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2002: A Peng Challenge Oddity


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Ah, but here is the good news: She had an MRI two weeks ago and they couldn’t find a single speck of cancer in her head!! That is a huge weight lifted off of our hearts!! <hr></blockquote>

Hiram, I can't remember the last time I read anything that made me as happy as this does.

I continue to send all good thoughts and hopes to you and your family, and whatever may be done by honouring the Goddess is directed to the care and comfort of your sister and her child.

My own sister was diagnosed with Hodgkins when she was 14. She was treated, and beat it, and, after five years of remission, was pronounced 'cured'. In her late 20s, she developed breast cancer as a result of the treatments that helped her defeat the Hodgkins. She beat that too, and is now 37. She is as tough, funny, and as loving as any person I've ever known. She's fiercely and protectively watched over her 'older brother' for most of our adult lives. She suffers from migraines, constant bouts with pneumonia (her immune system is badly compromised by the radiation treatments that overcame the Hodgkins), and other illness, but she takes a great deal of delight in life and all those around her. She cannot have children, another side-effect of the treatments that drove out her cancer, but she takes great joy in the lives of our nieces and nephews, the children of our other sisters.

I wish your sister a smooth and joyous road, and your family the enjoyment of happiness that only great trials can make precious and true. You are a fine young man, as I've told you before, even though you associate with Peng and Elvis.

Now, all that said, you nasty little pillock. Are you ever going to finish that game we started donkey's years ago? I still have it.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

My streak against OGJimmySF continues. The loss was more like 19,500 to 3 ... and then he has the temerity to pick up some piece of dental ****e from Rune called Root Canal.

Open up and say, ahhhh, Jim-boy<hr></blockquote>


Moriarity, my lad, you never address me any more.

Have I done ought to offend you? Once we were as close as Meeks and the Brick. But now; now your victories have made you proud, Moriarity.

You have turned your back on those you have defeated; defeated to the ruination of their own CM careers, hopes, and self-esteem.

Not one little word for Seanachai, no, not one, in all your puffery after his horrible defeat?

You are no man, sirrah, to have such a hard and cold demeanour.

Have I forgotten the bottle of aged, joyous, luxurious scotch which you gifted the Olde Ones with at our first ever meeting? I have not.

Have I forgotten, on any morning when I awoke, anticipating a dreadful hangover, only to find that it had dissipated into dew and nothingness and a fine, large breakfast, in which many pigs had died, to praise the name of Moriarity? I have not.

Have I, on any occassion in which I remember our last game, failed to weep, and gnash my teeth, and call you all sorts of perfectly foul and applicable names? I most certainly have not!

I think, then, that as your busy round of pride makes you available, that another little set to might be in order.

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Seanachai I had assumed your dance card was filled as there was no word after our last go-round. But, you were very busy at the time, as I recall.

Aye, the Kanigget Defender of Hopeless Causes (my own) would nae turn down a chance to smacketh, smite and smote you and your Chinchill ..., er, Churchillian consorts.

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I'm sure you're all overjoyed at my return from the holidays. I spent two weeks trying to track down the missing MkIV. The first week I spent in lovely Detroit, just a few miles from the childhood home of the missing person, and despite my best efforts, which mostly consisted of laying on the couch playing PS2 and eating chips, I was unable to find the wanker. Aftward, I made a quick trip through Oceanside, his present place of alleged residence, and launched a few loogies as I pedaled through, expecting him to scurry out and roll in them. Alas, it was all to no avail and he remains missing. Most likely he wandered into Camp Pendleton and is sitting in a military prison somewhere having his fingernails removed with pliers.

In more exciting news, the Gates-slut formerly known as Peng has surrendered to me in our match in which our very own handles were at stake. As you all have pea-sized brains, and probably are incapable of remembering the match, his penalty for losing is to change his handle to The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng. Had I lost, I would have been stuck with all caps for mine.

The battle was an utter rout, and with his surrender the score was 96-4. I still had a rather enormous amount of 105 VT available (among other arty), along with TRPs to drop it on, and he was walking directly across said TRPs. Things were rather quiet at the start, with him losing a few vehicles and men to the arty, and then in the most recent turn he lost most of his halftracks and some of their occupants to a nice collection of AT guns manned by cheap green troops dressed in olive drab.

I would like to thank the Academy, my parents, my cat Speckles, and most importantly, Moriarty who acted as my second and made a brilliant map selection, as well as putting in my unit purchases.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

In more exciting news, the Gates-slut formerly known as Peng has surrendered to me in our match in which our very own handles were at stake. As you all have pea-sized brains, and probably are incapable of remembering the match, his penalty for losing is to change his handle to The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng. Had I lost, I would have been stuck with all caps for mine. <hr></blockquote>

Chrisl, it is...I guess, good to see you back. At least one of the Thread members have asked me if you were still alive, and if we should do something about it.

