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Australia Gets The Peng Challenge Trifecta


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

...to assume that <big>all</big> of us are possessed of the same sloped forehead and protruding jaw that say, Lars, or Boo, or Joe, or Emry's, or dalem, or Mace, or or or... well ok pretty much everyone other than me... tend to exhibit.

So Papa, how you getting along with no forehead at all?</font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

In Ohio, even beauty pagent contestants are subject to "truth in advertising" laws.

Personally, I blame Boo.


I feel sad for you, MrSpkr. The way you latched onto this obscure piece of information leads me to believe that the closest people ever come to a beauty contest in your part of the country is when they're in the 4-H Club. </font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Why does it not surprise me that MrAmbulanceChaser clearly spends his days scouring the internet for pictures of women from Licking County?


It's called research, Papa Khann, a skill prized among literate peoples.

It's no surprise you've never heard of it.


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I Feel Sad For MrSpkr Because: he thinks he can fool people into thinking that late night forays on the internet, looking for young women in agriculturally based counties, is "research"

And I suppose you told your wife that the phrase, "Hubba-hubba" is a mantra designed to reduce stress.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

*pats Papa Khann on the head*

...knees begin to shake and knock...

...throat begins to rattle...

...entire body begins to twitch...

...voice begins to quiver...

...eyes glaze over as a stupid grin spreads across face...

Th.. The Lady <big>touched</big> me!


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I feel sad for MrSpkr because...

I only get to pick one thing? <big>ONE</big>!!

Joe, you cruel bastiche.

Well, like it or not, I suppose the instructions are clear. I mean it's not like one of the Australians tried to post them or anything.

Mind you, I'm tempted to issue a Seanachai-like diatribe on the evils of an idjit Texas lawyer harboring a farm-girl porn fetish. But I suppose if everyone indulged themselves recklessly, eventually the very fabric of our society would crumble. So I shall limit myself to the following item.

I feel sorry for MrSpkr because his beloved state will forever be best remembered for lines in the film Geronimo. Lines written for a character possessed of many prejudices, in reference to persons who had committed unspeakable acts, and delivered with perfection by Robert Duvall.

They go something like this...

"Who could do such a thing? What form of white man could stoop this low? ...Must be Texans. Lowest form of white man there is."


[ October 19, 2004, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I feel sad for MrSpkr because...

I only get to pick one thing? <big>ONE</big>!!

Joe, you cruel bastiche.

Well, like it or not, I suppose the instructions are clear. I mean it's not like one of the Australians tried to post them or anything.

Mind you, I'm tempted to issue a Seanachai-like diatribe on the evils of an idjit Texas lawyer harboring a farm-girl porn fetish. But I suppose if everyone indulged themselves recklessly, eventually the very fabric of our society would crumble. So I shall limit myself to the following item.

I feel sorry for MrSpkr because his beloved state will forever be best remembered for lines in the film Geronimo. Lines written for a character possessed of many prejudices, in reference to persons who had committed unspeakable acts, and delivered with perfection by Robert Duvall.

They go something like this...

"Who could do such a thing? What form of white man could stoop this low? ...Must be Texans. Lowest form of white man this is."


No, no, you're thinking of Oklahoma ... that's his beloved State ... you know ... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Klahoma where the .... whatever, shines out from a but ... no that's not it ... anyway it's NOT Texas 'cause he AIN'T a REAL Texan.

I know 'cause I AM a REAL Texan ... have I mentioned that before?


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You know, there are times when a clay plug coated in vaseline really comes in handy.
Thanks Dalem, I for one support your decision to be honest they’re far too many filthy liars here & its good to know someone can be honest & open about these things

*cough* slugforbrains *cough*

Boo you greatly disappointing individual do you like the scenario I sent you?

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Originally posted by dalem:

You know, there are times when a clay plug coated in vaseline really comes in handy.

You, sir, are correct! As a matter of fact, I was hoping I'd have access to at least 3 clay plugs come this Saturday evening.

Though the use I envision for the clay plugs really doesn't require any vaseline.



So you don't like Geronimo either, eh? I don't know why I'm still surprised sometimes. Given your status as a Patrick Swayze groupie, that is....

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Originally posted by 37mm:

Boo you greatly disappointing individual do you like the scenario I sent you?

Ok, 25mpg. I'll play your silly little game. Do I like the scenario you sent me?

Git. I'm at the office right now. After I leave here, I will rush home for dinner and then rush back out for a meeting. Then, if you're lucky, after I return home I'll look at your pathetic set up and if I find it worthy of my attention, will send you a move back.

Is it a CMAK or a CMBB scenario? And what's this "Viet Nam" business? Are you yet another one of these paint chuffers who try to make battles throughout history conform to the CM engine?

"Ooohhh...it's the Battle of Hastings! Just imagine the Churchills are Theigns on horseback and the Panzershreks are Armorican bowmen!"

Faugh! I wave my hand at you.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Faugh! I wave my hand at you.

Great. Now I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon dashing my skull against the nearest blunt object. All in a vain effort to rid my mind of the image of Boo waving his delicate, manicured, limp-wristed hand (complete with pleated sleeve, no doubt... not that there's anything wrong with that) at his latest manservant, 3.7mm.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

You know, there are times when a clay plug coated in vaseline really comes in handy.

You, sir, are correct! As a matter of fact, I was hoping I'd have access to at least 3 clay plugs come this Saturday evening.

Though the use I envision for the clay plugs really doesn't require any vaseline.



So you don't like Geronimo either, eh? I don't know why I'm still surprised sometimes. Given your status as a Patrick Swayze groupie, that is.... </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

It's my way or the highway.

If that truly were the case, I'd gladly stand in the middle of the NYS Thruway. At night. Wearing black. The sudden impact of the large steel bumper, chromed, but slightly pitted from too much road salt, on the deisel sucking truck carrying yet another load of unnecessary consumer goods to one of the multitudes of impersonal cookie-cutter discount chain stores, driven by a tired and somewhat careless driver just trying to make a buck, instantly turning my insides into my outsides would provide welcome relief from your ponderous discussion of your various devices for plugging bodily orifices. Sheesh.
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I've noticed that your writing style is resembling mine in many ways. It shows a depth and range of observations far more extensive than ever before.

I't's nice to see that you aspire to greatness.

Are you now able to post without your tongue clenched firmly between those yellowed stumps that for lack of a better word, we'll just call teeth?

Keep up the good work.

Oh, and Pick a number? No E-mail addy is a definite No-no in the Mutha Beautiful.

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Originally posted by rleete:

your ponderous discussion of your various devices for plugging bodily orifices. Sheesh.

No no no. It was my test shot of a rubber mold. I am trying to cast some parts I need in resin.

I never discuss my orifice-plugging devices.

Well, almost never.

I mean, not in mixed company.


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Originally posted by Lars:

That's because they are such dismal failures.

I mean, look, that pie-hole one just ain't working.

{Although, I admit, we'd all get a thrill if it did...}

I got my thrill ....

When we shut dalem's grill,

'cause we'd had our fill,

Of him spouting swill.

Thank ya, thank ya very much.


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