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We Acknowledged Nothing Knowingly Except Really Silly Peng Challenges

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Originally posted by Tagwyn:

Hey!! Sennachai!! Maybe Tired Boots is GF?! Hey what about that? Tag

Aha! So there you are!

I am almost half convinced already that you may not, in fact, be Gaylord.

You use punctuation and capitalization correctly,and you seemingly can spell.

But Gaylord is, if nothing else, as devious as a coached halfwit can be. Therefore, you might simply have had help (Confer: Gaylord's incarnation as 'Tim the Enchanter', in which one of his emotionally disturbed friends, probably from the Strategic Command Forum, helped him write his posts).

Therefore: The thing is not yet proved! I shall go off and do chemicals, and ponder my response to you, Tagwyn-Who-Claims-To-Me-In-Emails-Not-To-Be-Gaylord!

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And now, because Berli was just talking to me last night — at 2 AM, I might add. Berli works on the principle 'I see he posted something after 10 PM, therefore, he's probably still awake, guess I'll call his worthless arse and tell him about how I'm standing in line at the grocery store with a bunch of automatons and zombies who apparently forgot to load up on twinkies and cheap beer before deciding to watch porn all night'...

As I was saying I was talking to Berli last night, and we had a lengthy discussion about the 'Importance of Good Music Usage In Any Work of Drama', and so, in my response to Tagwyn, I have properly scripted my response with an appropriate musical score...

Late morning breaks over the house of Seanachai, where the insistent ringing of a phone cuts through the hot, humid swamp-like stillness, causing an unkempt, unclothed figure to roll out of bed and shout:

Seanachai: Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, what the hell! Hello? What? Ohmigod, not another fecking trip to Disney World! That makes the 7th goddamn trip to Disney World that 'I, or a family member' has signed me up to win this freaking month! Shouldn't you people look at your system of 'drawing lucky winners'?! I mean, how do you people make any sodding money when I win every four goddamn days?! Hello? Hello?! She didn't even give me my 'confirmation number!'

Amidst vigorous scratching and hair smoothing, the underwear clad Gnome makes his way into the kitchen

Seanachai: Jayzus! Cast your eyes on the Abomination of the Desolation!

He begins the process of trying to find a clean glass for the strengthening morning glass of juice, and finally settles for one standing in the sink with 'the clearest water', dumps it out, and fills it halfway with a piquant mixture of half rum, half crystal lite lemonade. Sipping speculatively, he begins to hum...

Yeah, you got satin shoes

Yeah, you got plastic boots

Y’all got cocaine eyes

Yeah, you got speed-freak jive

Can’t you hear me knockin’ on your window

Can’t you hear me knockin’ on your door

Can’t you hear me knockin’ down your dirty street, yeah

Seanachai: What in the name of God is that smell?

Pokes around in the filthy dishes in the sink, empties a few filled with turgid water, eventually lifts the lid on a pot on the stove

Seanachai: Rice? When did I make rice?

Pokes at the sludge in the pot with the end of a long handled wooden spoon, causing noxious bubbles to froth up and burst, and gives the mixture a quick sniff

Seanachai: Actually, when did I put rice on to soak, and never get around to making it?!

Puts cover back on pan, and moves it to the freezer

Seanachai: Best place for it for now.

Sipping his drink in a contemplative way, he moves into the main room, and turns on the computer...

Help me baby, ain’t no stranger

Help me baby, ain’t no stranger

Help me baby, ain’t no stranger

Can’t you hear me knockin’, ahh, are you safe asleep?

Can’t you hear me knockin’, yeah, down the gas light street, now

Can’t you hear me knockin’, yeah, throw me down the keys

Alright now

Seanachai: Ah, yes. The morning emails. scans the screen, occasionally slurping noisily Ah! The usual suspects...Grog Dorosh...'Why does everyone hate me, I'm like a big ol' cuddly puddle of poodle urine!'...Kanonier Reichmann...'Send the next turn or I'll kill you, and then begin crying!'...Berli...'Toad'...Boo...'One time I dreamt I was living in America, but I woke up and it was still Ohio, and then my arse fell off'...What the hell is this? 'Tagwyn'? 'TAGWYN'? What the bloody hell?!!

Dear Seanachai: I am not Gaylord. I suggest you let 'Sturmy' do...to your...I was praising Grog Dorosh...why don't you...and then...with a mule. Let's just agree to...and if that doesn't work, you can...the unexamined life is not worth living, you know...

Stands up, drains the glass to the dregs, and moves with a masterful stride to the refrigerator

Seanachai: I can't be having with that! A mule?! A donkey, maybe...and even that doesn't bear thinking on! Who the hell does he...she...it! think they are!

Flings open refrigerator door, pulls out two cheap beers with either hand, and, in the classic 'Clint Eastwood', pops both tops.


Hear me ringing big bell tolls

Hear me singing soft and low

I’ve been begging on my knees

I’ve been kickin’, help me please

Hear me prowlin’

I’m gonna take you down

Hear me growlin’

Yeah, I’ve got flatted feet now, now, now, now

Hear me howlin’

And all, all around your street now

Hear me knockin’

And all, all around your town


Well, actually, there's an ever lengthening list of people who talk like that to me, but YOU'RE NOT ON IT!

