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The clock is ticking but PL Wont be hosting the Peng Challenge Thread....

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I dream. Every night, I dream, and Mensch is always in my dreams.

He is always laughing, laughing, and trying to fit legs on the snakes. He never answers my questions.

Nothing to worry about then.

On the other hand if Mensch suddenly stops laughing looks you in the eye and gives you his full attention, then be afraid...

Be Very afraid.......... could be his snakes are two legs short and about to acquire some little Black boots.


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Originally posted by Noba:

A few of you may have noticed a post or two by AussiePest. Take no notice, it only encourages him.

But do take note that he can obviously use a screenshot editor. Look at the figures of losses and note who really won.

Feh !


Hey NobHead quit the posting and check your inbox......Git
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Originally posted by Persephone:


The crazy R_Leete has been spotted driving his little tank around the neighborhood. His neighbors just pretend they don't know him when he drives by.



Blimey! R_Leete in a leather harness and... *snigger* a kinky helmet.

Flash!... ahaaaaaaaa

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

[ September 15, 2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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After completing my 70 hour work week, I still find I have enough energy to actively hate you all, except for The Ladies of course. This in itself is revitalizing and quite invigorating when I dwell on it. In fact, I think I'll go to work today. Please accept my thanks as you SOD OFF!!

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Yeknodathon o'Paddock:


Blimey! R_Leete in a leather harness and... *snigger* a kinky helmet.

Flash!... ahaaaaaaaa

What, and that leather harness isn't kinky*? I think you've been spending too long in the tack shop, my four-legged friend.

*To say nothing of the wings...

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Blimey! R_Leete in a leather harness and... *snigger* a kinky helmet.

That is NOT me. Leather makes me chafe. No comment on the original one, though.

P.S. Hey Persephone, where can I get me one of them?

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

So R_Leete, or should we say "Brian"... errr


What's yer thing with helmets? Yer playing with me little heart strings, yer little sweetie.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

The ÜberGnome is going to be very jealous.


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Damn near off the page, ya knobs.

Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

What's yer thing with helmets? Yer playing with me little heart strings, yer little sweetie.

No helmets, either. Maybe a little tanker's cap, or a small rug to cover up the bald spot. Not that I don't cut just as dashing a figure as this Brian character.

Just because you had you way with my leige, does not mean I welcome your "attention". Jeez, a guy can't turn his back to anyone around here.

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I'm at the grocery store yesterday, which was a lucky thing because I needed some groceries. I was standing in the produce section trying to open one of those annoying little plastic bags that come on rolls so I can drop in my tomato, and while I'm doing this, I casually look around the store...just people watching, you know how it is.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see some guy wearing a baseball hat about 15 yards away and I think to myself, "Wow, there's one big doofussy looking individual." Then I look closer and realize it's a mirror and I'm looking at myself.

I don't know what the moral of the story is. Maybe look carefully before you pass judgement or first impressions are usually spot on. Could go either way.

Just thouht I'd share.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

It's all these bloody pictures of you weighing us down.

All the more reason to bump it, and get on to the next page. Besides, I didn't post the damn things. Blame Mrs. Evil for that.

And the Donkey. We can always blame him.

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Last Friday Goanna an' Ah finished "Yelnia Stare" as a TCP/IP gam whain hae visited mah wee hoose. Ah extrapolated tha bugger! Tha hordes o' Clan OGSF shook tha stuffin' oot o' haim lak a glassy-eyed terrier shakes a rat! Ah haid a brief assist fraim tha wee span'l, wha launched a coonter-attack o' her own aboot turrrn twainty-wun bah fartin' her guts oot ain mah den. Mahsailf, Ah hae built a tolerance tae tha fetid stainch - boot Goanna were quickly reduced tae gibberin' idiocy. Mah spunky Russian bastaarrrds chose tha' momaint tae di' a "Mel Gibson", an' rose oop tae thunder forward an' complete tha tairrible extrrapolation o' tha hated Hun (Goanna).

Final score were officially a Minor Victory, boot wi' tha poxy Russian's ya knoo at's a irrefutable verification o' mah generalship.

PS: Havin' noo maet tha pillock ain person, at were a crushin' disappointmaint tae discover tha' Goanna haes all tha attributes o' "a top bloke".


[ September 15, 2002, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I'm at the grocery store yesterday, which was a lucky thing because I needed some groceries. I was standing in the produce section trying to open one of those annoying little plastic bags that come on rolls so I can drop in my tomato, and while I'm doing this, I casually look around the store...just people watching, you know how it is.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see some guy wearing a baseball hat about 15 yards away and I think to myself, "Wow, there's one big doofussy looking individual." Then I look closer and realize it's a mirror and I'm looking at myself.

I don't know what the moral of the story is. Maybe look carefully before you pass judgement or first impressions are usually spot on. Could go either way.

Just thouht I'd share.

Boo, are you writing this on bus station walls too? Perhaps you'd like to stop some poor unsuspecting passerby and assail them with the details of your supermarket mirror image miscue? For those of you fortunate enough not to be embroiled in swapping turns with Boor_Adley, he's also sending this little snippet regarding his "plastic bag, tomato, and mirror" experience out over general email to anyone who will read it.

Obviously, Boo-Boo, the sight of your own horrid visage has affected you deeply. No surprise there. But try to get a grip on yourself, man.

And I'll bet you never did figure out how to get the bag open, now did you? Git.


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Although it took OGSF feeding his spaniel several large bowls of franks and beans the night before to generate large quantities of poisonous gas to be used during his eventual assault on the positions of the AoS Group Süd, I must regretfully concur with his report on the result of our Yelina battle. He pushed into the woods and rolled my left flank like an old Dachsund that just piddled on the rug.

He also wore me out with conversation the night before and with a dazzling display of vintage WWII hardware in the early hours of Friday the 13th so that I could barely lift a mouse in my defeat. After practicing the rapid delivery downrange of dozens of rounds from his Enfield, M1 carbine and P-38, we both proclaimed ourselves quite capable of holding off the Hun, Al Quaida or half a dozen ATF officers for extended periods. Stills and home movies of this extravaganza will be available after I transfer the lot to CD and shoot him a copy.

Contrary to popular belief, OGSF was a most gracious host and was also quite capable of conversing in English. And although partner took quite ill after meeting me the first evening, the occurrence was entirely coincidental I am sure.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Out of the corner of my eye, I see some guy wearing a baseball hat

The day that doofuses everywhere started wearing baseball hats permanently stapled to their heads was the day I lost all hope for American male "fashion", and this is coming from a guy who lounges around the house in sweatpants.

I needed new summer clothes this summer and the only shorts I could find were those ridiculous seven-pocketed culotte atrocities that come down below the knee. If they're below the knee they're not "shorts" - they're stupid-looking pants.

Frikkin' culottes. They look bad enough on chicks.

The eighties might have been a horribly mulleted and poofy-haired stain upon most fashion circles, but at least parachute pants were pants. Please let it end.


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