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The Peng Challenge Thread Goes to Australia and Gets Drunk!! Woohoo whats new?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

No rules, SSNs popping in like unwanted in-laws and who's on watch? Why, it's none other than good old finger pointing Joe.


In the future, Joe, when you decide to point fingers, I would suggest that you begin by pointing at yourself.

NO! I didn't mean that literally! Oh, good grief... now he's gone and poked himself in the eye. Anybody got a spare eye patch handy?

Indeed I WAS on watch Boo Radley and a DAMNED GOOD THING TOO!

You who would denigrate my watchkeeping might well ask yourself ... or yourselves ... where would we be now if, heaven forbid, someone like Boo Radley were the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. We'd be lucky if he remembered to distinguish between the bookmark for BFC and that of Hot Swinging Chicks of Ohio (which, btw, features photos of young chickens on swings trying to beat the heat ... in, of course, Ohio).

I WAS here and did promptly advise all of the dangers to be found in corresponding with these SSNs. What did Boo Radley do? NOTHING ... as usual. Oh it's easy, so easy to criticize Boo ... which is why I do it so often.


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Hey, is it just me or has everyone in CM-land grown incredibly, edibly pissed off?

I mean, heck, I come through every once in a while to get my fix of WWII-ed-ness and now it seems like once-sane and happy people are throwing feces at one another.

Oh, and as of August I shall be pursuing a PhD at beautiful, scenic Merced. Proceed to emote in the shade o' envy.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh, and as of August I shall be pursuing a PhD at beautiful, scenic Merced. Proceed to emote in the shade o' envy.

I spent a night in Merced almost 29 years ago. I found a nifty little '50s-style diner where I got a fine supper for little cost. I don't think the University had come to town yet, but there was a major AFB nearby with B-52s flying over all the time. Very noisy plane.

What will you be getting your degree in?


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Walks in, throwing stuff around....

Piss up, did someone mention a proper pissup?

Congrats Speedy, pity it was for an SA team!

Well better go back to work.. playing computer games for a living... someone's got to do it. Unfortuneatly it's interesting enough that I prefer to work than post dribble in the MBT... maybe in my next job.

Will be a CM get together later this year in Pucka at the tank museum... if you lot can find matching thongs then I might even take you to the mess... its a bit like the cesspool but has leather chairs.



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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh, and as of August I shall be pursuing a PhD at beautiful, scenic Merced. Proceed to emote in the shade o' envy.

I suppose it could have been Volkswag....

[swings a tail of higher educational sensibility]

... Porsh probably being a little too challenging.

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Dear Joe,

I wish to distance myself from the boofheaded ineptitude of my fellow colonialists.

If I had started a thread (as I did once many moons ago and gosh darn it, it was a good'un) I want you to be rightly assured that all attention would have been paid in its entirety to the rules, regs and itty bitty bits of fine print that govern our lives, our very core of existence upon this mortal coil.

I wish you to sleep soundly this evening content in the knowledge that if I had created this thread, the much revered, handed down from generation to generation, passed from father to son, dropped by son on the way to school, found again by father after an all points search, kept in the attic for a bit then passed onto son again after his 21st birthday, and passed onto his son after due observance of the ritual de la habitual of pool doings... the book of da RULES, would be safe! SAFE I tell you in the time honoured arms of your old Unca Stukey.

I just wanted you to know that.


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Originally posted by jrcar:

Will be a CM get together later this year in Pucka at the tank museum... if you lot can find matching thongs then I might even take you to the mess... its a bit like the cesspool but has leather chairs.

Ooooh, great! I'll be there.

What's the bet however that someone arrives wearing the overseas definition of thong rather than the local.

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What's a pissup ???

We used to construct urinals in Vietnam using pieces of pipe, or old discarded artillery round containers....we called them pisstubes . Is this something similar that Aussies do on weekends, when they are bored??

Will someone who understands this gibberish please help out. Is it something like saying... go piss up a rope ???

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Rune and I are trying to work out if Speedy was playing Soccer or Aussie rules.

