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Life's just like a box of Peng Challenges

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MicGillney spluttered:

it seems your squire has sodded off into oblivion
You little pillock, stop dodging me!

It's 2003 genius (that would be sarcasm). Most people know how to check their E-mail, most people know Hotmail sux. Where were you when the brains were handed out, eh?

I tell you Justicar, he is playing a delaying game. He doesn't want to see the results of the Charge of the Tin Brigade, and he certainly doesn't want the responsibility of continuing said suicidal charge.

So, mginest, I have sent TWO new E-mails with both zipped and unzipped turns attached. I sent these to the address in your profile (and not the fictional 'other' address). Please see if you can figure out how to hit the 'Send and Receive' button.

Or, you could just Sod Off

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Oh dearie me, I get busy beyond belief for ONE CRUMMY DAY and this is the result. Four extra pages to wade through. Luckily nothing of note was posted so I really needn't respond in detail except to say:

Seanachai it's ... well, not NICE to see you back but at least homey.

Vadr, you needn't worry lad, no one in here believes anything that MacHinery says, he's probably related (somehow, you know how the Scots are) to OGSF and no one believes him either ... I didn't actually believe IN him until we met in Denver.

Lenakonrad ... do you favor the traditional forms of recreational drugs or are you into the more exotic blends? Whatever it is, it seems to be working. Oh ... and there's a feature of this and most BBS forums called "word wrap". It allows you to continue typing ... WITHOUT THE NEED TO HIT THE ENTER KEY AND START A NEW LINE! It does it all FOR you ... think of it as magic.

Lady Moraine Sedai (the Moraine part is fine, but there's just something ... WRONG ... about the female gender being applied to the name Sedai) Let me get this straight ... you knew Hiram ... OUR Hiram, before and STILL married him? Did you know he was from Noo Joysee? I'm sorry but I'm having a really hard time wrapping my mind around this whole concept.

Panzer Leader you eternal goof! I'll be in Kansas City Monday afternoon through Wednesday night ... I'm staying at the Embassy Suites KC Airport. I'm willing to grant you an audience providing you buy the beer.

For the rest of you lot, I'm completing my long neglected turns as soon as I get done with this post. Then I'm off to Kansas City for most of the week.


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Originally posted by Vadr:

So, mginest, I have sent TWO new E-mails with both zipped and unzipped turns attached. I sent these to the address in your profile (and not the fictional 'other' address). Please see if you can figure out how to hit the 'Send and Receive' button.

1) Hotmail doesn't use a send and receive function.

2) Hotmail doth suck, verily, but it is the only option availible to me.

3) There isn't anything in my mailbox.

4) I'm not Scottish. (Mc, you degenerate Utahian, is usually Irish)

It's a conspiracy!

[ February 15, 2003, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: mcgivney ]

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Blah blah blah blah blah blah how do I work my email blah blah blah blah blah I dunno use that computer thingie I guess blah blah blah blah blah Duhhhhh okay blah blah blah blah blah Uhh nope didn't work blah blah blah blah blah Did you turn it on blah blah blah blah blah Duhh huh blah blah dyuk yuk yuk blah CLANG !!!! . . .

Sigh. If you pillocks can't figure out email, perhaps you would be happier playing Battleship.


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Originally posted by AuSSiejeff:

Mah' dearrrr d'factoo-sis,

Hoo's yer-r-r weee Boonie Scootlund gewin' than fair-r-r lassie?

Ah wood soogest tha' ye shood gew wi' yer-r-r wooomanlee instinc's, ah wood..

Ah'ts boond tae bae tha' r-r-reet choyse!

Wha hey!!


Hoots mon! - mah scoot's bluud ah's r-r-reesin!




[ February 15, 2003, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Gawd dammit all to hell!!

All right, I wanted to finish (actually start) aforementioned game with one Berli but having been completely ignored I must try another route. I am guessing that if I play enough games with the rest of you turds Berli von Wankis will deem me fit for a game. That's if the stench doesn't overpower me first.

So here goes, mcgivney you strike me as the sort of lad who couldn't find his arse with a map, a compass and 3 field guides. As a SSN you are completely qualified to help my quest to battle the ancient troll himself. Whilst I am forced to endure this task, methinks Vadr might make useless opponent as well. Wadda ya say there junior?

