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Official Patch Version 1.04 Thread

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Originally posted by poppys:

Happy Holidays, 150 bucks for 4 years of gamming, not bad,not bad at all.

Hehehe, I definitely agree with that.

...not mentionning MikeD hires stuff, Tom incoming Greece mod, the Sealion project, Bergman stuff here and there, Dey winterized everything, Panzerman and the CSDT bunch scenarios (to mention but a few), mcmmm, CMMOS...

...repeat and multiply with CMBB, CMBO, books and those other games that are surely interesting but that I cannot realistically expect to try because one must sex, sleep, eat, drink dream to quote not so famous people.

... on top of that, add that [WARNING: Shameless plug ahead] other unknown guy interface for CMAK coming soon, and you get a pretty niffty picture of what's in store for us all until the big revamp . It'll be a short year to wait.

So let's all chug a huge double pint of your favorite beverage*, and think about how cool it is to be granted the opportunity to even have this discussion.

* I hesitate. Newcastle or Guinness ? Nah. Let's make it boréale.


You may now resume you argument.

[ November 24, 2004, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tim The Enchanter:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sergei:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tim The Enchanter:

It greatly adds to the noise factor

Give us a break. You are the noise factor here. </font>
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Hey everyone!

I don't even own CMAK so I am happy. I am still stuck with CMBO until I have some disposable cash, so I will wait for the new engine with intense interest and anticipation.

Thanks Madmatt for your reply. I can sense the frustration, and that may not be a good thing, but I think these parts of your post say it all:

Originally posted by Madmatt:

Hey, you know what guys? I would LOVE to go back and add all those things you've all mentioned in the past and add a bunch of fixes and changes and add new vehicles and new sound effects and new textures and expand the TO&E's even more and a million other things. I really would, but the reality is that the CM engine as it stands has been pushed, tweaked and coddled as much as we can afford to do. It's old, cumbersome and takes far longer to make what would appear to be easy changes than you would ever believe.


Sometimes it means you get what you want, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it means we get to do what WE want, sometimes it doesn't. But our business model has been run, from day one, to make sure we are still here on day two, day three and beyond.


this crusade for yet another CMAK patch is OVER.


So maybe everyone should contribute to one of the CMX2 threads. I suspect that will be a lot more helpful.
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Originally posted by Hoolaman:

So maybe everyone should contribute to one of the CMX2 threads. I suspect that will be a lot more helpful.

Except that it is pretty useless until we know more about the game itself. There have been countless suggestion threads for CMX2, but not much new can be contributed until more information is available. You just can't assume that what would be an improvement in the current CM would really be needed in the new engine.
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Reading this thread has been surreal and entertaining to say the least. It is odd how the folks who thought BFC walked on water (in the past) now want to nearly curcify them.

I have gripes about CMAK too.

I still think it is strange that the game gives an incorrect TCP/IP number for my opponents to connect to, but I just use :


before I start the game and it isn't a problem any more. I don't whine about it, I deal with.

Hey Madmatt, do you think that will get fixed for CMx2?

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Of course you guys could just wait until we ASK for new ideas to put into CMx2. heheheh



Now I am curious.

(or he is just teasing us) :confused:

let me guess,

as a result of the recent plethora of "I want this in CMX2" threads/posts he was actually being sarcastic.....

-tom w

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

let me guess,

as a result of the recent plethora of "I want this in CMX2" threads/posts he was actually being sarcastic.....

Bah. There is nothing to worry about. We are all clueless as to what is actually going on at BFC for CMx2. That is a fact. So the point in having all those discussions about what the next game should be is just like playing lotery. You know you wont win, but it is plain fun to suppose for a brief moment that you possess those millions.

Beside, apart from certain posts, most of those who contributed did it really only for the fun of sharing some thoughts about what they think would be cool additions. Nothing more IMO.

Of course, the "patch incident" kind of put this in perspective.

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I'm just guessing here, but I strongly suspect part of the problem for some of the BFC guys who post here is that sometimes they have to 'defend' a decision that they might not fully agree with. ie, they might have some good, raging debates within the BFC crew about changes that some of us are asking for. They might even also want the same changes we want, but once the 'corporate' decision has been made, they have to accept the verdict and back it publicly, even if they didn't back it privately.

It's one of the prices paid by anyone who is both part of a decision-making team, and also a spokesperson.

And I know it can really get under your skin if some critic outside the organisation accuses you of not giving a damn about an issue that you actually fought for ... and lost the fight.

Not sure if any of the BFC guys fall into that category, but somehow I suspect one or two do, every now and then.

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Madmatt:

Of course you guys could just wait until we ASK for new ideas to put into CMx2. heheheh



Now I am curious.

