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Quid Nomen Tuum Peng? (The Challenge)

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Originally posted by YK2:

Awwww this is all too sad....

And I have had a little too much wine.

Too many memories, not enough strength.

Your sis will be amongst my prayers Hiram.

Brooding. Silent. Remembering.

The Scottish Chick is right!

Ermmm.... that is, what this Thread needs is a really good Anthem!

Nations have Anthems. Disappointingly Stupid teenage groups have 'Anthems'. Media designated 'conglomerations of idjits' have Anthems.

The Peng Challenge Thread should have its own Anthem.

How could we have gone this long without our own 'Anthem'?

For a furtherance of the exciting new direction that Seanachai's thoughts have taken, see the next post!

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We, the Foolish, quite given over to a Love of Life, an Excess of Stupidity, and a Sheer Bloody Minded Belief That It Will All Come Off, Come the Night,

Hereby resolve:


Go to town. Spend hours penning your own masterpiece, or brutalize someone else's original work, adapting it to the Peng Challenge Thread.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai the Slow:

<font size=-1>We, the Foolish, quite given over to a Love of Life, an Excess of Stupidity, and a Sheer Bloody Minded Belief That It Will All Come Off, Come the Night,

Hereby resolve:


Go to town. Spend hours penning your own masterpiece, or brutalize someone else's original work, adapting it to the Peng Challenge Thread.</font>



Why are we waiting,

Oh why are we waiting,

Why are we waiiiiting,

Why oh why

(Go up a pitch, repeat, go down a pitch, repeat, until Seanachai sends a turn)

Thankyou. Thankyou very much.

[ October 19, 2002, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

We, the Foolish, quite given over to a Love of Life, an Excess of Stupidity, and a Sheer Bloody Minded Belief That It Will All Come Off, Come the Night,

Hereby resolve:


Go to town. Spend hours penning your own masterpiece, or brutalize someone else's original work, adapting it to the Peng Challenge Thread.

On behalf of the Orstraylian contingent, I hereby propose that the following hacked version of Advance Australia Fair {originally composed by Glasgow-born Peter Dodds McCormick (1834?-1916), who used the pen-name "Amicus", a Latin word meaning "friend"} be adopted as the Official Peng Challenge Thread Anthem. Ergo and to whit:

Chorus: "Cesspudlians all let us rejoice,

For we are crass and twee;

We're rolled in soil and wash in oil,

Our home is girt by fleas;

Our glands abound in Nature's gifts

Of beauties rich and bare;

In history's page, at every stage

Advance Cesspudlians, there!

In mournful wails then let us sing,

"Advance Cesspudlians, there!"

Verse 1:

When gallant crooks from Albion sail'd,

To trace wide oceans o'er,

True Cesspool courage bore them on,

Till landing on this shore.

Then here they raised Olde Berli's flag,

The standard of the knave;

With all his faults we love him still,

"Cesspudlians rule the wave!"

In mournful wails then let us sing

"Advance Cesspudlians, there!"

Verse 2:

Beneath our roiling scum and dross,

We'll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Cesspool world of ours

Renowned of all the lands;

For those who've come across the boards

We've boundless words to share;

With courage let us then combine

To advance Cesspudlians, there!

In mournful wails then let us sing

"Advance Cesspudlians, there!"

Verse 3:

While outerboarders cross yon globe

Behold us from afar,

We'll rise to high renown and shine

Like glorious superstars!

From England, Scotia, Erin's Isle,

Who come our lot to share,

Let all combine with food and wine

To advance Cesspudlians, there!

In mournful wails then let us sing

"Advance Cesspudlians, there!"

Verse 4:

Shou'd SSN scum e'er sight our thread,

Or dare a foot to land,

We'll rouse to arms like sires of yore

To guard our native strand;

The Forum then shall surely know,

Beyond wide ocean's roll,

Her sons and daughters, true to form

Will keep a Cesslike soul.

In mournful wails then let us sing

"Advance Cesspudlians, there!"

Top that.

Sir AussieJeff

Proud Kanigget of the House Of Berli.

Oi! Oi! Oi!

[ October 19, 2002, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

That's swell, AJ.

Trifle long though.

