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Life's just like a box of Peng Challenges

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

and she has been a bit... off since Bauhaus' last visit

Did you just say "bit off" and "bauhaus" in the same sentence? What happened to decorum? Who speaks for the 'Pool?! Oh, yeah, see what happens when theme songs disappear, everything goes to the dogs...
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

and she has been a bit... off since Bauhaus' last visit

Did you just say "bit off" and "bauhaus" in the same sentence? What happened to decorum? Who speaks for the 'Pool?! Oh, yeah, see what happens when theme songs disappear, everything goes to the dogs... </font>
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AAR of TCPIP Passion with Girlfriend

Three battles. Two of which were Pure Armor and my love was Germans. She won both of them handily. I hate computer picked forces. She must have cheated, but I wouldn’t say that. No, not me.

Third battle was premade scenario created by yours truly. I barely won even though I, uh, set up the game myself. Either I suck or she is a savant. Could it be both?

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

AAR of TCPIP Passion with Girlfriend

Three battles. Two of which were Pure Armor and my love was Germans. She won both of them handily. I hate computer picked forces. She must have cheated, but I wouldn’t say that. No, not me.

Third battle was premade scenario created by yours truly. I barely won even though I, uh, set up the game myself. Either I suck or she is a savant. Could it be both?

Cheat, schmeat...you're just mad because I blew you to smithereenies! Teach you to mess with a tanker's daughter!

But I'm sure you were just going easy on me...since I'm a girl and all that. Yeah...that's it. That's the ticket! I'm sure next time you'll have me running home crying to my mommy. (in your dreams, heh)

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

AAR of TCPIP Passion with Girlfriend

Uhh, you guys aren't going to "cyber" or anything too creepy, are you?

HS: I unbutton my hatch and raise my cannon toward you.

MS: I widen my stance and prepare to receive your first shot.

HS: I slew my turret and get a round into the breech.

MS: I check my exposure rating and decide I am safe.

HS: My shot flies toward you but misses.

MS: I get another glass of wine and get set for another long wait.....

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

AAR of TCPIP Passion with Girlfriend

Uhh, you guys aren't going to "cyber" or anything too creepy, are you?

HS: I unbutton my hatch and raise my cannon toward you.

MS: I widen my stance and prepare to receive your first shot.

HS: I slew my turret and get a round into the breech.

MS: I check my exposure rating and decide I am safe.

HS: My shot flies toward you but misses.

MS: I get another glass of wine and get set for another long wait..... </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

AAR of TCPIP Passion with Girlfriend

Uhh, you guys aren't going to "cyber" or anything too creepy, are you?

HS: I unbutton my hatch and raise my cannon toward you.

MS: I widen my stance and prepare to receive your first shot.

HS: I slew my turret and get a round into the breech.

MS: I check my exposure rating and decide I am safe.

HS: My shot flies toward you but misses.

MS: I get another glass of wine and get set for another long wait..... </font>

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Originally posted by TikiBob:

I am back!

Yes, I will admit a sound thrashing by Mr. Spkr the abreviator. It certainly was a strong showcasing of his mighty skills. 3 virtually impenatrable matilda's vs my vast forces of Italian model cars fitted with BB guns. Yes no doubt that given similar forces he could certainly crush any of the dregs in the Cesspool.

Oh, now this sounds familar.

Vapid, we appear to have solved various Hotmail related problems, next file on the way.

[ February 16, 2003, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: mcgivney ]

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Hmmm. I've been a bit...down, lately.

While I've tried to keep even and well appraised of the antics of you many grinning gibbons, I'm still a bit under the weather.

But I feel myself beginning to heal.


Vadr. I will no longer tolerate your rather infantile attempts at abusing me. Stuff it, stand up like something capable of reproducing within it's own species, look me in the eye, and say: "Seanachai, I've always wanted your sodding approval. That's why I piss myself so much trying to mock you."

Or you could just say: Hey, then, all! What about a jolly sing-song?!

And render up some semi-decent bit of musical mayhem.

Christ, man. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, perched on the Brink of War, and with a drunken, bronchitis infected UberGnome as some sort of patron, WE'RE ALL ABOUT THE BLOODY GODDAMN JOLLY SING-SONG, NOW AREN'T WE, YOU SODDING MAGGOT?!

Vadr, I expect song lyrics of some significance from you by the time I shake off the F'ing hangover that I've incurred by talking with the Prince of Evil tonight. Before, that is, I leave for breakfast at the 'Pigs Must Die' Cafe.

Oh, and Vadr. I already like you. At least, that is, as much as the other newly arrived pieces of ****e that one can barely believe inhabit the same Plane of Reality as the rest of us with normal intelligence. Rest assured, lad. You're like the half-witted, drooling, 'constantly smelling his own hand' genetically damaged child I'd always hoped to avoid fathering.

And I won't give you up for anything.

Short of a Court Order, of course, asking that you be put to death for the good of the Human Race.

You pillock.

Now, walk right, step into the light, and belt out a sodding song, you useless waste of human genetic material!

[ February 16, 2003, 02:58 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by mcgivney:

I am back!