(or he is just teasing us) :confused:

let me guess,

as a result of the recent plethora of "I want this in CMX2" threads/posts he was actually being sarcastic.....

-tom w </font>

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I thought the PF was off linked to another site?

Adding my two cents worth of opinion here... I want to say up front, that as a life time wargamer and military history buff (for over forty years), I have found the BFC and CM experience to be thrilling, enlightening, at times frustrating, but always rewarding.

In my years of boardgaming, the biggest problem was always finding an opponent, or better yet someone who had the slightest common interest in playing wargames. It always seemed like a solitary hobby, or one that had a very small circle of interest. It was a constant effort to stay on top of the genre by reading and getting involved in groups that promoted war gaming.

The advent of the home computer and then the internet increased that circle of interest for me. Playing games on the computer alleviated the constant search for opponents, although the computer opponent was not great, it was always there and never complained.

When I discovered CMBO, quite by accident I might add, a whole new world of gaming opened for me. As I have said on this forum before....it was the game I have been waiting for my whole life. The game, plus the involvement on this forum, has filled my life with new interest in wargaming, and as a bonus has introduced me to new friends as well.

I enjoy realism and attention to detail as much as the next grog, but at what cost? The playability of the CM series has always been the main attraction for me, and while I can understand the purist argument that everything should be accurate and functional as it was in the real world, I do realize that you are cramming all this information into a series of zeros and ones, that don't always produce the desired result.

I have noticed a certain testiness among the forum members and the BFC staff of late. Some of it good-natured kidding, and some of it not. We are all striving for a great product, but at some point, as users of the product we have to step back and let those folks who are actually involved in the production of the game do their thing. I have always gotten the feeling that The BFC boys listened to the community and tried their damnest to incorporate our ideas into their product. I dont think that attitude has changed, although there are some here who might disagree.

As for me personally, I continue to play CM games, I have widened my circle of friends to encompass four continents, I will continue to post here, and I still believe that the next iteration of the CM line, whatever one wants to call it, will be the best damned wargame available.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

........Adding my two cents worth of opinion here... I want to say up front, that as a life time wargamer and military history buff (for over forty years), I have found the BFC and CM experience to be thrilling, enlightening, at times frustrating, but always rewarding.

In my years of boardgaming, the biggest problem was always finding an opponent, or better yet someone who had the slightest common interest in playing wargames. It always seemed like a solitary hobby, or one that had a very small circle of interest. It was a constant effort to stay on top of the genre by reading and getting involved in groups that promoted war gaming.

The advent of the home computer and then the internet increased that circle of interest for me. Playing games on the computer alleviated the constant search for opponents, although the computer opponent was not great, it was always there and never complained.

When I discovered CMBO, quite by accident I might add, a whole new world of gaming opened for me. As I have said on this forum before....it was the game I have been waiting for my whole life. The game, plus the involvement on this forum, has filled my life with new interest in wargaming, and as a bonus has introduced me to new friends as well.

I enjoy realism and attention to detail as much as the next grog, but at what cost? The playability of the CM series has always been the main attraction for me, and while I can understand the purist argument that everything should be accurate and functional as it was in the real world, I do realize that you are cramming all this information into a series of zeros and ones, that don't always produce the desired result.

I have noticed a certain testiness among the forum members and the BFC staff of late. Some of it good-natured kidding, and some of it not. We are all striving for a great product, but at some point, as users of the product we have to step back and let those folks who are actually involved in the production of the game do their thing. I have always gotten the feeling that The BFC boys listened to the community and tried their damnest to incorporate our ideas into their product. I dont think that attitude has changed, although there are some here who might disagree.

As for me personally, I continue to play CM games, I have widened my circle of friends to encompass four continents, I will continue to post here, and I still believe that the next iteration of the CM line, whatever one wants to call it, will be the best damned wargame available.

I repost Nidan1's positng for two reasons. The first is that he is spot on. The second to highlight a fact that many seem to have forgotten --that CMx is only a game.

Right on Nidan1. Thanks.

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Of course you guys could just wait until we ASK for new ideas to put into CMx2. heheheh


Ah, but the "what would be nice in CMX2" threads are like practice sessions, honing our respective arguments, gathering sources and improving our rhetoric for such a time when such opinions are asked for.

Of course, we're (or I am at least) hoping to plant subliminal suggestions to the effect that curtain wars might be a better subject than others. Not that i'd Bloc any of the other ideas, just Challenger them.

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Jim, hi,

I know… The Cold War is not your favourite subject… you make me feel guilty about lobbying for it;)

My guess is that there will be time for both Cold War and lots of WWII games with the new engine. I hope so anyway.

Will be in touch when the London CM drinks club regroups sometime in the New Year.

All the best,


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