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Sock It To Me, Peng Challenge!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh, and Dalem, lose the nancy boy pig sticker and buy a gun

Well, this is a picture of my favorite gun:


And this is a picture of my favorite tanks:


Is that better?

[ August 19, 2003, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by Sir Augustus:

The bad news: I'm all set to get my drivers permit, but I won't be able to get it until thursday.

The good news: Football practice, the last two days have lasted for 3 & 1/2 hours, after school What joy!

Oh kay, I am sorry, I know I shouldn't take the easy bait. It is kind of like going hunting in a slaughterhouse, and then bragging about the huge steer you took down, but I can't resist.

#1, wow your drivers permit, aren't you the big boy? Too bad they don't require a test before issuing internet access. Some kind of intelligence evaluation, but then, not only would little Spot Amongstus not grace my screen with his meanderings, but besides myself, Rune , and the Ladies of the Pool , the Peng thread would be a ghost town.

#2, I have put up with your constant blathering about your little homo-erotic fumblings with the other boys, but this enough, go over in the corner and you can look at Dalem's rapier and he can exclaim in foppish wonder at just how sweaty you got at practice today. Maybe Spiro Royal can stop in and you three can take a Sauna together. While you luxuriate in the aroma of each other's sweat, you can regale them with your adventures, made possible with your brand new drivers permit +3 and Dad's Buick.

Instead of lathering up your running back in the shower, you should jog on over to where you left your CMBB disk so you can SEND ME A FREAKING TURN. I am tired of thinking of your little Kraut eaters skulking about in the woods of Holy Mother Russia, and I wish to see their barbecued hind quarters laid across the barrel of my OT-34.

So, chop-chop, get me a turn flopsy.

[ August 20, 2003, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Sir Augustus:

The bad news: I'm all set to get my drivers permit, but I won't be able to get it until thursday.

The good news: Football practice, the last two days have lasted for 3 & 1/2 hours, after school What joy!

Thank god I don't live anywhere near Indiana... no need to watch for you in my side/rear view mirrors. It's bad enough with all the diplo plates around here who just don't give a ****.

Oh, and after 3 1/2 hours of slogging water for all the players and chasing down eerrant passes from your teams QB, you must be feeling quite pumped up today...

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It's been a while Herr Oberst , welcome back....ooops did I say that? Well then, sod off, or better yet stand in front of the Piggly Wiggly Mart with a bulls eye on you chest until the new serial sniper notices you.

[ August 20, 2003, 06:44 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Hi Y'all. I just figured out why I couldnt log on from home, and now I'm back....I bet you are all just tickled pink.

It's a little thing called "plugging in the computer" wasn't it? </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Now that this troubling episode is behind me, turns will be going out tonight, so you may all begin quakeing in your booties again.

...and the band played on...

Let's see if I understand this Gretchen, you used the excuse of not being logged on to BFC to not return turns to your betters? (Well, maybe not betters...it is after all this lot, but you get my drift.)

What kind of lame-arsed, namby panby kanigget have you become? What's next? "Oooh, the mean doggie next door ate my CM CD...I can'ts return turns..."

Whatever happened to that gung-ho squire of mine? The one who would neither give, nor ask for quarter? Who would attack, attack, attack until the last pixeltruppen was nothing but a smear against the countryside?

Oh wait...I'm thinking of Lurkur.

'K, never mind.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

You're all Nazis! Bloodsucking, hateful Nazis! You play a Nazi game, and you all wish you could slaughter babies by the dozen. Keeripes, what a mess. Over a damn week without web access, and this is what I come back to? Why haven't all you dunderheads piled on this latest forum disease?

And if anyone knows anybody who is a hacker, slap them upside the head for me. Preferably with a large brick. Then kill the parents for letting them breed. Bastards messed up my machine but good.

Roll up, Roll up !

See the loser in full flight.

See the loser admit to being a loser.

See the loser with "Computers" listed in his interests get his computer stuffed up - 'cos he is a loser.

Phew, must be hard not to have protection in this day and age. It's sooooo expensive.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Now that this troubling episode is behind me, turns will be going out tonight, so you may all begin quakeing in your booties again.

...and the band played on...

Let's see if I understand this Gretchen, you used the excuse of not being logged on to BFC to not return turns to your betters? (Well, maybe not betters...it is after all this lot, but you get my drift.)

What kind of lame-arsed, namby panby kanigget have you become? What's next? "Oooh, the mean doggie next door ate my CM CD...I can'ts return turns..."

Whatever happened to that gung-ho squire of mine? The one who would neither give, nor ask for quarter? Who would attack, attack, attack until the last pixeltruppen was nothing but a smear against the countryside?

Oh wait...I'm thinking of Lurkur.

'K, never mind. </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

Well, this is a picture of my favorite gun:

***image snipped due to improper storage techniques***

Is that better?


Stick those metal hangers in Tool-Dip before you take the bluing off, idjit!!!!

P.S. – Use it on the tanks too, use lots, say about twenty coats, protect those valuable details...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Support the death penalty for parking violations.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

So ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this lackwit accuses others of lame excuses, when in the past he used said excuses himself to cover his inability to figure out a simple EMail problem.

So what's your point, B.O. Plenty? That I'm the first to leap upon honest, hard working individuals (not that there's anything wrong with that) for faults that are, oh so evident in my own life? You just NOW figuring that out?

