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Originally posted by Egbert:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

I am no longer 21st Century Man, I am now just another primate with no clear advantage over the rest of the creatures of my neighborhood.

Get a gas stove for your flame and cook food, a cooler for your tasty beverages. The brain is what seperates us... </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

Dear moron,

There is a pilot light on the gas stove and water heater.

Hope this message finds you well and still sitting in the dark.

Dear Idjit...please give me the location of said pilot light on an electric stove...I would be happy to use that.

I don't have a seperate hot water heater, and if I did it would also be electric since there is no gas available in my area.

Don't you owe me a set up, twit?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Dear Idjit...please give me the location of said pilot light on an electric stove...I would be happy to use that.

Just look for the co-pilot silly, it's right next to him.

Sorry don't have time to get one out tonight. Send a setup and I'll look for it after I get back from EAA on Tuesday.

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And this just in:

President Bush regarding his vision for the United States:

``And so, in my State of the -- my State of the Union -- or state -- my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation -- I asked Americans to give 4,000 years -- 4,000 hours over the next -- the rest of your life -- of service to America. That's what I asked -- 4,000 hours.''

French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin regarding his vision for France:

``Let us stop drinking from the enchanted waters of Lethe, which strike with amnesia those who want to quench their thirst, and let us dare to taste those `fresh waters that run from the Lake of Memory' -- as the words say on the golden bars of the disciples of Orpheus, that bard of metamorphosis and of ascending reincarnation.''

Suggests Zay Smith of the Chicago Sun-Times: ``There has to be a happy medium here somewhere.''

Which reminds me of the time I slapped a laughing psychic when I felt the need to strike a happy medium.

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Nidan1, you clearly still have some sort of access to the internet. You either are using a laptop (whose battery life will hopefully soon die) or you are at some nearby internet cafe or something. Either way you are still stuck in the 21st Century. How did man live without electricity? Turn off the computer and let me know! Clearly you are taking refuge from man's natural state and hiding within the dim electronic realm of these forums. This is your opportunity to create anarchy! Start a riot! Break windows! It is time to start hoarding food, guns, and fertile women. For a new society will emerge from the rubble of the old!

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Dear little Juanito,

Even by Pengstandards you stick out as a moron, which says a whole lot about your drivel. I know that the other idjits in here will brand me a SSN and you know what? I do not care.

I just wanted to make sure that my hatred for your inane "posts"* got through, ok?

To lend from other penguins in here: Sod off!

*Yes, I know that it is to stretch the meaning of the word post when it comes to that incoherent textmass, but live it. Or preferably, go commit collective suicide.

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Let's see...

You made a slight change to my name, you called me a moron, you used the word inane, you told me to sod off, and you included a brief footnote.

Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what one would expect. No imagination. If you're going to insult me, at least think of a reasonably clever way to do it. See, if I were to come in here and just say "Wankers.", it'd be dumb. One, because that's just dumb, and two, because I would be ripping off Elvis. It is important to do something reasonably fresh. If you're going to waste BFC server space with your insults to me, take the time and think of something witty. After all, does it not say in the rules that one should show wit and imagination? Go back a few pages and read the Justicar's insulting of me. He showed a little creativity, he didn't just post the same "standard Peng" crap that everyone always does, from which you have clearly taken much inspiration.

But I'm a nice guy, so I'm going to give you another chance. This might be tough for you, but take that little brain cell of yours, work real hard, think of something funny, witty, and original, and try insulting me again. C'mon, try it.

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Nidan1, you clearly still have some sort of access to the internet. You either are using a laptop (whose battery life will hopefully soon die) or you are at some nearby internet cafe or something. Either way you are still stuck in the 21st Century. How did man live without electricity? Turn off the computer and let me know! Clearly you are taking refuge from man's natural state and hiding within the dim electronic realm of these forums. This is your opportunity to create anarchy! Start a riot! Break windows! It is time to start hoarding food, guns, and fertile women. For a new society will emerge from the rubble of the old!

Clearly you have the intellect of a piss ant, although I feel bad about insulting such hard working insects by using such a comparison.

If you had read my post...you could see that I was refering to a time period in the past , words such as last night or time references such as 7PM should have been clues for you that this event I was describing had happened in the past .

Are people capable of telling time where you are from, does the constant drizzle cause rifts in the space time continuum in Seattle? Or are you so completely dense that no light or cognitive thought can escape from you?

Your assignment for the weekend is to try and re coup your lost brain cells, and also to learn what happens when the big hand is on the little hand.

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Actually, the rain clouds block out the sun, so it is kind of hard to tell what time it is. It's kind of like anywhere above the Artic Circle during the winter.

But while I may have made a few chronological errors in my post, the main thrust remains accurate. Because let's face it: it's always a good time to hoard food, guns, and fertile women.

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Has anyone taken this gigantic Julie as a serf yet? He’s arrogant, don’t know his roightful place, he’s erudi… eridi… he can spell reasonably well & he’s honest enough to admit he’s a frigging waste of space (or a ‘data entry clerk’ as he humorously refers it as)… I like the cut of his jib.

