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The clock is ticking but PL Wont be hosting the Peng Challenge Thread....

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Oh, Seanachai-poo, where the heck is the turn? It's a 300 point QB, fer Patch's sake! (In the name of the father, the son, and the long-suffering wife) It can't take you more than a minute or two to plot yet another gameyiest-of-the-gamey jeep rush.

That's right folks, the Uber-bard himself is rushing jeeps. I'll be surprised if he doesn't have a KT back there, and he's playing the Allies!

The new release will be soon, and don't we all know you'll be too busy whoring yourself out for someone to send you a TCP/IP game, because you're too old, unemployed and cheap to get it.

Hop to it, Or I'll remove you from my sig.

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Time for some gamey game updates.

The CMBO PBEMS (LSMFT) are thinning themselves out, much like the top of Joe's head.

Papa-Oo-Mow-Mow Kahn and I just finished a brutal 40 turn match. He was the defending jack-booted thugs (big surprise there) and I was the corn fed, apple cheeked Good Guys. It ended up a tie game, 41-41. This is after, right in the first few minutes of the game, he dropped several box cars full of 'splodey stuff on my guys and scared a couple of platoons clear off the map. But I got him back by dropping a mortar round right into the open top of his Marder. Ouch!

Horsey Jeff...well, what can I say that hasn't already been said by the local magistrate? Against my better judgement, I'm playing him in "Citadel", where I'm watching him move his panzers single file down one side of the map, area firing at almost every single blade of grass on the tundra.

As Forest Gump might have said, "Gamey is as gamey does." I might have a chance to win as this is a scenario he did not design.

golem, err, I mean dalem and I would be having a good old fashioned battle if it were not for one thing. I brought sissy-boy machine guns to a tank fight. He's got...I don't know...30 or 40 Chaffees wandering around BOTH sides of the map and my guys are huddled somewhere he aint, trying to learn the words to "Take Me Out To The Ballgame".

It aint pretty.

And that's all she wrote.

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"Oh look at us we are the rebels of the CM community. We talk all fancy and "quaint" and thumb our noses at the rest of "tham". Oh aren't we so sweet...is that a rose which just fell out of my ass?

My bum smells like Spring and I am soo witty!"

You freakin prossies jump ship at the first sign of a demo...why not during the preview pics!!???

Ahh I spit on the merry lot of you villian, fair weather friends of CMBO...how soon you forsake the sweet milk CMBO brought to your dry lips. How soon you abandon the First Love who's hesitant and gentle penetration was painful yet sweet. CMBO was loving and kind, yet you hike up you skirts and run to the next rich gentleman at the first sign of some lousy "X" wheat fields!!!

I can only hope that in those last days (coming much quicker for some than others..eh Joe?) when your cataract eyes try and see the screen and your wrinkles arthritic hands attempt to play one more turn you are torn apart with shame as you remember how quickly the lot of you ran from your first love....

Oh shame and ashes..Peng where art thou now??!!

Simon where the hell is that last turn..if that is your real name..

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Before I forget.

Dog names:

Spanky and Alfalfa

Mary Kate and Ashley

Gog and Magog

Peanut butter and Jelly

Ham and eggs

Shields and Yarnell

Capt. and Teneille

Donny and Marie (named after Donny Most and Marie Curie, of course)

Rowan and Martin

Martini and Rossi

Martin and Lewis

Tippicanoe and Tyler 2

Minneapolis and St. Paul

Spaht and Phydeaux

I think that's a good enough start.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Before I forget.

Dog names:

Spanky and Alfalfa

Mary Kate and Ashley

Gog and Magog

Peanut butter and Jelly

Ham and eggs

Shields and Yarnell

Capt. and Teneille

Donny and Marie (named after Donny Most and Marie Curie, of course)

Rowan and Martin

Martini and Rossi

Martin and Lewis

Tippicanoe and Tyler 2

Minneapolis and St. Paul

Spaht and Phydeaux

I think that's a good enough start.

Funny! If my dog had your face I would shave his butt and beat him to death with a dictionary. Then shave the fine meat off his (now shaved) ass and make a Korean meal out of you..complete with Hapchi..Hapgi..that moldy cabbage stuff...
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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Funny! If my dog had your face I would shave his butt and beat him to death with a dictionary. Then shave the fine meat off his (now shaved) ass and make a Korean meal out of you..complete with Hapchi..Hapgi..that moldy cabbage stuff...

HA HA HA HA...HA.......HA...

I laughed till I stopped.

Nice showing there, Carp. Haven't seen you in awhile. Haven't missed you either. Let's do it again.

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OOOOh look at the wit and the fire..

Once I watched a drunkin young lad light his arse on fire during expultion of bodily gases and that was as entertaining.

Oh look at the wit of the leftovers....

Hey why don't we post a funny picture again :rolleyes::rolleyes: just to show the rest of the board how "cool" we are?

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

OOOOh look at the wit and the fire..

Once I watched a drunkin young lad light his arse on fire during expultion of bodily gases and that was as entertaining.

Why don't your save you prison stories for another thread, or better yet, your next sentence.

[ September 16, 2002, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Once I watched a drunkin young lad light his arse on fire during expultion of bodily gases and that was entertaining.

