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We Acknowledged Nothing Knowingly Except Really Silly Peng Challenges

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I'm thinking of you

You're never far from my thoughts

What more can I say

The words just slip and fall away

You're not here, but the smug git is

I hope his toes curl up and drop off

I love you, this much I know is true

But you've gone now, and he's still here..it's so unfair, the gits still here....

But what the hell, who really cares?

He needs incentive to do things and he likes the way the girls look at him in the elevator..

Does he have ketchup on his shirt or something?

Anyway, it's done and playtime is over on the General Forum....

For now........... *wink*

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Originally posted by **YK2**:

Mensch was only saying what plenty others were thinking and He didn't say one thing I could disagree with.

I've felt that way for the last year or so, but (usually) held my tongue. You'll note how I often get in little barbs, but nothing he could point to and "take to the admins". He's been getting progressively more grating.

Originally posted by **YK2**:

Dorosh is a sad excuse for a human being, he has no idea how to socially interact with people...

Biggest understatement of the entire time I've been here. You know, he never would have really taken that bet. He'd have found some way of weaseling out of it. This place is where he can strut and act all important. I think that is one reason he is so socially stunted; if he acts like that in public (and I bet he does), most people would just tune him out entirely. Nothing more annoying than someone who knows it all.

Originally posted by **YK2**:

Mensch wasn't afraid to be banned, he knew exactly what he was saying/doing and holds no grudge against BFC.. he knew he would be banned and figured it a worth while cause...

It's just too bad he had to sacrifice himself in doing so. Mensch and I playtested some scenarios he had made, and we also played some "be as gamey as you can" type stuff way back in the CMBO days. I remember those times as being some of the most fun playing that I've ever had. I've missed his weird posts, too.

Unfortunately, he isn't the type to come crawling back to beg forgivness. I hope he signs up for Gyrene's place, and continues to post there.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I always use the term "chicks" myself.

Do I owe you a turn, or is it vice versa? I think it may actually be you this time. </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I always use the term "chicks" myself.

Do I owe you a turn, or is it vice versa? I think it may actually be you this time. </font>
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Originally posted by rleete:

You'll note how I often get in little barbs, but nothing he could point to and "take to the admins". He's been getting progressively more grating.

Yep, I guess I do the same thing. I like posting on this forum and it's the only one I hang out in on a regular basis so I'm not really looking to be banned, but last night I came close to it....

You know, he never would have really taken that bet. He'd have found some way of weaseling out of it. This place is where he can strut and act all important.
You'd be surprised how many times I've heard that said since last night..

It's just too bad he had to sacrifice himself in doing so.
Yes, I agree... but Greg doesn't see it that way at all, I have him on Skype now and he's happy as Larry playing WOW and singing down my headset, he'll no doubt kill me now for embarrassing him by saying that.. but it's true..

Mensch and I playtested some scenarios he had made, and we also played some "be as gamey as you can" type stuff way back in the CMBO days. I remember those times as being some of the most fun playing that I've ever had. I've missed his weird posts, too.
Yeah he was telling me about those days..fun all the way...

I hope he signs up for Gyrene's place, and continues to post there.
I'll relay the message..
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Originally posted by rleete:

Well, it finally happened. Our very own Mensch has gone off the deep end (railing against dullard dorosh of all things; talk about lost causes), and gotten himself banned. We should all bow our heads in sorrow. One of the great ones is with us no more.

And sombody smack that smug cannuck up side the head with the brick.

Huh? When'd that happen? Where?
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Originally posted by **YK2**:


Sorry, posted that one out of order. It was meant to be a reply to daleem's "Incidentally - if I owe anyone else turns or setups or returned setups, poke me about it!" post. I was too late.

Too Late Leete. Story of my life.

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I Know What Boys Like

I know what boys like

I know what guys want

I know what boys like

I've got what boys like

I know what boys like

I know what guys want

I see them looking

I make them want me

I like to tease them

They want to touch me

I never let them

I know what boys like

I know what guys want

I know what boys like, boys

like, boys like me

But you, you're special

I might let you

You're so much different

I might let you

Mmmmm would you like that

I might let you

I know what boys like

I know what guys want

I liow what boys like

I know what's on their minds

I what what boya like

I know what guys want

They talk about me

I got my cat moves

That so upset them

Zippers and buttons

Fun to frustrate them

They get so angry

Like pouty children

Denied their candy

I laugh right at them

I know what buys like

I know what guys want

I know what boys like,

boys like, boys like me

Na, na, nya, nya, nya, nya..............

I feel sad now

I will let you

Sorry I teased you

I will let you

This time I mean it

I wil1 let you

Anything you want

You can trust me

I really want to

You can trust me

How would you like it

You can trust me

Sucker. Hmmmmm....

I know what boys like

I know what guys want

I know what boys like, boys

like, boys like me

Gny, nya, gna nyah nya..............

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There's nothing wrong with Grog Dorosh that couldn't be cured by a good flogging.

Just as there's nothing wrong with Madman Mensch that couldn't be cured by a good flogging.

Actually, most people need a good flogging.

But do you know, I think what everyone really needs is to...SING!

The day that Elvis died was like a mercy killing

America breathed a sigh of relief

We knew all about the drugs and the Vegas shows

And there wasn't much of anything that looked like grief

And I guess he shoulda done like James Dean did

'Stead of putting on weight and sinking down, down, down

Easier to take if he had just skidded straight

To souvenir city and T-shirt town

And sometimes I wish I was smarter that I am

But I'm on my 3rd city

And I'm on my 4th car

And I'm on my 5th apartment

And so many of my days have sprung

And now it's too late to crash

Too late to burn

Too late to die young

If Pete Rose had exploded like Roberto Clemente

He'd be hanging in the Hall of Fame without fail

Can you name the last good film Marlon Brando made

While trying to keep his kid from going to jail

And the old people in the street are telling you

"Don't become like me" but

Every day you creep a little bit closer

And I guess we shoulda done like James Dean did

'Stead of putting on weight and sinking down, down, down

Easier to take if we'd have had just skidded straight

To souvenir city and T-shirt town

And sometimes I wish I was smarter that I am

But I'm on my 3rd city

And I'm on my 4th car

And I'm on my 5th apartment

And so many of my days have sprung

And now it's too late to crash

Too late to burn

Too late to die

Now its too late to crash

Too late to burn

Too late to die young

Too Late To Die Young

-Dan Bern

I'm a major proponent of beating people with rods, and singing.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm a major proponent of beating people with rods, and singing.

Because after all, what's a good caning without a toe-tapping ditty, eh? </font>
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My mother cans tomatoes. Although no sticks are involved, she does scald them with boiling water to take the skins off. Does that count?

I have often heard her sing when she does this, too.

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