Even so Julie, rather than just wasting everyone’s potential drinking time with those thoroughly interesting ‘ posts’ (I’m assuming most here cannot drink & read at the same time of course) why don’t you try offering a challenge to someone… try me for instance, there’s a good little girl

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Actually Sir 37mm, it may interest you to know that I challenged MadMatt a week or so ago... I made a special thread for it. It is a few pages back and is called "Time To Go Head Up". I won't post a link because I don't like you very much and would enjoy having you do extra work.

I gave it some thought, and I elected not to challenge you, Sir 37mm. I would prefer to challenge someone who would actually finish a game with me, not run crying to their mommies around turn 13 because "The mean man killed my panzers!". Besides, I'd feel kind of bad about taking you to the cleaners like that. I'm just like that. It's not that I'm particularly good. It's that your remarkable lack of skill at doing, well, anything makes it an impressive achievement everytime you even figure out how to turn your computer on and stumble onto this forum. But, if someday you decided to man up and take your lumps, I suppose I could make time in my busy schedule to slap you around a little. Just make it a small battle, so that you will have less time to feel the pain, and maybe I'll show a little mercy.

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finish a game with me, not run crying to their mommies around turn 13 because "The mean man killed my panzers!"
You know me as little as I know about your spin off threads

(a) I’d relish in the destruction of my panzers… seeing it as proof of apocalypso

(B) I must finish games or how else will I create my miraculous AAR?

Even so you failed to challenge me (I think, I kinda stopped reading about halfway through) so you’re probably not my kind of serf… I’ll leave you for someone else, that Scottish git was hunting for one a while back IIRC

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actually, I kind of did
Normally I would never bless an SSN with a second one of my responses but in this case because I did like the cut of your jib I’ll just say… I look forward to seeing your set up in my inbox (primarily because all the other lazy cesspoolers haven’t bothered)
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As an aside to this & various incestously related threads, Steve(Stephen Hawking)& I were arguing about the ultimate fate of those intent on self administered colonoscopy(without getting into how to hold the flashlight.) Theory 1: the "person" will turn itslef inside out,therefor improving it's appereance.This is the BIG SSLUUUUURP theory. Theory 2: The "thing" will collapse upon itself creating a nano black hole fullfiling it's cosmic destiny. This is the SMALL WHIMPER theory. Gentlethings: your thoughts(or whatever.) Name names, provide datas in support of either theories. The Loosly Related Lifeforms Institute thank you.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />actually, I kind of did

Normally I would never bless an SSN with a second one of my responses but in this case because I did like the cut of your jib I’ll just say… I look forward to seeing your set up in my inbox (primarily because all the other lazy cesspoolers haven’t bothered) </font>
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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Actually Sir 37mm, it may interest you to know that I challenged MadMatt a week or so ago... I made a special thread for it. It is a few pages back and is called "Time To Go Head Up". I won't post a link because I don't like you very much and would enjoy having you do extra work.

I gave it some thought, and I elected not to challenge you, Sir 37mm. I would prefer to challenge someone who would actually finish a game with me, not run crying to their mommies around turn 13 because "The mean man killed my panzers!". Besides, I'd feel kind of bad about taking you to the cleaners like that. I'm just like that. It's not that I'm particularly good. It's that your remarkable lack of skill at doing, well, anything makes it an impressive achievement everytime you even figure out how to turn your computer on and stumble onto this forum. But, if someday you decided to man up and take your lumps, I suppose I could make time in my busy schedule to slap you around a little. Just make it a small battle, so that you will have less time to feel the pain, and maybe I'll show a little mercy.

I've taken a liking to this one. Mostly because he makes fun of the 37mm, badly I might add, but he tries, which is more than I can say for you lot. Where was I? Roight!

I, v42below, Knight of the Cesspool, do hereby propose juan_gigante to the rank of serf of the Cesspool. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. This day of our Lord...et cetera, et cetera.

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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Actually Sir 37mm, it may interest you to know that I challenged MadMatt a week or so ago... I made a special thread for it. It is a few pages back and is called "Time To Go Head Up". I won't post a link because I don't like you very much and would enjoy having you do extra work.

I gave it some thought, and I elected not to challenge you, Sir 37mm. I would prefer to challenge someone who would actually finish a game with me, not run crying to their mommies around turn 13 because "The mean man killed my panzers!". Besides, I'd feel kind of bad about taking you to the cleaners like that. I'm just like that. It's not that I'm particularly good. It's that your remarkable lack of skill at doing, well, anything makes it an impressive achievement everytime you even figure out how to turn your computer on and stumble onto this forum. But, if someday you decided to man up and take your lumps, I suppose I could make time in my busy schedule to slap you around a little. Just make it a small battle, so that you will have less time to feel the pain, and maybe I'll show a little mercy.

I've taken a liking to this one. Mostly because he makes fun of the 37mm, badly I might add, but he tries, which is more than I can say for you lot. Where was I? Roight!

I, v42below, Knight of the Cesspool, do hereby propose juan_gigante to the rank of serf of the Cesspool. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. This day of our Lord...et cetera, et cetera. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

*snip* Sir V42below*snip*

Point of Order, Joe. Are you dispensing with the convention of properly spelling and bolding the names on Knights and Squires? Or is this just your forgetfulness manifesting itself in a new way, rather than the usual - you forgetting to unzip before you take a leak?
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