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The Peng Challenge as requested by Noba


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

(BTW, Emma, are you still Queen? I can never remember if you abdicated to marry a commoner, or what.)

Yes Boo, I am still Queen, or "Queenie" to some... I didn't abdicate with a commoner, although I was tempted by that handsome rogue Meeks to do a runner... must have been those tights he wore, why just watching him bend over was enough to make my corset *ping*

Anyhoo... I was merely distracted elsewhere and have claimed my throne back from Mace ... no idea what he used it for, but suffice to say... sheep wool gets everywhere!

I had to have the whole seat re-covered..

And so you have it.....

BTW Boo ,Lars, Stikky , Leoo and all you other fiefdom players... Have you bought RTW yet?

Mine arrived today (at last) and well... I think my *twitch* has gone....

*Scratches hives*

RTW ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! buy it.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

[Oh, c'mon, Joe. It followed me home! Can't we keep it?

Don't you ever learn? Last time you asked that, it was me you were talking about.

Maybe I'd better bite that hand again?

(maybe not. You never know where it's been)

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Off to ManyAppleLess today and a {shudder} meeting with the ManySoda group. The Mall of America ... lovely, simply lovely, I'll try to take some photos.

So will we.

Camp Snoopy

What do you guys think? SpongeBob SquarePants the Ride?

I think this is much better than Camp Snoopy!

Hehehehe... </font>

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You've done more than dip your toe in this Pool, you fool; you've jumped in headfirst. A new layer of filth has been added to your already foul and ridiculous person, though I suspect few will notice.

It's not bad enough that some person from Stupidrainsallthetimeeveryoneismiserableandwhinges








-tradewithyouglasshouseandsoshouldnotthrowstones has entered here and made snide passing remarks about Australians, no: This person is from the north of said terrible country, a place so miserable, provincial and cultureless that it makes the fair isle that I have called home seem positively exiting and avant-garde (and I tell you now: Tasmania should not seem that way).

Too-Few-Millimetres: You are a fool, Sir. I challenge you to a game of CMBB. If you are not too busy dying of ennui or mad cow disease or some other englishry, I suggest that you accept. It would be a shame for you to appear to the Olde Ones as a coward as well as a lackwit.

Good evening.

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Aguirre, (spelt but not bolded) cos I don't know who you are yet...

I saw you on the fiefdom battle ground, you're an SSN then?

Please excuse my ignorance I've been AWOL so am a little more behind than is my usual state of existance....

I hope you're not thinking all of the UK is like your above description.. I don't have one single can of baked beans in my cupboard,it's not raining (at the moment) the sun is out, and there are many trees to be seen, lots of grass and sheep too, infact I could almost be in Australia....

Yes.. I have a vivid imagination, but this IS the Cesspool and well, We have Boo and Joe to contend with so I consider it mandatory..

Tazmania eh?

Sounds quite.... quite.... devilish to me..

Again.. I blame my imagination and the sheltered life I lead...


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Originally posted by rune:

Is it too late to point out that the Pommies [as in 37mm] are just Australians who haven't taken the trip yet?


Holder of the Famed Scroll of NDA

Not at all....It's never too late rune

Unless of course you didn't post in the

"Great contributers to the General Forum thread" among many others...

In which case, yes, you missed the boat. *wink*

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-I am an SSN. I post only occasionally, so it is not surprising that you haven't noticed me.

-Corwall and Scotland are excepted from my description, and I am willing to conceded that there may be other acceptable places in the UK, having avoided the place for my entire life.

-You may be interested to know that we have a sort of mountainous thing here called 'The Devil's Throne'.


It's Aguirre as in 'der Zorn Gottes'. Unless there's something left over from the armada, I'm not Spanish at all.

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Originally posted by Aguirre:


--Corwall and Scotland are excepted from my description,

Did you know that everyone whispers in CorNwall?

It's a lovely place almost as lovely as Scotland.

-You may be interested to know that we have a sort of mountainous thing here called 'The Devil's Throne'.

Tst, typical Australian always boasting about your masculinity, I've heard it called many things but never "The Devils Throne"..

**Thinks back to when her Throne was in the possession of Mace **

Ahh, it all makes so much more sense now....

At least to me it does..

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Aguirre made a mess all over the thread
I have to say that at first I didn’t know exactly where you came from, hardly surprising really as there are a lot of third world countries & it’s difficult to keep track of them all.

My surprise at what these threads produce still continues, I didn’t ever expect to find someone who could not only not spell but couldn’t use the space bar (I can only assume that the relentless dribble was used to represent the god awful noise that you people attempt to pass of as a ‘language’) either.

(un)Luckily I was able to snatch a few fragments of meaning from the mess but that didn’t help at all…

One pile of smeg from the Tazzywhatsit mentioned something about ‘economic integration with Europe’ as ‘forward’…

Two points as your countries economy is based on nothing but sheep bartering I think you should keep your ‘idea’s’ to yourself.

Second point is why would anyone want to be integrated with Europe when its all been taken over by smelly French people (some nations, such as Belgium, ludicrously claim their independent)?

Taz also appears to have expressed either a likeness for or a desire to protect Australians even declaring that I made ‘snide remarks’… again two points.

First of all it wasn’t ‘snide’ I was honest; the presence of Australians really did deter me (as it must for any decent person) from this thread…

Secondly why would you a Tazzywhom want to protect Australia when your own country is the only nation on Earth it can honestly declare more awful & with a population more drunk?

The questions just seem to mount…


I have a sneaking suspicion that the lack of spaces was an attempt at humour if I’m correct then I have to inform you that you failed. Perhaps a simpler form of comedy would be easier to grasp something like slapstick. I tell you now, if you smashed your head against a wall a few dozen times I’d certainly find that very amusing!

A setup is on the way.

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Originally posted by 3.7cm:

First of all it wasn’t ‘snide’ I was honest; the presence of Australians really did deter me (as it must for any decent person) from this thread…

Apparently neither the Ozzies nor the rest of us have done our jobs to deter you.....you're still here, it seems. Shame on us....perhaps you could perform a biology experiment for us then...dissect yourself, and mail all of your vital organs to Boo Radley , care of the Akron Ohio Facility for the Criminally Insane. You can send the left overs to Lars for use as chum, or whatever else he needs to hunt varmints.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 3.7cm:

First of all it wasn’t ‘snide’ I was honest; the presence of Australians really did deter me (as it must for any decent person) from this thread…

Apparently neither the Ozzies nor the rest of us have done our jobs to deter you.....you're still here, it seems. Shame on us....perhaps you could perform a biology experiment for us then...dissect yourself, and mail all of your vital organs to Boo Radley , care of the Akron Ohio Facility for the Criminally Insane. You can send the left overs to Lars for use as chum, or whatever else he needs to hunt varmints. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Boo Radley , care of the Akron Ohio Facility for the Criminally Insane.

That's The Akron Home For the Chronically Rude, you prancing organ grinder's monkey*.

*Heartfelt apologies to all real organ grinder monkeys worldwide for the unfair comparison.

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Originally posted by Shosties4th:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Boo Radley , care of the Akron Ohio Facility for the Criminally Insane.

That's The Akron Home For the Chronically Rude...</font>
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