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New Public Beta 1.03 Patch Now Available!!! 4-17-2003

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I am happy to announce a new build (1.03c) of the CMBB 1.03 Public Beta Patch.

This Beta patch is for Mac and Windows but will ONLY work on the Battlefront.com English version. It is not intended nor will it work for the CDV version.

This patch is being offered AS IS so you should be sure and backup your copy of CMBB before applying the patch.

The patch is just over 2 megs in size. It includes a new executable and some new BMP files.

The purpose of this beta release to the public is to test the listed fixes (see below) and ensure no major lingering resolvable issues remain.

Once we have confirmed that, we will release 1.03 as a full (non-beta) patch.

If you encounter issues with this patch related to the listed fixes below please post a reply in this thread detailing what you see. If need be someone from Battlefront.com will reply to the message and possibly request pictures or a save game file which demonstrates the issue.

BE ADVISED, we are not adding any other new features to 1.03 so please refrain from asking for new stuff, rather we just want people to look over the patch and confirm that what we say is fixed is fixed. smile.gif

Windows Patch:





Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin 1.03c Public Beta README 4-17-2003

Since this release is a PUBLIC BETA release we STRONGLY suggest you backup your current Barbarossa to Berlin.exe file before applying this patch!

Your copy of CMBB must already be patched to version 1.02 before applying this patch. Failure to do so may cause your game to no longer run properly.

European Version Warning:

This Beta Patch will NOT WORK with the CDV European release, it is intended only for the Battlefront.com version (English Language only).

A full 1.03 patch (non-beta) will be released in the future for both Battlefront and CDV versions.

In-Progress PBEM Note:

-- PBEM games in progress must be saved as save-game files and reloaded into v1.03 before PBEM can continue (even PBEM from the last beta patch).

UPDATED ON 4-17-2003 with these changes..

-- Simulate tendency of uncapped AP ammo to shatter on high-hardness Russian armor (plates of 60mm or less, generally). This reduces, for

example, the ability of the German 37mm gun to penetrate the T-34.

-- Tweaked the fix to ammo reloading for units imported to QBs so it won't go over the max load for vehicles.

-- Soviet 45mm antitank gun may use canister ammunition.

-- Fixed a FOW issue showing optics info for not-fully-identified vehicles.

-- Added 'icon' view for Vanatorul de care R-35.

-- Fixed a bug where vehicles would ocasionally 'miss' a nearby waypoint and have to turn around in a tight space to reach it.

-- Wooden buildings are more flammable.

-- Valentine III model shrunk slightly.

-- StuG IV gun won't depress into the hull when the vehicle is knocked


-- Fixed a problem where a unit showed more casualties than the number of men it originally had.

-- Vehicles that TacAI-retreat from a threat stop hiding.

Here's the full v1.03c feature list:


* PBEM games in progress must be saved as save-game files and reloaded into v1.03 before PBEM can continue(even PBEM from the last beta patch).


* Ordnance aims better at soft targets just behind the crest of a ridge (i.e. on a reverse slope).

* Simulate tendency of uncapped AP ammo to shatter on high-hardness Russian armor (plates of 60mm or less, generally). This reduces, for

example, the ability of the German 37mm gun to penetrate the T-34.

* TacAI is smarter about having a tank prioritize facing its front armor toward an enemy before opening fire on that enemy, if getting the front armor oriented is more helpful than shooting.

* Chance of permanent immobilization after bogging is slightly lowered.

* Very slight reduction to tungsten penetration values, and a slight increase in the TacAI willingness to use tungsten even if the weapon has a large amount of AP on hand.

* Wooden buildings are more flammable.


* BA-20 armor sloped and increased to 10mm.

* Romanian 81mm mortar has correct blast value.

* Several Romanian aircraft added and data updated.

* For the British 2-pounder tank cannon, Soviets receive HE ammo starting April 1943, and APHV ammo (standard AP shot but with slightly increased muzzle velocity) from January through May 1943 (switch to APCBC after).

* Soviet 45mm antitank gun and 76.2mm ZiS-3 field gun may use canister ammunition.

* Regimental SMG Company added to Soviet Guards Infantry TO&E


* Captured units may not "follow vehicle".

* Escaped prisoners don't show their former weapons in the "gun rack" interface.

* Icon/profile graphics added for BT-2, Pz 38(t) E/G and Vanatorul de care R-35.

* Position of MG gunner in SPW 251/16 adjusted slightly.

* The 'short' 75mm German gun can knock out a wooden bunker.

