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Peng is the mother of all challenges

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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Take said bucket, open your front window, yell "En garde!" and fling the contents out into the street...

Gotta wonder what he says before a duel... </font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Amazing indeed, considering you never got counting further than 1.

And I take it you never "got writing" to the point where you could construct intelligible posts?

Papa </font>

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Oi, Seanachai. I think this 'blue division' chap in the Scenario forum maybe an old acquaintance. He may just be looking for a mortal enemy too. My fiancee is in town this weekend, consequently I will be too busy to help him out, so I thought, how about you?

Hmmm? Sounds tempting, don't it?

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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by **YK2**:

Fire up the cannon<font size="1"> "BALL"</font>?

Your mean streak is showing.

Go register on Gyrene's forum, so I can edit your posts. </font>

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Originally posted by rune:

No Good Cavscout, what are you waiting for me to do? Are you coming down to see T72? I'll be back on the forum more when I get home late Friday.


The list of things I am waiting for you to do is rather lengthy milord. hmmm, how about moving to a state that has some hills you flatlander!!! How about doing something to keep the likes of stinkypinkie and 20MM out of the holy cesspool.

When is the preview for T-72? I have the 19th off, but have to be at Ft. McCoy on the 20th. Get with me with a timeline, and I will see if I can talk the boss into a trip to Chicago.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Eating Yak momos made my pee smell real bad.

So, we should add Pee sniffer to your list of accomplishments?

It could be a real ice breaker at parties. "Hi, I'm dalem and not only am I into wargaming and miniatures, but I also check the aroma of my urine and then comment on it."

How is it that you're still single?

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Mea Culpa.

I have been absent for a long while. Lately, I feel as if I've been wearing the shoes of Job. I have sinned by leaving several PBEMs hanging fire, and I apologize to those affected. I'll tell my tale of woe, not to garner sympathy from you apathetic bastiges, but merely to indicate the depths I'll delve to put words to a feeble excuse. My mother died December 6th (which I believe I had posted here; thanks for the kind thoughts from all you wankers). A month to the day later, my Grandmother (Mom's Mom) suffered a stroke. We were able to bring her home to die. In an effort to execute my duties as her only involved offspring, I had gathered all her information together to transfer to my attorney (devil though they may be, one sure appreciates a good one when required). On the morning of the day I was bringing said detailed information (including checking books, CD account numbers, various other sensitive information), some slime of humanity broke into my vehicle and stole everything. I've been able to replace most of said info, but it added complexity into an already confused situation. I then had two vehicles not start for me on the same day. I then had a severe attack of gout. I then was hospitalized with an infection in my ass. Sounds fun, don't it?

So, CM has been on the rear-most (no pun, damn you all!) burner, and I've left all my opponents with no re-turn. I apologize.

This all seems quite maudlin, and feel free to jest at my expense. I expect, nay, demand it. I only hope my sorry tale of woe will provide fodder for additional textual mayhem.

At some point I will wish to resume old or assume new games, but that may be awhile yet. You all can keep your crappy "Bud-Lights," but I love youze guys.


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Originally posted by Leeo:

Mea Culpa.

I have been absent for a long while. Lately, I feel as if I've been wearing the shoes of Job. I have sinned by leaving several PBEMs hanging fire, and I apologize to those affected. I'll tell my tale of woe, not to garner sympathy from you apathetic bastiges, but merely to indicate the depths I'll delve to put words to a feeble excuse. My mother died December 6th (which I believe I had posted here; thanks for the kind thoughts from all you wankers). A month to the day later, my Grandmother (Mom's Mom) suffered a stroke. We were able to bring her home to die. In an effort to execute my duties as her only involved offspring, I had gathered all her information together to transfer to my attorney (devil though they may be, one sure appreciates a good one when required). On the morning of the day I was bringing said detailed information (including checking books, CD account numbers, various other sensitive information), some slime of humanity broke into my vehicle and stole everything. I've been able to replace most of said info, but it added complexity into an already confused situation. I then had two vehicles not start for me on the same day. I then had a severe attack of gout. I then was hospitalized with an infection in my ass. Sounds fun, don't it?

So, CM has been on the rear-most (no pun, damn you all!) burner, and I've left all my opponents with no re-turn. I apologize.

This all seems quite maudlin, and feel free to jest at my expense. I expect, nay, demand it. I only hope my sorry tale of woe will provide fodder for additional textual mayhem.

At some point I will wish to resume old or assume new games, but that may be awhile yet. You all can keep your crappy "Bud-Lights," but I love youze guys.


You've got too many "e's" in your name.


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I hereby declare Dalem to be the Apostle of the Abomination.

You know, he's a wonderful host, and a great guy to talk with, but besides the stink of his political views, you're eventually driven out of his place by the eye-watering stench of someone who's been eating too much yak.

Jayzus! We're talking the kind of chemical stink that makes the Bhopal disaster look like a room air-freshener gone wrong.

And that's just his politics! The effluvium of metabolized yak had his pets demanding to be euthanized.

In my attempts to escape the stench of moral decay and suspect dietary habits, I locked myself into a basement bathroom with a copy of Grog Dorosh's article 'Warriors of the North', in the ASL Quarterly, or some such.

The entire experience left me with the certain knowledge that when I die, I will be instantly transported to Heaven, because I've already endured more Hell than even former Republican Presidents and the Bad Popes laid up for themselves.

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Bugger, just got caught up on the last couple of pages.

Hey, Leeo, man. You know I love you, right?

If I could, I'd be at your side right now. You'd know then that nothing worse could happen to you.

You take care, buddy, and know that our thoughts are with you. I'm not sure how the thoughts and well-wishes of a lot of utter tossers and lackwits could make anything better, but they're yours, in any case.

You know, I just want all the pain suffered by people I like to just bugger off and go away.

But I can't manage that, man.

But I'd like to do what I can to bring a tremulous smile to your face again. So, because this is the Peng Challenge Thread, and we're not good at hugs, or even manly slaps to the back, how 'bout Boo and I sing a duet of 'You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings' to you?

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