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Peng me, My challenge is dry

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Hoo Ah hate an' despise tha whole stankn', festerin', weepin' sore ain a tapir's nostril, lot o' ye (tha wee lassies' excaipted o' course). Pillocks! Gibberin' baboonery!

(Lagavulin. Smokey, peaty, leek sittin' doonwind fraima campfire withoot tha eye irritation. Tha containts o' thus particular glass were bottled ain 1986...)

Yammerin' howler monkeys'.....Ah hate ye sae much, Ah've had a wee accident....


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Guest PondScum

It's late, I'm tired, and you're all hateful dirty rodents who should be forced to spend this weekend powering the hamster wheels of BTS/BFC/CDV/whoever the hell pays Madmatt's varnish bills these days. For lo, the night of the refresh monkeys, part deux is upon us, and there will be much wailing and gnashing of bandwidth.

In fact, let me refine that plan. The squires shall be charged with powering the hamster wheels. The kniggets shall be charged with HUNTING DOWN and KILLING the refresh monkeys, wherever they be found. The SSNs shall be charged with whatever high-voltage power supply we can lay our hands on and then earthed to nearby metal objects, to give us assorted fireworks for the celebrations. Roxy shall be charged with Conduct Unbecoming.

[ August 30, 2002, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

(Lagavulin. Smokey, peaty, leek sittin' doonwind fraima campfire withoot tha eye irritation. Tha containts o' thus particular glass were bottled ain 1986...)

Ooch. (Do you pseudo-Scots really talk like that??? Put too many of those together, and you start to sound like a refresh-monkey, you know, Ooch... ooch...)

But anyway, this evening I give you my leave OGS-whatever, for the fine smokey taste of Lagavulin has been gracing my throat after a 16 hour day. I have only one good thing to say about your type. You walk funny, you talk funny, you dress funny, you play funny instruments (does anyone else think watching and listening to someone play the pipes reminds them of the sounds made by your younger sibling as you squeezed them unmercifully in a headlock???), but you can brew some damned fine single malts.

I would say that my hat was off to you, but I'd rather remain as fully clothed as I can around a bunch of men who wear skirts...

[ August 30, 2002, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Dearest McStuka :

You poor poltroon. Fancy letting Cheatin' Jeff get the better of you...mostest loser of the pool, with the possible exception of Leeo, Gogs, MrSpkr ...you know who else.

In the same scenario Cheatin'Jeff is getting a roight royall hiding form my galant troops. Fancy falling for that old trick.

Pah ! You must be truly gullible, and useless, and pathetique.


(and if my previous post pops up out of wherever it went, I shall disown it).

[ August 30, 2002, 05:23 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

What is being done about the Treeburst creature? Has Moriarity taken him/her to Squire? Where the hell is Old Foul Joe?

Treeburst155: The Justicar has retired to his chambers for an indefinite period in hopes that I will go away, so he doesn't have to deal with the issue of my squireship to Senior Knight More-arty, Defender of Lost Causes.

Roxy: I think Sherriff Joe is a MEANY sometimes. He smells kinda good though, as long as it's near the 1st of the month, when he bathes. I just wish he'd wear that yummy Aqua Velva more often.


Joe, it is clear that the disturbing phenomenon known as Roxy/Treeburst, or Treeburst/Roxy (depending on what you want from this person, I suppose), is worthy of being here.

Treeburst155: Roxy is worthy. I'm just here because she makes me post here since I cancelled her account.

Roxy: You're a nice man, Seanacoochie, but don't confuse me with Treeburst. He tries to pass himself off as me sometimes. I think he's a weirdo.


Value for money, in my book, and I'm glad that the Olde Ones extended sanctuary to Treeburst when the lunatic flounced in here and began his Greta Garbo impersonation.

Treeburst: I just impersonated Roxy. It was she who impersonated Greta.


Most of you lot were one step off from writing sad-eyed droopy love poems, and trying to decide if it was too campy to rhyme 'Roxy' with 'Foxy'.

Roxy: That would have been so sweet of My Heroes. Please write me a song. Call it "Foxy Roxy", and let that scrumptious Squire Athkatla sing it to me. Pretty please?

Treeburst: I don't blame 'em. That Roxy is quite a gal, especially in Emma's evening gowns and Persephone's jewels....a real knockout actually.


The only 'Pooler to correctly and openly guess that 'Roxy' was Treeburst, was Panzer Leader.

Treeburst: This is because Panzer Leader was not blinded by Roxy's feminine wiles. He lost his yarbles you see.

Roxy: I thought we found him some marble yarbles? Did Papa Khan run over them with his Panzer Armee, or did Hakko give them to a poolboy in response to the poor boy's last request before execution?

Treeburst: Roxy, can we play some CM now? Please? This thread is boring and I want it to Sod off to page 15 if possible.

Roxy: No CM now, Treeburst. You need to work on your "refresh monkey" skills. It's almost time for the big BFC meltdown. Then I can get my account activated again.

[ August 30, 2002, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

tYou may continue to have a little knowledge - just sufficient to let you continue berathing seems to be as low as we can go, despite our most earnest wishes otherwise.