Once. Right. Any of you pillocks who believe The_Caption watched some juvenile debase himself in front of him once please contact Mr. Peeper about some bridges I have for sale in Florida.


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Sorry to interrupt you jovial, prancing lot but I feel crap right now. That's right. CRAP!

How can one feel crap over the loss of a cat? A 13 year old, long-haired, mouse-and-rat devouring, devoted, loyal, loving, cuddly cat - who we had to have put down this morning with a lethal injection to stop his further suffering?

Who we called SMOKEY....


..and who adopted us when he walked in off the street one morning, half dead with sores covering his emaciated body. Somehow, we convinced ourselves that he was special and worth saving, so a few vets bills later (actually, a LOT of vet's bills later!) we had ourselves hooked for life.

Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is what finished him. He now resides 3 feet under the roses in our front garden, with a small plaque marking his resting place.

Joan and Jeff are feeling a little fragile. RIP old mate.....


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Originally posted by Speedy:

One question AJ, If he walked in off the street how do you know how old he was?

That was the vet's best estimate based on the development of his teeth. We had him for 10 years and they reckoned he was 3 yrs old (approx.) when he adopted us.


[ September 17, 2002, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Due to some good fortune for the next year I will be commuting to Dallas, TX for my new employment. I was just curious if any of you worthless bastards live in that godforsaken hellhole of cow dung and poisonous vermin. If so we should hook up for a Coors shudder or possibly...er perferably something better. Let me know you grasshumpings sods.

Deepest regards,


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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Oh look at the wit of the leftovers....

After 2 weeks and the full resources of Victoria's State Emergency Service, the search for The_Capt's wit was discontinued as nothing was found.

Immediate relatives have been notified.


PS AussieJeff, sorry about you cat mate.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Oh look at the wit of the leftovers....

After 2 weeks and the full resources of Victoria's State Emergency Service, the search for The_Capt's wit was discontinued as nothing was found.

Immediate relatives have been notified.


PS AussieJeff, sorry about you cat mate.</font>

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Sorry about your loss there, Gamiejeff, cats are furry bludgers but they do have their good points.

I drove over my ex's cats head with her own car and its still alive while she's long gone, so go figure.

Now try as I might, I cannot convince my Rottweiler to eat the cat, do you want it?

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UberGamey Jeff. That's a real bummer about your feline. We have an 18 year old tortoise shell cat that we've had ever since SheWhoMustBeObeyed and I started dating. She sufferes from chronic kidney failure too. Twice a week, we have to give her an I.V. Ever give a cat an I.V.? Not an easy thing to do. But we've been doing it for a year. The things we do for them. That's what makes them family.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

UberGamey Jeff. That's a real bummer about your feline. We have an 18 year old tortoise shell cat that we've had ever since SheWhoMustBeObeyed and I started dating. She sufferes from chronic kidney failure too. Twice a week, we have to give her an I.V. Ever give a cat an I.V.? Not an easy thing to do. But we've been doing it for a year. The things we do for them. That's what makes them family.

Sure is, Boo. Hang in there yourself and good wishes to your lady and best friend. That emotional rollercoaster can be tough at times.

I'd also like to thank everybody else who offered their kind thoughts. Sigh ....... hopefully I'll be feeling my old self after a good nights sleep.

Hang on a minute! That makes me sound like a daft old tosser! Good grief, move over, Tiger (yep, got one 16 year old ginger kittykat left) and Joan. Time for bed...

See you guys 'n gals tomorrow.


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<H1>Life, the Universe, and Everything...</H1>

According to one great author, today should be the day where I am become The Answer, or sumfink like that. But not in a Highlander-ish sort of way, meaning that I didn't have to chop off alot of people's heads to get here (not that I don't have a list of preferred candidates that is longer than my arm mind you, but I do like my freedom, and would prefer to retain it), but that I did have to avoid friction points with the ongoing Darwinian de-selection process that we call life. And it seems to me that each time we successfully encounter a friction point and survive it, we learn a valuable lesson, some lessons being more valuable than others you know, after all, the lesson taught Macey that "sheep can kick too" is not quite as valuable as oh, the lesson taught Papa Khan that "fat men don't disco". So, with all my venerable years behind me, let me offer some advice gained from the pointy end of encounters with Darwin:


  • Never trust some git named Bruno to lead your patrol the seven miles back along the trail to the campsite late on a cold November day. I didn't, and my patrol and I spent a cozy night at the Ranger Station while the Park Rangers searched for stupid Bruno and his lot until the wee hours of the morning in 25 degree temperatures.</font>
  • If you aren't sure the gun is loaded, then it is. This time the 243 went off in the cab of your truck taking out the passenger window (and your hearing for an hour or so), next time it might be something more important.</font>
  • Gasoline is a very powerful fuel, and has a myriad of other useful applications, but if you think you have enough, you do. You don't need a full quart to eliminate the hive of Japanese Hornets that made a nest in the big oak down in the field, a half-pint would have probably done the job. Think of all the time you would have had that night if you didn't have to explain events to the county sheriff, or fix broken windows, or fill in the crater.

And one last thing, vaguely Darwinian... Look for your hands in your dreams... Anyone who hasn't already should read the series of books by Carlos Castaneda. If you have, read them again.

Hrmm... enough of that... Now, what was the question again???

[ September 17, 2002, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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