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Sweetest CM moments...

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From time to time we have to revive this kind of thread. Ah, memories!

My sweetest CM moment was this:

It was during the last turns of a close-fought battle, points almost even. I was down to very few forces, and my opponent had parked his last tank on top of a victory flag I had been unsuccessfully trying to seize for many turns. I had nothing nearby that could kill it, just a depleted infantry squad (with no AT capability) hiding in the woods.

Thinking "what the heck?" I targetted the tank with an FO who had one round remaining. The time wound down. Then, in the last fifteen seconds of the last turn of the game, the FO's one remaining round plunged down and landed smack on the tank commander, blowing the vehicle to bits. A couple of crewmen jumped out, but they were panicked. Suddenly my depleted infantry squad had control of the flag and the game was mine.

This is true. This really happened.

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My sweetest moment was toward the end of the 2nd battle of a hard fought Kursk op. My T34 formation had literally been obliterated in the 1st battle, I was heavily reinforced with additional T34s for the 2nd battle. I carefully positioned them just out of line-of-sight, targetting the spotted German tanks & guns, then in unison, they all popped into line-of-sight & within 2 minutes cleaned the map of any visible German units...Total Victory, after that it was just mop up.

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Mine was in a Finnish set game where my forces were under attack from a company of SMG's and two T34/85. To bolster my defence around the flag I had a Flammpanzer.

The T34's came stalking, the nearest one came around a bump in the ridge on my right and one coming from the behind a wood left, confident of the right result a squad was moving from in front of me to my woods.

I flame the right hand tank for half the turn, I think it fired and they bailed, the other tank not in my line of sight decides to back off leaving me free to flame the squad. What a minute!!

I have kept the film.

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A German defense against a armour heavy Soviet attack. This was a QB against my evil brother so I had to win. Unfortunately I some 2 37mm ATGs and one weak self-propelled and a green infantry company.

I had the SP show itself and yep all the Soviet tanks swung towards it exposing their rears and sides to the reverse sloped positioned ATGs on the other side of the map, one turn later and there was no functional enemy armour!

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In CMBB - Tiger Tiger

It's Sept 42, I was the Russians and the Germans were attacking with Tigers that I couldn't touch.

On my right flank a Tiger and two Mk III's advanced. I peeled off the Mk III's with 45 At's and the Tiger continued alone. In desperation I sent a Russsian squad hiding in the woods against it expecting them to be gunned down. The Tiger rolls by firing it's main gun against another target silloetting (sp?) the squad as it runs by. The squad then follows the Beast and throws two molotov cocktails and a grenade. Lo and behold the Tiger grinds to a halt, the hatches pop open and out comes the crew. I saved that one!

Truely beautifull. :D

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Ah, CM is a lovely game with so much variety. This memorable moment was a QB in CMBB.

I had a German (Heer) sharpshooter in the top part of a tall building overlooking a rather large open patch of ground. A platoon of Russian recon troops come wandering by and my little German took down a squad and the commander before the rest of the platoon managed to get into cover.

It reaffirmed my faith in the lowly sharpshooter. I wish I kept the movie. Good times.

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Two moments stick out for me . . .

Once, during a PBEM battle in the CMBO tourny "100 minutes!"

I ambushed my opponents embarked U.K. infantry (4 halftracks worth) with a reinforced Heer platoon, and a Pz MkIV. My troops were all hiding behind Bocage and the surprise was complete.

I felt genuinely horrifed after watching that movie.

The other was an Italian defence versus commonweath troops in North Africa (CMAK).

I had a company of green/regular italian infantry with a platoon of 47mm AT guns. Also a couple of armored cars and one of the Italian 75mm assault guns.

The terrain was fairly hilly and despite there being not much cover, my hilltop positions could mutually support each other.

When the Brits attacked, I realized to my horror that leading the charge was a THICK Churchill tank.

I had only one weapon in my arsenal that could take it out, and that was an HC round from my 75mm armed assault gun.

