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Now as for Mr.Radley, what happend there was I merely stream-lined his last name as this thread apeared loose and care free at first glance.
Hah the parasites are as unpredictable as an Australian without a beer.

One minute they’ll create posts with nothing but mmmmppphhhh or gggggrrrraaaaahhhhhhggggg.

The next they’ll pick you up on forgetting to put a full stop after TV(.).

Try not to worry too much though 'Dim the Enchanter' for one day I may forgive them for their many sins.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

The great pretender god Seanachai awakens from weeks of drunken revelry in the steaming rain forest and calls for his bodyguards. "How is that whole god campaign business thingy going?", he asks. The captain of the guard replies that dominion is growing at home and in adjoining provinces, although slowly. Seanachai belches, scratches his ample belly, and ponders for a while. "How can we speed up the growth of my dominion?", he muses. "Have you considered appointing a prophet?" asks the captain.

"A prophet? A brainless flunky who will tell everyone what a great god I am, while I get to spend all of my time drinking and passed out? That's positively brilliant!" Seanachai exclaims. "I have just the guy in mind. I'll just give him a title, like maybe Thuggish Henchman, and he'll be so excited he'll probably leave a puddle on the floor. Bring me 'The Noise'!"

"Your pretendership, I think you mean 'The Voice" the captain relies.

"Whatever. Send someone to bring him. Enough business for today; my head hurts already. Now, where did I leave that jug?" :D

Boo? You're summoned.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Trivial matters here ... nothing of substance.

Save, of course, that Tim the Decanter has been proposed for Coventry ... and by Seanachai no less.

What say you lads? Will any speak FOR Tim the Decanter or shall it be Coventry for him?


rleete, the twit, said that Tim the Depantser was sent to Coventry some time ago.

I don't remember this, but then, I blew out my short term memory thirty years ago.

Who are you again? </font>

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Seanachai, I find it distressing and repugnant that since I have consigned you to my own private Coventry, you have yet to notice.

Just to let you know that after your puny and pathetic attempts to command me to stop posting, I have not done so, and you are now on my Ignore List.

I think you need to be careful about how you use the word Coventry; Gaylord (who no longer posts here) cried about it for six months at the Writer's Club. I'd hate to see anyone here dissolve into tears over it.

You, of course, are made of sterner stuff.

Did I mention I'm ignoring you?

Really, it's for the best. I was getting a few points ahead of you in the Hate Polls. Alas, while a Mortal Enemy still eludes me, I have picked up one or two stalkers. I see they are now regulars here - looking for tips, no doubt, on self-loathing. Better here than elsewhere, I guess.

Did I mention that I'm ignoring you?!? :mad:

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The Bard sayeth...

Perhaps if this 'Ghost in the Machine' had been a little less self-absorbed, a little less self-congratulatory, a little more interactive, we'd be able to say we'd seen a triumph. As it is, we're simply subjected to the endless repetition of a failure to model human intelligence.

If it had even been somewhat entertaining, we'd be praising it as the new 'Alice' program for the modern age.

But we're simply seeing a more egotistical and annoying version of the standard AI/Human interaction.

We have seen the legions of sad ghost-hacked (sock) puppets. I ask, who or what is the Puppet Master?


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There I was mindin' my own business, when along came that useless wanker, Leeo.

"Oh please Berli, play a game with me."

So, I figure, what the Hell, how bad can it be kickin' Leeo's yarbles up betwixt his ears? So, I take the time (and trouble) to set up a game and send it to him. Cool so far. Set up returns, and I plot the first turn. Send that off to him.

Nothin'. Not a damned thing back. Hell, I got a turn from Seanachai while waiting. If I get another from Seanachai, I'll have to officially announce Leeo as lost at sea and presumed dead

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

It's just that he's worn me out so thoroughly that I have barely enough energy to sit propped up, exhausted and glistening (as only ladies do) in the afterglow, in front of the computer until I gain strength enough for him again.

And when Papa Khan does that, they say it's just wrong...
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