Boo lad, I never expected any OHIOANS to know this BUT, any anthem worth it's salt is ALWAYS insufferably long!

You been taking lessons from Seanachai?
See above.... though I must admit I'm forming an intangible fondness for the little fellow. Maybe it's that hot photo that Persephone posted showing him in his perky, erect peaked Red cap and taut, glowing tummy that has something to do with it... I can't really put a finger on it.

Turns are out. Everybody now owes me unless there's been a foul up with e-mails.

Oh, that's rich that is! Making excuses for the inevitable foul-ups you KNOW will be caused by YOUR love affair with MSN Hotmail.


Go figure.


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Hiram My thoughs are with you this evening, and with your sister. Your sister gives you the gift of herself, and you return the favor. You can cry and hug and caress and simply be with each other.

We in this world are finite creatures, and by luck or destination we have different roads to travel, many as you well know are most demanding and exceedingly unfair. Yet we all will face that time.

Of most importance to those caught up in that transition is the support and love of those that mean so much to them. As you have helped shoulder her burden you allow her focus on some of the most meaningful times she will ever face. It is however a mark of your value that you feel the anger and rage and impotence, yet cradle her in your thoughts so gently.

You are our brother and friend, and we here can only support you and allow you to support your sister. Anytime Hiram anytime. Be at peace, not for the promises of the time beyond because who will know if it's true, be at peace because you are a truly and fully human, of compassion and emotion, and you love her dearly. No greater gift do you give her.

[ October 20, 2002, 02:53 AM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

Ohhhhhhh a fight..

Are we taking bets as to the winner?

Did someone say bets?

Ok let see where is that book....

Boo_Radley the challenger in the red corner is currently showing 10-1

MrSpkr at a short <font color="ff0000">1-10<font color="*000000">

(well he is a lawyer he will probably talk Boo to death)

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Originally posted by Speedy:

MrSpkr at a short <font color="ff0000">1-10</font>

Hmmm sweety, you could have chosen a better colour. I gueth color co-ordination is thimply not your thyle.


[ October 20, 2002, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Did I mention that every Sunday morning, at 8 AM, Satan calls me and says 'Hey'. And I say 'What?'. And He says 'Did I wake you?' And I say 'Yes'. And He laughs, and says 'Good'.

Then we usually talk about life, and how much less worthwhile it seems given that you lot are allowed to participate in it almost for free.

Hmmm... it is nearing 8am
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Geier and I are at hazard. Déja vu all over again really.

An anthem, eh? Let me turn my thoughts toward this one.

Please don't waste the few thoughts you may have left in that pea brain of yours on our account.
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Turns are out. Everybody now owes me unless there's been a foul up with e-mails.

Oh, that's rich that is! Making excuses for the inevitable foul-ups you KNOW will be caused by YOUR love affair with MSN Hotmail.


Go figure.


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Bah! There is no sense of TRADITION or HISTORY about this place. Were it not for the office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread it would all fall to rack and ruin.

Need I remind you, Seanachai, of MY Anthem to the CessPool? I've taken the liberty of updating it somewhat:

Cess Them All

(to the tune of Bless Them All)

By Joe Shaw

Cess them all, cess them all,

To the pool full of cess for them all.

Toss in the Peng lad, and old Seanachai,

Mace from Australia, I guess even me.

The things that we’ve said, done and scrawled,

Must offend, dismay and appall,

Include all the lawyers, Hakko Ichiu,

Geier, the LADIES and Hiram you too.

Cess them all, cess them all,

You’d think we’d incited a brawl.

Berlichtingen gets no break from us,

Too bad Aussie Jeff, you just got flushed.

Let the others discuss armor spall,

We’ll continue with our caterwaul,

We’ll taunt and we’ll tease, But we will not appease,

So join us now, Cess them all.

Cess them all, cess them all,

Our strongpoint’s just not protocol.

We’ve been cursed at by Makhno, and Minne’s own Joe,

The Outerboard says that we’re not apropos.

We’ve been exiled to this urinal.

We’re the only ones that we enthrall.

But we ain’t been banned, and Gawd knows we ain’t bland,

And come on me lads, Cess them all.

