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Did Peng Have A Challenging Christmas In 68?


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I can understand your denial. The excuses can only carry you along for so long. Oh sure, you can say it was because you were younger with a certain small town naivete. A corn fed youth with hayseeds in your hair, won over by more experienced, more worldly people who's designs weren't in any way for your well being.

But you could have stopped it if you had REALLY wanted to. You could have sated your curiosity with less fell meats. There was a time when even at your most jaded, most morally dissolute, you could have turned your back on the carnival of hedonistic excess.

But you didn't.

You just kept right on voting Republican.

Sad, really.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley

Why would they rename your butt?

Sir, that has got to be the lamest reply ever. Spending too much time in the maggot thread? Were you watching some "saved by the Bell" reruns? Trying to get in touch with your feminine side? Good, 'cause it's probably as close as any sane female will let you get.

Sheesh, thugs these days. You just don't get quality thuggishness anymore.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I can understand your denial. The excuses can only carry you along for so long. Oh sure, you can say it was because you were younger with a certain small town naivete. A corn fed youth with hayseeds in your hair, won over by more experienced, more worldly people who's designs weren't in any way for your well being.

But you could have stopped it if you had REALLY wanted to. You could have sated your curiosity with less fell meats. There was a time when even at your most jaded, most morally dissolute, you could have turned your back on the carnival of hedonistic excess.

But you didn't.

You just kept right on voting Republican.

Sad, really.

And that ladies and gentleman, concludes another fine episode of our daily psychology program, sponsored by prozac.
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Actually, if you look closely, it says Jabo JO.

That's kind of creepy, come to think of it.

Kind of creepy? We're talking aboout dalem here, my boy. Cutlery that is usually reserved for active members of the Black Ops community is just the tip of the ol' iceberg.</font>
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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Actually, if you look closely, it says Jabo JO.

That's kind of creepy, come to think of it.

Kind of creepy? We're talking aboout dalem here, my boy. Cutlery that is usually reserved for active members of the Black Ops community is just the tip of the ol' iceberg.</font>
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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

And that ladies and gentleman,


There is a gentleman in the Cesspool? How was this allowed to happen.

Where is Joe asleep at the wheel Shaw? Where was the blessing Justicar when this scoundrel infiltrated our ranks? Well Joe certainly blessed the pooch on this one. This is so blessed up. What a blessing idjit!

So who among us is this gentleman?

Who is this scurrilous dog that wanders so innocently among us?

Joe Shaw!!!

You better get your blessing arse back to work. Otherwise we'll have to depend on Boo Radley (it somehow seems appropriate to use depends in a sentence involving Boo) and that ain't cause for much hope.

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Originally posted by Mace:

Now if I can just talk her into undertaking a bartender's course post current one...I'll be very happy.


Macey, I can't help but feel that a highly trained mixologist would be wasted on someone like you who sticks a funnel in his mouth and pours beer into it with one hand, and whisky in with the other.

In fact, pretty much everything is wasted on you except wastedness itself. And even that could be more equitably applied, say, to a small Third World country...

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

There is a gentleman in the Cesspool? How was this allowed to happen.

So who among us is this gentleman?

Who is this scurrilous dog that wanders so innocently among us?

Sorry, Mr. Boggs, but I am the very model of a major modern gentleman.

It occurred to me that I have not seen a setup from you. After a certain amount of rather half-hearted investigation, I discovered that you are waiting for me to choose sides in something Rune sent to me.

I hadn't paid that much attention to what Rune sent me. He sends me things all the time. Sometimes it's hard to tell why, or what the point of them is. For a while I worked under the theory that he was a member of some Voudoun cult, and that his attachments were the equivalent of finding black cockerels or monkey paws on my doorstep every morning. In light of our promised match, I have dug out his latest votive offering, and will shortly send you my choice of forces. I imagine that you will soon find yourself arrayed against me as Papa Legba, while I meet you on the field of battle as Baron Samedi.

Until then, I wish you to know that am fond of you, Boggs. Your existence, like that of the Justicar himself, reassures me. That very Justicar who I predict will soon be over his 'mad', and proudly strut the rules and rantings of his position before us once again, reaffirmed in his mission when he realizes the singular honour I did him by converting an actual order of Excommunication over into a blessing of himself.

Until then, bide patiently, my dear Boggs.

