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My my, at Waterloo Peng did challenge

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Sir Lars

Okay you win:

AOL is for losers

AOL is for losers

AOL is for losers

AOL is for losers

AOL is for losers

56k is for chumps

56k is for chumps

56k is for chumps

56k is for chumps

56k is for chumps.

Now, how the heck do you rename the extension. I right click on the file, hit rename, but the stupid extension doesn't come up. I tried anyway and came up with a file named larsvsboggs002.tot.txt

Only by suffering this PUBLIC humiliation will I prove to you my sincerity in wanting to kick your a** in what I am sure is an ambush scenario you have foisted upon me!!!!!

You may reply via E-mail or you may relish your triumph here.

[ March 17, 2003, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Lies, deciet, half-truths, lackwits, it's all here....with one exception: that lowlife mcgivney.

Tick-tock, tick-tock,

a turn or your head on the block.

The choice is yours

but as you were losing it matters not.

If anyone hears from the toad get him back on track. Killing only one of his 3 T-34s gave me some satisfaction but there is the matter of the other 2 that needs to be resolved.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Ahhhh, Daytona. A lovely city whose motto is: Mueva hacia atrás lejos del vehículo y asuma la posición.

None of that dirty talk in here boyo! </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Do they have, do you suppose, polar bears that AREN'T white in Poland?


I'll have no truck with this sort of inquiry after the nature of divinity. One accepts one's personal saviour as a seal and walrus devouring shaggy predator, or one does not.

And questions like this raise issues that blur the very lines between belief, faith, and salvation.

Joe, I hadn't looked for this sort of dismissive and jocular bigotry from you.

Shall I once again sing "The Hymn of the Immaculate Digestion"?

Now some men pray to gods

and some sacrifice to devils

Some folk go to church

And some to satanic revels

Some place faith only in science

While others worship money

But my god’s greatest of all, although you might find him funny

Refrain: There’s a Power watching over me

And I now proclaim his name

He’s a great, white polar bear named Fred

He loves me and he guides me

Comforts me and chides me

And he’s promised that he’ll eat me when I’m dead

Well I used to walk alone,

And I often walked in darkness

Through a spiritual landscape

Filled with ugliness and starkness

But now aurora borealis

Flames all around my head

‘Cause a great white bear has promised, that he’ll eat me when I’m dead

You can talk about your heavens

You can talk about your hells

You can ponder and debate my friend

About where your soul will dwell

But when I’m dead and gone

And Fred’s eaten that last bit

I will spend eternity, as a pile of frozen ****

Refrain: There’s a Power watching over me

And I’ll declare his name

He’s a great, white polar bear named Fred

He loves me and he guides me

Comforts me and chides me

And he’s promised that he’ll eat me when I’m dead

Now Fred performs no miracles

Except that of digestion

To punish sinners, raise up saints

That’s just out of the question

No temples have been raised to him

Except the mound there’ll be

When he’s finally digested, and excreted me

Don’t fill me with embalming fluid

Let’s skip that old cremation

I will return all that I was and am

And be at one with all creation

So when I’m dead and gone

And shuffled off this mortal coil

Passing through great Fred’s intestines, will be my final toil

Refrain: There’s a Power watching over me

And I even know his name

He’s a great, white polar bear named Fred

He loves me and he guides me

Comforts me and chides me

And he’s promised that he’ll eat me when I’m dead

If you believe in my polar bear

Then he’ll believe in you

And when you’re dead and gone my friend

Great Fred will eat you too

And we will pass together

Through the bowels of another species

And be immortalized forever, as polar bear feces

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

If you believe in my polar bear

Then he’ll believe in you

And when you’re dead and gone my friend

Great Fred will eat you too

And we will pass together

Through the bowels of another species

And be immortalized forever, as polar bear feces

Not that there's anything wrong with that....
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How to put this, in a way that won't demean me, and cast my soul into some sort of 'slough of despond' for eternity...which would serve it right, given what I'm about to say:

Boggs, you lackwitted, annoying piece of ****e:

You're in. I don't like you, have no use for you, and, having lived in Florida for the longest 12 months of my life, I'm pretty sure I've met you, and regret not having paid more attention and paying the money to have you forever removed from America's long descent into idiocy.

But at least you stand up on your hind legs and bark like a very stupid, unpleasant, soon-to-be-neutered-if-there-is-a-god small, yappy, 'isn't it great that I can poop on the beach' dog.

I hate you, and dismiss you.

Sort out your status with the Justicar.

He can't be crueler to you than Nature has already proven to be.

Or rather, Nature is never as cruel as She's been to you for more than a generation.

She throws up monsters, fools, and halfwits on a regular basis, on Her road to developing humanity, and teaching the rest of us both sorrow, and pity, for such as you.

[ March 18, 2003, 04:01 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Crystal clear thoughts, in a world of confusion

lead me on a path of black stone

my breath comes in halting spasms

for what must I atone?