But I cannot permit the execution of the bet that you have made. Mr. Peng's moniker is not something that can be put upon the block. This is, after all, the Peng Challenge Thread.

It is not enough that the name Peng merely be retained, in a disparaging manner, in the title. He is, was, and always shall be, (say it with me now)"They call me Mr. Peng".

Peng can no more gamble with his name, than others can claim that the Thread does not belong to him. He is our's, and we are his.

You have won your bet, and the victory is yours. But the worst that We of the Peng Challenge Thread can allow, is that you can have quite a go around with either Peng's signature, or do a right nasty job on Mr. Happy.

Peng remains Peng.

Short of Berli contesting this, it shall stand.

[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Peng can no more gamble with his name, than others can claim that the Thread does not belong to him. He is our's, and we are his.


Peng is not a pod, or the login of some pennsyltuckian freak, or even the name of some strange monkey hanging from a tree in Minneapolis. Peng is a concept. A concept that will continue to exist whether or not some guy who who has little enough life that he has to hang out with Elvis and Hiram changes his handle to reflect his true nature, which is that of a Gates-slut. He worships at the altar of Gates (in addition to the altar of the porcelain god-- he is after all a polytheist), he is one with the blue screen of death, and even studies the new black screen of death that comes with that Gatesian spyware XP. When you boot him he even plays a really annoying chord. It is only right that his handle accurately reflect his Gates-slut nature.

Worst of all, he worships the xbox...

[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Seanachai I had assumed your dance card was filled as there was no word after our last go-round. But, you were very busy at the time, as I recall.

Aye, the Kanigget Defender of Hopeless Causes (my own) would nae turn down a chance to smacketh, smite and smote you and your Chinchill ..., er, Churchillian consorts.<hr></blockquote>

What?! Did I not acknowledge your rather dramatic drubbing of my worthy self after our last combat?!

Did I not beg a breather in which to recoup my lost pride and loss of perspective?

Mind, Moriarity, I shall never again use Cromwells against you. You rate Churchills from now on, lad.

Pillock. Send me a setup. The usual: nothing more than 1500 points, you abjure the worship of Berli, and all his little wizards, denying that Bauhaus should ever stand,

and that you shall have no thread before the Peng Challenge Thread.

Everything else is your choice, most worthy and useless of opponents.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

Peng is not a pod, or the login of some pennsyltuckian freak, or even the name of some strange monkey hanging from a tree in Minneapolis. Peng is a concept.<hr></blockquote>

And not a concept that bears tampering with, no matter how much we may individually despise and belittle the actual being.

Should Berli arrive here and consent to an alteration of the Peng title, I will acknowledge the will of the Gambling Idjit, and the Evil Olde One.

But, Chrisl, me lad, a victory of this level, from a true son of the Peng Challenge Thread should not result in a corruption of that most alcoholic of our proud symbols.

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Noo tha at matters meend, but tae clarify at ain Seanachai's tiny meend - Morairty as on a losing streak agin mae. Tha score o' "3" hae referred tae was hais score. Twit.

An' fer ye uselaiss wanker's at large, Ah jess funished playin' Goanna's latest scenario effort, "Where Eagles Dare". Tha laddies done a grand job wi' at. At's prolly tae complex fer tha most o' ye, but at's a very good waste o' 90 minutes or sae. Recommended tae ye.

Tha hero o' course were Cpl OGSF, drivin' tha getaway HT. Most o' ye buggers died a grisly death at tha hands o' tha SS. Mace, Ah laift ye tae bae shot doon oop ain tha castle.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Noo tha at matters meend, but tae clarify at ain Seanachai's tiny meend - Morairty as on a losing streak agin mae. Tha score o' "3" hae referred tae was hais score. Twit.

An' fer ye uselaiss wanker's at large, Ah jess funished playin' Goanna's latest scenario effort, "Where Eagles Dare". Tha laddies done a grand job wi' at. At's prolly tae complex fer tha most o' ye, but at's a very good waste o' 90 minutes or sae. Recommended tae ye.

Tha hero o' course were Cpl OGSF, drivin' tha getaway HT. Most o' ye buggers died a grisly death at tha hands o' tha SS. Mace, Ah laift ye tae bae shot doon oop ain tha castle.


You daft Scot's Git. I've always hated you.