When the time came, I buttoned up that beast of a tank with my 47mm guns (p-zing! T-zing!), then gave the "shoot and scoot" order to my m13. But for good measure, I ran out one of my scout cars on a FAST move to distract the Churchill gunner.

The m13 gunner put a HC round through the lower front hull and immobilized the Churchill. Then the next turn, the crew abandoned her.

Shwew. After that, the brits lost heart and withdrew.


Love this game. LOVE it!


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It was in CMBO against the AI no less. I was British defending against German attacking. There were several German AFV's around including a Panzer IV, my infantry were dug in on a reverse slope with a Churchill tank in support.

It was all about timing. The Churchill had to come up over the crest of the slope, put a round into the side of the IV before it could turn towards me and then reverse back over the crest before the othe AFV's could react effectively.

Using PAUSE and a few other control devices it worked out perfectly. I must have replayed the action from every angle, it was so satisfying to get it just right, and to watch the IV blow up. smile.gif

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Mine was yesterday funnily enough in a CMAK QB that I quickly knocked up - I was doomed to failure when a Hurricane took out my two AFV's early on in the battle - it was mid-battle and I could see at least a company of men coming towards my position and there wasnt much I could do about it - until my air support turned up in the form of a Junkers 87B and dropped it's 1000lb bomb into the crowd. hehe I love the way the AI is so predictable. Anyway, the battle ended within a turn or two of that, the bomb literally obliterated the attackers. I counted up the casualties it caused after the battle - about 150 men. hehe.

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mine was in a "bulge" scenario a created in cmak for a friend and myself to play. i gave myself(us) green troops and he vets. for the most part my guys gave a poor showing but there were a couple of exceptions. one +2 morale platoon hq hung in there and continued fighting when the rest of his platoon routed, holding my opponent up for a couple of turns before he continued his advance. just before the hq was eliminated he tossed a grenade at a halftrack and it went up in flames.

the second example was a flamethrower unit hiding in his foxhole with a covered arc. a panther approached his position. he calmly rises up and shoots his flame at the panzer but misses. every german tank and halftrack targets the poor guy, but he fires again and the panther blows up in spectacular fashion. up to that battle, i had never seen a ft take out a tank before. awesome!

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In todays TCP/IP my 17pdr takes out 4 Panther G's [crack] at 1100 metres to 909 metres. It was superb - and the crew only a regular too!

The 5 tank was immmo behind a house and I had just blown it down ready for my 5th and final and he surrendered. This was played on a huge map 2000pts - the first three in four minutes and one of those was fast on a road.

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In a BO game I had a Panzer IV immobilized in the middle of a village, during the battle of the bulge. My opponent (maybe drunk or I didn't how did he do) attacked the poor tanks with 4 Shermans through the snow ... but in 2 minutes the 4 Shermans were knocked out in flames ...

Of course that was enjoyable : one "yeepee" after each tank was shot down ...

Well I think we all have thousand of sweet experiences playing CM, but I didn't remeber lots of great moments ...

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CMBO XXX Corps Breakout scenario.

As the Germans I held back the Brits, who did not even make the first turn in the road. My 88s had taken out a ton of AFVs and stuff in the first 10 turns. I had 2 companies of hidden infantry, one on each flank. They all opened fire on milling Allied crew on one turn eliminating most of them in one turn, and caving enemy morale, you could almost feel the life go out of the AI.

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In battle for the Reichstag on April 30, 1945. The Russian T-34's bombarded the Reichstag's outer walls and I lost dozens of men in the collapsing rubble on all sides. What was left of my force, a mixture of paratroopers, Werhmacht, SS, and concripted civilians (even teenagers) was withdrawn to the interior of the Reichstag where I would make my defense. The perimiter was soon breached by at least two, perhaps even three entire Soviet companies. Bloodiest, most prolonged close quarters battle I've ever fought. The Russian losses were HORRIFIC and we made them pay -dearly-.