Why can't I have the things I want?

it is a really simple request

to have some peace of mind

and finally get some rest

the gargoyles roost in my head

tearing and ripping at the fibers

That was...

Awful, and no way of mistaking it, or trying to pretend otherwise.

But at least you made the effort...shudder...I'll never forget that...although someday I'll...no, I won't forgive you, either, but I'll never foget that.

But Nidan, when the turkey buzzards fold wings, and settle to feed on your carcass (doubtless left in some desolate place by your wife, or an ex-wife, who simply couldn't stand your continued existence any longer), know that I will raise a glass, and toast your memory, and say: Jesus Christ on a Crutch, Attempting To Do a Cheer for the Green Bay Packers, but he was an awful, wayward man.

You can't ask for a better epitaph than that, lad.

Not unless you work very, very hard at your poetry. Hell, man, I've written better poetry than that, written it onto the backing of an empty six-pak, rolled it into a cylinder, inserted it into an empty bottle of Jameson's, and thrown it into the Minnesota River (just below Hidden Falls).

Still, I think your heart's in the right place. Pity. A little more effort, and we could rip it out and send it up as your final tribute to 'I'm an Idiot, But I Long To See the Peng Challenge Thread Drag Me Into An Awakening of Wonder'.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And pray that Great Fred forgives you for being Australian, and, so, removed from being in the proper Hemisphere for being One with Him.

I think most of us Aussies will pass on being one with great Fred.

Or perhaps it's more correct to say 'not pass'?


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />What? Do you mean who are "Shecky Greene" and "Shemp Howard"? Geez, from a guy who's country has given the world "Ginger Meggs" I figured they would be two of your patron saints.

Listen here you reject. Just cough up the answer and stop parading your international cartoon education.

And my Tigers WANT to stay on the side of the map. They feel safer there......

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Still, I think your heart's in the right place. Pity. A little more effort, and we could rip it out and send it up as your final tribute to 'I'm an Idiot, But I Long To See the Peng Challenge Thread Drag Me Into An Awakening of Wonder'.
How perceptive of you, oh wonderous Seanachai . You have discovered the true motive for my arrival here. I long to be a poet, to have the words I pen cause the human heart to soar to the heavens in one verse and sink to the depths in the next. I wish to set words in motion in the vein of Joyce Kilmer, or Shelley, perheps even Tennyson or Kipling. It is truly a dream of mine, man's greatest accomplishment is to create joy by the joining the words of his respective tongue. To find such wonder amid the obvious lack of same in this awful place, is truly the surprise of surprises. To translate the love of tactical game playing into the spinning of yarns and verse is the combined fulfillment I have sought. I shall put down the sword!, the pen shall be my mighty weapon, I will succor my personal torment by creating a torrent of creative verse, perhaps even someday reaching the lofty heights that you so surely (I know don't call you Shirley) inhabit.

I have seen the light, I know. The MBT is the sound of one hand clapping, the crash of a tree falling in the forest, the eternal KI which flows through all of us...shudder...yes even you Boo , the life force which binds all existence. By Jove, I think I've got it.

Oh and Seanachai becaause I have reached this new state of enlightenment, and I think I owe a miniscule amount of credit to thee, and it deeply pains me to realize that I have sunk this low as to actually have to admit that. I think the only way to achieve a cathartic release for myself is to have the unique pleasure of applying a large BOOT to your arse on the field of battle, I will send a setup if you wish, a real man will accept the challenge, you remember what a real man is, don't you? I expect you were one at one time in your life?

[ March 18, 2003, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

But your obvious likening for all things great, and AUSTRALIAN, is paraded for all to see. Not only do you read Ginger Meggs, but I reckon you think Hooper is a dead-set-ringer for your grotty self.

Lets see.........


Read Ginger Meggs once...it was too painful to continue. It had all the wit and panache of The Family Circus.

Hooper...wasn't that a Burt Reynold's film? Or are you referring to Tobe Hooper, the director of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (a film that actually shows off the best that Texas has to offer)? Or is your reference basketball related?

It's too bad that English is just your second language, because I feel we could communicate so much better.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

How to put this, in a way that won't demean me, and cast my soul into some sort of 'slough of despond' for eternity...which would serve it right, given what I'm about to say:

Boggs, you lackwitted, annoying piece of ****e:

You're in. I don't like you, have no use for you, and, having lived in Florida for the longest 12 months of my life, I'm pretty sure I've met you, and regret not having paid more attention and paying the money to have you forever removed from America's long descent into idiocy.

But at least you stand up on your hind legs and bark like a very stupid, unpleasant, soon-to-be-neutered-if-there-is-a-god small, yappy, 'isn't it great that I can poop on the beach' dog.

I hate you, and dismiss you.

Sort out your status with the Justicar.

He can't be crueler to you than Nature has already proven to be.

Or rather, Nature is never as cruel as She's been to you for more than a generation.

She throws up monsters, fools, and halfwits on a regular basis, on Her road to developing humanity, and teaching the rest of us both sorrow, and pity, for such as you.