You know what's REALLY scary, Mike-You-Idiot, is that your feeble attempts to form coherent sentences are actually beginning to make sense to me. At least when I read them from a certain point of view....


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Originally posted by Noba:

Posted by the Gogs :

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ah've had a wee accident....

That would've been at birth. You survived.


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I'm sure A-Bomb would insist upon if he could see the screen through a bottle of Bundy
Mike-you-idiot , Instead of bleating like the second rate sheep fancier you are, I suggest you follow Berli's idea. (Not reprinted due to my not wishing to take his best line).


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Originally posted by Noba:

I suggest you follow Berli's idea.

What a surprise - an Aussie copying someone else's best lines!!

Yawn - somewhere in Australia I'm sure there's an original idea - I hear their Govt has posted a reward for anyone who can find it.

[ August 30, 2002, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Persephone, I have never been happier. It has been a long sad day for me (my grandfather is very ill) and that truly brightened my life a bit. I feel like a Hiram or somfink (shudder).

You are now on the list of People I Most Admire, or PIMA. Sadly, I had to bump your husband off that list to get you in, but it was either him or Cap'n Crunch, and I LOVE my crunch-berries.

Panzer Leader, I'm glad I was able to make your day better.



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Originally posted by Persephone:

Ladies rule! :D

Now that is just plain sexist.

You are NOT a lady, you are 'phallicly challenged'.

Its not your fault and I accept you all the same.

See? We can all get along nicely after all.

Well, except for GamieJeff of course.

On another note, has anyone tried this new Dutch beer 'Hollandia'?

I think there might be a reason it is transported half-way 'round the world and is still cheaper than our local piss.

Still, it is 5% Alc/Vol so that can't be a bad thing although I do realise that such alcohol figures are enough to send you Budwieser swilling 'murkins screaming to the nearest fallout shelter to hide from the nasty 'man's beer'.

Don't cry now girls, you can't all be Australian.

Well, Seanachai can but no-one else, except Joe Xia of course, whom I made an honourary Australian many moons ago. Oh he'll deny it of course and rant and rave about how he'd rather receive a prostate examination from a drunken, ham-fisted doctor wearing barbed wire gloves but thats just Joes way of saying 'thanks'.

Good on ya Joe, or should I say 'Cobber'.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The only question, oh best beloved Boo, is if you would still be there when the repatriation sweeps were completed.

Oh yes. We came to Ohio (Spelt but not bolded, for whatever reason...) by way of Pennsylvania and New York. Which means that I'm genetically closer to M'Lud Croda and R_Feet. This information alone is enough to depress me for many days.

Speaking of which...

So, the guys from the limestone gravel company who were to do my driveway this morning, were supposed to make the scene between 9 and 10 am.

8 am, I'm in the shower and SheWhoMustBeObeyed is wandering around in her robe and coffee cup when they pound on the door.

Great. Another couple of Rhodes scholars who can't master the intricacies of telling time.

Who do I make the check out to? Billy Joe and Bubba's All Star Pet Rock Company Extravaganza?


Ohio takes the lowest common denominator of each state, distills it and then after a certain amount of time decants it into it's own special genetically altered mutant throwback. Case in point: Marrilyn Manson is from Canton, 15 miles south of here.

Also, my neighbor's girl friend looks EXACTLY like Barney Fife in a ponytail. I have no idea how that fits in, but I don't think you could see something like that anywhere but Ohio...unless you'd been doing mushrooms for a very, very long time.

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Fear not, Persephone. I present you the stuff of Peng's nightmares... (nothing is worse than your own posts coming back to haunt you...

<table width="100%">

<TR bgColor=#b0c4de>

<TD vAlign="top" width="18%">

<FONT face="Verdana, Arial" size=3>



<FONT face="Verdana, Arial" size=1>




<TD valign="top">

<FONT color=#800000 face="Verdana, Arial" size=1>posted 05-09-2000 06:03 PM




Gold Demo? Today?



Peng sez "die a lot now."




Ed. Note: 4 smilies were exterminated to make this re-post palatable to the new forum. The original MrPeng post had, in fact, 12 smilies.

[ August 30, 2002, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

'If a man falls in love with another man in the forest, and no one knows, is either one a transsexual?'

Let me check the "Big Book of Gay" on that....

Nope, Dorosh, you still have two more times.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

You know what's REALLY scary, Mike-You-Idiot, is that your feeble attempts to form coherent sentences are actually beginning to make sense to me. At least when I read them from a certain point of view....


Yes, but doesn't that "certain point of view" involve having your head wedged fairly deep in your hinder?
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Just trying to be helpful. No need to thank me.

Don't worry, I won't.

Originally posted by Lars:

Boo, go give your piece o' crap hotmail.msn account a boot!

Would that I could. If I were asked who I hated more, MSN or you sorry lot, I would actaully have to sit down for awhile and do the math. I have been having ISP and e-mail "issues" for some time now. I get in touch with the fine, fine folks at MSN and invariably get the reply, "No hablo Inglese."

If it weren't for the fact that we got a "deal" on the computer as long as we signed with MSN for three years (Thank you sir, may I have another?), I would have kissed these incompetent Gates-drones off a long time ago.

But we have ten more months on the contract.

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