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Save Seanachai!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Joe Shaw -

Please forward copies of your fine scenario to eichenbaum and Michael Dorosh for their donations to this cause!

We have now raised $30.05! I will keep a running total in my sig until we meet our goal, tba!

Keep those donations rolling in, and Save Seanachai!


Righto, boy are they in for a treat! Of all the scenarios that we've done at Ker Dessel*, I can honestly say without fear of contradiction, that THIS ... is one of them.

Enjoy ... and thanks for helping to SAVE SEANACHAI!


* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

Edited to say ... HARV! </font>

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Originally posted by REVS:

As an Aussie, Seanachai's favourite species, it gives me just a couple of pounds more than a ton of pleasure to hear about his troubles. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And to have a public begging campaign is so dignified, so Minnesotan.

Go out and get a job, earn some money and pay for your new card yourself.

Is there anything more despicable than an Australian?

By God, lad, you people make me proud! That's good solid hate and abuse there, that is! Is it any wonder that I've dedicated my life to crushing you and all your ilk?

I mean, really, what's to be gained by crushing the Swiss? Never a nasty word, always watching what they say, trying to be as neutral as possible. How can a man get behind that sort of shifty behaviour and push?

Hail to thee, Australia! A more vile, sodden, degenerate democracy dedicated to the brewing arts will never be found!

When I am finally lowered into my final resting place, I want to be buried with Australia.

I would also like to be on top, please, and face down, where I can keep an eye on the buggers.

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Dear Gnome Preservation Society

So distressed that their habitat is under threat. I've always enjoyed a good Gnome staggering around the place...

Please accept some prize brussels sprouts and several *sniff* abstract crayon scribblings for auction plus a very rare Julie Andrews song book.

Will appreciate further news on breeding program and release back into wild.

May I suggest an Adopt a Gnome policy to increase yer revenues? Good, good, I'll have the first one... I'll call it Doris and I want to see it now.


[ August 26, 2003, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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It had originally been my intent, after I stumbled in here in dread and disbelief, to not post in this thread in an attempt to pull the last tatters of my dignity around me before skulking off to the General Forum to check under the couch cushions for spare change, and making that phone call about the going price for certain rare blood types that might, coincidentally, coincide with those of certain members of the Peng Challenge Thread.

But there is simply too much good abuse here to simply skive off in horror.

Also, since MrSpkr is already continually posting my home address, I would like to take this opportunity to renew my call for all members of the Combat Mission Community to once again send me postcards, cards, and letters filled with hate.

Also, after my last round of received hate, some of which was extremely imaginative, I would like to remind people that hate can also be sent in the form of CDs, MP3s, Audio Tapes, and a very small device whose exact nature or purpose was hard to determine after the Minneapolis PD dealt with it.

My recent rather depressing experience with the failure of my computer system to be able to play CM had me down. I will frankly admit it.

I was in despair. I did not want to go on. All I could think to do was wipe away the tears, and retire from playing Combat Mission.

But the upsurge of abuse, the skeptiscism regarding my having any purpose in the Universe (for some, in fact, the Multiverse), and the bids to humiliate, degrade, and even enslave me, have altered forever my perception of my time here on this planet.

A life that has irritated so many, and has so thoroughly proven to be of no worth, is a life that has not been wasted.

I can die, now.

Knowing that each and every member of this Forum that comes in here, posts, and remains skeptical about my serving any function whatsoever, is a soul that I have touched.

And we're talking 'bad touch' here. Something actionable. Basically, a 'take the hose to your soul' sort of touch.

You're a great bunch of guys. You've convinced me that, even if I can't play CM, I should never, ever leave you alone.

Did you know that Boo Radley is the wind beneath all our wings?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Is there anything more despicable than an Australian?

An Oklahoman lawyer? Speaking theoretically of course. I suspect all Oklahomans are too illiterate to make it through a law book, much less a law course. On the other hand, there are those diploma mills...


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As the world turns, and the sun's rays illuminate God's Own, we find a cause worthy of our notice. A cause that uplifts - then kicks in the guts, the downtrodden, the mankiest of society, the lowest of the low. When he gets his CM handout, I hope he gets his arse kicked in every game he plays against Australians.