What in the name of all the gods is a 'mcgivney'?

Wouldn't any proud bearer of an Irish, Scots, or Scots-Irish name characterize it as: McGivney?

F'ing pillocks.

I've no bloody patience for someone's little girl who's been posting under their family's proud name, and making a mock of it because they haven't the wit to reproduce it right in standard English, Scottish, or Irish usage.

Here, now, mcgivney, you 8 year old girl! Do your parents know you're using the computer?! Bustle off, and purge the PC's history record before the adults find out you've been visiting sites dedicated to warriour valour, badinage, and having a good game then, eh?!

This isn't the sort of place a freckle-faced maiden who's conflicted about her relationship with her father should be posting in, now is it?

You soft, downy, posturing bit of genetic deficiency.

Lord! What's the place coming to, I ask you?!

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I feel that Seanachai needs a sing song to pull him out of the last bit of his healing trance like Spock needed Nurse Chapel to hit him after being shot with a musket.

So I will versify.


O you Irish laddie

you are mucking 'bout the fen

O you Gaelic laddie

you are drinkin' pee again

O the non-Irish

don't know nuthin'

'bout the joy of taters

on your muffin

(fiddle solo)

Hey nonny nonny

and a guy that wears green

buckles on his shoes

and he sure knows how to preen

Whew! If you think that's easy, you've got another thing coming.

Seanachai? Seanachai? Are you free of your healing trance yet? Shall I continue?

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Originally posted by dalem:

I feel that Seanachai needs a sing song to pull him out of the last bit of his healing trance like Spock needed Nurse Chapel to hit him after being shot with a musket.

So I will versify.


O you Irish laddie

you are mucking 'bout the fen

O you Gaelic laddie

you are drinkin' pee again

O the non-Irish

don't know nuthin'

'bout the joy of taters

on your muffin

(fiddle solo)

Hey nonny nonny

and a guy that wears green

buckles on his shoes

and he sure knows how to preen

Whew! If you think that's easy, you've got another thing coming.

Seanachai? Seanachai? Are you free of your healing trance yet? Shall I continue?

You total idjit.

There's nothing about your sing-songs that a good drive-by won't solve.

My gods, how I loathe you.

Almost as much as the endless number of sodding lackwits that've shown up here to post, recently.

Mind, you're a Gentle, Parfait Knight by Cesspool standards.

This knowledge makes me want to use garden implements to savage myself.

But, on a lighter note, I think that lenakonrad might be the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

At least, the poetry of the posting is starting to sink into my bones. Someone please tell me that we didn't allow that horrible Aussie pillock, AussieJeff, to take he/she/it to Squire?

And what the f'ing hell is going on with AussieJeff's screename, that I'm still seeing it show up as 'auSSiejeff'.

Fix this ****e.

[ February 16, 2003, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff2:

Well I never.

Tis a small world indeed.

Hey Bro!! Nice pant suit ya got there!! ;)


Hehe. Just got that in before AJ2 "evaporated"!

I wonder who it might have been?

Sure would get confusing if EVERY one here changed their screen name to AussieJeff. {Hmmm...but that WOULD confuse Le Bard - so THAT would be a positive...}

[ February 16, 2003, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: aUSsiejeff ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I feel that Seanachai needs a sing song to pull him out of the last bit of his healing trance like Spock needed Nurse Chapel to hit him after being shot with a musket.

So I will versify.


O you Irish laddie

you are mucking 'bout the fen

O you Gaelic laddie

you are drinkin' pee again

O the non-Irish

don't know nuthin'

'bout the joy of taters

on your muffin

(fiddle solo)

Hey nonny nonny

and a guy that wears green

buckles on his shoes

and he sure knows how to preen

Whew! If you think that's easy, you've got another thing coming.

Seanachai? Seanachai? Are you free of your healing trance yet? Shall I continue?

You total idjit.

There's nothing about your sing-songs that a good drive-by won't solve.

My gods, how I loathe you.

Almost as much as the endless number of sodding lackwits that've shown up here to post, recently.

Mind, you're a Gentle, Parfait Knight by Cesspool standards.

This knowledge makes me want to use garden implements to savage myself.


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Seanachai, obviously still in delirium (or under the influence of drugs) muttered:

Or you could just say: Hey, then, all! What about a jolly sing-song?!
The sing-alongs were a bad idea you twit. 9 out of 10 Cesspoolers agree. Of course, you can't be expected to be cognizant of that because you are, once again, completely out of touch with the MBT. We could take pity on you and write this little out-of-place rant off as being due to your recent illness...but we wont.

So, I guess I'll follow the other option:

"Seanachai, I've always thought you the biggest idiot in the Pool. Well no, that's not true. Berli is actually more of a Git, but you talk more. That's why I piss myself laughing every time I mock you."

There, do you feel better?

Did you need a snowplow to eat the pig Storyteller? 80 degrees F here today, think I'll hang in my pool and work on my tan.

In closing, if you want a song from me, you'd best go through the Justicar as is proper. I've got more pleasant things to do than interact with you. Cleaning out the stables, for instance.

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