* AAA vehicles fire at aircraft correctly.

* Hungarian M39 rifle has proper graphics.

* Small fixes made to models for Valentine III, Matilda II, SPW 251/16, and BT-7M.

* German 28mm Heavy Antitank Rifle graphical model is larger.

* Corrected a problem where a waypoint added by the TacAI in avoiding an obstacle could "float" above the ground.

* Troops imported into a QB have ammo reloaded but only to the percentage set in the QB parameters.

* Corrected a rare problem where it was possible to discover unspotted barbed wire with the LOS tool if the wire was placed near a boundary of

woods and other terrain.

* Prisoners will not cause units to balk at "friendly fire" (this prevents a gamey issue).

* Random settings in the QB generator won't combine armor force types with division types that have no armor (like Partisans).

* Corrected a problem that sometimes caused two players in an operation to be shown different victory results.

* Fixed a rare problem where a unit could fire a heavy weapon and not show muzzle flash/smoke.

* Soviet crews show the proper Soviet pistol graphic.

* Corrected a problem that sometimes caused a fire to grow larger (or not) depending on how many times the action was replayed.

* Corrected a problem where a split squad could replenish more "healed wounded" casualties between battles in an operation than they should, resulting in an "extra man".

* Fixed a rare problem that could cause loading a PBEM file to crash the game.

* Corrected a problem where the casualty tally could be slightly incorrect in cases where a PBEM game was ended by a cease-fire or

surrender in a turn where a vehicle or gun crew was just about to bail out.

* Corrected a problem in the 'gun rack' interface that would sometimes not show the right MGs for a misidentified vehicle.

* Split squads don't have direct negative effects on global morale or victory points.

* Split squads don't cause large miscounts of casualties at end of battle.

* Somua S-35 model places passengers properly.

* When you 'reset' an artillery strike it remembers whether the original plan was for a wide pattern or not.

* Fixed a FOW issue showing optics info for not-fully-identified vehicles.

* Fixed a bug where vehicles would ccasionally 'miss' a nearby waypoint and have to turn around in a tight space to reach it.

* StuG IV gun won't depress into the hull when the vehicle is knocked out.

* Vehicles that TacAI-retreat from a threat stop hiding.

* (French version) In editor, the Operations Parameters screen, the Battle Window size control has its "minus" button.


[ April 17, 2003, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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I've been testing out the beta patches for a while now and I have to say the latest one produces the best results.

I have a scenario in which six Russian AT guns are just behind the crest of a hill overlooking a valley where several Tigers are. The guns are placed at varying distances from the crest. The furthest gun out is only three meteres from the remaining five guns. All guns have a good view down the valley. When the fur starts flying, the Tigers are 600 to 700 metres away.

In 1.02, the Tigers can't hit any of the guns at all. With 1.03a, the gun in front gets nailed within ten shots -- the remaining guns don't get touched. 1.03b produced results similar to 1.03a. In 1.03c, the gun furthest out is hit hit twice within five shots. The gun three metres back got hit once in ten shots. Another gun three metres from the furthest gun out was hit twice in ten shots.

I noticed a few shells going past the guns in 1.03c. With 1.03a and b, 99% of the Tigers' shells impacted in front of the crest. With 1.03c (rough guess) about 95% of the shots hit in front, the rest ripped right past the crest (not to mention the battle map)

This was a quick n' dirty test. I'll doing some more playing -er..testing- later on.

Thanks for the patch and the effort.

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Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

Can I have two CMBB installs? I'd like to try this patch and have a pbem with someone who would rather stay on 1.02.

Yes, just make a copy of your 1.02 exe file and rename it something else. Then patch. As long as you make your copy an exe as well you can run both.
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-- Tweaked the fix to ammo reloading for units imported to QBs so it won't go over the max load for vehicles.

Thank you. smile.gif Tested and works perfectly now.

I just tried the "panzer overturning a waypoint" issue, looks like it's fixed now. smile.gif It still "understeer", missing the turn/waypoint (by about 7-10 m or so in my tests), but doesn't rotate in place to reach the last waypoint, like it did before. So you still need to take care when you are plotting your waypoints, but at least you wont turn your flank to the enemy. smile.gif

Thanks guys!

[ April 18, 2003, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: SuperSulo ]

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

I just tried the "panzer overturning a waypoint" issue, looks like it's fixed now. smile.gif It still "understeer", missing the turn/waypoint (by about 7-10 m or so in my tests), but doesn't rotate in place to reach the last waypoint, like it did before. So you still need to take care when you are plotting your waypoints, but at least you wont turn your flank to the enemy. smile.gif

Thanks guys!