Provide me with anything like proof that you're not Gaylord, and I may relent from my righteous wrath.

The fact that you had an actual email address that wasn't 'hotmail' or 'yahoo' almost makes me believe you, but...

I am an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread. Nothing is what it seems. Don't make me break out the serious chemicals and go Raoul Duke on your paltry arse.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Amidst vigorous scratching and hair smoothing, the underwear clad Gnome makes his way into the kitchen

I've always thought that self censorship was a definite sign of maturity. That knowing how close to the edge we might safely skate without plunging off, an indication that demonstrates how an evolved person differs from say... a Texan. Or the Dutch.

Seanachai, in the future I want you to use this test for self censorship.

When you plan on posting anything in the forum, think carefully on what you wish to say. Write it down on a note pad if that helps you to formulate your message. Then, find a heavy blunt object (Papa Kahn, for example) and pound yourself over the head with it (or Papa Kahn), until you are unconcious.

If, while you are unconcious, you still retain the desire to post your thoughts... repeat the above steps.

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Just practi cing. My dear Sea nac hai , what a revelation!(how many spaces after! ?) But then no one but you would know the importance of a void in communication. BTW great thread, nothing like starting the day with a few choice insults, bracing. Ahhh, the smell of napalm in the mornig. More space bar? Less space bar? Advise. Probably for you more bars of any kind is the ticket. Regards.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Now just hold on thar. I am not a toad. I am a Pod.

Not at all amphibious, and only slightly warty and green.

You're a freaking swine, and we all know it.


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Originally posted by Tiredboots:

My dear Sea nac hai , what a revelation!(how many spaces after! ?) But then no one but you would know the importance of a void in communication.

Chers pieds de grenouille

We're trying to teach him the importance of a void in communications.

Yet he just keeps going and going and going....

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May I also point out to you, fellows subserfs, that Seanachai rendition of the Fench language was very accurate...uncannily so. Methink that behind the serbo-celtic "Seanachai" lurks the proud & ancient French name "Senechal". Oh, the horror! Oh, the shame!

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Whispers to Tiredboots: If you want to gain favour with SeanileGuy, you probably should kiss his a :mad: :mad: and otherwise let it be known that you appreciate him a LOT. Not just a little bit, but quite a bit actually. I think the tiny gnome likes such a thing.

Don't be like me, who has no respect for the critter - what so ever. I respect him less than I would respect a turd that I accidentally step on a streetwalk. MUCH less, actually. The turd serves a purpose, but the gnome...Oh well.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Look at the horrid things that happen when non-Australians start the thread and post rules. All sorts of yucky stuff seeps in.

P.S.- work sucks, especially at 4am.

Not if you've spent your day designing a P-38, a P51-D, a F4U-1, and are about to start in on a B-25.

Hmm, do the B-25B out of respect for Doolittle? Or go for later model with a wild paint job? Hmm...

Oh yes, Speedy, it really does suck to be you.

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Shut tha feck oop, Ah'm sangin'!

Didnae brang mae doon

Cuz Ah'm gwintae

Strawbarry Failds,

Where feck all as real

An nuthin' tae gi' hung aboot,

Strawbarry Fei...Ah feck at! Wha farted?

Mae wee span'ls very sick. Boot Ah'm stall whuppin' Boo an' Noba. An' tha feckin' Gnome.

Di' ye ken hoo many o' ye feckless bastaarrrds hae bin beaten bah tha wee span'l o'er tha years? She just hits "gi" wi' her bonny paw an' yoo tossers slip on ye ain drool an' bayonet ye poxy shtyupid sailves. Ha!


Guid tae see Lenokonrad postin' tae.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Not if you've spent your day designing a P-38, a P51-D, a F4U-1, and are about to start in on a B-25

Didn't someone design them already? </font>
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Originally posted by OGSF:

Shut tha feck oop, Ah'm sangin'!

Didnae brang mae doon

Cuz Ah'm gwintae

Strawbarry Failds,

Where feck all as real

An nuthin' tae gi' hung aboot,

Strawbarry Fei...Ah feck at! Wha farted?

Mae wee span'ls very sick. Boot Ah'm stall whuppin' Boo an' Noba. An' tha feckin' Gnome.

Di' ye ken hoo many o' ye feckless bastaarrrds hae bin beaten bah tha wee span'l o'er tha years? She just hits "gi" wi' her bonny paw an' yoo tossers slip on ye ain drool an' bayonet ye poxy shtyupid sailves. Ha!


Guid tae see Lenokonrad postin' tae.

OGSF, Sorry your wee spaniel is sick.
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Not if you've spent your day designing a P-38, a P51-D, a F4U-1, and are about to start in on a B-25

Didn't someone design them already? </font>
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I have been quit for 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 hours and 8 minutes (105 days). I have saved $1,051.72 by not smoking 4,206 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 14 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/31/2005 5:09 AM

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