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no Dutch!!!!

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Originally posted by van ston:

Why dont they have dutch units in cmbb i feel very offended. :mad:

I mean no insult, but what kind of Dutch nationality units do you expect to find in Russia? Any Dutch SS would simply be modelled as SS. There certainly wouldn't be any Royal Dutch Army units there.


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Originally posted by van ston:

Why dont they have dutch units in cmbb i feel very offended. :mad:

You've GOT to be kidding (I can say that, I'm Dutch). Just use regular SS and pretend they're Dutch units. Heck, the uniforms are correct. I wouldn't be surprised if the language is 80% correct too.
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Originally posted by sitzkrieg:

"Hey, everybody! I'm from Holland! Isn't zat vierd?"

Yup, it is. Don't tell anyone, but we're nearly all weird (I should know; I'm weird). :D

BTW, "zat vierd" is clearly German. We may be weird, but our knowledge of foreign languages is second to none (well, sort of, really. At least, we like to think it is ;) ).

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Van Ston..

It is prolly best to reserve your feelings of being offended to those things that were meant to be offensive, and not due to oversights, or unpreventable and unintentional. Altho I am sure there were many valiant Dutch who fought bravely defending their country at the beginning of WWII, the actual fight with the Germans lasted what, a few days maybe? There were MANY small countries of Europe who suffered the same fate. The dynamics of this game reflect the actually contributions from both sides to the war effort, and not to each individual hero. To do so was beyond the scope of this game.

That being said, I do understand your feelings, but didn't the real value to the Allies, and therefore the war, come about more from the efforts of the Dutch underground after Holland had surrendered? Feel better about things by watching the film classic "A Bridge Too Far". The Dutch underground are prominently featured in it.


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Originally posted by sitzkrieg:

Sorry, Juju. Poor attempt at humor on my part.

That's a line from the Austin Power's movie "Goldmember" from the character Goldmember, who was from Holland.

Not to worry, Sitzkrieg. smile.gif

I noticed the Goldmember movie got it wrong more often than just that one.

Sometimes it's really rather irritating; many foreign people (foreign to us Dutchies, that is) actually think us German when we say we're Dutch (Dutch-Deutsch, big difference, but there you go).

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Same for Scottish troops really, In CMBO there were officers and sergeants with Scottish surnames, not saying they were Jocks but...

Some lines of Jockspeak would not go amiss here and there...i.e "Och, Jerrrries, Jings. help ma boab, Crivvens." Or "Ahm gonna gie ya a taste oh mah bayonet richt in yer cludgie" Hmmm..maybe not.

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All you have to do is create your own scenario that states up front that the SS troops being used are foreign French/Austrian/Czech/Dutch units. As a matter of fact one late war scenario does that already, a rag-tag outfit that always gets thoroughly steam-rollered in that scenario -- and deservedly so!

Which brings up a question, why haven't we seen ten thousand historically-based CMBB scenarios on historical maps get posted? Stop complaining and get cracking on that scenario design!!!!

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Also, if you want Dutch partisans fighting AGAINST the Germans, just create a scenario in which you use Russian partisan units to stand in for the Dutch. All the German units you might need will be there. And, if you're into modding, you can even mod the partisans to look like Dutchmen, mod the sound files, and mod the factories to look like windmills.

And there you are, instant Holland....

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Why dont they have dutch units in cmbb i feel very offended
Dutch units? You've got to be kidding. Resistance against the Germans in May 1940 didn't even last a week, because the Dutch soldier only had equipment that was already obsolete for World War One standards (thanks to our beloved socialists). With that old rubbish they did amazingly well, but courage can't replace modern equipment. My grandfather fought at the Grebbenberg and his unit was decimated by the superbly armed and thoroughly trained Waffen-SS units. He and his comrades had hardly had the opportunity to fire a rifle, let alone to practice in earnest. But the Germans suffered pretty heavy losses against those ill-equipped, badly trained amateurs.

Dutch partisans? Shooting up some lonely German staff cars and shaving the hair of hundreds of poor Dutch girls (after the war, mind you) that had a German boy friend.

The only Dutch soldiers that had the opportunity to prove what they were worth fought at the eastern front and were treated like dirt after the war.

Stop being so proud to be Dutch. There is precious little reason for it. There is also no reason to be ashamed, but Dutch units simply have no justification to be included in CMBB.

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Originally posted by aragorn2002:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Why dont they have dutch units in cmbb i feel very offended

The only Dutch soldiers that had the opportunity to prove what they were worth fought at the eastern front and were treated like dirt after the war.</font>
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The Single Biggest contribution that the Dutch gave to the allied caused happened AFTER they surrendered to Germany. And while the Dutch Resistance was good dont mean them either.

The Dutch Merchant Marine was the 4th Largest in the world in 1940. Most escaped NOT to England but overseas to Canada and the US. It was alot of Dutch Merchant Captains that crossed the Atlantic to bring suppies to the War.

[ May 13, 2003, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: William amos ]

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I am proud of being Dutch and I'm not offended that there are no Dutch in CMBB (not one of the proudest moments in our history), although some scenarios (I remember Marxdorf here) make use of Dutch Waffen-SS soldiers. At least judging by some names and briefings.

I do know something about the good 4 days (6/7 if you count the resistance in Zeeland) in which the Dutch army suffered dearly due to poor training and equipment. This however was not the fault of soldiers in the front lines. They did pretty well keeping the Germans (LSAH) away from the "Grebbeberg" and the "Afsluitdijk". And only 3 days ago there was the commemoration of the fact that regular army soldiers decimated the German Fallschirmjaeger that were dropped near The Hague to, amongst others, capture the Queen and the vital airports.

I appreciate that the fore mentioned German units perhaps were not the crack units they were later on in the war, but they were, at that point in time better equipped and trained than the Dutch and therefore I think the Dutch soldiers deserve some credit for their actions.

Finally I want to say that the capitulation only was signed after the Germans bombed Rotterdam and threatened to do the same to other large cities. The military situation was pretty bad then already, but there were plans to make a final stand at “Fortress Holland” by flooding parts of land for instance. The decision to surrender was made by general Winkelman who (and I think he was right) didn’t want to fight on and risk other cities to be bombed causing even more civilian casualties.

Just some info on one of “small” countries at war in 1940.


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Off Topic but semi-relevent.

Holland may have been knocked out of the land war pretty rapidly but their navy did a good job with what it had out in the far east.

Somewhere in my cupboard I have lead miniatures of a fair number of Royal Dutch Navy vessels that I've fielded in WW-II wargames.

(Do people still yell "Where're our bloody bikes?" at German tourists or has that tradition died away?)

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(Do people still yell "Where're our bloody bikes?" at German tourists or has that tradition died away?)
We still do that, especially if all the parking spaces near the coast are taken by German cars :D !


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Originally posted by Quintus:

(Do people still yell "Where're our bloody bikes?" at German tourists or has that tradition died away?)

I think Germany should make a present of several thousand bikes to The Netherlands as a kind of war reparation. It would probably raise smiles on both sides.


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