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What u want to see in CMX2

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Im gonna put my bunny in Heer hoppfully somebody will notice. A lotta new capabilitys will be abvaiable with CMX2. Hopefully the gameplay will not change. I have purchased all three CMB versions and have been playing and creating scenarios for them for several years without gettig boored with the game. The only suggestions that I have for "enhansment" of the game is smaller tiles for better terrain display and maybe a squad or two or a team purchased in very limited quantity that would be able to perform special missions. Ie. blow a bridge , snipe an 88at gun.

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Heh heh, some of the terrain suggestions start to sound more like a model-railway-sim that a warfare sim (It's a joke! don't get upset, they're good suggestions really).

But it makes me think that interesting terrain features are very worthwhile and of course you will be adding some more and really cool ones, but please can we have the ability to blow them up! Destroying buildings and bridges is fun (ahem, I mean historically informative), but I would like to be able to destroy other terrain elements too - walls, fences, hedges, treebursts with exploding trees, sandbags with gaping holes...

...all in the interests of military historical verisimilitude of course! ;)

...and in 'heavy damage' mode, could we have trees and woods with a bit of that denuded, devastated, WW1-type look?

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First of all, thanks for a great game. Given the opportunity i will add my own wish list.

1. Recon: the spotting system is working all right but could easily be improved. Why not giving some "real" information instead of "infantry?" or "squad?". When my guys are spotting some infantry why not giving away the spotted numbers and when they fire their guns i might get a hint on the type. A full squad could be identified as "5 men, 1 lmg ?rifles" for instance. Same for sound contacts. I always wondered about the "bunker" sound contact. Should be "MG" or "gun".

Then unit marker should stay visible but fade away and be fixed after lets say a minute without contact reestablished. "Sir, sir, i spotted a tank! Which type? Dont know but it is the same spotted ten minutes ago by A company." Add the posibility to put notes in unit markes and hide or delete a specific marker. Some filters like show unit markers of last ten turns... would also help. This will give some more depht without changing gameplay and could be made as an additional FOW option. I would also like to draw on the map and leave notes (minefield cleared, platoon? spotted minute 7...).

2. C&C: Stop one HQ overruling each other interfering with indirect fire and reducing the effectiveness of subordinated units. "Run! The major is coming!"

3. Artillery: Possibilty to make other fire plans than "drop all your ammo around point x" (different patterns, effectivly "walk" arty fire, several targets for single preplaned battery..). Purchasing arty per shell not per module and independent purchasing of spotters and battery availabilty. I think one spotter should be able to contact different batteries.

On board batterys. All you need is a HQ with a radio or telephone and C&C to all the guns. The FO makes a fireplan, chooses the onboard battery, the rest is processed automatically. Telephone lines? I get carried away.

4. Tanks as 3D objects. They act as cover and block LOS (tank columns). Follow unit order (for vehicles and infantry). Follow road order (order delay is otherwise sometimes ridiculous).

5. Better fortification model. Wodden bunkers as improvement for trenches. Faster movement in trenches.

Thats all folks! (for now)

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And it would also be cool to be able to synchronise units in some way. The convoy command is one that gets mentioned a lot, but what about:

- A 'formation' command, possible for infantry but particularly for tanks (of course this would need to depend on state of morale and quality of the HQ but it would save a lot of micromanaging) (and even a 'stay on road' command)

I second this suggestion. Part of the frustration with the way things are now is the necessity to micro-manage in order to do well.

More global commands such as being able to give an orders such as 'take control of this area' to a company commander would be good.

Even better if one could still maintain the ability to jump in and tweak individual subunits if you felt so inclined.

Something like this may well make the game more accessible to those of a less 'control freakery' nature.

More Finns would also be an improvement. Especially in the PTO...

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I’d like to see the unit spotted icons changed so that they remain in effect for a certain amount of time. As it is now, they disappear whenever a friendly unit moves into the area and confirms that the unit is no longer there, or the unit that caused them is spotted somewhere else. This last effect makes it extremely hard to set up distractions. You reveal your platoon on the left flank and pull them back out of LOS and move them to the right flank. As soon as they are spotted on the right flank, their spotted icons on the left flank disappear.

