us the front cover of the original CDV version game manual along with your full name and mailing address. Failure to do so will result in a lengthy delay or cancellation of the order.

The whole process should take about 2 weeks.

CDV Customer CMBB Replacement Manual Info and Order Page"


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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by redwolf:

There are surprisingly many folks saying that PBEM started by the German version does not work with the US version (but it works the other way round).

Some German guy please send me a turn, I'd like to know now.

I am playing Parabellum (He has the German CDV version and i the US version) and we have completed about 20 turns no problem... well other than he is beating the daylights out of my vallaint soviet cavalry at every chance he gets.</font>
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