The most significant moment of your current existence, I believe, is the contemplation of whether "OGSF: The Poor Man's McAuslan" causes a greater rift in screen wrap than "OberGruppenStompenFuehrer", and, if it does, how that burden can be reduced.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Noo tha at matters meend, but tae clarify at ain Seanachai's tiny meend - Morairty as on a losing streak agin mae. Tha score o' "3" hae referred tae was hais score. Twit.

An' fer ye uselaiss wanker's at large, Ah jess funished playin' Goanna's latest scenario effort, "Where Eagles Dare". Tha laddies done a grand job wi' at. At's prolly tae complex fer tha most o' ye, but at's a very good waste o' 90 minutes or sae. Recommended tae ye.

Tha hero o' course were Cpl OGSF, drivin' tha getaway HT. Most o' ye buggers died a grisly death at tha hands o' tha SS. Mace, Ah laift ye tae bae shot doon oop ain tha castle.


ummmm (dreaming) the siren tones tug me again... but I must resist... even though I wait hour upon hour for just a little more...


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For one such as myself bedazzled and confused by the mighty roar and clamour of the MBT yet marvelling at the representative range of humanity that it thrusts upon us, I was wondering who among the vast array of peoples and talents displayed here, who among the thronging gamut of splendour and insignificance, are the Olde Ones?

NOT that I would even consider.... well, er, ahem (whisper) another "incident"... but that I might tread these halls, doffing me head here and there to me betters and (wince) maidens while beginning to sort the flotsam from the jetsum to facilitate a meaningful challenge.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

I was wondering who among the vast array of peoples and talents displayed here, who among the thronging gamut of splendour and insignificance, are the Olde Ones?<hr></blockquote>

The olde ones?

Theyst wouldst be MrPeng, Seanachai and Berlichtingen. The original and dare I say bes...*chokes*

Sorry can't get that last word out.


{edited for Andrea's sake}

[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:


For one such as myself bedazzled and confused by the mighty roar and clamour of the MBT yet marvelling at the representative range of humanity that it thrusts upon us, I was wondering who among the vast array of peoples and talents displayed here, who among the thronging gamut of splendour and insignificance, are the Olde Ones?

NOT that I would even consider.... well, er, ahem (whisper) another "incident"... but that I might tread these halls, doffing me head here and there to me betters and (wince) maidens while beginning to sort the flotsam from the jetsum to facilitate a meaningful challenge.


Well, you're an idjit, and there's no mistake about that, but it does you credit that you wish to understand the Peng Challenge Thread.

There are three Olde Ones, and they are Seanachai, who began the Peng Challenge, and Mr. Peng, to whom the Challenge was addressed, and Berlichtingen, or Berli, the Adversary, or Enemy, who showed up within moments of the Challenge to belittle Peng, and challenge Seanachai.

They/We maintain the balance and principles of the Universe. Seanachai maintains the Past, and Peng is the Present, and Berli is the Future.

Seanachai is a short, aging, capering figure given over to fun and the odd jolly sing-song.\

Peng is a stern figure, arms crossed, curmudgeonesque, judging and judged, and pretty much half in the bag, from moment to moment.

Berli is a figure, wreathed in smoke, outlined by flame, judged, and judgemental, knowing that all who live will pass before him eventually, whether to escape, or be undone.

They are the Olde Ones. They sit, patient, eternal, and knowledgeable, in the Wasteland, and wait for the People to reach them.

When the folk arrive, the three Olde Ones go on walkabout, again, further into the Nothingness that exists outside the Peng Challenge Thread.

Seanachai twists and measures out the thread, and Peng weaves it into it's pattern. Berli stands, forever ready, to slash it across, and end everything.

The rest of you little pillocks amuse us, and by your loud, argumentative, and daft passage into eternity, create the Reality of the Peng Challenge Thread. When you reach the Olde Ones, like so many chattering monkeys, we note your progression, and we move on into the emptiness that awaits us all, and wait for the folk of the Peng Challenge Thread to reach us.

While waiting, we drink a lot, play Combat Mission, cribbage, compose poetry and songs, and have a good chuckle about the rest of you.

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Hiram, that is good news about your sister and I hope she recovers fully. I lost a friend to a brain tumor about two years ago, two years younger than me. I am really glad to hear that your sister did beat it.

Seanachai, go to bed, it should stop you from posting tripe.

Mace, 'Andrea' is but the Italian version of my name, so while I believe I understand what you tried to do, you failed.

Persephone, nice picture of Bruce the Bruce and his Sheila daughter you posted there - did you get that from the Australian Tourism Office? The question remains - is he Bruce who teaches logical positivism and is in charge of the sheep dip? Inquiring minds want to know.

