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OK, what kind of German tank is this???

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Originally posted by Offwhite:

Looks like a KV-2(?) behind an armored car.

Yes, I agree completely. You can clearly see the outline of the a/c, and that it is simply sitting in front of what appears to a be a knocked out KV-2.
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I don't know how EBAY works, but shouldn't you be able to post an email to the page, stating that you've spotted the seller's obvious intention to defraud the buyer?

Or is it all about buyer beware?

This guys is going to make at least 50 bucks on something that is NOT what he states it to be.

It IS a pretty cool picture, though.

That soilder is "frozen" in a GREAT pose. You can just feel the action there. It almost looks like the dirt kicked up near his feet actually came from the spinning rear tires of the armored car.

Pretty cool.


[ April 08, 2002, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]

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Know-it-all do-gooder that I am I tried to report a fraud on Ebay, but couldn't fit it into their neat little categories.

I did see that they have insurance for fraudulant transactions, but the buyer won't know they were defrauded until someone more knowledgable sees the photo and says "You paid $50 for THAT! HEE HEE HEE!"

Alternatively, we could all email the seller and impugn his honesty (he supposedly has "40 years experience" dealing with militaria and is "fair and honest" -- ONE of these is incorrect!)

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I have a picture in a book, Grendadiers by Kurt Meyer, where there is a picture taken a few seconds before that one. I'll try to post it later.

Basicly the picture only shows the rear of the Armored car and it shows 2 German soldiers running toward the rear of it, one carrying a satchel chage.

In the picture on e-bay it looks like one of the soldiers got hit.

Caption of it read "Bubi Burose destroyes an Armored car North of Cherson"

Here I got the picture


[ April 08, 2002, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Rommel22 ]

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Rommel - if that's the same AC (and they do look pretty similar), then something surely happened in between the two pictures, as the car's side hatch is closed in your pic and open in the eBay pic.

As for fraud, I'm more inclined to cut the guy a little slack and say it's a mistaken caption. Who knows what kind of operation he runs; he may not have even posted the pic himself. I'd e-mail him before e-mailing eBay; if it was a mistake, he can correct it, and if it's truly fraud, he knows he's been busted.

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Originally posted by Rommel22:


I have a picture in a book, Grendadiers by Kurt Meyer, where there is a picture taken a few seconds before that one. I'll try to post it later.

Basicly the picture only shows the rear of the Armored car and it shows 2 German soldiers running toward the rear of it, one carrying a satchel chage.

In the picture on e-bay it looks like one of the soldiers got hit.

Caption of it read "Bubi Burose destroyes an Armored car North of Cherson"

Here I got the picture


It looks like the one trooper probably got machine-gunned down by the approaching tank while the other guy (watching the tank move up) hides behind the KO'd a/c. Then in the second photo, the living trooper trys to run around the tank as it engages a distant target not seen in the pic. Maybe he was going to place a charge on the engine deck or rear belly of the tank?
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Agree completely with other posters, BA and KV.

However I have a nagging feeling I've seen this picture somewhere before, probably in some of the books I've read as a kid from my grandpa's library. :rolleyes: Either v. Tippelskirch's WW2 history or Carell's Barbarossa. Does anyone have either on their shelves?

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Originally posted by patolino:

However I have a nagging feeling I've seen this picture somewhere before, probably in some of the books I've read as a kid from my grandpa's library.

You have.

It's in the weekly English publication History of WW2 published circa 1975-76.


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I dont think the dust cloud is a cover up for the KV-2. Might be from a shell that hit from an AT gun or another tank far away trying to KO the KV-2. Might be an explosion from a mine or anything alse for that matter.

It is interesting to see these 2 pictures taken with the same camera, just seconds apart and seeing them now.

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This guy Snyder is a known fraud. He is very KNOWN for selling fake german awards (Knight's Crosses, Party Award's, etc etc...) and lots and lots of other expensive bull****. Stay away from this guy at all costs... I forgot the link but if you log onto his website he has some stuff that should be a good laugh for a trained eye.

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You guys need to realize how ebay works. It is very much a buyer beware.

Also, there are several dealers in German photos - I scan through regularly looking for images for my websites, or just for my collection, as uniform researchers can find a lot of good stuff for free on ebay. Many of these guys sell off 100s of photos, and there is no rule that says you have to be an expert on Army, Navy, SS, Airforce uniforms, small arms, underwear, decorations, headgear, leave passes and condoms in order to sell photos.

I am not saying I know for sure this Snyder guy is truly ignorant or not - I will believe the cautionary words about him - but not every mistake on ebay is a fraud.

I have emailed sellers and told them what they are selling bears no resemblance to their description. Many good sellers thank me and change the listing - especially if I spot a fake or repro Canadian cap badge, for example.

Not everyone is so reputable, so the cautionary words are well warranted - just a word to the wise from me not to be scared to email the seller first, and give him the benefit of the doubt. I haven't gone wrong doing so all that often.

[ April 08, 2002, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Looking at the two photos, my take on it is that the ebay photo is earlier in the series, and the one on this page is later. My reason is the dust cloud obscuring the KV - dust/smoke tends to hang around for quite a while, but it would appear that these photos were taken quite close in time.

This of course assumes that the photo(s) haven't been doctored.

My guess as to what is going on is that the guy on the gound in the ebay pic just threw a demo charge (or Tellermine?), and has gone to ground waiting for the explosion. When the charge goes off (the photo in this thread), the crew of the BA freak, and pull the door closed. Meanwhile the guy that was on the ground is now up and moving in to clear the vehs.

The guy with his rifle slung is just running around like a chook with its head cut off.




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Originally posted by Generale_Pasquini:


This guy Snyder is a known fraud. He is very KNOWN for selling fake german awards (Knight's Crosses, Party Award's, etc etc...) and lots and lots of other expensive bull****. Stay away from this guy at all costs... I forgot the link but if you log onto his website he has some stuff that should be a good laugh for a trained eye.

He's got his own ebay page: Snyder

The picture is obviously misrepresented, whether by accident or not. If he's a fraud, then he's sure got the Ebay community fooled.

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