But in the end we were too low on ammunition, and my men were too tired. Some of the civilians broke and tried to run outside the Reichstag only to be gunned down by T-34's outside. Most of my men though held to the last man shooting all the way. Incredible so few actually broke given the sheer destruction thrown their way. I've never seen such a concentration of smoke, fire, and flames in one small area. By the end of that battle there was only perhaps 1/4 of the Reichstag still standing intact.

The end for my men finally came though as the Soviets rallied and attacked. We just couldn't hold them and it was a tidal wave of death. In one turn squad after squad of my men fell dead like dominos. When the cease-fire finally came there were only TWO Germans left standing inside the Reichstag, both members of a platoon HQ. Everyone else was killed or badly wounded.

Also found out from my opponent though (it was a TCP/IP fight) that his losses had been so ghastly that the final attack that killed my men was really all he could do before his troops gave up and ran. Nearly 80 - 90% of those 2 or 3 companies had been destroyed and the remaining Russians were mostly low on ammo. If my men had just withstood that last attack we would have held the building.

But alas it was not to be. That's my favorite CM moment. I have a thing for last stands.

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This just happened yesterday in a CMBB QB where I'm defending as the Germans.

I had a StuG between a house and a small patch of woods. A T-34 and a T-34/85 knocked out its gun from the top of a ridge. The next turn, my opponent moved both tanks in together to finish the StuG, ending up about fifty or so meters from it, stopping right next to the woods. Unbeknownst to my opponent, I had a platoon of infantry hiding in foxholes in that small patch of woods. All three squads were 30-35 meters from the tanks. A short Move to Contact order and three thrown grenade bundles led to both tanks being knocked out. I didn't lose a man from my platoon.

I saved that movie.

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Pah! Rookies. I had a Kraut TH kill not one, not two, but three T-34s in one round in a most impressive demonstation of why you never ever move tanks in a column. It then hosed down all the crews with SMG fire. If you zoomed in close enough, you could hear him laughing.

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CMAK, PBEM/TCP, February 1941.

I was the British attacker against the Italians. My opponent had 3 tankettes L33, 1x L33 Flame and a M11/39 tank with a 37 mm AT gun. Those tanks did delaying actions against my reinforced infantry company. But I had only AT rifles and Carriers with AT rifles. No matter how I tried those rifles did not penetrate the Italian tanks. My company went pinned down every time when I tried to advance and I was not able to reach my final objectives. :mad:

Each time when I tried to outflank the Italian tanks they retreated to a next dominant peace of terrain and the cycles started again. Pinned down, attempt to outflank and then he retreated. :mad:

Then the FOG really hit the fan. During my attempt to outflank his tanks with 2 of my infantry platoons they bumped into an outflanking reinforced Italian platoon. An intense close combat started on the flank of those Italian tanks. :eek:

My opponent forgot the retreat his tanks because he tried to save his reinforced infantry platoon. :confused:

I saw the light… :cool: I had one Engineer platoon still pinned down by those tanks. I pulled them back and outflanked the tanks on the other side with this platoon. But there was no cover to engage those tanks close by. I kept outflanking until I reached the back of those tanks and started to run into the open towards the tanks with the engineer platoon.

In less then 30 seconds 3 tankettes L33, 1x L33 Flame and a M11/39 tank were burning due damage of the demolition packs and the reinforced outflanking infantry platoon was destroyed. smile.gif

This changed the course of the battle and I was able to win it. Something I never though about until this success.

[ April 30, 2004, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Jaws ]

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Has to be a random map game when I was just learning to play CMBB. I had lost most of my AFV's, and what was left of my German infantry was scattered just outside a small village they had just retreated from.

I had a Sturmtiger that was bogged for most of the battle until the last 8 turns when I was able to get it close enough to the village. I was getting mad because of it's limited range while my men were getting wasted and that big mutha took it's time getting close for a shot.

Once it got close enough a Russian antitank gun disabled it...I though crap..games over now...but the it was facing the village and in range. Wow! I fired the first round and 4 houses blew up killing tons of infantry! After a few turns I was able to get of 1 more round from hell!.

I remember the stats.....Sturmtiger 172 infantry casulties, 2 antitank guns destroyed ,with 2 rounds!

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