Anthem indeed, as if THIS were not enough.


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History and where we came from are all important elements of myth and a community's culture. We have had many people drop by, unfortunetly not all have left. It seems it is possibe that many may not know of our traditions or where it all started. While 'mighty Ajax' may prove to be a psychotic sociopath and rapist in real life™ nonetheless we sometimes need to be able to re-vist our roots. As a PSA for any who have not had the chance to visit our wellspring, I share A Portal to the Peng Challenge Origins You will find the link at the bottom of Lindans page.

In other news There Can Be Only One Challenge which seems to be almost as old as the MBT, after draws too numerous to count seems to be coming to a close.

Maximus' command to Unleash Hell occurred this turn. Seanachai's men scream in terror and run directly into the barbed wire where I am afraid history repeats (it is Baugeuz - read Malmedy). His attempt to use Vietnamese Buddhist monks as a 'stiffener' seems to hit a snag as they seemd to have self imolated.

True, scattered about are individual bits of heroism, leavened unfortunelty with too many 'bits' of other things.......

[ October 20, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo, for our challenge, we could play a new little creation of Ker Dessel*-- Kursk You, Red Baron!


*Ker Dessel -- When You Want to Play CM in the WORST Way

Send it along, Laddie. Send it along.

In the balance hangs one squire, Nidan by name, git by nature.

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So, as is fitting, I have come up with an anthem truly worthy of the 'Pool, the Mutha-Beautiful Thread That Will Always Be There. I think it only appropriate that it is written to the tune of "O, Canada!", although there is no requirement to yell, "Face Off!" at its conclusion:

Peng Challenge Thread! Our wondrous cyber-home!

Cess sucks us in wherever we may roam.

We taunt and jest at SSNs,

With serfs we do make free.

We'll ne'er forsake our sacred 'Pool

Our dear, old MBT.


Peng Challenge Thread! for eternity

We live to taunt, we live to taunt in thee

Peng Challenge Thread, we live to taunt in thee

Peng Challenge Thread! Where insults shine like jewels.

Our Justicar commands that all shall read the Rules.

The Olde Ones carp, the Knights discourse

The Ladies dance and sing

But none shall jest about their pair

For it don't mean a thing!


Peng Challenge Thread! etc.

Peng Challenge Thread! Forever may you reign!

Your Knights exist to cause their squires pain.

The clueless noobs we treat with scorn.

"Do sod off," we command.

But those whose taunts cause true offense

We gladly take in hand.


Peng Challenge Thread! etc.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

So, as is fitting, I have come up with an anthem truly worthy of the 'Pool, the Mutha-Beautiful Thread That Will Always Be There. I think it only appropriate that it is written to the tune of "O, Canada!", although there is no requirement to yell, "Face Off!" at its conclusion:

Peng Challenge Thread! Our wondrous cyber-home!

Cess sucks us in wherever we may roam.

We taunt and jest at SSNs,

With serfs we do make free.

We'll ne'er forsake our sacred 'Pool

Our dear, old MBT.


Peng Challenge Thread! for eternity

We live to taunt, we live to taunt in thee

Peng Challenge Thread, we live to taunt in thee

Peng Challenge Thread! Where insults shine like jewels.

Our Justicar commands that all shall read the Rules.

The Olde Ones carp, the Knights discourse

The Ladies dance and sing

But none shall jest about their pair

For it don't mean a thing!


Peng Challenge Thread! etc.

Peng Challenge Thread! Forever may you reign!

Your Knights exist to cause their squires pain.

The clueless noobs we treat with scorn.

"Do sod off," we command.

But those whose taunts cause true offense

We gladly take in hand.


Peng Challenge Thread! etc.

Eathan your Fairway Woods don't go all the way to the ground do they.

OH CANADA? ... I think I'm gonna puke.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

This is for you ÜberGnome! From your friend Mickey...

M-I-C.......See you real soon!

K-E-Y........Why? Because Mickey loves you!



"Hello Gnomeketeers! I'm Emma!"


Roflllllllllllll Persephone

Now look what you have done, we have the Mickey Mouse fan club in the shape of Baguette Boy...

Hmmmmmmm chicken and mayo for me please..

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