Regardless we came up with this scenario:

knowing speedy, he played aussie rules ON a soccer pitch

while drunk

caught up in the soccer net like a fly in a spider's web

with the beer keg out of reach.

oh the humanity!!

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Originally posted by Mace:

Rune and I are trying to work out if Speedy was playing Soccer or Aussie rules.

Regardless we came up with this scenario:

knowing speedy, he played aussie rules ON a soccer pitch

while drunk

caught up in the soccer net like a fly in a spider's web

with the beer keg out of reach.

oh the humanity!!

Please avoid using "humanity" and Speedy in the same sentence ... it puts me off my food.

Stuka please don't put yourself out on our account. We know how difficult it is for you to hit the "Add Reply" key AND type something coherent and creating a whole new MBT would be exceeding our expectations ... FAR exceeding them in fact ... actually we still think it's remarkable you're able to tie your shoes of a morning.


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It was two different sentences, ya dolt.

Now, if I was to type, "Speedy was reviled by all of humanity", that would qualify, right? Just trying to keep you on that starvation diet.

Leave it to Aussies to mix up beer and piss.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Hey, is it just me or has everyone in CM-land grown incredibly, edibly pissed off?

I mean, heck, I come through every once in a while to get my fix of WWII-ed-ness and now it seems like once-sane and happy people are throwing feces at one another.

And now that you're here, we can throw them at you.
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Originally posted by Mace:

Rune and I are trying to work out if Speedy was playing Soccer or Aussie rules.

Regardless we came up with this scenario:

knowing speedy, he played aussie rules ON a soccer pitch

while drunk

caught up in the soccer net like a fly in a spider's web

with the beer keg out of reach.

oh the humanity!!

Just to clear things up:

I was playing aussie rules but I think one of the umpires thought it was soccer, bloody soft maggot.

The keg was out of reach but the gun was in hand.

All the rest is a little hazy, I'm pretty sure there where no flies, but the obligatory doing of donuts in someone elses car was involved not to mention the returning home with at least one piece of torn clothing.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I spent a night in Merced almost 29 years ago. I found a nifty little '50s-style diner where I got a fine supper for little cost. I don't think the University had come to town yet, but there was a major AFB nearby with B-52s flying over all the time. Very noisy plane.

What will you be getting your degree in?

Yeah, all I've noticed is a Denny's, so far. But it's a nice little town, right down the street from Yosemite and far enough from Lost Angles and San Francesca so that the land prices aren't through the roof (Yet). And 29 years is a little early for UC Merced, they're just opening this year, I'll be a founding member (Wa ha, wa ha ha ha!!). It also means I get to play fast and loose with the ol' PhD. Technically it's socio-linguistics, but it's more an interdisciplinary study of the similarities between the evolution of early writing and modern computer coding. Which I think is damned cool. Because it is. No, really. Stop laughing, you sons of bitches.
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Yeah, all I've noticed is a Denny's, so far.

Heh, the place I ate at was light years better than Denny's. I hope that it's still there and as good as I remember and that you find it. But after 29 years...

But it's a nice little town, right down the street from Yosemite and far enough from Lost Angles and San Francesca so that the land prices aren't through the roof (Yet).
I remember it as a friendly lilttle place for the 12 or so hours I was there. But I can't think of any place I'd want to live in the Central Valley. Too hot, too dusty, too flat for me. I could also say something about hick farmers, I suppose, but I'll refrain as that might smack of elitism.

And 29 years is a little early for UC Merced, they're just opening this year, I'll be a founding member (Wa ha, wa ha ha ha!!).
In the Navy they'd say you are a plank owner.

It also means I get to play fast and loose with the ol' PhD. Technically it's socio-linguistics, but it's more an interdisciplinary study of the similarities between the evolution of early writing and modern computer coding. Which I think is damned cool. Because it is. No, really. Stop laughing, you sons of bitches.
Glad to see you aren't just interested in getting a high paying job. The world could use more of that kind of idealism. Hope you don't starve.



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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

we still think it's remarkable you're able to tie your shoes of a morning.


Why do you think I have slippers?

D'oh! </font>

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