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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

How's that rarity look?

Approximately the same order-of-magnitude as Sherman VCs

But of course, context makes all the difference.

Looking at the entire Mediterranean, NZ-crewed Sherman IBs were as rare as rocking horse ****.

However, within the context of NZ ops, and more particularly NZ armd or combined-arms ops, they'd be quite common - approx one per company of infantry, with Sherman IIIs approx one per platoon, and VCs again approx one per company. Give or take.

Not all that rare (or, to put it another way, not that much rarer than vanilla Shermans) if you ask me.



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Yarbles. I don't know whether anyone's picked this bug up, but:

Go to the scenario editor. Set the region as 'All Combined'.

Set the date as December 1942 and the weather and ground to snow.

Go into the map editor and put some trees and buildings and vehicles and the like in.

What do you get?

Wierdness. Vehicles without snow on their tracks or tyres, deciduous trees ablaze with leaves in snow in the middle of winter, and no BMP's for the buildings!

For those of you who think North Africa shouldn't have snow conditions:

Snowboarding and Skiing in Tunisia

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

You are right and the 75mm gun is from French production. But I have some more points on the French equipment in 42:

French 75mm Portee

The 1e DLFL had 75mm portees on Chevy trucks. Would be nice to have them. They have quite a bang. And no more unlimbering required :D

Képi Blanc

Give the Legionnaires of the 13e DBLE a Képi Blanc (and the officers a black one ;)

French Helmets

On all pictures I have on the 1e DLFL at Bir Hacheim I could see only British helmets. Not these old French ones we get in CMAK.

Bofors AAG

The 1e DLFL got delivered its own Bofors AAG (12 pieces) in April 42. In addition to the ones in the attached British battery (6 guns).

60mm/2pdr vs 81mm Mortars

My sources for April/May 42 claim, that the 1e DLFL was equipped with 81mm mortars all over instead of the 60mm/2 pdr we get in CMAK.

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Other US Army artillery spotter teams it would be nice to have for accurate representation: 3 tube battalion level 81mm mortar (in every tank bn and armored infantry bn) and 6 tube division level 105mm howitzer (armored FA bn).

Units it would be nice to have for dismounted US mechanized cavarly: 3 man 60mm mortar, 3 man M1919A4 MMG, 4 man .50 cal MG, .30 cal MG jeep, and jeep with both .30 and .50 cal MG (the .30 was dash-mounted).

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Thought I would give this thread a bump.

I have gone as far as I can go with the British list on page 3 on correct introduction dates and organizations. Unless you know different?

On page 6 I have gone as far as I can go with correct dates and planes types for Britain, allies, but also some USA and German corrections. I know the Italian airforce is wrong but don't have the info to correct it :( .

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my two posts re U.S./Allied OBs in my own thread:

-Very disappointed with Allied OB availability-

"Standard nightmare laundry list of German pre-mixed selections, and about 3 different choices for each Ally. Sure sure, the Germans had a much more varied force over the years, and I can make the various Allied formations myself (well, the U.S. ones - I don't have the sources for the Commonwealth), but I was sort of hoping I wouldn't have to. I am surprised that I have to, especially considering how few standard types there were as compared to the Germans, and I don't like it very much."


BFC has access to guys with a helluva lot more knoweledge about Allied (specifically U.S. for my preferences) OBs than myself. I assume that if they wanted to spend the effort getting them into the game they would have. Something stopped them, and I'm hoping it was just time. I know Steve of BFC has a soft spot for the GI as well so I have to believe he'd have added Mech Cavalry OBs (for instance) in there if he thought he could make the deadline.

The straightforward bottom line, to me, is that the Germanophiles would go absolutely ape if they didn't have their full selection of AbwehrKlangenHoppenAufklarungenCompanien in there - they are traditionally the spoiled poo-flingers of the WWII gaming world and always have been - whereas us Commonwealth-/Yank-o-philes are used to getting less attention and are generally happy with what we get.

If that's true then the priority list has to make sure that the German junk gets priority for variation, which is even more relevant in a product like AK - I assume that much of the German OB "already existed" from BB whereas much of the Allied stuff had to done from scratch, essentially. All guesses on my part, of course.

I just like to let 'em know what this one customer likes and dislikes."

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Originally posted by dalem:

my two posts re U.S./Allied OBs in my own thread:

-Very disappointed with Allied OB availability-

"Standard nightmare laundry list of German pre-mixed selections, and about 3 different choices for each Ally. Sure sure, the Germans had a much more varied force over the years, and I can make the various Allied formations myself (well, the U.S. ones - I don't have the sources for the Commonwealth), but I was sort of hoping I wouldn't have to. I am surprised that I have to, especially considering how few standard types there were as compared to the Germans, and I don't like it very much."


BFC has access to guys with a helluva lot more knoweledge about Allied (specifically U.S. for my preferences) OBs than myself. I assume that if they wanted to spend the effort getting them into the game they would have. Something stopped them, and I'm hoping it was just time. I know Steve of BFC has a soft spot for the GI as well so I have to believe he'd have added Mech Cavalry OBs (for instance) in there if he thought he could make the deadline.

The straightforward bottom line, to me, is that the Germanophiles would go absolutely ape if they didn't have their full selection of AbwehrKlangenHoppenAufklarungenCompanien in there - they are traditionally the spoiled poo-flingers of the WWII gaming world and always have been - whereas us Commonwealth-/Yank-o-philes are used to getting less attention and are generally happy with what we get.

If that's true then the priority list has to make sure that the German junk gets priority for variation, which is even more relevant in a product like AK - I assume that much of the German OB "already existed" from BB whereas much of the Allied stuff had to done from scratch, essentially. All guesses on my part, of course.

I just like to let 'em know what this one customer likes and dislikes."

One other issue--unlike the germans, who made new force structures weekly, the allies, especially the americans, really ended up with cookie-cutter divisions. Standard equipment, standard OOB. At least according to official documents. Of course, in the field, adjustments happend. But BFC tends to follow the "book" on in-game OOBs, so very few of the "ok, this is how it really was" forces appear.


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Originally posted by WWB:

One other issue--unlike the germans, who made new force structures weekly, the allies, especially the americans, really ended up with cookie-cutter divisions. Standard equipment, standard OOB. At least according to official documents. Of course, in the field, adjustments happend. But BFC tends to follow the "book" on in-game OOBs, so very few of the "ok, this is how it really was" forces appear.


Right. I am personally more concerned with the lack of, say, a Mechanized Cavalry Recon Troop OB, which was fairly incredibly standard.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MarkEzra:

German Mortar Spotter 4 and 6 tube (with out radio) will not embark onto vehicles. 81mm w/Radio will embark, however

So? That's how it's supposed to be.


Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Heliotic:

I don't know if this has been suggested or not, but the ability to export battle results to a text file at the end of a battle, including unit strengths and forces killed would make life a lot easier for the various campaign systems in development now.

We were kind of looking to post patch requests here rather than requests for new code.
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I am getting weird AI "bugs" guns move that were ordered to hide and were dug-in, infantry ordered to hide in houses running out for no reason,infantry running out of trenches for no good reason.

This came to light when I created my Steamroller Farm and has been noted by my tester as well as myself.

I noticed infantry running about in the open and doing strange things when I first played the official walk-in the sun scenario.

These problems didn't seem to be as common under CMBB.

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