Also, if the spotted icons remain for a set amount of time, a single unit can attempt to appear as a larger unit by going in and out of LOS, which would leave numerous spotted icons.

And I’d like to see Finns in the Pacific as well – in skimpy bathing suits.

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Originally posted by Ace Pilot:

I’d like to see the unit spotted icons changed so that they remain in effect for a certain amount of time. As it is now, they disappear whenever a friendly unit moves into the area and confirms that the unit is no longer there, or the unit that caused them is spotted somewhere else. This last effect makes it extremely hard to set up distractions. You reveal your platoon on the left flank and pull them back out of LOS and move them to the right flank. As soon as they are spotted on the right flank, their spotted icons on the left flank disappear.

Also, if the spotted icons remain for a set amount of time, a single unit can attempt to appear as a larger unit by going in and out of LOS, which would leave numerous spotted icons.

And I’d like to see Finns in the Pacific as well – in skimpy bathing suits.

I agree. I'd like to see that too, I think it would make the game much better. smile.gif
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Originally posted by postfux:

3. Artillery: ... Purchasing arty per shell not per module and independent purchasing of spotters and battery availabilty.

Amen. This has been mentioned in the past, but it's worth repeating. Basic idea:

* Pay a small-ish amount for a wire spotter (~ the same as a coy HQ perhaps)

* Pay a slightly higher amount for a radio spotter(~ the same as a bn HQ perhaps)

* Both types of spotters come with 0, or only a few (~10), rounds

* Buy ammo, at a set rate, or a linearly increasing rate, or an exponentially increasing rate, whatever (for example; set-rate for the US and UK in 1943-45, linearly-increasing for the Germans in 43-44, exponentially-increasing for the Germans in 45, etc)

* for added fidelity, allow certain types of spotter (US- and UK-Radio in 1944-45 for example) to buy any mix of quantity and calibre of round. (though this would lead to a more complex interface, in that you'd have to specify the calibre(s) when calling a mission)

This would solve the 'Allied Arty is too expensive in QBs!' problem, make it easier to reflect different arty doctrines, and a number of other issues.

An altogether different solution would be to make the rounds essentially free to buy, and unlimited in quantity, but cost VPs to use. So, the more you use, the more you have to defeat your opponent to gain any level of victory. At the margins, you might defeat your opponent, but still lose the scenario because you used too many artillery resources. This would reflect the flexible nature of artillery (it can be used on any part of the battlefield within range, not just your bit), and the opportunity cost associated with using it anywhere in particular (ie, while it is being used by you, it can't be used to support 2 Bn over the hill). However, since this is fundamentally different to the way anything else is handled I doubt it would be a practical addition/change.



[ August 26, 2004, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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I would like to see a mod installer build in that was not as complex as CMMOS so it would be used by texture modders & scenario designers.

I would like to select a scenario and before I load it, press a button to see all the mods I have for that scenario re, terrain and vehicles that are applicable to that time period for terrain and vehicles with a preview picture. Then be able to load the selected mods when the scenario is loaded.

One text file supplied as a template from Battlefront that could used by both scenario designers and mod makers would be needed to like all the required information.

Since in my opinion it is the third party scenarios and mods that that make the game, and help increase sales this area should have full simple support in the next version. Especially since it seems no access will be given to make full scale mods like other games.

The game play I am not worried about as I am sure Battlefront will surprise us all with god features as their past performance in that area is very good.


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On map indirect artillary fire. It would have to be a very large map as a minimum distance to target is the determining factor for each type of artillary. Artillary duels,anti-artillary units ?? Self propelled artillary would be more valuable than it is now. poppy

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Originally posted by Ace Pilot:

I’d like to see the unit spotted icons changed so that they remain in effect for a certain amount of time...

we asked for that allready just after CMBO. my idea was to indicate the age of a spotted icon by its transparency. the older the spotting is, the more transparent it schould become and fade out completely after a certain time.

most important: the icon schould show more information than now (big icon: vehicle, small icon: infatry). instead of a national insignia it schould show the units type. so you dont have to click on each icon to check what it was.

however: exceptions will be needed. loosing and gaining contact to a unit several times within a short time schould not produce dozens identical icons on a the same place

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