Damn it all Seanachai, it's too bloody early here to have to deal with paperwork, let alone paperwork on that worthless neer-do-well Gym Bags ... hmmmm, are you sure then? It's not often you find a name that lends itself to mutilation as well as this one does ... right, right, on with it I suppose.

Still, one must do one's duty. I presume from the above that it's your intention to make him a Serf of the CessPool and, thereby, staking your claim to him as a future Squire should you so choose.

Well fine but he'd best not be expecting any sort of ceremony for I'm in no mood for it today.

Jim Boggs (spelt but not bolded) ... you're a Serf, grab a bucket lad, the Knights will be up shortly and a full bladder is an uncomfortable thing.

Mind you he's nearly of an age with ME so that's a good thing ... always nice to find someone else who knows who the 1910 Fruitgum Company was.


[ March 18, 2003, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Sir Lars

Okay you win:

AOL is for losers

56k is for chumps

Now, how the heck do you rename the extension. I right click on the file, hit rename, but the stupid extension doesn't come up. I tried anyway and came up with a file named larsvsboggs002.tot.txt

Only by suffering this PUBLIC humiliation will I prove to you my sincerity in wanting to kick your a** in what I am sure is an ambush scenario you have foisted upon me!!!!!

AOL, everybody's first ISP...***sigh***...

Change it from "larsvsboggs002.tot.txt" to "larsvsboggs002.tot". Or "larsvsboggs002.BIS" {Boggs Is Senile}. Or even " larsvsboggs002.IBS" {Incompetent Boggs Strikes}. The key is to delete the .TXT extension and replace it with something else before attaching the file. You were so close. You must have missed the joys of DOS not to know this.

Or do as I suggested and download WinZip, then zip the file, attach it, and send it to me. Will save you time on a 56K modem as the file will be about half the size afterwards. This is the preferred option.

Or get a real ISP.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Pry.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... always nice to find someone else who knows who the 1910 Fruitgum Company was.


"Yummy, yummy, yummy, I've got love in my tummmy

and I feel like loving you...."

You asked for that, didn't you ...

[ March 18, 2003, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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It being near the bewitching hour in Perth, and following in the vein of my previous Yummy post I hereby proclaim that always Faithful Squire Konrad hath Faithfuly completed all quests, assignments, deeds, tasks, trials, tests and other odds and sods as is requisite for conideration of Kanniggggetthood.

Ergo, and prima facie, he has indulged in more than 5 battles with Pooligans and annihilated most, if not me {of course, he is still lerning from the Grand Master of Military Tactics, Group South - this will take many years}.

He has successfully confused and befuddles most dimwits frequenting this Holey Hole.

He has annoyed the HELL out of Berli, Seanachai, Peng and most importantly Joe. These are prime requisites.

He has regaled us with quaint lilting prose.

He hates everyone with gusto. A noble trait indeed! Why, even the Pretender <SMALL>mEEK!s<BIG> was seen to SOD OFF at the same time my Faithful Squire arrived on the scene. Not that there was anything wrong with THAT!

Thus, and withall, in the traditions of the 'Pool I hereby pronounce you Kannigett, *pending formal approval of the Olde Ones.


Ooops! Sorry for the little cut! Here, use my hankie...

ARISE, SIR LENAKONRAD, Kanigget* of the Roight Regal and Rancid Cesspool!! You are free* to sally forth and harrass SSN's, Fluffies and ne'er do wells within the boundaries of 'Pool etiquette.

Then, one day in a moment of insanity, you may even take some poor sod unto Squire yourself*, thus the cycle continues ....

Let us all CELEBRATE this happy event*. Hola!! Here, chug-a-lug this jug of XXXX mate! *hic*

Sir Aussiejeff

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The role of a serf in this thread without end

unCESSing devotion, maintaining a grin

Don't be rejoicing, don't expect a parade

Mop bucket and mop are the tools of your trade

The stench that pervades must always be clean

No cursing or swearing, don't ever be mean

The 'old ones' are watching, judging your ways

Do it for laughs, don't ask what it pays

So now that you've got your foot in the toilet

Be respectful of cabbage, don't try to boil it

Always work hard and keep your tools clean

To await the return of Berli and Peng

Jim Boggs


[ March 18, 2003, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Oh uh ... well ... uh ... OH Not so fast there AussieJeff {Joe looks around frantically for a loophole, ANY loophole} ... uh, OH right, not so fast there AussieJeff, exactly WHAT were the requirements for Knighthood? I mean normally it's up the Knight to proclaim the requirements, but in YOUR case it would likely be something akin to "Say Lenakonrad ... seen my second best spurs anywhere?". In YOUR case, of course, that would be equivilant to sending someone on a search for the Holy Grail.

Actually in HIS case it would probably be the same.

SO ... what EXACTLY was the task you set for him ... chapter and verse, lad, full details and all that. Can't have slipshod paperwork you know.

Whew! That was close ... with luck he'll forget all about this Knighthood for lenakonrad while he's trying to figure out how to "slipshod" something.


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