The plan to give the drink sodden sot a reason to remain breathing can be seen for what it really is. WORTHLESS....and as such a quick whip-around got $2.13 in Aus dollars. Take it or leave it.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

When I am finally lowered into my final resting place, I want to be buried with Australia.

I would also like to be on top, please, and face down, where I can keep an eye on the buggers.

We'll not only do that for you but also arrange to have your backside poking out from the sod to be used as a commemorative bike stand.

No need to thank us. We're a cultured and considerate lot down here.


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Can I send a wine bottle by postcard?
Dear Mr. Winecape:

You grace us by your presence. We here at the Save Seanachai! project have long admired your generousity towards members of the CM community. Should you deign to send one, no TWO bottles of your finest South African fare, rest assured that we will auction at least ONE bottle and forward the proceeds to the Save Seanachai! fund.

Thank you for your support. Steve.

Settled then. Two postcards on their way in wine bottle.


Does this whole thing strike anyone else as familiar?

Hi, I'm the Prime Minister of Great Britain and find ourself in need of a reliable partner in the US of A for a mutually beneficial financial arrangement. Our Prince of Whales has put all of the Crown Jewels into hock and we can't get them out without US of A currency. Please send me your bank account numbers and I will wire English Pounds totalling $543,543,543.54 into your account. You will then wire back the .54 and keep the rest. We all win, hip hip horrary. Yours truly, Maggie Thatcher.

HAH! Like I'm going to believe you! Anyone who would trust a CessPooler to handle a financial transaction isn't to be trusted, that's what I always say!

--Joe Shaw verbatim, Peng member, 21 November 2002 @ 04:02am and 08:16am respectively


[ August 26, 2003, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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We'll not only do that for you but also arrange to have your backside poking out from the sod to be used as a commemorative bike stand.
Wouldn't work Mace ! I know he's analy-retentive, but those flabbly walls of flesh wouldn't hold up in a mild breeze, let alone the strain of a mountain bike. Not to mention the ugly stripes on the sidewalls of your tyre.


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You know Mr Spkr. you had me all gooey eyed to begin with after your heart felt pleas to assist poor ol' what's his face, thingumebob, whojarkapivee etc, etc but then you blew it. You just had to mention that he went out and bought an Apple Mac and right there and then you lost my sympathy. Anybody who lacks the sense to buy a computer that can actually run more than maybe 3 games titles deserves no pity whatsoever.

Now, if you instead start up a thread where one is asked to contribute towards buying him a whole new IBM compatible machine then we're back on track again.


Jim R.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Did you know that Boo Radley is the wind beneath all our wings?

I am so going to wail all over you the first time we ever meet in person.

You know that, don't you?

Hey Steve, (not you, Steve. The other Steve. The Steve who's a gap-toothed born Okie who lives his life as a Texas legal lamprey.)

How about a canned food drive? I've got some canned beets that have been sitting under my kitchen sink for...actually, I don't know how old they are...they might have come with the house. But I'd be willing to let them go for a worthy cause. Or if we don't have a worthy cause, for getting Seanachai a new vid card.

Or we could have a bake sale! dalem could make some of his "special" brownies. The kind that give you such an advanced case of the munchies that you'll even eat cans of questionable beets.

What do you think?

[ August 26, 2003, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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And don't forget, you can be the proud owner of an OFFICIAL Ker Dessel* scenario created especially for this campaign, Save Seanachai! isn't available anywhere else and it can be yours for just a small contribution to the Save Seanachai fund of which MrSpkr and I only take a small, miniscule portion for administrative costs.

Won't you be generous? Remember ... there but for the grace of Gawd goes YOU ... if you were dumb enough to buy a MAC in the first place and one that won't play CM in the second place that is.


p.s. Reviews for Save Seanachai! can be found here: Save Seanachai!

Yes, yes, TECHNICALLY you could download it from there but then it wouldn't be an OFFICIAL Ker Dessel* email would it? It would cheapen the whole experience and you wouldn't want that.

*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

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Dear Save Seanachai Fund:

I would like to contribute to your noble cause, but I have one problem. I always make very detailed memos on checks to aid in record keeping. If I write "For Suckage" on a check made out to "Steve", it could cause some embarassment should my wife be going through our canceled checks.