Fixing that and the super-AT gun bug to me makes the other fixes pure gravy.

Thanks BFC!

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Last night in the new patch I had Russian 75mm gun Shermans and a KV-85 (my new favorite tank) going toe-to-toe with a Panther and not backing down. Well, one Sherman did pop smoke and retreat slightly before reengaging, but it wasn't anything that anybody would call 'cowering'.

And by the way, they eventually K.O'd the Panther.


And another thing I almost forgot to mention, the tanks rotation (at least o the Stug IV) is not quite so grindingly slow as it was. Still slow enough to make for some (delightfully) tense moments, but not inappropriately slow.

[ April 18, 2003, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Originally posted by Flammenwerfer:

Still having tanks 'retreat' from danger by speeding foward with a sharp turn to the left, exposing a flank shot..

if it only happens infrequently that might a realistic "panic" response

I have not tested it

anyone else care to comment on the "'retreat' from danger by speeding foward with a sharp turn to the left, exposing a flank shot.." issue? :confused:


-tom w

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Last night in the new patch I had Russian 75mm gun Shermans and a KV-85 (my new favorite tank) going toe-to-toe with a Panther and not backing down. Well, one Sherman did pop smoke and retreat slightly before reengaging, but it wasn't anything that anybody would call 'cowering'.

And by the way, they eventually K.O'd the Panther.


And another thing I almost forgot to mention, the tanks rotation (at least o the Stug IV) is not quite so grindingly slow as it was. Still slow enough to make for some (delightfully) tense moments, but not inappropriately slow.

that sound GOOD! smile.gif

thanks for the update

-tom w

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


Please be sure to include as many of Rexford's new researches into armor thickness and armor penetration as possible for the 1.03 Final. I believe he's breaking very important ground, and I continue to be amazed by what he and his interlocutors keep discovering.


John Kettler

Everything Rexxford posts here he usually posts first to the beta forum or sends via email to us. He is a beta tester and also helped a great deal with Armor Penetration Calculations in CMBB, as such we know everything new that he finds. ;)


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Originally posted by Flammenwerfer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Flammenwerfer:

Still having tanks 'retreat' from danger by speeding foward with a sharp turn to the left, exposing a flank shot..

if it only happens infrequently that might a realistic "panic" response


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I ran my test of 8 single StugIIIF's (short) firing at 8 single "hulldown" 45mm guns (behind a moderately tall, flat topped hill). Results show, it appears, some further improvement in the "unhittable gun" category--though some tanks still can't ever get the range. After one turn, 3 guns were killed and 2 broken by near misses. A few shots were going too long, which I took for a good sign. During turn two, the two broken guns were quickly killed, for a total of 5 killed--and as in previous tests, turn two is where the gun kills stopped. After 5 turns the Stugs that didn't quickly get the range had never got it. They were still plowing every shot into the hillside, One Stug was gun damaged. The other two showed no signs of ever getting the range.

I'm not sure why this particular pattern keeps recurring--all Stugs were regular, so it's not experience-- but in any case this seems to me a reasonable result. The guns are not unkillable but the shot is difficult and you may need to use more than one tank to be sure of finding a gunner who can get the range. So I'm ready to accept this version's fix of the unhittable gun. Not sure what others think.

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

I would still like to see some example files (from 1.03c) of a unit panicing and heading TOWARD the enemy.

Madmatt [/QB]

It is sometimes safest to run towards the enemy. The classic example is when caught in the open on a forward slope. The crest line behind you being further away than the bottom of the slope in front of you - which you hope (fond hope) to be in dead ground to the bastard who is trying to kill you.

I fondly remember a, thankfully, blank firing exercise where I chose to 'take cover' (lay down) on a forward slope. I was greeted by a derisive shout from a Parachute Regiment Colour Sergeant DS standing behind me: 'You're as big a fooking target lying there as if you were standing oop! Git yourself down into that fooking gulley!

Sound advice that I have often reflected upon.

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Shoot n Scoot seems to be working good now. I'm not sure if this is a side effect of the 'reduced cowering tweak' or not -- but S & S works great now.

Before, with v1.01 to 1.02, I had trouble with S & S as the tanks would have the 'scoot' part right, but would suddenly freeze and not shoot (and get creamed as a result). I didn't try S & S with v1.03a and 1.03b, but I did with 1.03c.

Well, there were two dead Tigers as a result.


Back to testing...

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