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Quid Nomen Tuum Peng? (The Challenge)

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Bruce and Festor will soon be at hazard. La Divina Commedia is winging its way to Mace at this very moment

And I will be quite happy to work my special charm on it as soon as I return home from work.


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Originally posted by YK2:

* YK2 takes a quick look around*

Ah good... no one home yet...

*Gives the Cesspool a quick spray all around*

BTW.. nice fire you got burning, can I pinch some logs?

Dear YK2, when you refer to "log pinching" I do hope it doesn't have a defecatory meaning. One pinches a "loaf" and "leaves some friends off at the pool". Since sophmoric humor is my forte, I am suprised that you decided to jump into the fray.

Also, I wonder what you may be spraying all around as you put it. Do tell. Is it the ode of estrogen that makes me yearn for the large hipped women of this world?

Edited to note that although I yearn for a nice hunny with all sorts of junk in the trunk, I will never be as perfect as Germanboy and that keeps me awake at night tossing and turning. Well, I toss once or twice and then I turn. Oh, someone chastise me quick for some more sophmoric humor.

[ October 16, 2002, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

* YK2 takes a quick look around*

Ah good... no one home yet...

*Gives the Cesspool a quick spray all around*

BTW.. nice fire you got burning, can I pinch some logs?

Dear YK2, when you refer to "log pinching" I do hope it doesn't have a defecatory meaning. One pinches a "loaf" and "leaves some friends off at the pool". Since sophmoric humor is my forte, I am suprised that you decided to jump into the fray.

Also, I wonder what you may be spraying all around as you put it. Do tell. Is it the ode of estrogen that makes me yearn for the large hipped women of this world?

Edited to note that although I yearn for a nice hunny with all sorts of junk in the trunk, I will never be as perfect as Germanboy and that keeps me awake at night tossing and turning. Well, I toss once or twice and then I turn. Oh, someone chastise me quick for some more sophmoric humor.</font>

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Guest PondScum

Gamey Updates, or The Pain, Make It Stop:

Malakovski's thin line of elite ubertruppen fought my slavering hordes of conscript tankers to a draw in The Gate Keepers. My clankety things suffered 80% losses, but since his suffered 100% losses I was left to argue over the flags with his squishy things. This scenario is mean, vicious, frustrating, and heartrending. Highly recommended for annoying the hell out of your favorite PBEM opponent. Next time I get dibs on the ubertruppen, though.

Papa Kahn is probably going to get some sort of minor phyrric victory out of Gefechtsaufklaerung, but since this another one of Andreas's little "boy, I really hate the attacker, I'm gonna make the bastages suffer" scenarios it doesn't count. If my StuG Of Doom had another five cannister rounds the boot would be on the other foot.

Goanna actually made it into the factory with the third platoon that tried in The Third Directive. Shame about that platoon in the woods, though. He also seems to be losing clankety things here and there. I bet he's feeling very Russian about the whole thing.

Seanachai hasn't returned the setup. What, you were expecting miracles?

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Seanachai hasn't returned the setup. What, you were expecting miracles?

But in spite of all temptations

to belong to other nations,

He remains an Englishman

He remains an Englishman!

Hey, Berli, your new Squire's a limey too, isn't he? Let's throw the two of them into a sawdust pit together to fight for their lives!

Turn out in moments, Brit fella!

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Seanachai old sock, I say, it would be rather sporting of you to rustle a set up my way you know.

One does find oneself bereft of even a 'mo in which to organise another 'crushing' *giggle*, so I'll leave it in your good hands old chap.

Oh, almost forgot the taunt.

Err..oh I don't know...your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries...there, that'll do, one is too busy these days to try harder, just be grateful I didn't mention 'thingeys'.

Toodle pip!

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thus spewed by Counselor Morse

My greetings and felicitations to dear Moriarty, Macey and Justicar Joe We really must sport one of these days.

Any time. Any side.

By the by, I am starting up a CM:BO op against our mutual friend to the north. Nine times the shellacking for one small price.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Malakovski's thin line of elite ubertruppen fought my slavering hordes of conscript tankers to a draw in The Gate Keepers.

(excuses, excuses, more excuses)

I thought only kniggits or nuggets or whatever were bolded. And spelled correctly, too. I'm flattered.

Of course, you're still a gamey, disclaiming bastard, spewing limp excuses for your inexcusable failure to secure your objectives. Don't you know how the Red Army handles people like you?

Your commander, probably already on the way to the gulag because of you, generously gave you twenty T-34s and a company of infantry to overrun a platoon of PzIIIs, a few useless howitzers, and a couple machine guns. "An idiot could do it," he thought.