Can you please advise?

Yours faithfully etc, etc,

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

You know, I just had to do it:

Hi, Mom!

It's been a while since I last wrote you but I have to apologize once more for that C-Section and the dissapointment you felt when you first saw my mishapen head.

Remember when I used to play on the front lawn and pretend to be "Captain Kirk"? Well, William Shatner is still my hero and I'm thinking about naming one of my kids after him. Yes, the next one will be "Dorosh".

I hope the gout isn't giving you too much trouble and that mean little rash is clearing up.

Your adoring son,


My dear little Hiram,

It is so good to hear from you. I was so worried when I heard that you were leaving the lovely shores of New Jersey. When I learned you had moved to a trailer park in Georgia, I felt a relief such as only a mother could feel. It does a woman good to see her little boy moving up in the world.

I am glad to hear you still maintain your boyish ideals. I know some of the meaner kids have told you that it was all a lie, that it was all just the byproduct of some deranged soul's imagination and never really existed. Of course, we all know that Canada really is out there, somewhere, and that we could bring peace to the world if everyone just sought out their inner Canadian.

Thank you for asking about my ailments. The gout is not so bad, once you get used to it, and the penicillin and steroids cleared up my rash right quick. Thank goodness for modern medicine.

Before I go, little Hiram, I want you to know that I am going to take a substantial part of the money in my savings account and am donating all $8 to help this poor Seanachai fellow. I would hope that you will do the same. I always tried to teach you to be nice to others and share.

Well, I must go. Papa is helping me change the wheels on the doublewide, and we want to get it finished before the noon sun heats us up too much.

Take care,


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Oh for the love of....

Put me down for $5. The faster we get this thing done, the faster we can get to talking about important things like.....ummm....conspiracy theories and the finer points of National Socialism. Oh, and George Bush. Let's not forget him.

Money on the way.


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Oh for the love of....

Put me down for $5. The faster we get this thing done, the faster we can get to talking about important things like.....ummm....conspiracy theories and the finer points of National Socialism. Oh, and George Bush. Let's not forget him.

Money on the way.


Such generosity is truly heart warming ... I, for one, am quite sure that the allure of getting a copy of SAVE SEANACHAI! had NOTHING to do with your decision to contribute.

And they say Canadians aren't smart ... they DO say it of course ... all of them in fact, LOUDLY.


[ August 26, 2003, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Dear Steve,

I already sent you a bottle of mead. Worth a bloody fortune, as they are selling gnome size glasses of it at the local dress-up-like-a-fruit rennasance fair for three bucks a pop. Instead of guzzling it like the wino you are, a little private enterprise could have yeilded a tidy sum. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, help those who won't help themselves. Better luck next time, eh?

That'll teach you to skimp on the squire's wages.

Speaking of Mead, I am still checking my mail box every day, should I give up?

In regards to the plight of Seanachia-Pet I have thought long and hard, and am going to donate the most valuable thing he will ever receive, no, it isn't money, no, this is much more valuable. Seanachia-Pet gets money every friday from donating his plasma, no, this is the Holy Grail of every true Minnestroneannie,Seanachia-Pet, I hereby dub you, honorary, junior, non-voting, almost Wisconsite.

There, now he will have that glow that will cause the other Minnestroneannies to give him their daughters, cars, and of course, video cards.

Alright, my work here is done.

[ August 26, 2003, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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The post office told me I couldn't export that much nickel out of Europe. Also does the post stamp cost a lot more then the value of the package. Don't you know some other a bit more lighter product that Seanachai is allergic to ?

I do have an old RIVA-TNT 34MB card for him. It's a bit lighter and as useless as the old Dutch nickel coins I was planning to send over sea.

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Yes....this offer is available for those of you who made a donation to the SAVE SEANACHAI fund.

All you have to do is email your photograph to me and I will make sure you get your own personalized "Me and Seanachai" picture posted on this thread. Your family and friends won't believe it....they might even be a little bit jealous! You could print it out and frame it...something to cherish for a long time...

All it takes is making a small donation to the SAVE SEANACHAI fund...a very worthy cause (I think).


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