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Originally posted by mcgivney:

... {snipped trivia} ...

4) I'm not Scottish. (Mc, you degenerate Utahian, is usually Irish)

It's a conspiracy!

Now LOOK MacHinery, I'll not have you using language like that around here. For you claim that you have some right to play CMBB ... okay ... for you to stick around trying to figure out how PBEM, or even Email works ... okay ... BUT there'll be no claims of Irish descent while I'M here and Seanachai is an Olde One.

As an SSN you should be thrilled beyond measure that I'm even responding to you, I can't be bothered to remember the actual names of people who'll be sodding off shortly anyway.

Besides, if you don't like the way Mac Hinery sounds ... try pronouncing it as machinery ... it will more aptly describe your intelligence.


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My former leige and mentor Boo_Radley seems to have gone completely 'round the bend....not a bad thing really...for him! He has taken to sending group emails instead of SENDING TURNS!!!

Perhaps they have already tazered and netted him, and now he is comfortably ensconsed in a jacket with the sleeves in the back. If anyone hears from him, please don't let me know.

Thank you

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

My former leige and mentor Boo_Radley seems to have gone completely 'round the bend....not a bad thing really...for him! He has taken to sending group emails instead of SENDING TURNS!!!

Perhaps they have already tazered and netted him, and now he is comfortably ensconsed in a jacket with the sleeves in the back. If anyone hears from him, please don't let me know.

Thank you

Oh, hush up and send me a move, you jabbering jackdaw.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

My former leige and mentor Boo_Radley seems to have gone completely 'round the bend....not a bad thing really...for him! He has taken to sending group emails instead of SENDING TURNS!!!

Perhaps they have already tazered and netted him, and now he is comfortably ensconsed in a jacket with the sleeves in the back. If anyone hears from him, please don't let me know.

Thank you

Oh, hush up and send me a move, you jabbering jackdaw. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... Lady Moraine Sedai (the Moraine part is fine, but there's just something ... WRONG ... about the female gender being applied to the name Sedai) Let me get this straight ... you knew Hiram ... OUR Hiram, before and STILL married him? Did you know he was from Noo Joysee? I'm sorry but I'm having a really hard time wrapping my mind around this whole concept. ...

A small lesson on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time..."Sedai" has always been the surname (of sorts) used by the females who could channel. Therefore, I am correct in using Moraine's full "name". That, and as a symbol of our "togetherness", frightful as that may seem to you. heheh
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by OGSF:

<font size=-1> PUTRESCENT PILES!! </font>

Putrescent enough that the surgeon said he couldn't operate? You poor wee mad Scotsman, there'll be no sitting down in your future, eh?
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

A small lesson on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time..."Sedai" has always been the surname (of sorts) used by the females who could channel. Therefore, I am correct in using Moraine's full "name". That, and as a symbol of our "togetherness", frightful as that may seem to you. heheh

Which of course makes one wonder why Hiram uses Sedai. I think the lad's confused
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

A small lesson on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time..."Sedai" has always been the surname (of sorts) used by the females who could channel. Therefore, I am correct in using Moraine's full "name". That, and as a symbol of our "togetherness", frightful as that may seem to you. heheh

Which of course makes one wonder why Hiram uses Sedai. I think the lad's confused </font>
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

A small lesson on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time..."Sedai" has always been the surname (of sorts) used by the females who could channel. Therefore, I am correct in using Moraine's full "name". That, and as a symbol of our "togetherness", frightful as that may seem to you. heheh

Which of course makes one wonder why Hiram uses Sedai. I think the lad's confused </font>
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I am back!

Yes, I will admit a sound thrashing by Mr. Spkr the abreviator. It certainly was a strong showcasing of his mighty skills. 3 virtually impenatrable matilda's vs my vast forces of Italian model cars fitted with BB guns. Yes no doubt that given similar forces he could certainly crush any of the dregs in the Cesspool.

Sadly, I fear that only I, the innocent newbie, would fall victim to such a devious trap.

However, Mr. Spkr has graciously honored my request for yet another game. This time he has given me a virtually indestructable force of plastic firetrucks and ambulances vs. a full size H2 Hummer. I feel much more evenly matched...

noobie Teenyboob - Out

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