Some of you scum owe me battle updates. Go to it. Joe and Mace, I don't know who of you I hate more, so I just wish that it goes crappy for the both of you. I am sure you are doing unspeakable things on the beauty of a map I gave to you.

Iskander, I understand why you hate my scenarios. It must be harsh to be confronted with talent, skill and imagination for you. Next time I see a homeless I'll give him a Euro and think of you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well, you're an idjit, and there's no mistake about that, but it does you credit that you wish to understand the Peng Challenge Thread.

There are three Olde Ones, and they are Seanachai, who began the Peng Challenge, and Mr. Peng, to whom the Challenge was addressed, and Berlichtingen, or Berli, the Adversary, or Enemy, who showed up within moments of the Challenge to belittle Peng, and challenge Seanachai.

They/We maintain the balance and principles of the Universe. Seanachai maintains the Past, and Peng is the Present, and Berli is the Future.

Seanachai is a short, aging, capering figure given over to fun and the odd jolly sing-song.\

Peng is a stern figure, arms crossed, curmudgeonesque, judging and judged, and pretty much half in the bag, from moment to moment.

Berli is a figure, wreathed in smoke, outlined by flame, judged, and judgemental, knowing that all who live will pass before him eventually, whether to escape, or be undone.

They are the Olde Ones. They sit, patient, eternal, and knowledgeable, in the Wasteland, and wait for the People to reach them.

When the folk arrive, the three Olde Ones go on walkabout, again, further into the Nothingness that exists outside the Peng Challenge Thread.

Seanachai twists and measures out the thread, and Peng weaves it into it's pattern. Berli stands, forever ready, to slash it across, and end everything.

The rest of you little pillocks amuse us, and by your loud, argumentative, and daft passage into eternity, create the Reality of the Peng Challenge Thread. When you reach the Olde Ones, like so many chattering monkeys, we note your progression, and we move on into the emptiness that awaits us all, and wait for the folk of the Peng Challenge Thread to reach us.

While waiting, we drink a lot, play Combat Mission, cribbage, compose poetry and songs, and have a good chuckle about the rest of you.<hr></blockquote>

Cripes! As I feared... demi-gods bestriding the eons! And knitting too... what sort of jumper?

You wouldn't, by any chance, have a matrix detailing demographic, social, cultural, gender and other general info concerning the mores, heirachies, conventions and general pecking order of the MBT in a convenient Excel spreadsheet? Stone tablets, perhaps?

The more me hoof dips into the Pool, the more me brain swirls around at enormity yet beautiful simplicity of MBT and the issues that may crop up around... well, everything...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Don't forget to worship at the feet of the Seniour Kniggetts also, DonkeyKong.<hr></blockquote>


aha, er, Seniour Kniggetts?... er, hmmm, are these the people that loose to Elvis? ...I'm just an ignorant fellow you see... if I lost to Elvis, would I become a Seniour Kniggett?


[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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I've said it before, I'll say it again, we should require, REQUIRE damnit, SSNs to read "X" number of past MBT threads and then submit to a test on the contents of said threads before we allow them to post here. Is this some freaking FAQ? Do we have to list chapter and verse for every snot nosed SSN who doesn't know his a$$ from (... what ... hell I don't care Bauhaus it's an SSN, go for it) ... where was I? Oh well doesn't matter you get the point.

Btw, Donkey-a-thon, you should be aware that after the Olde Ones I am first of the Seniour Knights, THAT'S the important part.

Andreas your map is ... what IS the word I'm looking for ... boring? YES, that's it exactly, BORING. Apparently Mace has neglected to turn VL flags ON as he's wandering about in the wilderness OR has managed to drive his entire force over the cliff at the quarry. Mind you, with the kublewagen and immobilized Lynx I was given to START this battle it's a bit tough to do a proper search but I suspect he has something going on that he thinks is tactics ... he is wrong of course.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Seanachai is a short, aging, capering figure given over to fun and the odd jolly sing-song.[/qb<hr></blockquote>

a gnome

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>[qb]Peng is a stern figure, arms crossed, curmudgeonesque, judging and judged, and pretty much half in the bag, from moment to moment.<hr></blockquote>

THE Curmudgeon

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Berli is a figure, wreathed in smoke, outlined by flame, judged, and judgemental, knowing that all who live will pass before him eventually, whether to escape, or be undone.<hr></blockquote>

aka Mephistopheles

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<hr></blockquote>

Now that's the most intelligent post you've made in ages. Of course it follows all your other posts which make absolutely no sense, but at least this one is short.

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