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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso...

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Utterance of Andreas

There shall be rites, and they shall involve scantily clad Italian birds. Thus spoke I. Dig out a tape of that 80s favourite 'Tutti Frutti', and you will get the idea. Rites can be lead by anyone who can appreciate the presence of the aforementioned Italians.
"Tutti Frutti" … 1980s favorite?
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What’s all this “Four Horsemen” stuff about anyway? These mental midgets are supposed to be the dark power behind the Forum? I mean, does anyone seriously think that Emrys could run an asylum like this one? He’d be chewed up faster than the last bag of Cheetos at a Grateful Dead Concert. Dorish? I suppose he could Grog porn them to death, but lets face it, Mannequin owning Canadians don’t inspire much fear. Nausea and pity maybe, but is that any basis for a proper iron fisted rule? Andreas? A Japanese looking German who wants to be English? Enough issues to employ a whole staff of therapists, but not really overlord material. Berli? Maybe. Running the Forum probably isn’t much different than managing a minor suburb of one of the middle levels of Hell, but he can’t do it on his own.

Now, the Four Norsemen of the Apocalypse is somefink I can get behind. We have plenty of assorted Swedes, Finns and whatnot. Give the Forum over to the likes of Geier, CMplayer, Hortland, and Keke, and were on the right track. Who better to enforce the rules than the folks with a proud tradition of raping, pillaging, drinking far too much, eating rotten and/or lye soaked fish, living in conditions so bad that only the strongest and stupidest survive, and thumping people over the head with assorted large bladed instruments. Perfect background for keeping the rabble in line.

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Originally posted by Frunze:

That's exactly your problem. You want to be hated, and even say so out loud. So if, hypothetically, someone did hate you, they'd be sure not to admit it. Since that'd make you happy, and obviously your enemies, if you had any, wouldn't want to do that.

True hatred is something that is attached to you accidentally. It cannot be sought. People will only hate you if you are completely indifferent about whether they hate you or not.

And I oughta know. As, without setting any such goal, I seem to have become one of the more hated posters on the GF. Maybe I oughta follow your example instead, and see if Slappy will stop spamming intense yet vague hostile nonsense in "response" to my posts. Clogs up the threads y'know.

Frunze, you are clearly a thinker, and I have misjudged you. Oh, you're a lunatic, of course, but your points above are very cogent, and I've never had that many problems with lunatics.

I salute you, sir. Any harsh words I may have passed upon you in the past are, well, past. They all involved politics, in any case, which is a bloody stupid endeavour for providing the basis for hatred and anger.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

I mean, does anyone seriously think that Emrys could run an asylum like this one? He’d be chewed up faster than the last bag of Cheetos at a Grateful Dead Concert.

All right, just for that, the next 4,000 calories of junk food you eat will coagulate painfully in your gut to give you an excruciating tummy ache.

You WILL feel my wrath.


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Hmmm pauses a moment to consider

Let's see. Accomplishments:

Began the Peng Challenge Thread, now on its tumpty tumpty incarnation, probably 10,000 posts or better, and made MrPeng an International Star.

Established a new, secular order of Knighthood that most don't realize is a lineal descendant of the Templars, forging links to the Illuminati.

Raised Elijah Meeks to Kingship.

Current Projects:

Revealed Berli, Dorosh, Emrys and Andreas to be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, playing upon their status as 'Dark and manipulative figures behind the control of the CM Forums'. Several Cults already begun, with more in the offing.

Do you know, eventually I'm going to have to start charging for this sort of thing.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Frunze, you are clearly a thinker, and I have misjudged you. Oh, you're a lunatic, of course, but your points above are very cogent, and I've never had that many problems with lunatics.

I salute you, sir. Any harsh words I may have passed upon you in the past are, well, past. They all involved politics, in any case, which is a bloody stupid endeavour for providing the basis for hatred and anger.

I've forgotten "any harsh words" from you, if there were any...unless you count calling me a lunatic about 2 sentences earlier, but hey, ancient history.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Began the Peng Challenge Thread, now on its tumpty tumpty incarnation, probably 10,000 posts or better, and made MrPeng an International Star.

Peng already was. As far as your 1000 monkeys experiment, well...

Established a new, secular order of Knighthood that most don't realize is a lineal descendant of the Templars, forging links to the Illuminati.
I'm fairly certain that was NOT your stupid idea

Raised Elijah Meeks to Kingship.
Hardly, you were only the front man

Revealed Berli, Dorosh, Emrys and Andreas to be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, playing upon their status as 'Dark and manipulative figures behind the control of the CM Forums'. Several Cults already begun, with more in the offing.
As I recall that was begun by [censored]

Do you know, eventually I'm going to have to start charging for this sort of thing.
So, what you're saying is that you plan on going into politics? Get paid, do nothing?
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May I be the first to point out that there is no such thing as Andreas. It is merely a construct of the human imagination that searches for meaning on these boards. Many of you cannot cope with the thought that there is no purpose, no meaning to posting here, and that when the board dies, nothing but oblivion waits your persona.

So you dance around your camp fire, spouting superstitious nonsense, performing meaningless rituals to keep the terrible darkness of the unknown at bay.

“But that cannot be” you say “These boards, this member number MUST have meaning and purpose and judgement, or otherwise WHAT IS IT ALL FOR?”

Well, if telling one another sweet lies helps you cope, rather than drinking yourself to death once you realise the sheer futility of it all, go ahead.

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Originally posted by Wisbech_lad:

May I be the first to point out that there is no such thing as Andreas.

May I be the first to point out that the nation that is foremost responsible for CMBO and CMBB has the right to be represented among those 4 horsemen. Andreas was the one guy not to take one step back when it was "volunteers one step forward" over here (actually he did it but he forgot the time lag so he was 1 hour late). As we all know there is always that one guy. Thus we have positive proof of his existence.

This somehow disturbs my philosophical view of the universe, as until now any proof of god existing proved that god did not exist, as belief and proof do not match. So I either have to change my vast comprehension of the universe - including this dogma - or Andreas is no god.

OTOH the existence of somebody who can disturb a dogma is ... well... ahem... a go... a damn bugger.

Andreas - could you please leave the forum and clear any evidence of your existence to make sure my dogma is still valid?



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmmm pauses a moment to consider

Let's see. Accomplishments:

Dressed self with no help from others. Got pants on correctly after only three tries.

Had screaming match with scary man in mirror. Came to a draw.

Got turns out after only a week or so.

Yep...it's Miller time.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Do you know, eventually I'm going to have to start charging for this sort of thing.

Who'd pay you when, like the chain-smoking, gap-toothed old hag down at the end of the bar rail at closing time sucking down the drinks with a swallow left in them, you do it for free?
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Originally posted by Wisbech_lad:

May I be the first to point out that there is no such thing as Andreas. It is merely a construct of the human imagination that searches for meaning on these boards. Many of you cannot cope with the thought that there is no purpose, no meaning to posting here, and that when the board dies, nothing but oblivion waits your persona.

So you dance around your camp fire, spouting superstitious nonsense, performing meaningless rituals to keep the terrible darkness of the unknown at bay.

“But that cannot be” you say “These boards, this member number MUST have meaning and purpose and judgement, or otherwise WHAT IS IT ALL FOR?”

Well, if telling one another sweet lies helps you cope, rather than drinking yourself to death once you realise the sheer futility of it all, go ahead.

I am Famine and Wisbech_lad is my prophet! Ye shall all starve for meaning! Cry out and beat your breasts, for the dark, undifferentiated Void awaits you!


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