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As much as it pains me to admit it, Papa Khann had the right of it when he stated: The fact of the matter is, I've seen dalem's basement, where he stores the various entertainment paraphernalia he has "grown bored with". I've seen dalem's garage, complete with fresh styrofoam cup, patiently waiting it's turn to play it's part in the production of dalem's next batch of home brew napalm. I've seen dalem's genetically engineered ubercat (go on, dalem, just try to assert that the cat grew to those proportions on his own). I've seen the looks on the faces of his neighbors on those rare occassions when he ventures out into the sunlight.

"Kind of creepy" doesn't begin to describe it.

What it made it worse was the foreknowledge that he's an acknowledged gun nut, and a right wing gun nut nut job at that. You tread carefully, let me tell you, when he shoves a Napoleonics 25mm Chasseur a cheval in your face and demands your "honest" opinon of the paint job on them.

Shut up rune.

Shut up Jim Boggs.

rleete you're a festering pimple on the backside of a diseased yak.

Seanachai don't think I've forgiven you for I haven't ... perhaps you think I didn't recognize the excommunication? I didn't, but perhaps you think that? It doesn't matter, it was a day late and a dollar short ... much like your own good self.

I AM, as is acknowledged by one and all ... or at least a goodly portion of all, well some of all ... okay one FOR SURE ... the SOUL of the CessPool ... such as it is. If I'm not deserving of an HONEST AND TRUE BLESSING ...who is?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai don't think I've forgiven you for I haven't ... perhaps you think I didn't recognize the excommunication? I didn't, but perhaps you think that? It doesn't matter, it was a day late and a dollar short ... much like your own good self.


Joe, as I was explaining to the good folks at Qwest tonight, I'm actually a day short and a dollar late...times some large integer.

But, my dear Justicar, from whence springs this show of pique? That I did not lump you together for blessing with the hoi polloi? Did you want to share your post with the Swedes and Aussies?

No. You received your own 'Post of Blessing'. And, yes, it was a few days coming. Is that not because of the need to make sure it was...unique and applicable?

Did you not also receive individual and unique blessings from both Peng and Berli? Were not the eyes of the Cesspool entire focused on the Blessing of the Justicar?

Give over thy anger, oh Shaw. Leave off these pretenses of sullenness, and know that on that day of days, when the Great Scorer attends to what is written beside thy name, that that Blessing by myself will stand you in better stead than all the good deeds and achievements of your life.

For with that Blessing in your hand, the very Powers that work the Universe as though it were their own model train set shall take note, and bow in solemn conclave and acknowledgment.

The tick tock of entropy itself will form words for those who can hear:

"Here, wots this then? Says he's got a blessing."

"Don't they all."

"Ooh, give it a look. It's from Seanachai. And there's even riders from Peng and Berli."

"Never a one. Let's see it then."

"Coo-ee. He's even blessed his groin and teeth. Blessed him even in the act of defecation."

"Bloody good blessing. You don't get blessings like that, anymore."

"Too right. What'll we do, then?"

"Wellll...I think it's gotta be Houris, single malt, and roistering for all eternity, then."

"How many Houris?"

"It's Seanachai, Peng, and Berli?"


"Better let him choose his own, then. And he sets his own invite list, too."

"Done, and done."

"Here, his Permanent Record says he golfed!"

tense silence

"Let it go. I mean, look at this bit - says he's to be blessed even in the stables. And by all the holy virgins. That's gotta buy him a dispensation even for having golfed."

"Roight. Not many blessings like that, to be sure."

"Bloody A right. Okay, who's next, then?"


"Oh, joy! I'll get the charcoal briquettes and the battery acid, then, shall I?"

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I came into the office this morning and my boss was playing some reggae tribute to Bob Dylan.

An entire CD of Dylan tunes.

Set to reggae.




Where does one go to rent a wood chipper?

Why make a bloody mess of yourself that others will have to clean up? Have some decorum. Borrow a gun and top yourself the easy way.


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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Hmm, almost 90 degrees.

Think I'll go out on the lake with three lovely ladies...

Funny, Mace never mentioned that he loaned out his sheep... Quite out of character for him... </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Hmm, almost 90 degrees.

Think I'll go out on the lake with three lovely ladies...

Funny, Mace never mentioned that he loaned out his sheep... Quite out of character for him... </font>
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