Let it never be said that my former squire, the valiant Knight Sir Nidan1 can't latch on to any old idea if you whap him upside the head with it a few dozen times.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Nidan1 you are a twit.

Mace is a kindly older person who would command respect in any company. (Apart from his one foible, supporting Geelong).

He is a pillar of society...

He commands reserves of composure whilst you can only wallow in compost. He rises above all others in dedication to helping others...


He gave you beer when you visited, didn't he? Probably many, many beers.

In Australia, that's the equivalent of being 'adopted into the tribe' as practiced in slightly more advanced cultures long since destroyed by modern socieities.

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So ÜberGnome....How's your toe? Encountered any falling frozen chicken bricks lately?

Did the silverware drawer fall on your foot?

Did you stub your toe getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom?

Did you drop a six pack of Foster's on your foot this time?

Gnomes encounter so many hazards in the home.


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I think that the Ubergnome's foot may have overheated on Saturday. It was about 12 billion degrees out and we had to carry Seanachai on our shoulders back and forth from the boat to the island.

I suspect Seanachai may be a robot - he is clearly afraid of water. Or he could be a Ringwraith. Or a Wicked Witch. Or made of sawdust.

Is that it, UberDryGuy? Are you a Robotic Sawdust Golem?

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Originally posted by dalem:

I think that the Ubergnome's foot may have overheated on Saturday. It was about 12 billion degrees out and we had to carry Seanachai on our shoulders back and forth from the boat to the island.

I suspect Seanachai may be a robot - he is clearly afraid of water. Or he could be a Ringwraith. Or a Wicked Witch. Or made of sawdust.

Is that it, UberDryGuy? Are you a Robotic Sawdust Golem?

No, I simply enjoy being carried from place to place on the shoulders of you, Lars, and Papa Khann. Although for our next trip I may see about having some sort of palanquin knocked together and delivered to Lars' boat.

It makes me feel regal, being bourne from place to place on the shoulders of sweating minions, pointing out bathing beauties and shouting "That one there! Bring me that one, the sultry wench with the fire in her eyes!"

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Originally posted by Persephone:

So ÜberGnome....How's your toe? Encountered any falling frozen chicken bricks lately?

Did the silverware drawer fall on your foot?

Did you stub your toe getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom?

Did you drop a six pack of Foster's on your foot this time?

Gnomes encounter so many hazards in the home.


Er, no. The foot is fine again. There is nothing wrong with the foot, no embarassing conditions, nothing wrong with the foot.

I hope this finds you well, Lady Persephone. I have been very bad about correspondence lately. Even my postings here have been a little off, of late.

But with the coming of my brand new Macintosh computer tomorrow, I'm sure I will be revitalized.

Oh, and for the rest of you, if you ever want to make Berli laugh until tears of mirth run down his face, and he's gasping for breath in between guffaws, just share with him your moments of excruciating physical pain.

No one appreciates agony like our Berli.

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Originally posted by Lars:


Stick those metal hangers in Tool-Dip before you take the bluing off, idjit!!!!

I suddenly have this vision of Lars, his face contorted with anger, whipping Dalem about the head and shoulders with a coat hanger screaming "NO MORE METAL HANGERS! NO MORE METAL HANGERS!"

Who do you suppose will play him in the movie version of 'Lars Dearest'.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It makes me feel regal, being bourne from place to place on the shoulders of sweating minions, pointing out bathing beauties and shouting "That one there! Bring me that one, the sultry wench with the fire in her eyes!"

I was wondering why Christina wouldn't come over and join us.

Now I know...

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

It makes me feel regal, being bourne from place to place on the shoulders of sweating minions, pointing out bathing beauties and shouting "That one there! Bring me that one, the sultry wench with the fire in her eyes!"

I was wondering why Christina wouldn't come over and join us.

Now I know... </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Even my postings here have been a little off, of late.

Numerically, or content wise?

PS I did offer Noba a beer after our sojourn, but he refused since did have to drive.

Which reminds me of an anti drink-driving slogan down here.

If you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot!

What happens if you're a bloody idiot in the first place? Does this mean you can drink and drive to your heart's content?

This is something to ponder.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Two Australians meet, and no beer is drunk?

I did have a beer after he left (I needed it, believe me, as one does when one meets another cesspooler)

By the way, It's not Aussie etiquette to drink in front of another person who is not partaking (I think that's because if one is drunk, the other may remember what the drunk one got up to)

Hell, no Australian is drunk?
Be rest assured, dear chum, that somewhere in Australia there is a drunk.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You knew her, and didn't introduce her to us? It would have saved a lot of shouting and imperial attitude if you'd just asked her over, you know.

Sure I know her, she was the raven haired beauty with the two dogs. I still don't think Papa Kahn could tell you the color of her hair.

But I'm pretty dang sure he remembers the swimsuit.

Ya know, it could have been the fact that Papa Khan couldn't bring his eyes above the neckline that scared her off, now that I come to think of it. And she had two more girlfriends in her boat looking for a party, what a pity.

Next time we hide Papa Kahn back in the brush for a bit and then bring him out later.

Much later.

Say, well after dark.

About 3 a.m. perhaps.

After everybody else has gone home...

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Sure I know her, she was the raven haired beauty with the two dogs.

"raven haired beauty with two dogs"

When was this happening?? I like dogs. I like raven haired beauties.

How did I miss this?</font>

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