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Take a Peng Challenge and call me in the morning


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Given the yelling and screaming of the last, the good Doctor has decided to put us on mogadon, so we can all get a nice good night's kip and wake up cheery and happy!

The good doctor also prescribed the following:

take with care) take your name and email address and stick it in your profile - won't hurt a bit. Without those, you could suffer severe Coventry.

this won't hurt a bit) Your cardio-vascular system can be improved though a regimen of taunting others of your own station. Taunting those above your station could lead to severe embaressment and constipation.

bend-over) Your genitalia is best left at the door, where our fine gyneacological service will have them cleaned and sparkling for the next day. Mentioning them here is thus pointless, and could also lead to coventry.

say ahh) The fine matrons on the ward are above your advances and should be addressed with respect, unless you enjoy acid baths.

and here's the bill) no swearing. Unless you like advanced coventry and a nasty little rash.

Now take two pills and sod off in the morning.

Dr Mace

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There are many things in life, sent to try us.

Lack of waves in summer.

Not enough rain in summer.

Not having holidays in summer.

Those are mere pimples on the path through life. SOME of you lot are the remains of a pimple, once juicily squeeeeezed. Others of you are the pimple itself. Joe fits that description. (I've often wondered if you would make the same squelchy noise when given the finger-press?)

OTHERS make the list as running sores. Boo admirably takes that accolade. Gawd he can post worse than Dorosh.

Then there are those that make a blip on lifes radar like a stealth fighter... Yes, too many to list. Or, I just can't be fagged. Either.

Then there are medical practicioners, like our Resident, Mace.* These fine participants in the never ending battle to take our well earned cash have a head start. Not only do you need them in times that are your low point, but, it seems once seeing them, always seeing them...just another test; and that will be another $45 thankyou. Except it never comes down to thankyou. Just a called out, "NEXT !" as you go to the front desk to be fleeced.

Getting through life is a chore. Getting through life when diagnosed as Coeliac, is a bigger chore. Sigh.

Don't send sympathy, cash is preferred. (Sigh)


* Mace has a bulk bill practise.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Dear Dr Mace,

I'm enquiring on behalf of a friend, as I haven't got it, but is there a cure for common sense?


(on behalf of a friend)


False on the face of it Oh Peng ... you have no friends ... only those of us here and we all destest you ... in a casual, none Commonsense way of course.


p.s. Good rules Mace I see you've been reading my versions for inspiration, always a wise choice.

p.p.s. See what happens when you don't shut the door tightly enough ... a Noba blows in ... nasty one too.

p.p.p.s Boo Radley ... hey it just occurred to me that you could, with minimal effort ... be Boor Adley ... well the first part would be right in any case.

I said in a prior iteration of the MBT:

Still I felt that if I were to provide such a target it was incumbent upon me to provide it in a manner to which you were accustomed ... I, for one, didn't KNOW they had adult Tee Ball Leagues.


To which YOU responded:

They do. It's called "golf", you cretin.
Well, yes but you DO realize that you don't have to play it THIS way don't you ...


And didn't you EVER wonder why YOU were always the one with the tee in your teeth? Granted it's Ohio and there aren't that many teeth in whole state but still ...

[ February 20, 2005, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

False on the face of it Oh Peng ... you have no friends ... only those of us here and we all destest you ... in a casual, none Commonsense way of course.

I don't detest him indeed I count Peng as more than a friend.

Meanwhile that Commonsense was a great laugh we need more of his sort! Sure he was a bit rough around the edges, he needed to be smoothed out (there’s nothing that a good rubbing wouldn’t sort my dear old granny used to say), given teaching in the ‘fine art’, made to do a proper days work (perhaps making delicate pastries) and brought up by the fine principles of carrot & stick (that’s where you hit someone with a stick & shove a carrot where the sun don’t shine… all very effective).

After a few moons had passed I’m sure we’d have ourselves a fine knight in the making… perhaps even a possible aide de Justicar?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

p.p.p.s Boo Radley ... hey it just occurred to me that you could, with minimal effort ... be Boor Adley ... well the first part would be right in any case.

I said in a prior iteration of the MBT: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Still I felt that if I were to provide such a target it was incumbent upon me to provide it in a manner to which you were accustomed ... I, for one, didn't KNOW they had adult Tee Ball Leagues.


To which YOU responded:

They do. It's called "golf", you cretin.
Well, yes but you DO realize that you don't have to play it THIS way don't you ...


And didn't you EVER wonder why YOU were always the one with the tee in your teeth? Granted it's Ohio and there aren't that many teeth in whole state but still ... </font>

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Boo Radley that was a sub-standard effort lad. Now I go out of my way to praise you on those ever-so-rare occasions when you actually manage to post something witty, and I think you'll acknowledge that I have sent private emails congratulating you on one or another of your efforts ... using actual paragraphs for example.

But praise when warranted means nothing if it's not balanced by warranted criticism.

So ... you're stupid and your wife dresses you funny.

I trust you'll work harder in the future to improve.


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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

So, on which website did you buy your diploma?

He's Oddstraylyun. He created it with crayons and scrap paper in the back bedroom at his mom's house.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well, I think it's kinda like the Theory of Evolution. Darwin published when he did because someone else was getting ready to publish essentially the same idea. Two brilliant people came up with the same idea at the same time. Mind you in THIS case it didn't require so much brilliance as just having eyes with which to see.


Well, when it comes to evolution, you should know what you're talking about, having witnessed so much of it from the sidelines.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well, I think it's kinda like the Theory of Evolution. Darwin published when he did because someone else was getting ready to publish essentially the same idea. Two brilliant people came up with the same idea at the same time. Mind you in THIS case it didn't require so much brilliance as just having eyes with which to see.


Well, when it comes to evolution, you should know what you're talking about, having witnessed so much of it from the sidelines. </font>
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Dear Dr Mace,

I'm enquiring on behalf of a friend, as I haven't got it, but is there a cure for common sense?


(on behalf of a friend)


Dear Pengy,

Common sense can be treated through the liberal application of a baseball bat/cricket bat/any blunt instrument to the back of the skull, which of course is referred to by the medical fraternity as 'beating some sense into him'.

So treat your 'friend' to a good, healthy thrashing. He'll respect you for it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go as my gyneacologist friend and I are going to look up some old friends.

Dr Mace

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radley (Whiney stuff SNIPPED, because it just felt good to do it.)


Lessee... I'll be getting up tomorrow about 6:45 (my usual time), having breakfast and a cuppa while reading. Then it's a 10 minute drive to work, which will get me there around 7:45 where I'll spend the morning shooting a cover shot for a brochure and some small machinery accessories for some booth graphics. Then, after lunch at this really nice Mexican restaurant, I'll go back to the studio, where I'll probably spend the afternoon retouching some other shots. Then at 4:30, I'll go down to the color lab and pick up some prints and transparencies, stop off at the store and be home by 5:30. Then it's time for a quick workout (or I might just sit down and have a beer or two), then dinner and spend the evening playing computer games.

Have a real happy Monday Joe. I know I will.

p.s. This just shows, as does just about everything else, that it sucks to be you.

Even on your best day.

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