Well an unsupported infantry rush into a corn field didn't pan out, or rather, was thrown back in bloody, broken disarray, never to return. An unsupported tank rush down a wooded road led to--that's right--an ambush! An unsupported infantry attack followed only to get--that's right--mowed down by the ambushers the tanks passed by in their blind, costly, unsuccessful rush for the objectives.

Many mothers weep because of you...

Next time I get dibs on the ubertruppen, though.
Listen to that excuse, hiding behind the thinnest veil of bravado. Oh, the shame of it.

Bring on your ubertruppen, and see how they fare.

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Good morning all you gamey twits,

A quick report of games in progress;

Noba: After an initial difficulty with set-up he finally got all the IS-3s and katyusha rocket batteries he needed to feel comfortable, it won't help however.

Boo_ : No contact yet but shortly he will feel my wrath.

Malakovski: Opening salvos... one wheeled AC obliterated, possibly a Stug or MkIV as well, he said it was luck. but he still does not know where the fire is coming from,

Gaylord: Unfortunately he selected the wrong road to travel on, at least 5 assorted T-34 types with mounted infantry lay strewn on the steppe, compliments of a neatly concealed kitty kat. He displays much bravado, but my infantry assault is even now descending on the sleepy village he is charged with defending.

Speedy: Opening moves, no contact as of yet.

Nestor: Has still not sent a set-up, he is probably still stranded on that chandelier.

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

My greetings and felicitations to dear Moriarty, Macey and Justicar Joe We really must sport one of these days.

Greetings and felucitashuns, foolukitashoons ..err.. greetings back at ya, good ol jd.

How was your stay in prison?


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Drum roll, please

It's time, once again, for Gamey Game Updates!

Drum roll ends, not with a cybal crash, but with various barnyard animal sounds, for some unknown reason

Well, we're coming to you from Harv's backyard, apparently. How is old Harv, anyway? Haven't seen him all summer.

Ah well, in any event...I will be giving these updates in alphabetical order, without a net!!!

Aussie Jeff: I count 6 or 7 clankety things and not a whole lot of squishy things. One of his clankety things is bogged down in move 2 and some mg fire from a few hidden sources appear to be suppressing his squishy things. That's got to be frustrating. What ever will he do?

Berli: I'm sorry to say that all of his uber cute tankettes are smoking hulks, and some of his larger clanketty things are huddled around a flag in a valley. It doesn't look good for the Evil One! What ever will he do?

Leeeeeeeeeo: Is assaulting me (and not in a nice way!) in some scenario called "The 3rd Directive" or "Plan 9 From Outer Space", I really don't recall. He's got all sorts of fast tanks and I don't. What ever will I do?

Maladictum: Here's another yabbo who likes to buy big tanks and huddle them all together. Quite a puzzlement. It could go either way at this point. What ever will we do?

MrSpnkr: I've pretty much rolled over him in a "Warm Place To Sleep"...That really didn't come out right. (ewwww) I think he feels that if he doesn't send a move, he won't lose. Well, he's a Texan, after all. You have to cut them a lot of slack.

Need-One: Hmmm...it's awfully quiet out there. Almost too quiet! Oh wait...had my speakers off. Never mind. What ever...aww, the hell with it.

Panzer Leader: Is handing me my head on a platter. How the heck did that happen? My karma must suck, big time.

Papa Kahn: Yet another major league ponce who's beating me about the head and shoulders with monotonous regularity. The AI, in it's infinite wisdom, saw fit to give him something like six tanks and gave me one. He'll be along shortly to tell how I surrendered like a puling infant. Tell me this, Pops, why couldn't you take that one flag? Hmmmmm?

R_Leete: Has every halftrack in the world!!! They are all converging on this litle beat up town that I'm supposed to defend with half a cub scout troop and the June Taylor dancers. I think I can win because after all...it's R_Leete.

Seanachai: What can I say? He returned a move. Sure it's the first move and not much is happening, but it's a move. There's only one flag on the map, so I'm hoping he may be able to remain focussed. I know it's asking alot.

I think that's everybody, other than a couple of outerboarders. If I've forgotten anybody, it's because you really don't matter to me and my inability to retain any memories about you is because you're just not worthy of my time.

Deal with it.

[ October 17, 2002, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Ok, this laptop I'm attempting to use whilst a new hard-drive wings its way towards me will not play BB - or more correctly, will not let me see what it is I'm playing, since the game itself does chug along nicely.

I am a week away from having the new drive, so <small>Ni</small>, Malaprop-ski and Berli himself will have to wait before set-ups can be sent and action commenced.


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ALl you gamey bastiches deserve nothing better than what you are getting.

I'm at the home office this week back in Michigan. Someone moved my Sparc into a server room so I don't have direct access to all the fun stuff anymore.

I blame all of you.


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